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Replacement for LTF

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Hi All,


Until now I was able to get 175k tax back per year (on 500k investment) through the LTF scheme. It gave about 10-12% return per year over the 62 months holding period if you add the tax back and the average 5-6% yield on the fund. 


Is there any comparable alternative for 2020, and beyond?


Thanks in advance.



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Have you considered RMFs. Similar tax breaks. Bit more complicated and longer holding periods to age 55 or min 5 years.


You would also be able to get 500k (less any amounts paid into an employer scheme/ provident fund) @ 35% 


There's a wider choice of funds and not just limited to Thai equities/ bonds

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Thanks Fetchsmile,


I already pay in 500k into the company provident fund, so RMF is out. 


I read about "SEF" which is apparently a replacement for LTF, but you can only pay in 250k per year. But not sure if it gives full tax back at the rate you paid i.e. there was mention earlier in the rear that the "new LTF" would have a cap both on the amount paid in and the tax rate you could claim back - I think it was 20%.... which made it pretty pointless really.


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