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Sorry if this has been done before but I want to gauge current feelings.

We have had a lot of threads where negative thoughts/feelings/emotions have been expressed. It seems there are a myriad of reasons why we should not pitch up in LoS but there must be an equal amount of positives. I know what mine are but I want to hear it from the long term residents and those on the brink.

So to you guys and gals who have done it and relocated to Thailand, or are about to and are up to your ar5e in the swamp with no way back to farangland I ask:

What are Thailand's good points? What attracted you here and what keeps you here? :D

and, for the long termers:

Would you do it all over again? :D

Again I apologise if this is going over old ground but I need a reality check on my reasons. :o

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The reasons I stay here are the same reason I decided to stay 7 years ago,maybe a few more points have been added over the years.

Firstly,the lifestyle.I like the fact I can jump in the car and get to the beach in an hour or so.I like the fact I can grab a bite to eat on the side of the road.Relatively inexpensive food and drink can be found anywhere.

The weather.

The Thai people.I know there seems to be a bit of a debate on how the Thais are anti-foreigner at the moment but I dont think that is the case.They still remain some of the nicest,friendliest people you will ever meet.

The country itself.Beautiful beaches,great countryside and Bangkok is a great place to be.

Thai food.Still enjoy it.

Safety.I still think its alot safer than my hometown.At least its safe to walk the streets after dark.

The women.Anywhere you go in Bangkok you can be sure to see some stunners.

OK,there are some things that are a pain in the butt like paperwork for business,driving can be frustrating at times and the laid back attitude gets some people frustrated,but I still love it.

Would I do it all over again???....You bet I would!


Thailand is fine, it's the government that sucks! People will eventually decide that it was a HUGE mistake to stage a coup to depose a democratically elected government and also scrap the constitution. :o


Thailand has been home to me for more than half my life. I came with intentions of living here because I found that I can get along with the Thai people and their way of doing things was more interesting than the standard (boring) ways of the my homeland.

Good lifestyle, wonderful places to go, bargains, learn new things all the time, always a deal, opportunities, great food, friendly people, weather, sea, great friends, never get bored, can go when and where I want without others making it their business.

Really tough to put all of it down in writing. :o

Thai government is like all others, they lack management skills and the politicians have their own interest on top of the agenda. Does that really surprise anyone?

I can say, I love Thailand just the way it is. Better than UK, US, Canada, Australia or France for me to live my way of life.



Why am I here? My son, my work with the dogs & I like the weather, the culture & the food. Would I do it again? I don't know; it's been a lot of ups & downs. I'm not sure if the ups outweigh the downs or vice versa. However, much of that is personal, not so much to do with LoS.

I certainly concur that it's better than living in my home country (UK). Even if the wheel came off for me tomorrow, I would go elsewhere in Asia, probably Hong Kong again, I wouldn't go back to UK.


I wouldn't do it again.

Still I wouldn't have dumped that ex-girlfriend that I often miss. I wouldn't have studied electronic engineering at uni, I wouldn't have given up my high paying career to go and live in outer Mongolia, I wouldn't have borrowed that money from my uncle...

I've benefitted from my time here, but I really see it as a holiday destination, and nothing more. When my contract ends I'll leave.

But I won't go back to England, so I'll have to find somewhere else.

But where to go? Where is better?

Errm, maybe I'll stay just one more year or three, and try to be happy where I am.


I'm not there at present because I'm working for the money for my next trip. I've been to LOS more times than I can count, including one stay of 6 years. Not for TGs, I can have one here. Not for the food, I can make my own now, but just because I like LOS. I need peace in my life sometimes and I can still find it there. If I want a rowdy night, that's there too. The prices are still reasonable, the weather's guaranteed, the people are nice and everywhere else I go seems to have an iffy government anyway, why shouldn't Thailand too? And the name LOS fits, whenever I land there I remember I've forgotten to smile for a while. I feel privileged that LOS still opens it's doors to tourists because I'd have a hard time finding another place that suits me so well.


Good people

Good food

Cheap food

Low cost of living

Fairly clean

Traffic is actually better than most places in Asia

Traffic code is inspired by laws but is allowed liberal interpretation

Locals have a sense of humor and hygiene

Good hospitals

Freedom of expression (for the most part)

It’s not always way too hot

Most of the snakes have been eaten

If you’re a good guy eventually people will look out for you.

The hawkers are low key

You learn that most things aren’t as big a deal as you first thought.

World class skiing :o


Apart from the lifestyle advantages.

I'm actually making more money now than I ever did back in OZ or the UK, with more resposibility and interesting challenges. And that is as a local. I'm not a transpanted expat.

Kind of a big fish in a small pond situation, but who cares, I don't want to rule the world. I'll save that for retirement.

Wife and I love it hear. I'm not here for the TGF's. Actually, I'm genuinely not that attacted to the girls here, and never was (not that it matters now though). I actually see this as an advantage, as my raison d'etre doesn't revolve around bars, booze and chicks. Many people have come here and that has been their downfall. For those who avoid it, Thailand can be a very rewarding place.

I wouldn't do it again.

Still I wouldn't have dumped that ex-girlfriend that I often miss. I wouldn't have studied electronic engineering at uni, I wouldn't have given up my high paying career to go and live in outer Mongolia, I wouldn't have borrowed that money from my uncle...

I've benefitted from my time here, but I really see it as a holiday destination, and nothing more. When my contract ends I'll leave.

But I won't go back to England, so I'll have to find somewhere else.

But where to go? Where is better?

Errm, maybe I'll stay just one more year or three, and try to be happy where I am.

Wherever you go, you will always have yourself. That you can't escape.


In a heartbeat

Love the weather, the food, the people, my Thai wife.

Would I do it exactly the same No. There are one or two things I would change about the way I did things. But for the most part its been nothing but wonderful. I came here (chiang Mai) from Hawaii and still have land and houses there. My wife recently got a 10 yr. visa so we are planning a trip back next month. Aloha


this has been done before but not in what appears to be such a negative climate. not sure if its the farangs being negative and overly sensitive but neither am I sure that the Thais aren't also being more negative towards farang.

I am here because this is my husband's home. No other reason than that. Sure, I lucked out and married a wonderful guy who happens to live on the beach on a tropical island but I certainly didn't come here looking for anything other than a vacation.

Would I do it again? Well, obviously if I still was married to my husband I would. :o

Apart from the lifestyle advantages.

I'm actually making more money now than I ever did back in OZ or the UK, with more resposibility and interesting challenges..snip

Heh, I,m not making more money, but I'm saving a lot more while working a lot less, if you have a web based business that doesn't need a fixed location, this is the place to be IMHO


If there is a better place to live in the world let me know. I can afford to live in any of the 200 or so countries on the planet, but I really enjoy living here in Thailand and it's a wonderful place to raise a kid. What's not to like?


Its still a good life here, despite all the doomy b@stards posting on here. :o (Myself included).

Great weather, good people (for the most part!), food, sex, golf, etc. :D


I have been fortunate to work and travel around the Globe 'a few times' and Thailand is the only place I truly love to be. Sure, things are changing here, but It is the same wherever you may go. A positive outlook (also a sprinkle of jai yen yen sometimes) helps me in my daily life here as Im sure it does every other 'farang' here. I would rather be here than any other place in the world. Now where can I buy some more rose tinted glasses? lor len!

You gotta 'lurveeeeee it fo shoooowaaaa'! 5555555

KD :o

What attracted you here and what keeps you here? :o

i like Thailand because all my expenses are paid for by what i am not paying to the taxman in any other country i have lived.


For me, the most important reason why I love to live in LOS is that all my rheumatic problems have totally and completely disappeared. Since the age of 20 I suffered from something called ankylosing spondylarthritis, which made me swallow tons of drugs, every day, when I lived in my home country (Switzerland). The day I moved to Thailand, all the symptoms, all the pain, everything ... gone , vanished , miraculously cured.

Besides this,

my wife and my kids are Thai,

instead of an apartment to rent I have a house and a garden I own (my wife owns)

no taxes

always warm weather

no snow

the landscape, incl. the beaches

Thai people

Thai food


(the order has no meaning, :o )


A country of complete contrasts.

The most maddening.

The most intoxicating.

The most exotic.

The most off-the-wall.

The most surprising kindness.

The most inexplicable silliness.

Boring it's not.

For me, the most important reason why I love to live in LOS is that all my rheumatic problems have totally and completely disappeared. Since the age of 20 I suffered from something called ankylosing spondylarthritis, which made me swallow tons of drugs, every day, when I lived in my home country (Switzerland). The day I moved to Thailand, all the symptoms, all the pain, everything ... gone , vanished , miraculously cured.

Besides this,

my wife and my kids are Thai,

instead of an apartment to rent I have a house and a garden I own (my wife owns)

no taxes

always warm weather

no snow

the landscape, incl. the beaches

Thai people

Thai food


(the order has no meaning, :o )

Same ailment here, LOS works for me too.

For me, the most important reason why I love to live in LOS is that all my rheumatic problems have totally and completely disappeared. Since the age of 20 I suffered from something called ankylosing spondylarthritis, which made me swallow tons of drugs, every day, when I lived in my home country (Switzerland). The day I moved to Thailand, all the symptoms, all the pain, everything ... gone , vanished , miraculously cured.

Besides this,

my wife and my kids are Thai,

instead of an apartment to rent I have a house and a garden I own (my wife owns)

no taxes

always warm weather

no snow

the landscape, incl. the beaches

Thai people

Thai food


(the order has no meaning, :o )

Same ailment here, LOS works for me too.

Sorry this is a bit off Thread!!Ankylosing Spondulitis is a heredetary form of arthritis that affects mainly the spine usually resulting in paralysis in later years and death, my brotherin law died last november from this disease, my sister in law is disabled with this disease also, My wife is also 90% disabled with this disease we spend 6 months a year in thailand and the other 6 months on Queenslands sunshine coast, so we have the best of both worlds as long are we are both able to travel :D Nignoy
For me, the most important reason why I love to live in LOS is that all my rheumatic problems have totally and completely disappeared. Since the age of 20 I suffered from something called ankylosing spondylarthritis, which made me swallow tons of drugs, every day, when I lived in my home country (Switzerland). The day I moved to Thailand, all the symptoms, all the pain, everything ... gone , vanished , miraculously cured.

Besides this,

my wife and my kids are Thai,

instead of an apartment to rent I have a house and a garden I own (my wife owns)

no taxes

always warm weather

no snow

the landscape, incl. the beaches

Thai people

Thai food


(the order has no meaning, :o )

Same ailment here, LOS works for me too.

Sorry this is a bit off Thread!!Ankylosing Spondulitis is a heredetary form of arthritis that affects mainly the spine usually resulting in paralysis in later years and death, my brotherin law died last november from this disease, my sister in law is disabled with this disease also, My wife is also 90% disabled with this disease we spend 6 months a year in thailand and the other 6 months on Queenslands sunshine coast, so we have the best of both worlds as long are we are both able to travel :D Nignoy

Sorry to hear that, Nignoy. Someone told me that it is sort of an autoimmune illness, and, yes, it's hereditary in so far as male descendants are likely to have it too.

What makes me so happy is that it completely stopped. Does your wife feel better when she is in Thailand?


take away food from virtually any restaurant is a great.

also the lack of rules.for me,the uk has turned into a big brother society,cameras on the roads,high streets,ridiculous taxes.your always looking over your shoulder.

For me, the most important reason why I love to live in LOS is that all my rheumatic problems have totally and completely disappeared. Since the age of 20 I suffered from something called ankylosing spondylarthritis, which made me swallow tons of drugs, every day, when I lived in my home country (Switzerland). The day I moved to Thailand, all the symptoms, all the pain, everything ... gone , vanished , miraculously cured.

Besides this,

my wife and my kids are Thai,

instead of an apartment to rent I have a house and a garden I own (my wife owns)

no taxes

always warm weather

no snow

the landscape, incl. the beaches

Thai people

Thai food


(the order has no meaning, :o )

Same ailment here, LOS works for me too.

Sorry this is a bit off Thread!!Ankylosing Spondulitis is a heredetary form of arthritis that affects mainly the spine usually resulting in paralysis in later years and death, my brotherin law died last november from this disease, my sister in law is disabled with this disease also, My wife is also 90% disabled with this disease we spend 6 months a year in thailand and the other 6 months on Queenslands sunshine coast, so we have the best of both worlds as long are we are both able to travel :D Nignoy

Sorry to hear that, Nignoy. Someone told me that it is sort of an autoimmune illness, and, yes, it's hereditary in so far as male descendants are likely to have it too.

What makes me so happy is that it completely stopped. Does your wife feel better when she is in Thailand?

You will find that you are only in remission, as you get older the symptoms return , as far as my wifes condition goes since we moved to a frost free environment, her mobility has improved but we dont kid ourselves we know the clock is ticking, and treat every extra day whether in thailand or Ningi as a bonus :D Nignoy

i like this thread as all the positive people are firing there guns and voicing there opinions.

so much better than hearing all the negative stuff that some people like to throw up.


i love the los as i know some great people, love the islands, bangkok, the food, the thai people, the chaos i love :D , and the weekend market.

there's something about los that makes one feel alive as you never know what is going to happen next.

i cant wait to retire here and its getting closer every day.

thank you very much :o

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