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Climate Change: An unstoppable movement takes hold

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29 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

A simple trip down memory lane will confirm this. As a kid I remember the family car being smeared in insects after a road trip. The windscreen and grill was often covered in bugs, ladybirds, butterflies and dragonflies.

Drive around today and the car appears nice and clean. RIP insects. 

as we are now increasing co2 in atmosphere,

we are also increasing biomass,

youll soon have your insects back with compounding interest.

co2 is the last glimmer of hope this planet has, and only we, the humans, can increase co2 levels back to adequate levels

16 hours ago, Lacessit said:

It's a card game. Google it, you lazy sod. Although it may cost you more than $10 if the local plod catches you at it, given they've been known to round up entire bridge clubs in Pattaya.

The only problem I have with constipation is its presence in the brain cells of some people.

Its not a card game. Its a game with plastic discs that you drop into a plastic frame.

7 hours ago, englishoak said:



Climate change is a natural cycle and im sick of hearing the BS since forever about cooling, heating, flooding, scorching... every single claim made has been false and not even close, even the Ozone hole fixed on its own within a decade, i suspect there wasnt even a hole.., Sun gives you cancer, yea sure it does, never met anyone ever with skin cancer directly proven to be caused by the sun... dont see cancer spikes in hot countries etc .. just another lie






The ozone hole did not fix itself. It has been repaired by banning the use of CFC's in refrigerants and plastic foams. Montreal Protocol 1987.

The highest incidences of melanoma are in Ireland and Australia. Fair skins, sunburn, skin cancer. No-one can prove smoking causes lung cancer, it's just the unfortunate fact one is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer if they are a smoker. The indigenous inhabitants of hot countries have very dark skins. Evolution, they have developed a  genetic attribute to protect themselves from skin cancer. Just like hairy bodies protect against the cold.

That's enough. I won't waste my time refuting the rest of the drivel you posted.

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  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Yes-I have faithfully read your posted article.


At first I was puzzled..Alien influence?Bad ganja?

But then I realized that it was gun oil fumes..poor ventilation and all that...


My daddy always told me "Never, ever oil your AR 15 whilst crouched over your computer in granny's old basement."


Thanks but I dont understand this comment. Could you be a little less elliptical? Dont understand,  granny,  ganja, basement,  gun oil, basement, AR 15 etc etc.

2 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Thanks but I dont understand this comment. Could you be a little less elliptical? Dont understand,  granny,  ganja, basement,  gun oil, basement, AR 15 etc etc.

i think its a reference to a right wing gun owning middle aged white male

that just has to be against communism,

you party killer you !

here we were smoking weed, holding hand, and looking forward to end to the cursed civilization, globalization, industrialization, electricity, wealth, the middle class, the comfort,

and the fall of the great satan, USA


Imagine all the people
Living for today (ah ah ah)
Imagine there's no countries
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need
22 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

But what was the temperature at the start of the industrial age? That way a sillyfool like me knows how much the earth is warming. Im particularly interested in International Falls Minnesota, which would be a lovely place if it warms up.

I think you already know what the answer is!

2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

The ozone hole did not fix itself. It has been repaired by banning the use of CFC's in refrigerants and plastic foams. Montreal Protocol 1987.

The highest incidences of melanoma are in Ireland and Australia. Fair skins, sunburn, skin cancer. No-one can prove smoking causes lung cancer, it's just the unfortunate fact one is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer if they are a smoker. The indigenous inhabitants of hot countries have very dark skins. Evolution, they have developed a  genetic attribute to protect themselves from skin cancer. Just like hairy bodies protect against the cold.

That's enough. I won't waste my time refuting the rest of the drivel you posted.


Rubbish, Ireland's climate is almost the opposite of Australia, they get very little sun. There is a huge fair skin population throughout the Mediterranean the US and a host of other scorching hot countries. No problems there, There is no proof the sun gives anyone cancer, sure skin type can vary the sensitivity of sunburn and moles etc can become cancerous but thats not the same thing as the sunburn ives you skincancer cancer, most westerners going somewhere get sunburn at some point and they arnt all mostly from Ireland or Oz.. now I am willing to bet suncream and the chemicals told to smear all over is toxic to some. You Ozone claim is a bit of a misnomer, China has been using CFCs in building materials all the time at huge levels. Its good they got rid of cfcs but as the climate changes and Ozone fluctuates and  science cannot explain the speed it healed against all projections by about a decade. 


The rest your leaving to address because your cherry picking, you cannot deny the claims and models never play out even partly.. no sea rises, no scorched earth etc nothing   its just typical zealot cult BS, since the demise of religion something has to take that place for cretins and lost souls and that seems to be among others climate change and the ridiculous claims being made about it.... 10 years ago youd have been harping on about global warming and sea rises, 40 years ago youd have been convinced we were going to freeze in the next 20 years.


BTW im not denying climate change as its a natural cycle. When nature shrugs we are helpless and thats fine with me. Whats not fine is the arrogance of people pretending the Earth, Sun and cycles as we move through the cosmos arnt the main drivers of climate and changes on Earth when its absolutely obvious with all the evidence anyone could ever need is there throughout geographic history, geological samples, biodiversity, extinction samples, astrology, ice cores, habitation patterns and much much more... nothing to do with man.  


You stick with your drivel ill stick with mine. 

  • Confused 1
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10 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:


This article summarises the extinction rebellion neatly as a deluded, middle class death cult:

This is a quote taken from the article.

"Extinction Rebellion. Let us no longer beat around the bush about these people. This is an upper-middle-class death cult.
This is a millenarian movement that might speak of science, but which is driven by sheer irrationalism. By fear, moral exhaustion and misanthropy. This is the deflated, self-loathing bourgeoisie coming together to project their own psycho-social hang-ups on to society at large. They must be criticised and ridiculed out of existence."

Read the full article from the link above.

Nothing but hate speech drivel something like you KKK and Natzi groups would spew out.

  • Like 1

Most of these "movements" come from "activists" that have never set a foot in the environment they so much care about. Virtue signalling city slickers that wouldn't survive an hour out in the wild. It's all about feeling important and not about actual problems or solutions. Put AOC in an Alaskan forest and see how that turns out.

27 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Most of these "movements" come from "activists" that have never set a foot in the environment they so much care about. Virtue signalling city slickers that wouldn't survive an hour out in the wild. It's all about feeling important and not about actual problems or solutions. Put AOC in an Alaskan forest and see how that turns out.

I notice you take the opportunity to criticize this group but say nothing about the hate speech of the Author. 
P.s no idea who they are but please be assured they don't represent everyone.

34 minutes ago, monkfish said:

I notice you take the opportunity to criticize this group but say nothing about the hate speech of the Author. 

Umm which author? Brendan O'Neill? Seems to be UK specific, couldn't be arsed to read more than a few lines.

51 minutes ago, monkfish said:

So are we claiming 97% of climate Scientists are wrong?

What exactly is a "Climate Scientist"? What fields do they train in? Where do they graduate from?

1 hour ago, monkfish said:

What percentage of Climate Scientists with peer reviewed publications agree that humans are causing global warming?
Answer = 97% So are we claiming 97% of climate Scientists are wrong?



the co2 basher brigade are demonstrably wrong.

first, they claim warming is a consequence of co2,

and like to refer to ice cores as proof,

but every single ice core sample show co2 is a consequence of warming.

secondly they say co2 causes bleaching of corals,

but corals recover with even higher co2 content

then was when they bleached,

never mind co2 is a building block in their shells in the first instance, if there werent any co2 there wouldnt be those corals around at all.

thirdly they claim hurricanes etc become more intensive

due to higher co2, but records show the most violent

tornados occurred early 1900, when co2 was even lower, and same goes for wildfire and every other event in nature.

they want to cut co2 emissions to zero they say,

regardless of what negative consequences that have against photosynthesis on land and sea, and civilization.


this points towards the campaign is against co2,

with climate having a minor role,

or are just brought up as cloaking the agenda.


furthermore, the same loonies that want to shut down

electricity generation that emit co2,

also want to shut down nuclear reactors,

this points toward a shutdown of our society

and extinction of much of the human specie,

specially those that depend on heating for survival.

with just horses to drag the plow,

agriculture wont be able to sustain current population,

its a return to pre-industrialization, a horrible utopia imo.

hippie freaks the lot of them, brain damaged freaks from over consumption of weed, day dreaming of medieval peasant life

2 minutes ago, monkfish said:

And an explanation of Climatology

Ah yes... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climatology#Approaches_and_subfields



Climate research is made difficult by the large scale, long time periods, and complex processes which govern climate. Climate is governed by physical laws which can be expressed as differential equations. These equations are coupled and nonlinear, so that approximate solutions are obtained by using numerical methods to create global climate models. Climate is sometimes modeled as a stochastic process but this is generally accepted as an approximation to processes that are otherwise too complicated to analyze.


Sounds about right. It's too complicated so let's just throw a model we can present to the patrons on it. 

5 hours ago, englishoak said:


Rubbish, Ireland's climate is almost the opposite of Australia, they get very little sun. There is a huge fair skin population throughout the Mediterranean the US and a host of other scorching hot countries. No problems there, There is no proof the sun gives anyone cancer, sure skin type can vary the sensitivity of sunburn and moles etc can become cancerous but thats not the same thing as the sunburn ives you skincancer cancer, most westerners going somewhere get sunburn at some point and they arnt all mostly from Ireland or Oz.. now I am willing to bet suncream and the chemicals told to smear all over is toxic to some. You Ozone claim is a bit of a misnomer, China has been using CFCs in building materials all the time at huge levels. Its good they got rid of cfcs but as the climate changes and Ozone fluctuates and  science cannot explain the speed it healed against all projections by about a decade. 


The rest your leaving to address because your cherry picking, you cannot deny the claims and models never play out even partly.. no sea rises, no scorched earth etc nothing   its just typical zealot cult BS, since the demise of religion something has to take that place for cretins and lost souls and that seems to be among others climate change and the ridiculous claims being made about it.... 10 years ago youd have been harping on about global warming and sea rises, 40 years ago youd have been convinced we were going to freeze in the next 20 years.


BTW im not denying climate change as its a natural cycle. When nature shrugs we are helpless and thats fine with me. Whats not fine is the arrogance of people pretending the Earth, Sun and cycles as we move through the cosmos arnt the main drivers of climate and changes on Earth when its absolutely obvious with all the evidence anyone could ever need is there throughout geographic history, geological samples, biodiversity, extinction samples, astrology, ice cores, habitation patterns and much much more... nothing to do with man.  


You stick with your drivel ill stick with mine. 

My drivel, as you put it, is based on what comes with scientific qualifications and decades of experience - and not in government jobs, either.

It's true the Irish get very little sun. However, when they do get it they rush out to maximize their exposure, and consequently have one of the highest melanoma rates in the world. They are also predisposed genetically. Perhaps you were asleep in the classroom when cause - effect was explained.

The climate change happening now is not a natural cycle. It is the direct result of burning fossil fuels. When you have read up on the laws of thermodynamics, and understand them, you will possibly comprehend what I am talking about.

Be careful who you call a cretin. Apart from opinions, what real qualifications and experience do you bring to the table?


  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

My drivel, as you put it, is based on what comes with scientific qualifications and decades of experience - and not in government jobs, either.

It's true the Irish get very little sun. However, when they do get it they rush out to maximize their exposure, and consequently have one of the highest melanoma rates in the world. They are also predisposed genetically. Perhaps you were asleep in the classroom when cause - effect was explained.

The climate change happening now is not a natural cycle. It is the direct result of burning fossil fuels. When you have read up on the laws of thermodynamics, and understand them, you will possibly comprehend what I am talking about.

Be careful who you call a cretin. Apart from opinions, what real qualifications and experience do you bring to the table?


I was told the first law of thermodynamics is thet sooner or later evrrything will go to sh-t.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

I was told the first law of thermodynamics is thet sooner or later evrrything will go to sh-t.

No, it's you can't win. The second law is you won't get to break even either. You may be thinking of the third law.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

No, it's you can't win. The second law is you won't get to break even either. You may be thinking of the third law.

Depends on what you mean by 'win'

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