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Britain set for December 12 election to break the Brexit deadlock

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11 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Getting back to the 16 year-old vote pipe dream and its inextricable linkage to the Remainers claims that only older and less educated people voted to Leave, how does the recent early retirement of MP's correlate with their estimated age, presumed education and possibly the status of their mortgage?


Assuming the broadly accepted generational age pigeonholes as follows:


  1. Traditionalist: age 75 and up.
  2. Baby Boomer: age 56 to 74.
  3. Generation X: age 44 to 55.
  4. Millennial: age 25 to 43.
  5. GenZ/iGen, etc: age 24 and under.

Since Brexit is claimed to be the folly of Group 1 and 2, it is reasonable to consider that the majority of both Leave AND Remain MP's were commensurate with Groups 2 and 3. This is bolstered by the fact that the average age of MP's seated after the 2017 fustercluck is 50. I would imagine that the few Millennial MP's were cut from the Remain cloth.


It would follow that the 'quitters' are mostly in Groups 2 and 3, the young to middle-aged Gen X MP's with big financial obligations (and a new Range Rover) thrown in and Ken Clarke getting out because Brexit decisions interfere with his nap time. It would be interesting (to me anyway) to see if any Millennial MP's are throwing in their towels early or holding out on a career path that will (hopefully) no longer lead to the MEP gravy train in Brussels.


Not at all sure I see the value of allowing the upper echelons of the GenZ/iGen/Centennials (let's just call them Zits since they can't even agree on a Screen Name yet) to fully engage in the debate yet. They have to focus on getting that all-important but increasingly valueless university degree while their parents complain that there's just no British tradesmen left when the AGA blows up in the west country holiday cottage.

All is not lost. I can't remember the TV programme but I was impressed with what looked like an even split of leave/remain from the selection of Gen Z schoolkids, with the leavers demonstrating the most maturity and best arguments.

3 hours ago, evadgib said:

- The various 'add-on' attempts failed for a number of reasons Trans, inc GDPR and child-related legalities.


- Blackford was ridiculed on politics live a few days ago for calling for Scotland to leave UK without a deal yet preventing HMG doing same re the EU ????


Here's a taster (the full interview was hilarious!????


Blackford and Bercow are joint top knobs in Parliament.

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4 minutes ago, nauseus said:

All is not lost. I can't remember the TV programme but I was impressed with what looked like an even split of leave/remain from the selection of Gen Z schoolkids, with the leavers demonstrating the most maturity and best arguments.

Great news indeed! We live in hope that those more mature and erudite youngsters make the most of their vocational education and further careers as bricklayers in the UK's nascent affordable home-building industry.

12 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Great news indeed! We live in hope that those more mature and erudite youngsters make the most of their vocational education and further careers as bricklayers in the UK's nascent affordable home-building industry.

Well it looks like vocational education will produce far more maturity than a BA course in snowflakery, delivered by left-leaning lecturers in some Blair era ex-polytechnic. Besides, brickies do a lot better for cash and prospects than a Frappuccino fiddler.

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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Where did I mention anything about origins? We all hail from an Ethiopian primate, apparently, but that is as relevant to my point as your response.

If we go back far enough we all came from the cooling chemical soup. As another (better) Johnson (Samuel) said on the evening of 7 April 1775, he made the famous statement, "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."

51 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Well it looks like vocational education will produce far more maturity than a BA course in snowflakery, delivered by left-leaning lecturers in some Blair era ex-polytechnic. Besides, brickies do a lot better for cash and prospects than a Frappuccino fiddler.

Apparently plenty of work for good brickies. 



10 hours ago, tebee said:



The great con-trick that wrecked Britain has three parts to the story:

Part 1: Thatcherism

Part 2: Austerity

Part 3: Brexit

Who's Roger Davis for f***s sake?

  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Well at least we know who you are now  with "we shall fight them on the terraces" what's good about that ?


21 minutes ago, vogie said:

Mark Francois on Sky News this afternoon, "if you want Brexit vote Tory, if you want remain vote Lib/Dem, if you don't know what you want vote Labour" ????????????

oh yes that tub of self-satisfied lard non-entity Mark Francois 


"He looked him in eye and said ‘yes Mark, we are leaving on the 31st’.  And I believe him. Parliament has never worked better. It represents the people and the people are split."



  • Sad 1
21 hours ago, izod10 said:

The people here to pity are the irish,they are in for one hell of a time under Boris.   Their main export into UK is finished,Boris will see to that,exports from Australia/NZ are targeting them

   Feels good to be going,really it does,all the jaw-jawing throughout the months(mainly irish) all for naught,but they are world famous for that,little wonder the English regard them as thick as pigs.hit

Hello Zorrow welcome back - so how did your countdown go to the No deal Oct 31st ? 

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1 hour ago, kingdong said:

Crawling back with their tails between their legs,didn,t take long for them to realise they,d got down to a wrong, ,un in backing remain.

Crawling back or Johnson needs them to get over the line ? 

Seriously in a classroom of 5 year olds you would struggle to work out the blindingly obvious (or working out the difference between commas and apostrophes) 

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3 minutes ago, Bruntoid said:

Crawling back or Johnson needs them to get over the line ? 

Seriously in a classroom of 5 year olds you would struggle to work out the blindingly obvious (or working out the difference between commas and apostrophes) 

Careful unlike their Grammar Nazi hero JRM the mods take a dim view of pointing out the obvious defects in some leaver's educational abilities. Or they may just be totally p&&ed as they hunch over their keyboards venting their considerable spleens. 

9 minutes ago, tebee said:

Happy Not Brexit Day to all on Thai visa

People keep telling us it's inevitable and we're naive for refusing to accept it -  for almost four years now.


But it's not happened yet. And it doesn't have to.

Oh! yes it does,and right before your eyes.  I treat today as Vic-tory day (delayed),but its magnificence is achieved,Tories will sweep away anything in their path come GE

14 hours ago, kingdong said:

Crawling back with their tails between their legs,didn,t take long for them to realise they,d got down to a wrong, ,un in backing remain.

Actually, the reason they would be back is because no-deal Brexit is currently sitting in a ditch.

  • Haha 1

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