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5 minutes ago, overherebc said:

That point is being looked into by the UK authorities.

The driver may have been told pick up a container of  xxxxxx, here's the manifest, and deliver to this warehouse in xxxxx. As you say, no reason for him to open a container that may? have had a customs lock on it.

Possible, but unlikely.  Just leave the container without any 'receiving' staff?

11 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Correct. The unit hadn't been in Bulgaria since 2017. Bought by an Irish individual/company who kept Bulgarian registration to avoid taxes.


Zero evidence (as yet) to the nationality or sex of the deceased or where they were loaded into the trailer.


That won't stop TV Brexiteers making up the facts to further their political ideology. 39 souls have died horribly. Shame on those trying to make political capital from this tragedy. Have they no shame?

BBC news reports said it was 37 adult males, and one teenager - and the police didn't believe they were Bulgarians.


But feel free to continue to insult brexiteers - to continue your ideology.

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, el torro said:

BBC news reports said it was 37 adult males, and one teenager - and the police didn't believe they were Bulgarians.


But feel free to continue to insult brexiteers - to continue your ideology.



"Deputy Chief Constable of Essex Police Pippa Mills said the vehicle had been moved to a secure site at Tilbury Docks so the bodies of the 38 adults and one teenager could be "recovered while preserving the dignity of the victims".


No mention of sex and the total is 39.


I have no need to insult Brexiteers, you don't need any help in doing that.

16 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

More than a tragedy this is an atrocity that should destroy any concepts that the western world is any different to any other part of the world when the outcome is due to the manipulation of the poor and desperate  for the sake of  callous greed!

RIP to the victims indeed.

and at the same scale as Asia  right? and with  collusion of  govt  officials right?

13 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

What has this to do with Brexit,? Why trot out this rubbish ,its terrible that they died but face it they were illegal immigrants ,trying to sneak into a country.this is illegal and anyone who disagrees should not insult others just because they wished to leave the EU ,this has nothing to do with that,

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


15 hours ago, Totoandlilly said:

But but but such a thing doesn't happen in the Western, according to the experts on thaivisa forum, and human trafficking as well, let's just face it, the member countries of the communist EU are literally helping human traffickers, they are standing few miles away from Libya ready to ship them into Europe, there is more and more brutality going on, and soon the Europe is done because of the EU and those soft political correct countries accept this, get rid of EU and Schengen if you want security,law and order, the Aussies know how to deal with this. If you don't put a dignose on the problem Europe face , then how could you solve it.


This is really disgusting, but you can't solve anything in that part of the world when those beaucrats in Brussel have stolen sovereignty and democracy from member states, lawless Europe. Rip 


4 hours ago, kingdong said:

A tragedy no doubt,unfortunately one that will be repeated until the uk tightens up its immigration laws which we,ll be able to for when we leave the eu,Britain is a skint little over crowded country,we simply cannot afford any more migrants we no longer have an empire or colonies and should stop punching above our weight in international affairs.

Of course these posters ignore the fact that the EU has zero say in our immigration policy from countries outside the EU and just spout their rhetorical bile in relation to this tragedy to strengthen their case for leaving te EU. IMHO disgusting.

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, orchis said:

It has now been established that the container traveled from Zeebrugge, Belgium to Grays, Essex.

Which 'might' indicate the people were loaded there rather than Bulgaria.

  • Like 1
37 minutes ago, el torro said:

BBC news reports said it was 37 adult males, and one teenager - and the police didn't believe they were Bulgarians.


But feel free to continue to insult brexiteers - to continue your ideology.


30 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:



"Deputy Chief Constable of Essex Police Pippa Mills said the vehicle had been moved to a secure site at Tilbury Docks so the bodies of the 38 adults and one teenager could be "recovered while preserving the dignity of the victims".


No mention of sex and the total is 39.


I have no need to insult Brexiteers, you don't need any help in doing that.

I stand by my post, but admit that I was wrong in the numbers.


I read the BBC link very early this morning, but even so would be suprised if I mis-remember that those that lost their lives in this appalling trade were male adults, and not from Bulgaria.


Re. your last para. - unlike you, I feel no need to insult those with a different opinion to myself.

  • Like 1
43 minutes ago, el torro said:

Possible, but unlikely.  Just leave the container without any 'receiving' staff?

Not sure how the system works. Receiving warehouses, do they have a customs rep' on hand to unlock containers. Can't see every container being opened and customs checked at the port of landing. The queue would be halfway across the North Sea.

17 hours ago, SteveB2 said:

This type of death during the smuggling of illegal immigrants is relatively common.

If so, smugglers seem to be ignorant. What's the point in 'smuggling' dead persons?

3 minutes ago, el torro said:


I stand by my post, but admit that I was wrong in the numbers.


I read the BBC link very early this morning, but even so would be suprised if I mis-remember that those that lost their lives in this appalling trade were male adults, and not from Bulgaria.


Re. your last para. - unlike you, I feel no need to insult those with a different opinion to myself.

I posted the latest BBC link. The sex of the victims hasn't been mentioned by the BBC or any other news outlet. The police haven't commented on that.


I don't feel the need to insult others with a different opinion to myself but I'm quite happy to insult someone who tries to make political capital out of such a tragedy, particularly when they use blatant falshoods to illustrate their point.

  • Like 1
32 minutes ago, Chazar said:

and at the same scale as Asia  right? and with  collusion of  govt  officials right?

Quite possible, yes. As anywhere people can be "persuaded" to abandon due diligence with sufficient graft.

4 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

I wonder how many of those that express such outright negativity and condemnation of refugees as  members of TVF who actually reside in Thailand as non compliant economic refugees? And  yet bemoan the Thai  authorities in their attempts to eliminate such illegitimate residents?

Consider the incongruousness of that.


They were Chinese illegal immigrants, real refugees do not have to pay thousands to criminal people traffickers. Nothing to do with Thailand.

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  • Confused 2
6 hours ago, mlkik said:

Surely if the Immigration laws become tighter there will be more and not less people being smuggled into the UK in containers ?

The fact that they were in a container means the current law prevents easy entry into the country.

So what's the answer?how about the death penalty for people smugglers for a start.

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, kingdong said:

So the slave trade is still alive and flourishing,all the more reason to adopt the Australian policy on immigration,and send them straight back when caught.

It's very difficult to catch them as they are kept hidden in safe houses and not allowed out.


You'll be pleased to hear that most of the survivors were deported back to China.

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

It's very difficult to catch them as they are kept hidden in safe houses and not allowed out.


You'll be pleased to hear that most of the survivors were deported back to China.

Not pleased at all,just saying this illegal immigration fiasco is reaching epic proportions which this country simply cannot afford,and must be addressed,let's get out own house in order before we keep acting as we,'re a world power.

  • Like 1
21 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

It's very difficult to catch them as they are kept hidden in safe houses and not allowed out.


You'll be pleased to hear that most of the survivors were deported back to China.

why not all of them as none had the right to be here in the first place. Shroud waving and crying about their plight does not make them. and the people in the lorry victims, nobody held a gun to their heads and made them come.

  • Like 1
20 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

You have been educated about what this is about (slave trade rather than 'normal' illegals) yet because it is not feeding into your echo chamber you are constantly trying to change the narrative. However lets address where you are trying to steer this.

Like most countries in the world the UK has it's fair share of illegal immigration but it is by no means the worst (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Asylum_statistics#Main_countries_of_destination:_Germany.2C_France_and_Greece)

and importantly has as strict a control on these things as it can possibly have. Just reaching the UK is the main hurdle as being an island nation it's a great deal easier to get to Italy and Spain (if you're coming from Africa) or Germany and the Nordic states (if your are coming from Afghanistan, Syria etc). This notion that we are 'reaching epic proportions' is not born out by facts which state- 

'The number of asylum applications to the UK peaked in 2002 at 84,132. After that the number fell sharply to reach a twenty year low point of 17,916 in 2010, before rising again to reach 32,733 in 2015. The number fell in 2018, to 29,380'.  https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/SN01403


But we know this doesn't feed into your narrative so I'm not hopeful that actual facts and figures will sway your opinion.

Lived in a country in Africa for a while so have witnessed at first hand "asylum seeking"at the time the uk left the Africans who fought on the wrong side were left to get slaughtered.

29 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

You have been educated about what this is about (slave trade rather than 'normal' illegals) yet because it is not feeding into your echo chamber you are constantly trying to change the narrative. However lets address where you are trying to steer this.

Like most countries in the world the UK has it's fair share of illegal immigration but it is by no means the worst (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Asylum_statistics#Main_countries_of_destination:_Germany.2C_France_and_Greece)

and importantly has as strict a control on these things as it can possibly have. Just reaching the UK is the main hurdle as being an island nation it's a great deal easier to get to Italy and Spain (if you're coming from Africa) or Germany and the Nordic states (if your are coming from Afghanistan, Syria etc). This notion that we are 'reaching epic proportions' is not born out by facts which state- 

'The number of asylum applications to the UK peaked in 2002 at 84,132. After that the number fell sharply to reach a twenty year low point of 17,916 in 2010, before rising again to reach 32,733 in 2015. The number fell in 2018, to 29,380'.  https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/SN01403


But we know this doesn't feed into your narrative so I'm not hopeful that actual facts and figures will sway your opinion.

The figures you quote are known immigrants,how many are here illegally?

32 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

You have been educated about what this is about (slave trade rather than 'normal' illegals) yet because it is not feeding into your echo chamber you are constantly trying to change the narrative. However lets address where you are trying to steer this.

Like most countries in the world the UK has it's fair share of illegal immigration but it is by no means the worst (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Asylum_statistics#Main_countries_of_destination:_Germany.2C_France_and_Greece)

and importantly has as strict a control on these things as it can possibly have. Just reaching the UK is the main hurdle as being an island nation it's a great deal easier to get to Italy and Spain (if you're coming from Africa) or Germany and the Nordic states (if your are coming from Afghanistan, Syria etc). This notion that we are 'reaching epic proportions' is not born out by facts which state- 

'The number of asylum applications to the UK peaked in 2002 at 84,132. After that the number fell sharply to reach a twenty year low point of 17,916 in 2010, before rising again to reach 32,733 in 2015. The number fell in 2018, to 29,380'.  https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/SN01403


But we know this doesn't feed into your narrative so I'm not hopeful that actual facts and figures will sway your opinion.


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