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Bangkok Has 2 Airports (think! And Know Your Destination!)


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I forsee a few horror stories now for the folks that either don't think it through or don't bother SAYING which airport when they get in a taxi!

Lets hope the same folks never have to fly to or from London, or any other city that has more than 1 airport.


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What on earth happens when you have your inter. flight landing in Suwarnaphumi & an hour and a half later your connecting flight leaving Dorn Meuang?

Tell me they are going to get that right in your local travel agent in country of origin!! :o


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Tell me they are going to get that right in your local travel agent in country of origin!!

The reservation system won’t allow the travel agent to book connecting flights with insufficient connection time.



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Tell me they are going to get that right in your local travel agent in country of origin!!

The reservation system won't allow the travel agent to book connecting flights with insufficient connection time.



OK. Lets assume that is correct, and the reservation system allows 5.245 hours to clear customs, change airports, & make check in for your next flight.

With flight delays of an hour or more due to bad sub-tropposheric weather patterns, a totally disorganised approach grid, customs delays while counting days, friday afternoon traffic etc. Do you really think this is a workable system?

I think the image of thailand's missmanagement of "national assets" is going to go from bad to worse. :o:D



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Tell me they are going to get that right in your local travel agent in country of origin!!

The reservation system won't allow the travel agent to book connecting flights with insufficient connection time.



OK. Lets assume that is correct, and the reservation system allows 5.245 hours to clear customs, change airports, & make check in for your next flight.

With flight delays of an hour or more due to bad sub-tropposheric weather patterns, a totally disorganised approach grid, customs delays while counting days, friday afternoon traffic etc. Do you really think this is a workable system?

I think the image of thailand's missmanagement of "national assets" is going to go from bad to worse. :o:D



Have you run an airport or worked with people who deal with these matters?

Actually, it would have made more sense to keep both of them open from the start. It would have provided passengers more choice, and over time, you'll see a level of competition between the two aiports. Remeber, although nominally, AOT runs both airports, the airforce still has alot of say in the running of Don Muang, so you've got to competitive forces right there and they'll agiate for more business over time (or at least the freedom to do business).

It was defientily highly inefficient, from a 'national assets' perspective, to have a perfectly usable sitting around doing nothing, when it could have been utilise to take pressure off Suvanaphumi, or god forbid, provide an alternate airport for airlines to handle their schedualling. From a finance perpersective, it was totally depricieated, and was a nice little earner for the RTG, AOT and Department of Transport.

Now, before you bang on about the latest cabinet decisions, as I said, things'll change. Having Don Muang handle the flights it handles now isn't sustainable. There are alot more economies of scale to be had from expanding usage of Don Muang.

At the end of the day, more choice for consumers, better prices due to competitive forces and airlines will have more bargining power in dealing with AOT over fees and charges (and thus not passing them on to consumers).

So, as long as a few moron passengers learn to read their tickets, check before they go, then I don't think the loss to society in terms of a few missed flights and the wasted petrol, tolls, road usage of misdirected cabbies is going to outweigh the benefits to the community that two airports will bring.

But, hey, that is simply an opinion.

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Have you run an airport or worked with people who deal with these matters?

Actually, it would have made more sense to keep both of them open from the start. It would have provided passengers more choice, and over time, you'll see a level of competition between the two aiports. Remeber, although nominally, AOT runs both airports, the airforce still has alot of say in the running of Don Muang, so you've got to competitive forces right there and they'll agiate for more business over time (or at least the freedom to do business).

It was defientily highly inefficient, from a 'national assets' perspective, to have a perfectly usable sitting around doing nothing, when it could have been utilise to take pressure off Suvanaphumi, or god forbid, provide an alternate airport for airlines to handle their schedualling. From a finance perpersective, it was totally depricieated, and was a nice little earner for the RTG, AOT and Department of Transport.

Now, before you bang on about the latest cabinet decisions, as I said, things'll change. Having Don Muang handle the flights it handles now isn't sustainable. There are alot more economies of scale to be had from expanding usage of Don Muang.

At the end of the day, more choice for consumers, better prices due to competitive forces and airlines will have more bargining power in dealing with AOT over fees and charges (and thus not passing them on to consumers).

So, as long as a few moron passengers learn to read their tickets, check before they go, then I don't think the loss to society in terms of a few missed flights and the wasted petrol, tolls, road usage of misdirected cabbies is going to outweigh the benefits to the community that two airports will bring.

But, hey, that is simply an opinion.

Well said.

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Tell me they are going to get that right in your local travel agent in country of origin!!

The reservation system won't allow the travel agent to book connecting flights with insufficient connection time.



OK. Lets assume that is correct, and the reservation system allows 5.245 hours to clear customs, change airports, & make check in for your next flight.

With flight delays of an hour or more due to bad sub-tropposheric weather patterns, a totally disorganised approach grid, customs delays while counting days, friday afternoon traffic etc. Do you really think this is a workable system?

I think the image of thailand's missmanagement of "national assets" is going to go from bad to worse. :D:D



Have you run an airport or worked with people who deal with these matters?

Actually, it would have made more sense to keep both of them open from the start. It would have provided passengers more choice, and over time, you'll see a level of competition between the two aiports. Remeber, although nominally, AOT runs both airports, the airforce still has alot of say in the running of Don Muang, so you've got to competitive forces right there and they'll agiate for more business over time (or at least the freedom to do business).

It was defientily highly inefficient, from a 'national assets' perspective, to have a perfectly usable sitting around doing nothing, when it could have been utilise to take pressure off Suvanaphumi, or god forbid, provide an alternate airport for airlines to handle their schedualling. From a finance perpersective, it was totally depricieated, and was a nice little earner for the RTG, AOT and Department of Transport.

Now, before you bang on about the latest cabinet decisions, as I said, things'll change. Having Don Muang handle the flights it handles now isn't sustainable. There are alot more economies of scale to be had from expanding usage of Don Muang.

At the end of the day, more choice for consumers, better prices due to competitive forces and airlines will have more bargining power in dealing with AOT over fees and charges (and thus not passing them on to consumers).

So, as long as a few moron passengers learn to read their tickets, check before they go, then I don't think the loss to society in terms of a few missed flights and the wasted petrol, tolls, road usage of misdirected cabbies is going to outweigh the benefits to the community that two airports will bring.

But, hey, that is simply an opinion.

I have never run an airport, will never have the inclination to do so.

And I do agree that running two airports can have some advantages.

But wouldn't it make more sense to run one airport for cargo puposes & private / govt flights, with the other only for passenger services. On mixed flights the cargo can be more easily ferried from one airport to the other than people & baggage.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to build the new airport with a size & scale capable of handling expansion for the next fifty years? With all the money that was "lost" on that project, they could have built a six runway job, with facilities to match. (oops they might have to employ farang ATC's for a landing pattern that large, joke..)

Don't worry about some moron passengers. :o They will always be there no matter what system is in place. nothing anyone can do about that!!

Just Opinions..



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just a quick example that misleading information does happen outside of Thailand also.

Brussels has 3 airports.

One is called Brussels National (Brussel Nationaal) just outside Brussels

One is called Brussels South (Not in Brussels but in Charleroi (40 Km away))

One is called Brussels North (Not in Brussels but in Antwerp (ca 50 Km away))



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Tell me they are going to get that right in your local travel agent in country of origin!!

The reservation system won't allow the travel agent to book connecting flights with insufficient connection time.



OK. Lets assume that is correct, and the reservation system allows 5.245 hours to clear customs, change airports, & make check in for your next flight.

With flight delays of an hour or more due to bad sub-tropposheric weather patterns, a totally disorganised approach grid, customs delays while counting days, friday afternoon traffic etc. Do you really think this is a workable system?

I think the image of thailand's missmanagement of "national assets" is going to go from bad to worse. :o:D



Have you run an airport or worked with people who deal with these matters?

Actually, it would have made more sense to keep both of them open from the start. It would have provided passengers more choice, and over time, you'll see a level of competition between the two aiports. Remeber, although nominally, AOT runs both airports, the airforce still has alot of say in the running of Don Muang, so you've got to competitive forces right there and they'll agiate for more business over time (or at least the freedom to do business).

It was defientily highly inefficient, from a 'national assets' perspective, to have a perfectly usable sitting around doing nothing, when it could have been utilise to take pressure off Suvanaphumi, or god forbid, provide an alternate airport for airlines to handle their schedualling. From a finance perpersective, it was totally depricieated, and was a nice little earner for the RTG, AOT and Department of Transport.

Now, before you bang on about the latest cabinet decisions, as I said, things'll change. Having Don Muang handle the flights it handles now isn't sustainable. There are alot more economies of scale to be had from expanding usage of Don Muang.

At the end of the day, more choice for consumers, better prices due to competitive forces and airlines will have more bargining power in dealing with AOT over fees and charges (and thus not passing them on to consumers).

So, as long as a few moron passengers learn to read their tickets, check before they go, then I don't think the loss to society in terms of a few missed flights and the wasted petrol, tolls, road usage of misdirected cabbies is going to outweigh the benefits to the community that two airports will bring.

But, hey, that is simply an opinion.

I wholeheartedly agree and it was only politics and pursuit of potential personal greed that DM was closed in the first place. At least the current regime has reversed that and followed the obvious business model.

As for the morons we shall all be able to spot them anyway as from previous threads they will all be wanting to push their trolleys down the escalators , complaining about the toilets, or looking totally dumbstruck as they realize ( or should ) 99.9 % of everybody else think they are stupid also.

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