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Jomtien Condo Owners Sue For Sea View


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Mark you are not much of a sales manager, there is not a single post you have made that I can see that would inspire anyone purchase from the company you work for, your F@#k them we are right attitude is appalling. At least View Talay have had the good sense to shut up while the courts decide what is correct rather than trying to inflame the situation.

I'm not saying F@*k anyone, your word not mine, I thought this site was designed to be a forum for both sides to put their points across. Jomtien Condotel believe they are right, I KNOW we are right. Enough said.

It must make you feel great when you wake up in the morning and KNOW that you are right. This is something not too many people benefit from, the undeniable and inalienable right to KNOW they are right.

I envy you and the fact that you KNOW you are right. I hope that you stil KNOW you are right when things go against you.

I KNOW that things have a way of biting you on the arse when you are so cock sure that you are right.

Take a piece of humble pie and say that you think that you will be proven right. That would be a better way to state your opinion. :o

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Mark you are not much of a sales manager, there is not a single post you have made that I can see that would inspire anyone purchase from the company you work for, your F@#k them we are right attitude is appalling. At least View Talay have had the good sense to shut up while the courts decide what is correct rather than trying to inflame the situation.

I'm not saying F@*k anyone, your word not mine, I thought this site was designed to be a forum for both sides to put their points across. Jomtien Condotel believe they are right, I KNOW we are right. Enough said.

Your certainty and triumphalism remind me of George W. Bush in March, 2003.

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Isn't this thread going a bit offtopic?

I think it started as a topic about JCC/VT7 but the last 3 pages contain everything but information about it.

Maybe the moderators should split it into separate topics.

Would be much better to follow the issue.


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I agree this thread has gone right off thread. Mark Bowling and his slating of StopVT7 from his hidden agenda was one of the points where it went wrong. I have personally berrated StopVT7 for his exhuberance in his celebrations at a victory not yet won. Now we are confronted with a man so confident in his personally victory that he has lost sight of the point of this topic. There I am sure be little or no information regarding VT7 untill the November deadline for the courts decision.

Maybe this should be split into the original VT7 thread and this newly contrived thread what Indochine intend to do regarding still dissatisfied customers and what they will do regarding their new project almost certainly to come in at 4 floors that is 3 by European measurements.

What's next then young man? Will that Citismart projrct be another farce or what. Oh no another topic. Three way split required now.

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I agree this thread has gone right off thread. Mark Bowling and his slating of StopVT7 from his hidden agenda was one of the points where it went wrong. I have personally berrated StopVT7 for his exhuberance in his celebrations at a victory not yet won. Now we are confronted with a man so confident in his personally victory that he has lost sight of the point of this topic. There I am sure be little or no information regarding VT7 untill the November deadline for the courts decision.

Maybe this should be split into the original VT7 thread and this newly contrived thread what Indochine intend to do regarding still dissatisfied customers and what they will do regarding their new project almost certainly to come in at 4 floors that is 3 by European measurements.

What's next then young man? Will that Citismart projrct be another farce or what. Oh no another topic. Three way split required now.

Don't you also agree that several other people went off track when they claimed the land in front of Regatta had been sold? Trying scare tactics, am I not allowed to respond to such claims. I am wrong in that I previously thought about this forum being open for two points of view, it is completely one sided, filled with propagands and woe betide anyone who wishes to make a statement that goes against the grain. I wasn't aware that freedom of speech was not allowed on this site.

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I agree this thread has gone right off thread. Mark Bowling and his slating of StopVT7 from his hidden agenda was one of the points where it went wrong. I have personally berrated StopVT7 for his exhuberance in his celebrations at a victory not yet won. Now we are confronted with a man so confident in his personally victory that he has lost sight of the point of this topic. There I am sure be little or no information regarding VT7 untill the November deadline for the courts decision.

Maybe this should be split into the original VT7 thread and this newly contrived thread what Indochine intend to do regarding still dissatisfied customers and what they will do regarding their new project almost certainly to come in at 4 floors that is 3 by European measurements.

What's next then young man? Will that Citismart projrct be another farce or what. Oh no another topic. Three way split required now.

Don't you also agree that several other people went off track when they claimed the land in front of Regatta had been sold? Trying scare tactics, am I not allowed to respond to such claims. I am wrong in that I previously thought about this forum being open for two points of view, it is completely one sided, filled with propagands and woe betide anyone who wishes to make a statement that goes against the grain. I wasn't aware that freedom of speech was not allowed on this site.

By all means, Mark -- post away! I find your comments most enlightening.

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Mark, if you actualy read my post you can see that I admit going off thread myself. Not wishing to flame anyone however the insidious manner with which you came to this board and tried trolling was not right you should have been more open. That is one mistake you have made and one that cannot be put right easily. Naughty really.

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MarkBowling: I'm not saying F@*k anyone, your word not mine, I thought this site was designed to be a forum for both sides to put their points across. Jomtien Condotel believe they are right, I KNOW we are right. Enough said.

Yes it is and open forum!

Who far is the Regatta from the sea?

Who tall is the Regatta?

If you not over 200 meters from the sea shore and if The Regatta is higher then 14 meters from the road you will not build.

Thailand in a country of laws! :o

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On my way to the beach this morning saw equipment at Regatta site.

That's because they have all the necessary permits to build !


One can also see equipment at the VT7 site.

.........and concrete was being poured today and work was taking place on VT7

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On my way to the beach this morning saw equipment at Regatta site.

That's because they have all the necessary permits to build !


One can also see equipment at the VT7 site.

.........and concrete was being poured today and work was taking place on VT7

Well, if that is the case, then stopvt7 and others should video-tape the ongoings with the daily newspaper shown at the side to confirm the date of taking that tape. Then ask lawyers of stopvt7 to ask for an emergency hearing on vt7 breaking the court's order. If the court is satisfied with the evidence, then criminal proceedings would be made against vt7.

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On my way to the beach this morning saw equipment at Regatta site.

That's because they have all the necessary permits to build !


One can also see equipment at the VT7 site.

.........and concrete was being poured today and work was taking place on VT7

Well, if that is the case, then stopvt7 and others should video-tape the ongoings with the daily newspaper shown at the side to confirm the date of taking that tape. Then ask lawyers of stopvt7 to ask for an emergency hearing on vt7 breaking the court's order. If the court is satisfied with the evidence, then criminal proceedings would be made against vt7.

In my personal opinion and I don't know the facts of the case fully, I would say a decision has already been reached and the decision is in favour of VT7. I really cannot see VT7 being foolish enough to go against the courts decision, without some news of the verdict 'leaking out' first.

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.....and concrete was being poured today and work was taking place on VT7



You’re wrong!

NO ONE IS WORKING AT VT7! Only steel rusting!

Their court order to stop all construction work!

Thailand is a country of laws!

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On my way to the beach this morning saw equipment at Regatta site.

That's because they have all the necessary permits to build !


One can also see equipment at the VT7 site.

.........and concrete was being poured today and work was taking place on VT7

Well, if that is the case, then stopvt7 and others should video-tape the ongoings with the daily newspaper shown at the side to confirm the date of taking that tape. Then ask lawyers of stopvt7 to ask for an emergency hearing on vt7 breaking the court's order. If the court is satisfied with the evidence, then criminal proceedings would be made against vt7.

In my personal opinion and I don't know the facts of the case fully, I would say a decision has already been reached and the decision is in favour of VT7. I really cannot see VT7 being foolish enough to go against the courts decision, without some news of the verdict 'leaking out' first.

Why would you consider making public your opinion without knowing the facts? Are you suggesting that a decision has been made without "both" parties being notified?

Edited by DeputyDawg
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Well, in fairness, this is a forum where one can air their opinions regardless of how wide of the mark they may seem to some. Indeed, how many people actually know the facts?

How's about a poll on this thread, who thinks VT will win & who thinks JCC will win? or something along those lines...

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On my way to the beach this morning saw equipment at Regatta site.

That's because they have all the necessary permits to build !


One can also see equipment at the VT7 site.

.........and concrete was being poured today and work was taking place on VT7

Well, if that is the case, then stopvt7 and others should video-tape the ongoings with the daily newspaper shown at the side to confirm the date of taking that tape. Then ask lawyers of stopvt7 to ask for an emergency hearing on vt7 breaking the court's order. If the court is satisfied with the evidence, then criminal proceedings would be made against vt7.

In my personal opinion and I don't know the facts of the case fully, I would say a decision has already been reached and the decision is in favour of VT7. I really cannot see VT7 being foolish enough to go against the courts decision, without some news of the verdict 'leaking out' first.

Why would you consider making public your opinion without knowing the facts? Are you suggesting that a decision has been made without "both" parties being notified?

Because it's an opinion, something everyone is entitled to.

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Well, in fairness, this is a forum where one can air their opinions regardless of how wide of the mark they may seem to some. Indeed, how many people actually know the facts?

How's about a poll on this thread, who thinks VT will win & who thinks JCC will win? or something along those lines...

Thank you Ungabunga, at least someone can understand what I'm saying when I say 'in my opinion'. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, which some people here don't seem to understand.

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On my way to the beach this morning saw equipment at Regatta site.

That's because they have all the necessary permits to build !


One can also see equipment at the VT7 site.

.........and concrete was being poured today and work was taking place on VT7

Well, if that is the case, then stopvt7 and others should video-tape the ongoings with the daily newspaper shown at the side to confirm the date of taking that tape. Then ask lawyers of stopvt7 to ask for an emergency hearing on vt7 breaking the court's order. If the court is satisfied with the evidence, then criminal proceedings would be made against vt7.

In my personal opinion and I don't know the facts of the case fully, I would say a decision has already been reached and the decision is in favour of VT7. I really cannot see VT7 being foolish enough to go against the courts decision, without some news of the verdict 'leaking out' first.

Why would you consider making public your opinion without knowing the facts? Are you suggesting that a decision has been made without "both" parties being notified?

Because it's an opinion, something everyone is entitled to.

Like an Ars#hole? everyone has one, the difference is that you are posting on the forum as a person who cock sure he is right all the time.

Lets trace back, you came on anonymously trolling this forum stating you had insider knowledge of what was happening with VT7, posting rather argumentative posts about how much fun it was winding people up, only later was your real ID an motive revealed.

Again I will say you do not inspire confidence in prospective purchasers, I am suprised Trevor has allowed you to continue posting here and also working for him as a sales manager as you are doing nothing to re-affirm IA's position as a caring developer, caring in as neighbours and new and past purchasers.

Ever heard the saying "less is more" You are already damaged goods on here because of your initial posts so I doubt many will give much credibility to the opinions you make whilst admitting to "not knowing the facts of the case".

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How's about a poll on this thread, who thinks VT will win & who thinks JCC will win? or something along those lines...

I think that all the condo unit owners in the vicinity of the new building will be losers. I have read the entire thread and it seems to me that the property is awfully close to the shoreline and that this particular strip is being over developed. The dispute reminds me of the arguments that marked the crazy development of the miami beach area in the mid 1980's. Today the place is distinguished by; its glut of condos that haven't maintained the assumed value, increasing condo fees, unit holders that can't get insurance and where people are crammed onto a sliver of beach area in many parts. The net result is that the beach paradise is anything but. I got a hunch that the existing utility supply system (power, water, sewage) can't handle all this development and that something will have to give.

Seems to me the smartest people are the ones that are not so close to the beach and that can retain their privacy. Who wants to go out onto the balcony and see some droopy topless gal across the way or be so packed in that Pete the Perv can see into your bedroom?

Edited by geriatrickid
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How's about a poll on this thread, who thinks VT will win & who thinks JCC will win? or something along those lines...

I think that all the condo unit owners in the vicinity of the new building will be losers. I have read the entire thread and it seems to me that the property is awfully close to the shoreline and that this particular strip is being over developed. The dispute reminds me of the arguments that marked the crazy development of the miami beach area in the mid 1980's. Today the place is distinguished by; its glut of condos that haven't maintained the assumed value, increasing condo fees, unit holders that can't get insurance and where people are crammed onto a sliver of beach area in many parts. The net result is that the beach paradise is anything but. I got a hunch that the existing utility supply system (power, water, sewage) can't handle all this development and that something will have to give.

Seems to me the smartest people are the ones that are not so close to the beach and that can retain their privacy. Who wants to go out onto the balcony and see some droopy topless gal across the way or be so packed in that Pete the Perv can see into your bedroom?

This sort of overdevelopment is precisely what the co-owners of the Complex and the Condotel are working to stop. Our legal case is that it is also what the Ministerial Regulation and Buildings Control act are there to stop. We fully intend to pursue our case in the Administrative Court so that Dongtarn Beach does not become Miami Beach, or the Costa Del Sol, or Atlantic City, New Jersey, or so many other overdeveloped beachfronts. We may or may not win, but we are devoting our energy and our resources to the struggle. It's not just about our sea views, it's about the long-term quality of the Dongtarn Beach environment.

Edited by brooklynbridge
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You’re wrong!

NO ONE IS WORKING AT VT7! Only steel rusting!

Their court order to stop all construction work![/b][/i][/color]

Thailand is a country of laws!

Oh for goodness sake stopvt7.......please put a sock in it. Thailand maybe is a country of laws, as you are so very keen to let us know......but, for those of us who have lived here for more than twenty years, we know that it is NOT a country of justice.

I saw concrete being poured yesterday and I thought <deleted> :o Maybe, the contractors were just protecting what they had already built as I did say early on in this topic that the site floods with sea water when the tide comes in. Open your mind to this please.

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We may or may not win, but we are devoting our energy and our resources to the struggle. It's not just about our sea views, it's about the long-term quality of the Dongtarn Beach environment.

Some realism at last. Well said brooklynbridge. With this attitude, I hope that you win.

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How's about a poll on this thread, who thinks VT will win & who thinks JCC will win? or something along those lines...

I think that all the condo unit owners in the vicinity of the new building will be losers. I have read the entire thread and it seems to me that the property is awfully close to the shoreline and that this particular strip is being over developed. The dispute reminds me of the arguments that marked the crazy development of the miami beach area in the mid 1980's. Today the place is distinguished by; its glut of condos that haven't maintained the assumed value, increasing condo fees, unit holders that can't get insurance and where people are crammed onto a sliver of beach area in many parts. The net result is that the beach paradise is anything but. I got a hunch that the existing utility supply system (power, water, sewage) can't handle all this development and that something will have to give.

Seems to me the smartest people are the ones that are not so close to the beach and that can retain their privacy. Who wants to go out onto the balcony and see some droopy topless gal across the way or be so packed in that Pete the Perv can see into your bedroom?

This sort of overdevelopment is precisely what the co-owners of the Complex and the Condotel are working to stop. Our legal case is that it is also what the Ministerial Regulation and Buildings Control act is there to stop. We fully intend to pursue our case in the Administrative Court so that Dongtarn Beach does not become Miami Beach, or the Costa Del Sol, or Atlantic City, New Jersey, or so many other overdeveloped beachfronts. We may or may not win, but we are devoting our energy and our resources to the struggle. It's not just about our sea views, it's about the long-term quality of the Dongtarn Beach environment.

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On my way to the beach this morning saw equipment at Regatta site.

That's because they have all the necessary permits to build !


One can also see equipment at the VT7 site.

.........and concrete was being poured today and work was taking place on VT7

Well, if that is the case, then stopvt7 and others should video-tape the ongoings with the daily newspaper shown at the side to confirm the date of taking that tape. Then ask lawyers of stopvt7 to ask for an emergency hearing on vt7 breaking the court's order. If the court is satisfied with the evidence, then criminal proceedings would be made against vt7.

In my personal opinion and I don't know the facts of the case fully, I would say a decision has already been reached and the decision is in favour of VT7. I really cannot see VT7 being foolish enough to go against the courts decision, without some news of the verdict 'leaking out' first.

Why would you consider making public your opinion without knowing the facts? Are you suggesting that a decision has been made without "both" parties being notified?

Because it's an opinion, something everyone is entitled to.

Like an Ars#hole? everyone has one, the difference is that you are posting on the forum as a person who cock sure he is right all the time.

Lets trace back, you came on anonymously trolling this forum stating you had insider knowledge of what was happening with VT7, posting rather argumentative posts about how much fun it was winding people up, only later was your real ID an motive revealed.

Again I will say you do not inspire confidence in prospective purchasers, I am suprised Trevor has allowed you to continue posting here and also working for him as a sales manager as you are doing nothing to re-affirm IA's position as a caring developer, caring in as neighbours and new and past purchasers.

Ever heard the saying "less is more" You are already damaged goods on here because of your initial posts so I doubt many will give much credibility to the opinions you make whilst admitting to "not knowing the facts of the case".

Please check your quote, not what I said. An opinion, a bit like a brain everyone has one, except I'm having serious doubts about you 'Dawg'. If you don't believe we are right in developing the site, that's your opinion, you'll just have to wait and see.

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[ In my personal opinion and I don't know the facts of the case fully, I would say a decision has already been reached and the decision is in favour of VT7. I really cannot see VT7 being foolish enough to go against the courts decision, without some news of the verdict 'leaking out' first.

Why would you consider making public your opinion without knowing the facts? Are you suggesting that a decision has been made without "both" parties being notified?

Because it's an opinion, something everyone is entitled to.

Like an Ars#hole? everyone has one, the difference is that you are posting on the forum as a person who cock sure he is right all the time.

Lets trace back, you came on anonymously trolling this forum stating you had insider knowledge of what was happening with VT7, posting rather argumentative posts about how much fun it was winding people up, only later was your real ID an motive revealed.

Again I will say you do not inspire confidence in prospective purchasers, I am suprised Trevor has allowed you to continue posting here and also working for him as a sales manager as you are doing nothing to re-affirm IA's position as a caring developer, caring in as neighbours and new and past purchasers.

Ever heard the saying "less is more" You are already damaged goods on here because of your initial posts so I doubt many will give much credibility to the opinions you make whilst admitting to "not knowing the facts of the case".

Thank you. Well said. Now I understand. Previously, I was perplexed in reading his post.

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