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New electricity meters


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On 11/13/2019 at 10:17 AM, Guderian said:

Why not, they give them away free in the UK?

They are free initially but the cost is being added to your bill over the years, big con, currently the installation bill is £13 billion, the only benefit is for the Utility Companies who can sack all the Meter Readers.

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20 minutes ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

Unlike water bills which are still in antiquity.....

Here in Bangkok the MWA bills are the same was electric - done at location on hand printer after taking the reading and placed in mailbox,  

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10 hours ago, jacko45k said:

It would make people more conscious of their consumption timing. I would adjust my pool pump times to stay on cheap-rate and be less likely to use mid afternoon AC. 

The TOU (time of use) tarrif looks a lot more expensive than the regular tarrif, just look at the service charge.


https://www.pea.co.th/Portals/1/demand_response/Electricity Tariffs Nov61.pdf?ver=2018-11-21-145427-433

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7 hours ago, Crossy said:


It depends, the electronic meters are capable of measuring export power. How they react is down to how they are programmed, they are quite capable of going backwards (net metering). Unfortunately they are also quite capable of ignoring export, or worse, counting export power as consumed power and billing for it!


We won't actually know how they behave until someone with solar who is net metering actually gets one. Hopefully that's not going to be us any time soon.


Also, there are enough locals doing net metering that there will be a lot of noise made if the new meters don't account for it in the same way as the existing ones. 


Worst case will mean re-configuring our solar to be hybrid with batteries and "do not export" set ????


Yes I understand how a smart meter can work, its the feed in tariff that's the killer

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The other Concerns I've ever heard raised, is the one about WiFi cnonnectivity! We heard sporadic reports, of individuals being affected by the radiation; namely if the SmartMeter was mounted on the other side of your bedroom... 


anyhow, 8 years have passed since the Installation, and there is still no Smart Connection over the Net! - just the radiation 


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2 hours ago, Singhajon said:

Yes I understand how a smart meter can work, its the feed in tariff that's the killer

How can the feed in tariff be a killer? It can start from zero paid to you and only go up from there. Win no matter what.


You're not trying to discuss ROI are you? That's a different discussion completely.

Edited by emptypockets
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On 11/13/2019 at 8:39 PM, fforest1 said:

The Smart Meter subject is a very serious matter....I will not go into it all here but I would not let them put one on my house under any circumstance....

Do you use a mobile phone, a radio, television, computer etc? They produce far more emissions than a smart meters intermittent radio bursts ever would. Smart meters emit 1 million times less radiation than international guidelines 



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14 hours ago, wgdanson said:

The TOU (time of use) tarrif looks a lot more expensive than the regular tarrif, just look at the service charge.


https://www.pea.co.th/Portals/1/demand_response/Electricity Tariffs Nov61.pdf?ver=2018-11-21-145427-433

That 312.24 baht appears to be for people with 22kv supplies. Below it show 38.22/month, no big deal. (And the same as my consumption level anyhow per 1.1.2) Pretty sure not many houses will have 22,000 Volts feeding into them! So I am a bit confused by that! (Or am I getting it wrong?)

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52 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

That 312.24 baht appears to be for people with 22kv supplies. Below it show 38.22/month, no big deal. (And the same as my consumption level anyhow per 1.1.2) Pretty sure not many houses will have 22,000 Volts feeding into them! So I am a bit confused by that! (Or am I getting it wrong?)

Who knows, TIT. !   LOL

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I have seen a few digital meters around but i think that is as smart as it gets, unless the small hand held reader that the meter man uses and prints out the bill somehow can connect to them without physical input. years ago they would read the meter and a few days later come around with the bin. :coffee1:

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1 minute ago, fforest1 said:

The Smart Meter is heavily tied in with 5G they will both work together to monitor and regulate energy usage from everybody...So make of this what you will....  


From what I have seen so far, the spectrum that 5G will operate over in Thailand has only very recently been announced?

Did you perhaps mean Wi-Fi?

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30 minutes ago, justin case said:

smart meters and EMF  (and cancer)


look it up ...


it bursts EMF up to 10.000 times per day


dna damage, cancer anyone ?



extra:  can also spy when you are home / not home / etc...

If you don't want EMF just live in a faraday cage.


Image result for i live in a faraday cage

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20 hours ago, justin case said:

it bursts EMF up to 10.000 times per day

10,000 times a day, eh. Well my meter is 20 yards away so no problem.  I suggest there is more danger from your microwave or TV screen...or get a tin-foil hat.

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5 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

10,000 times a day, eh. Well my meter is 20 yards away so no problem.  I suggest there is more danger from your microwave or TV screen...or get a tin-foil hat.

more than likely the meter is inside it's wall mounted tin mini cabinet - which might 'seem' to shield the wifi emf from radiating... - but think of all the wiring feeding like veins all thru the house! 

think of an earlier (past 30 years) concept used for relaying FM signals throughout your home, via the internal wiring 


the resultant output of the wifi emf will have to be sufficient for the eventual plan to radiate the 'metered content' out as far as the street for when the meter van drives by.

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1 minute ago, tifino said:

the resultant output of the wifi emf will have to be sufficient for the eventual plan to radiate the 'metered content' out as far as the street for when the meter van drives by.

I have my home internet WiFi router sitting 2 feet away from me......it is everywhere these days. 

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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

I have my home internet WiFi router sitting 2 feet away from me......it is everywhere these days. 

and it's output is self regulated, by the signal quality monitoring feedback handshakes from the linked devices in that network


the Smart meter wifi is always putting out in seek mode, for a connection

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, Guderian said:

Does anybody know what they all are, especially the complicated one that's mostly 8's, and the one with smaller sized numbers embedded within larger ones 251119?

  1. Supply voltage
  2. LCD segment test
  3. Not sure, the 1s are not smaller, it's just the way the LCD is arranged
  4. Time
  5. Energy used (units)
  6. Supply voltage again
  7. Supply current.

2 is interesting as it shows a nice fat left pointing arrow which could indicate "export". It remains to be seen how these react to net-metering solar.


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Thanks, I'd figured them out except for 2 and 3. I'm still not sure what the third photo is telling us.


Apart from the possibility of being able to meter power exported from your property, there doesn't seem to be anything terribly smart about these meters, nothing I see there requires the internet. It'll be interesting to see if the billing method changes now so that we no longer have the meter reader coming once a month on his scooter. I guess that much would at least qualify as vaguely 'smart'.

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2 hours ago, Guderian said:

Thanks, I'd figured them out except for 2 and 3. I'm still not sure what the third photo is telling us.


Apart from the possibility of being able to meter power exported from your property, there doesn't seem to be anything terribly smart about these meters, nothing I see there requires the internet. It'll be interesting to see if the billing method changes now so that we no longer have the meter reader coming once a month on his scooter. I guess that much would at least qualify as vaguely 'smart'.


There's not much on the net yet, must be a pretty new unit.


But they do have a cellular interface so remote reading is possible, they also have a contactor (relay) so they can cut you off (and re-connect) remotely too.


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19 hours ago, Crossy said:

3. Not sure, the 1s are not smaller, it's just the way the LCD is arranged


15 hours ago, Guderian said:

Thanks, I'd figured them out except for 2 and 3. I'm still not sure what the third photo is telling us.

Photo Number 3 is the date.  251119 or 25th November 2019.

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On 11/12/2019 at 2:40 PM, Crossy said:

It's almost certainly some kind of "smart" meter, PEA have been talking to Huawei for some time.


Press Release from last year https://www.ryt9.com/es/prg/215072


Exactly what it's capabilities will be is unknown at present, but remote meter reading will certainly be one of them.


If you do end up with one some photos of the beast would be appreciated.


One of its capabilities is to let certain parties know when no energy is being used and for how long none has been used.


Such information could lead those certain parties to conclude that your home is empty.


Years ago in my London neighbourhood there was a spate of burglaries that occurred when the victims were on holiday. It involved the local milkman as he knew when folk were away as they had cancelled their milk.


These meters know when your house is unoccupied. That's why many folk will not entertain them.



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