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How has your life been ,good bad ,fantastic?

ivor bigun

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53 minutes ago, rumak said:

its not the good fortune.   its the bragging,  endless bragging.   but you would not know the difference ........however you sure knew who fit the description.  

I take pleasure in others good fortune.  And I empathize with those who have had some hard times. 

My post was not personally addressed to you so stop the trolling.  Guys with great lives don't always have to endlessly bore others with photos of what they eat for breakfast.  

Male cats that have been doctored, ever noticed how happy they seem?

You can sit them anywhere, they never go out, and they just eat, sleep and poop, totally happy and content.

I've always found some men to be the same, had the snip, or just low testosterone due to age or illness.


But do we really want to be those 'happy and content' men?

Edited by BritManToo
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Yes-it has been a fortunate life and certainly far better than the alternative!


Only three wishes unfulfilled as far as travel is concerned..


1.To see and experience the tango being danced in the Plaza Mayor in Buenos Aires..on a hot and sultry evening..

2.To sail thru' the Straits of Magellan on a sailing vessel or (alternatively) to see the Horn off the starboard bow...

3.To stand where my great uncle once stood on the 25th of April,1915 at ANZAC COVE,at Gallipoli-I missed that opportunity once and it has been a major regret ever since.


All three wishes are for the next life.

Edited by Odysseus123
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2 hours ago, rumak said:
On 11/15/2019 at 12:37 PM, villagefarang said:

Not sure why the good fortune of others would lead anyone to retch, but I guess it takes all types.????


I appreciate all the uplifting stories presented by others.????

its not the good fortune.   its the bragging,  endless bragging.   but you would not know the difference ........however you sure knew who fit the description.  

I take pleasure in others good fortune.  And I empathize with those who have had some hard times. 

My post was not personally addressed to you so stop the trolling.  Guys with great lives don't always have to endlessly bore others with photos of what they eat for breakfast. 

Your tireless devotion is so sweet and thank you for taking pleasure in others good fortune.????  Since you brought it up, what did you eat for breakfast, enquiring minds want to know.????

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Male cats that have been doctored, ever noticed how happy they seem?

You can sit them anywhere, they never go out, and they just eat, sleep and poop, totally happy and content.

I've always found some men to be the same, had the snip, or just low testosterone due to age or illness.


But do we really want to be those 'happy and content' men?

you're right on !   i got my bumps and bruises..... but wouldn't trade them for the boring lives that so many lead

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Well Ivor,


if there's a prize for the most posts, you are certainly in the running. We've done the god thing and I am blown away that that thread generated 246 pages of dribble.


In answer to your question, my life has been truly astounding, mainly because I took chances and followed up on each and every opportunity that came along, Lots didn't work out, but I'll never wonder what would have happened if I had tried it.


Forced out of the family home in the UK at 16 due to a divorce, I worked building sites until I could get a passport, then armed with a backpack and a desire to see the world, I travelled around Europe and North Africa for almost 10 years.


I had some amazing experiences that included wrestling with a bear in what is now Serbia, being held by Sudanese rebels (how I got out of that one, I'll never know) and generally taking things to the limit.


By the time I turned 30, I had a PhD in life and could survive anywhere in the world without money, then I decided to go further afield and came to Thailand in 86 and have been here ever since.


I am now a successful businessman and have a wonderful family, and every day I have to pinch myself to check that I am not dreaming.


Life is what you make it and I shook it by the ankles to see what was in store for me!!!!

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15 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

Well these days yes ,but that really is just age catching up ,but hey ,you cant keep going at it , and to be honest the first 60 years i had enough to last a load of lifetimes.????

Perhaps having a bigun has something to with that!!!!

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On 11/15/2019 at 8:52 PM, simon43 said:

My life has been ups and downs:


- Considered the 'black sheep' of the family by my parents, because I only managed to go to London University, as opposed to Cambridge. (Cambridge didn't offer the
course that I wanted to study).

- Married another student from college - all seemed good.

- Started a 15 year career in the satellite sector, designing systems and antennas for scientific, weather and TV channel satellites.  Great time of my life and very well
paid.  My wife and I enjoyed worldwide holidays, 3 cars, a holiday home in the UK and one in France.  Life was good and I had 3 beautiful kids.

- Established a 'one-man-band' SMS 'text-chat' and AI software business.  Life got better and I sold out for $2M+ and a board level position with the company who
purchased my business.

- Life started to go bad!  I developed aspergillosis illness from mold spores in the damp, underground office where I worked.  My health went downhill fast, pneumonia struck
many times and the depression of my illness took it's toll on my marriage.

- My doctor advised moving to a hot and humid climate (ie Thailand).  My wife didn't want to go!  We amicably divorced and I gave her the $1.5M country home that I had built in the Chiltern Hills, (complete with 5 acres of horse paddocks and a vineyard). My father cut me out of his will because of this divorce.
- I moved to Thailand and my health improved.  By accident, I met a cute bar-girl who was hot in bed (unlike my British wife).  After a reasonable period of relationship, we legally married.

- Life went downhill in a big way! My Thai wife turned to drugs and this triggered extreme bipolar episodes.  She was as mad as a coot!  She totally destroyed our marriage, our family life (we had a young son), and our hotel business in Phuket.  I was left totally (I mean TOTALLY) penniless...

- Life works in strange ways.  A friend invited me to teach at a private school in 'hardship' Yangon, (Burma was still under sanctions at that time).  I wasn't a teacher, but the salary was very good.  I moved to Yangon and was shocked to meet my class of .... 4 year old kindergarten kids!  A good challenge for someone in their mid-50's.

- During my time in Burma, I was hugely moved by the sight of impoverished kids, living in far worse conditions than I had ever seen.  I promised myself that because my life had turned around, I would try to do the same for these kids.  I established a charitable enterprise and began to donate school books to village and orphanage schools.

- I enjoyed the job at the private school, and was promoted to assistant principal of the school within 6 months.

- My new teaching career improved, and I was appointed headmaster and director of the international school in Luang Prabang, in north Laos.

- Further career moves took me back to Burma, where I taught at an international school in the strange new capital city of Naypyitaw.

- Finally, with an interest to teach online, I returned to live in Luang Prabang.  I now no longer teach in bricks & mortar schools.  I teach many hours online every day, teaching English, Science, Maths and History. My young students live in China, Hong Kong, Burma, Russia, Korea, Japan and the USA.


- Most of my friends are all dead, from alcoholism, diabetes, cancer, motorbike accidents, AIDs,murder and suicide.  Now that my lung health is OK again, I try to keep it that way by leading a very healthy lifestyle ==> exercise, good food, and zero stress.

- The experiences that I had with my English and mad Thai wife, (and I forgot to mention a third wife!), made me realise that I was happier living alone, without any female company.  I had been 'burnt' every time by my wives.  For the past 5 years or so, I have lived alone and have found much more happiness in my own company than I ever did when married.  I'm actually a very sociable person, but I view any woman's 'romantic' approaches with utmost suspicion.  I'm happy with my own company and passing on what little knowledge that I have to my students ????


PS - I didn't mention my 15 years working as a Tourist Police Volunteer, nor my time in a Thai prison, nor that I was forced out of Thailand by drug dealers who invaded and stole my $100,000 little hotel, with the help of the local police.....  No point raking over past events!

Good to see that you came though all that and are still kicking!

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On 11/15/2019 at 12:14 PM, rumak said:

oh,  times like this i really regret there is no "puke" emoji .......  


no, i am not jealous.   i have had lots of experiences and certainly do not regret the ones that

were not idyllic.   I am much more drawn to guys that have also done many things in life and

have tasted the bad as well as the good.    they tend not to brag as much,  for me a very favorable trait.

I spent 28 days sectioned under the mental Health Act ....

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14 minutes ago, geronimo said:

Perhaps having a bigun has something to with that!!!!

Well i never considered it that big ,and must admit that no girl ever looked in disbelief at it,certainly not like one did at a friend of mines back in the late 60s in London and said"your not sticking that in me"????

but i have been lucky as i said ,most of my life girls and women seemed to like me so i had a very good time 

as for the God thread ,yes i never thought that one would go on so long ,still posts every day ,i am amazed.

Now as i come to the last chapters in my life ,i am so lucky to have a wonderful wife and super family,also still able to do most of the things i enjoy .

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Just now, ivor bigun said:

Well i never considered it that big ,and must admit that no girl ever looked in disbelief at it,certainly not like one did at a friend of mines back in the late 60s in London and said"your not sticking that in me"????

but i have been lucky as i said ,most of my life girls and women seemed to like me so i had a very good time 

as for the God thread ,yes i never thought that one would go on so long ,still posts every day ,i am amazed.

Now as i come to the last chapters in my life ,i am so lucky to have a wonderful wife and super family,also still able to do most of the things i enjoy .

The final accolade could be POTY!!!!!!


I shall nominate you good Sir!!!

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It is with some apprehension that I approach this year's contest, as I will not be commenting on some other poor soul's demise, I'll be in the thick of it, indeed, I am taking lessons from Nancy on how to knobble another contestant without fear of being sussed, and I have just read the document that POTY contestants must sign prior to the contest commencing.


TV take no responsibility to what happens after the ordeal is over, and the only rules are that the first one past the post is the winner.


Looking forward to an exciting race .......

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On 11/16/2019 at 8:08 AM, thaibeachlovers said:
On 11/15/2019 at 3:04 PM, khunPer said:

I never got time to get married and have a family –

You were lucky!

Thanks, yes I suppose so.

I should add that it was planned, as I couldn't see to find neither time, nor money, to be a responsible parent at that time; however if it had just happened, it might have changed.


On the other hand, planning for being father late was a success for me, as I both had more time – early retirement – and in Thailand enough fund for an in-house combined maid and nanny, when my daughter was small. It worked very well, and I can recommend that solution, the nanny, as it might ease family pressure, and make everybody happy. Even it might be considered luxury today – it's a bit like in many middle class families in older time in the West – it's within financial reach in Thailand, whilst it might be impossible in many a home country.

Furthermore, it might be in my family genes being a father late; my dad was 50 years older than me, and my granddag 44 years older than my dad, so seems like we added 6 years per generation as I was 56...????

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On 11/16/2019 at 10:40 PM, rumak said:

well, i wasn't going to replay the whole post but........ i did...    This (and many other posts from the usual suspects) is what is interesting to me.  My belief is that many, if not most of the

guys that post here often and have been around thailand for a long time , have had more than the average fellows share of experiences.  Often that is why we somehow find ourselves strangers living in a strange land.   I am among those that had my ups and downs but still am grateful that I chose to spend most of my life here.  I definitely understand when posters have bad or frustrating experiences in Thailand, because I have lived almost all the phases and frustrations that one can encounter.   ( I do sometimes make the point that life has its challenges everywhere and every country) .  I think all in all I have come out of the adventures in life and amazing thailand in fairly good shape.  I guess that answers the question asked in the OP.

I once watched a tv program about Brits that moved to NZ. One couple that had a nice house on a great beach, good job, loved the life etc went back to the UK because they missed the pub. Takes all sorts, but IMO, only guys that have a bit of life experience would even want to live in LOS. It's really not a country for farangs that want routine lives where the evening down pub is the highlight of the day.

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On 11/17/2019 at 4:28 PM, Farangwithaplan said:

Yes, but that is not the reason for posting here.

For some it is.

I started on TVF way back because I wanted to warn others of a scam on a Phangan beach, but had I not joined then I'd have wanted to for sure after my divorce to warn mugs like me about Thai wives.

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45 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For some it is.

I started on TVF way back because I wanted to warn others of a scam on a Phangan beach, but had I not joined then I'd have wanted to for sure after my divorce to warn mugs like me about Thai wives.

I started ,just to find something out ,but honestly i only know one guy who was ripped off by his Thai wife , but lets face it there are dozens who were ripped off by their own country wives .

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3 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

I started ,just to find something out ,but honestly i only know one guy who was ripped off by his Thai wife , but lets face it there are dozens who were ripped off by their own country wives .

Sad is the man who got ripped off by a countrywoman and then married a Thai girl only to get ripped off by her too. They ain't different under the skin. Still bleed red.

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