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And They Call Us Crazy?


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While I see what Tony is doing as fairly harmless here, more entertainment than anything else. I would be more worried about his planned trip to Pakistan where he is likely to not only get himself killed but also others as well. He is also likely to increase religious hatred in that region. I think that Tony should remain focused on the Thai bar areas as he is less of a danger there.

Crazy? depends on how you define crazy

very good point,

the people that are calling this guy crazy are invited to define crazy.

is he more crazy than the drunken farang that harrases other farangs in bars or farang that are disrespectful to the thai, religion and country.?

is he more crazy than the farang that spend all there money on bar girls and then find themselves on the loosing side ?

i could go on forever but you all get my point.

this guy has been down and out and now does this for himself without harming other people.

he annoys some people that dont want to hear it, but he's no more offensive than some of the bad mannered farang getting around the place.

i would rather see these sort of people closed down than this guy.

thank you very much. :D

On this point i agree with Brother Terry

I don't know why everyone is complaining. All you Bangkok Farang have the perfect excuse if you want to get away from the wife/GF for the day. Tell her your off to Nana or Soi Cowboy to listen to the preacher :D


Brings a whole new element to midnight mass. :o


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considering all you people know that my top self is indeed a reverend in charge of the parish rambuttri, i must discontinue from posting on this topic.

i have found myself with a conflict of interest, as im a good buddhist drinking towers of alter wine with my followers and brother tony dont even indulge in a drop. :D

anyway im off to soi cowboy with " DAVID J TAYLER " and the katoey 10 for a nice pint and a bit of slap and tickle. :bah:

see you there punting friends and its daves buy. :D :D :o:D

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I gave up on the video after 5 mins. Taking it from everyone's reactions it didn't get any better? :o Actually I found it boring in the extreme. Couldn't hear anything discernible, amateurish camera work. Really boring.

Agree with some previous posters, good works are exactly that: works. People like Fr Maier are a true example of Christianity & its message at their best. This? I don't know what I'd call it, but it doesn't seem to be doing much good for anyone :D

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considering all you people know that my top self is indeed a reverend in charge of the parish rambuttri, i must discontinue from posting on this topic.

i have found myself with a conflict of interest, as im a good buddhist drinking towers of alter wine with my followers and brother tony dont even indulge in a drop. :D

anyway im off to soi cowboy with " DAVID J TAYLER " and the katoey 10 for a nice pint and a bit of slap and tickle. :bah:

see you there punting friends and its daves buy. :D :D :o:D

you back in los Terry?

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considering all you people know that my top self is indeed a reverend in charge of the parish rambuttri, i must discontinue from posting on this topic.

i have found myself with a conflict of interest, as im a good buddhist drinking towers of alter wine with my followers and brother tony dont even indulge in a drop. :D

anyway im off to soi cowboy with " DAVID J TAYLER " and the katoey 10 for a nice pint and a bit of slap and tickle. ;)

see you there punting friends and its daves buy. :D :D :o:D

you back in los Terry?

just talking a load of bollicks kayo as this thread needs a lift. :D

to answer your question it is, " no "

but im not far away as i fly in on the 25th may for 8 weeks. :bah:

im then going down to see my friend the lovely miss rain and her mighty work running the dog haven. :o

thats after i attend to the needs of my followers at the parish rambuttri and give " DAVID J TAYLER " a good bollicking for not supplying enough pizza to the mighty faithfull.

after all is said and done kayo, drinking towers of alter wine makes a follower bleeding hungry. :bah:

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I'm with Jdinasia, a true Christian is one who proves his belief not through words but actions. Jimmy Carter springs to mind, as does the priest helping the poor of Klong Toey (sorry forgot his name, Father Joe?)

Who in fact is poorer and need help - the guys in Nana Plaza or the people in Khlong Toey?

What a sad place Nana plaza is.

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Why is it that so many people get worked up over Christian evangelists in Thailand? If the guy was up there doing the same thing but talking about Buddhism would there still be all the same negative reactions? If he was a Thai instead of a foreigner would there still be the same reactions? Thailand seems to have a very large percent of anti-Christian foreigners when compared to most countries on this earth. As long as the Thai authorities don't intervene and say his activities are illegal, let him be. I'm with the others in that his methods don't seem to be what I'd consider to be the most effective but that's for him to decide not for us. The mere fact that so many people get worked up over this sort of thing seems to point towards it having some effect. By that I mean that the people who it bothers may have a guilty conscience and that is why it is bothers them.

If he was out on the streets asking for money to help him spread his word then that would be another thing. I can see getting worked up over some phoney evangelist trying to get every baht they can out of poor Thai people. If he's doing this on his own and not asking for money and seems to really believe in what he preaches then let him be.

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The Lord Jesus Christ says: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14). Thanks for both watching and hearing; you have been witnessed to. Glory to God!

Tony, one day you will realize that we are all born of different personalities. Some need alcohol, others need drugs, you have Christianity! Some of us don't need a religion to hold onto, just plain and simple we are happy the way we are, so to Buhhdist in Thailand etc....... enjoy your love of Christ, but for heavens sake, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF IMHO you said it yourself, you are God's fool ......... and I know where I'm comming from on this topic :o

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There’s a lot of anger being directed at Tony, a guy who most likely has some pretty good intentions for what he is doing. Certainly there are a lot of folks really making a mess of their lives in those bars. I think Tony really did himself a bad turn in not taking the time to make a coherent video. If I was trying to make an evangelist look bad, I would make a video pretty similar to the one he made. I know the video ticked me off when I saw it.

But Thailand is a live and let live sort of place and we ought to extend that same olive branch to those who are trying to good; even if you disagree with his methods or beliefs. How else can you claim to be free? At least he’s not a corrupt cop or an angry ex-pat. After reading his bio, I am certain there is a lot more to him than what he presented.

Excellence doesn’t linger; it must be hunted down and devoured.

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I'm with Jdinasia, a true Christian is one who proves his belief not through words but actions. Jimmy Carter springs to mind, as does the priest helping the poor of Klong Toey (sorry forgot his name, Father Joe?)

Who in fact is poorer and need help - the guys in Nana Plaza or the people in Khlong Toey?

What a sad place Nana plaza is.

i think this is a very valid question.

there is something about nana plaza that is fundamentally wrong and one only has to go there once to see that.

some of the thai girls look like they have lost there soul and to see some of the punters that poor over them is disturbing.

i realise that in this world its live and let live, but that place is a shocker and degrading to the women of thailand.

some of the punters aren't doing themselves any favours either.

gives the preacher fuel to stoke his fire. :o

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I'm with Jdinasia, a true Christian is one who proves his belief not through words but actions. Jimmy Carter springs to mind, as does the priest helping the poor of Klong Toey (sorry forgot his name, Father Joe?)

Who in fact is poorer and need help - the guys in Nana Plaza or the people in Khlong Toey?

What a sad place Nana plaza is.

i think this is a very valid question.

there is something about nana plaza that is fundamentally wrong and one only has to go there once to see that.

some of the thai girls look like they have lost there soul and to see some of the punters that poor over them is disturbing.

i realise that in this world its live and let live, but that place is a shocker and degrading to the women of thailand.

some of the punters aren't doing themselves any favours either.

gives the preacher fuel to stoke his fire. :o

Perhaps so, but I think the guy is going about it the wrong way. You don't "save souls" by preaching like that...if anything, I'm willing to bet he's pushing more away.

People don't change by force, they have to do it by themselves.

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We compared notes with some other interested parties tonight. Let's just say that the ultimate monetary value of a few minutes of Christian-focused video is higher than most people surmise; no direct cash donations on the street are required.

If you watch the real-world activities closely, you'll notice a few things: rarely does Brother Tony make an appearance without a videographer in tow (the videographer is often dressed down as an inconspicuous farang backpacker male with a farang girlfriend, but they all leave using the same transportation); rarely will he and his entourage stay in one place longer than is necessary to deliver a single sermon (why move on if all need "saving" from their vices?). There are many other inconsistencies from a genuine "calling" to be seen by a trained observed.

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I'm with Jdinasia, a true Christian is one who proves his belief not through words but actions. Jimmy Carter springs to mind, as does the priest helping the poor of Klong Toey (sorry forgot his name, Father Joe?)

Who in fact is poorer and need help - the guys in Nana Plaza or the people in Khlong Toey?

What a sad place Nana plaza is.

In answer to your question: Those in Klong Toey IMO. If you want to get all philosophical, up to you. I note you say "the guys", meaning I take it, the punters. In their case, a little thing called "choice" is involved. For those living in the slums of Klong Toey, there is no choice. Read the book "Welcome to the Slaughterhouse" about Father Meier & his organisation & some of the people he's helped & then tell me that a bunch of drunks & sex tourists need more help. :o

Either way, Fr Meier does not get up on a soap box in Klong Toey & start yelling God's Word (in English, for goodness sake!) at the inhabitants of Klong Toey. He works to help in their day-to-day lives. He understands their circumstances & temptations & instead of berating them, works around those circumstances & tries to offer alternatives. You want to do some good, you've got to get your hands dirty, not stand there in a shirt & tie yelling at people who don't understand or don't want to hear. IMHO, Br Tony should try working with the disadvantaged to genuinely help their lives, or get off of his soap box & stop preaching at those who don't want to hear.

Edit - just reread Thai Spys comments & realised what the object of this may be. I thought Br Tony was just a publicity addict, but I can see how a video of him preaching to the godless in Nana & being rebuffed would go down very well in Bible Belt, USA (Sorry, PB). Bet he gets lots of donations for his missionary "work"...

Edited by November Rain
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Got a few of these god botherers in Phuket.

They are from the same cowardly vein as the NGO's that come here saying they are preventing slavery and prostitution when they should be in Burma, Cambodia and China.

They love the nice safe feel of Thailand and run scared of carrying out their mission where it may have some effect.


Who is Brother Tony harming? Leave him alone.

Back in the day when I hung out there and someone pissed me off, I'd confront them and 'ask them to leave' or be scared of them and leave myself.

I'd have welcomed someone like Tony - it was those blasted peanut sellers that annoyed me. What about the little girls selling roses - they should be arrested.

Why is it that so many people get worked up over Christian evangelists in Thailand? If the guy was up there doing the same thing but talking about Buddhism would there still be all the same negative reactions? If he was a Thai instead of a foreigner would there still be the same reactions? Thailand seems to have a very large percent of anti-Christian foreigners when compared to most countries on this earth.
Good question. Religious nuts are fun apart from those guys on the bikes - refuse to have a good argument. Edited by Neeranam
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I just watched the vid too. Its quite a spectacle!

I don't have a problem with good christian folk spreading the word, but the few of the listeners or passers-by will be swayed by Tony the Preacher and his missionary crew. Its the wrong place and the wrong tack, too loud and impersonal.

Perhaps approaching people in a quieter manner would be wiser? Maybe they assume that they need a shocking and loud approach to cut through the din and get folk to listen? Its something Peace Blondie has already mentioned too.

Worryingly the proper disturbing thing I noticed was the relentless verbal 'assault' on the young apprentice preacher guy. He looked a real nasty piece of work, Anti-Christian / Athiest maybe. He seemed to take an almost malicous pleasure in harassing him. It could of been playing up for the camera though as he always seemed to be glancing at it.

Tonys booming voice contrasting heavily to the lower voiced but venomous POV of the other. Quite a contrast!

The chilly reception from the Thai Visa folk on this thread... I agree to an extent. But Terrys got a point also on the whole thing.

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Just a thought.....Why not go where your services are really needed?......Like Iraq! they're killing each other over there. Your God will protect you....Won't he?
The Christian Peacemakers Team has been in Iraq, trying to make peace, since before the invasion of the "Coalition of the Willing," and one of their members, an American Quaker named Tom Fox, was martyred. However, upon their rescue, the surviving kidnapped people failed to immediately thank the British forces who rescued them, although they thanked them profusely soon afterwards (for which many violent Christians and violent non-Christians refuse to forgive them).

There was another guy who went preaching in the middle east, and got killed: Jesus of Nazareth.

Brother Tony has one mission: evangelism. As a fellow Christian, I think the methods he showed us on the video are extremely ineffective, possibly counter-productive, and not completely Scriptural. But that's all right, I guess; far better than killing innocent non-combatants and calling it a necessary evil. But, I digress. God bless you, Tony.

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Why is it that so many people get worked up over Christian evangelists in Thailand? If the guy was up there doing the same thing but talking about Buddhism would there still be all the same negative reactions? If he was a Thai instead of a foreigner would there still be the same reactions? Thailand seems to have a very large percent of anti-Christian foreigners when compared to most countries on this earth.

The mere fact that so many people get worked up over this sort of thing seems to point towards it having some effect. By that I mean that the people who it bothers may have a guilty conscience and that is why it is bothers them.

I am one who suffered "spiritual violence" by Christians as a child and one of the reasons I like Thailand so much is because there are so few Christians here. I do not see Christianity as neutral nor do I consider some people to be "good Christians". I want nothing to do with it and I certainly don't have a "guilty conscience" as mentioned by the poster above; what a narrow-minded judgment!!

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Why is it that so many people get worked up over Christian evangelists in Thailand? If the guy was up there doing the same thing but talking about Buddhism would there still be all the same negative reactions? If he was a Thai instead of a foreigner would there still be the same reactions? Thailand seems to have a very large percent of anti-Christian foreigners when compared to most countries on this earth.

The mere fact that so many people get worked up over this sort of thing seems to point towards it having some effect. By that I mean that the people who it bothers may have a guilty conscience and that is why it is bothers them.

I am one who suffered "spiritual violence" by Christians as a child and one of the reasons I like Thailand so much is because there are so few Christians here. I do not see Christianity as neutral nor do I consider some people to be "good Christians". I want nothing to do with it and I certainly don't have a "guilty conscience" as mentioned by the poster above; what a narrow-minded judgment!!

Just because someone has a dislike for Christian beliefs doesn't mean they need to be Anti-Christian. One of the first things noticeable about Thai culture is their philosophy of Mai-Pen-Rai where you don't let things bother you. If you come to live in Thailand but let a Christian evangelist get to you like it does to many on this forum then I think you're living in the wrong place. Learn to act more like the people of your host country and just let him be if you don't agree with what he's saying and doing. He's not doing anything to hurt you or anyone else.

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A few points if I may.

1. Thai Spy's summation coincides with my understanding {updated over the last 24 hours} of the OP's modus operandi. This is not a case of someone preaching for hours outside the den of inequity, but appearing, megaphoning, getting videoed somewhat furtively, and then exiting stage left with the evidence of his 'good works' to send back to those who wish to support his fight with sin.

2. By getting his video seen here {including by me} and with appropriate topping and tailing I can see this as a 'contribution to the cause' process to which we have all contributed. After all, some messages here, out of context, would provide grist to the mill of the godless who need saving {or witnessing} and we've boosted the rating for the original video.

3. The OP may be sincere but he has to eat, and unlike the NGO's who can persuade the BBC to assist in their efforts, he has to do the best he can I guess.


PS IMHO I still consider his actions as against the rules here on the basis of his visa situation. He does not have a missionary visa and his 'O' does not permit him to act in this manner.

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There's no way I'm going to read thru all this, nor bother with the video.

To many religions now look for judgement day/armmageddon as written in their "laws" and so are contented to see the world move in that direction.

With only lip service to actually helping the world/people.

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Dear All,

Thank you, once again, for all of your replies. And here I was thinking if anyone was going to even watch the video. Terry, I do remember you; and it is always a pleasure meeting with you and talking with you. I didn't know that you came here and were on here. And thank you for all that you wrote about me. It really blessed me. Thanks.

Anyway, I am not supported by any organization, church, or group of individuals as I have already written before; nor do I write letters for support or preach in churches for support. The scripture that brought me to faith in the word of God is Mark 11:24 which says: "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." This is a promise found in the word of God, and I made vow to God that if he keeps his promise as found in Mark 11:24 for me then I will preach his word to everyone that I met. For the past 12 years, God has kept his promise. My faith is not in man or in man made religion. My faith is in the word of God; therefore, I do not and will not ask, beg, or hint for money from others; neither will I accept support money from any organization or church. I live by complete faith in God's word so that God can be God of my life. And he has seen me through everytime. I have taken God to the test and continue to do so, and he has seen me through everytime. I have learned that God keeps his promises that are found in the word of God; so, now, I, in turn, continue to keep my promise to him and preach the word to everyone that I meet. Thus, I preach all over the place to everyone. I am not preaching to convert souls. I am preaching to keep my promise to God to preach his word. What others think does not move me. All that matters to me is what God thinks. I continue to preach his word as it is written: "But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." (I Peter 1:25).

As for the video, for the past 12 years as I have been preaching the gospel almost everyday, there have only been 3 times that people have come out with me to video me preaching so far. Yes, just about everytime that I preach, there are many who I don't know that video me on their phones and cameras; and where their videos go, I don't know. But only 3 times for the past 12 years of preaching almost daily have people gone out with me to video me. The video posted on www.youtube.com which I sent a link to in my first post on this thread was done by a young couple who saw and heard us preaching the gospel of Christ on Khaosan road. They both came from Christian homes and were blessed to see us preaching, so they asked if they could meet us the next day to video us. And after videoing us, they left in a seperate taxi back to Khaosan road. They gave their video to Brother Henry who preaches with me; and he, in turn, downloaded this video on his computer, cut it up, and put a small clip of it on www.youtube.com. It is a home video, and I thought the reactions to the gospel would be of interest to those of you on this blog. I never thought that so many would respond to it.

We, usually, preach for 3 hours everynight on the streets. On Sukhumvit road, we will preach the gospel for half an hour or so on Sukhumvit Soi 3/1. We will, then, go forth to preach the gospel for another half hour or so in the entrance to the Nana Plaza. And then, we will finish up by preaching for half an hour or so in the one entrance to Soi Cowboy. And then, we will preach for half an hour or so in the other entrance to Soi Cowboy. It all depends on how long our voices will last. And some nights, we may spend longer in one area than the other. On Khaosan road, we will go until our voices are completely out. If others come out to preach with me, we will take turns; but if I am alone then I will preach for 30-45 minutes straight in one area. In all, we preach for 3 hours everynight that we preach.

Being that our goal is for all nations to hear the gospel preached, as it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14), we preach in areas that are full of people from the different nations of the world. And being that I vowed to God to preach the word to everyone that I meet, we preach in areas that are full of the most people.

Once again, our goal is for people to hear the gospel preached. They may not listen, but they hear loud and clear what and who we are preaching: the gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not humantarians trying to make the world a better place, for the end is near. Neither are we do-gooders trying to help poor people. We are preachers of the gospel preaching for all to hear. As Noah preached for 120 years before the flood without one single convert, we continue to preach the gospel as the end is near. And one thing is for certain, you will not be sitting on the fence any longer after hearing us preach: you will either repent or reject; but you will no longer be on the fence. I am crazy for Christ; who are you crazy for? I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?

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Anyway, I am not supported by any organization, church, or group of individuals as I have already written before; nor do I write letters for support or preach in churches for support. The scripture that brought me to faith in the word of God is Mark 11:24 which says: "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." This is a promise found in the word of God, and I made vow to God that if he keeps his promise as found in Mark 11:24 for me then I will preach his word to everyone that I met. For the past 12 years, God has kept his promise. My faith is not in man or in man made religion. My faith is in the word of God; therefore, I do not and will not ask, beg, or hint for money from others; neither will I accept support money from any organization or church. I live by complete faith in God's word so that God can be God of my life. And he has seen me through everytime. I have taken God to the test and continue to do so, and he has seen me through everytime. I have learned that God keeps his promises that are found in the word of God; so, now, I, in turn, continue to keep my promise to him and preach the word to everyone that I meet. Thus, I preach all over the place to everyone. I am not preaching to convert souls. I am preaching to keep my promise to God to preach his word. What others think does not move me. All that matters to me is what God thinks. I continue to preach his word as it is written: "But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." (I Peter 1:25).
Good luck to you Brother!

I don't know why so many think you are in it for money. I admire your faith, and although I've never read the bible, I like and totally agree with what Mark 11:24 said. But I don't really believe you are not out to convert people.

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Dear All,

Thank you, once again, for all of your replies. And here I was thinking if anyone was going to even watch the video. Terry, I do remember you; and it is always a pleasure meeting with you and talking with you. I didn't know that you came here and were on here. And thank you for all that you wrote about me. It really blessed me. Thanks.

Anyway, I am not supported by any organization, church, or group of individuals as I have already written before; nor do I write letters for support or preach in churches for support. The scripture that brought me to faith in the word of God is Mark 11:24 which says: "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." This is a promise found in the word of God, and I made vow to God that if he keeps his promise as found in Mark 11:24 for me then I will preach his word to everyone that I met. For the past 12 years, God has kept his promise. My faith is not in man or in man made religion. My faith is in the word of God; therefore, I do not and will not ask, beg, or hint for money from others; neither will I accept support money from any organization or church. I live by complete faith in God's word so that God can be God of my life. And he has seen me through everytime. I have taken God to the test and continue to do so, and he has seen me through everytime. I have learned that God keeps his promises that are found in the word of God; so, now, I, in turn, continue to keep my promise to him and preach the word to everyone that I meet. Thus, I preach all over the place to everyone. I am not preaching to convert souls. I am preaching to keep my promise to God to preach his word. What others think does not move me. All that matters to me is what God thinks. I continue to preach his word as it is written: "But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." (I Peter 1:25).

As for the video, for the past 12 years as I have been preaching the gospel almost everyday, there have only been 3 times that people have come out with me to video me preaching so far. Yes, just about everytime that I preach, there are many who I don't know that video me on their phones and cameras; and where their videos go, I don't know. But only 3 times for the past 12 years of preaching almost daily have people gone out with me to video me. The video posted on www.youtube.com which I sent a link to in my first post on this thread was done by a young couple who saw and heard us preaching the gospel of Christ on Khaosan road. They both came from Christian homes and were blessed to see us preaching, so they asked if they could meet us the next day to video us. And after videoing us, they left in a seperate taxi back to Khaosan road. They gave their video to Brother Henry who preaches with me; and he, in turn, downloaded this video on his computer, cut it up, and put a small clip of it on www.youtube.com. It is a home video, and I thought the reactions to the gospel would be of interest to those of you on this blog. I never thought that so many would respond to it.

We, usually, preach for 3 hours everynight on the streets. On Sukhumvit road, we will preach the gospel for half an hour or so on Sukhumvit Soi 3/1. We will, then, go forth to preach the gospel for another half hour or so in the entrance to the Nana Plaza. And then, we will finish up by preaching for half an hour or so in the one entrance to Soi Cowboy. And then, we will preach for half an hour or so in the other entrance to Soi Cowboy. It all depends on how long our voices will last. And some nights, we may spend longer in one area than the other. On Khaosan road, we will go until our voices are completely out. If others come out to preach with me, we will take turns; but if I am alone then I will preach for 30-45 minutes straight in one area. In all, we preach for 3 hours everynight that we preach.

Being that our goal is for all nations to hear the gospel preached, as it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14), we preach in areas that are full of people from the different nations of the world. And being that I vowed to God to preach the word to everyone that I meet, we preach in areas that are full of the most people.

Once again, our goal is for people to hear the gospel preached. They may not listen, but they hear loud and clear what and who we are preaching: the gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not humantarians trying to make the world a better place, for the end is near. Neither are we do-gooders trying to help poor people. We are preachers of the gospel preaching for all to hear. As Noah preached for 120 years before the flood without one single convert, we continue to preach the gospel as the end is near. And one thing is for certain, you will not be sitting on the fence any longer after hearing us preach: you will either repent or reject; but you will no longer be on the fence. I am crazy for Christ; who are you crazy for? I am a fool for Christ; whose fool are you?

It's too much brother tony, it's all just very very irritating.

We are not humantarians trying to make the world a better place, for the end is near

Is it nearly the end? The end of what? How long have "preachers" claimed it is nearly the end?? Is it nearly the end for you??

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It must be very disheartening for those who prophesies the end and it doesn't come.

You have to admire their ability to continue on with their beliefs without even considering the posibility that they were previously wrong.

I think it says a lot about us humans.

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Dear All,

Thank you, once again, for all of your replies. And here I was thinking if anyone was going to even watch the video. Terry, I do remember you; and it is always a pleasure meeting with you and talking with you. I didn't know that you came here and were on here. And thank you for all that you wrote about me. It really blessed me. Thanks.


Being that our goal is for all nations to hear the gospel preached, as it is written: "And this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14),


well, i must say, I do hope you do NOT get your word out to everyone. I hope there is a few recluses who don't hear it, cos then the end won't come will it, and we can all live happily ever after...


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