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9 minutes ago, sakoo said:

I think you've been had with those prices. Of course you can eat for 20b, have you herd of roti canai? Or vegetable fried rice? Pad thai hold the egg still costs under 30b, especially if you ask in Thai, with a smile, and gentle voice. It helps if you're handsome (and the vendor is a lady). They will give it you, because it is also how much they would give themselves). The key is to connect with the locals so they stop looking at you like they do the white man/ Then it's an open door to local's prices. It's like that in every developing nation. You guys too readily accept what you'r told about economics and money. I see it as a deception to overcome. 

I thought you said further back, you have not been in Thailand for awhile, or was I wrong? 

13 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

You are certainly an interesting character Sakoo, and some of your comments have provided food for thought.


Just to get back to the camping gear issue, if you are primarily planning on staying in guest houses, I wouldn't bother with either a tent or a hammock. Most guest houses should have a hammock, and if not, you can pick one up for very cheap. I still don't understand why you want to bring a tent if you're planning on staying mostly in guesthouses.


One final observation I would offer is that you do seem to have used this thread to get a lot of pent up resentments off your chest. I'm not saying that some of the points you made are without merit, but just in case you aren't already aware, those types of geopolitical grievances can be pretty intense and confrontational, and would be pretty overwhelming conversation topics for most Thais. I'd encourage you to steer away from them when engaging with Thais.


I hope you have a good trip. I actually think that if you open yourself up to it, Thailand could potentially have a soothing effect on your spirit. 



Thank you for appreciating me, Gecko! It means a lot to me. 


The reason I want to bring a tent is because some guesthouses offer tent space so I can get a cheaper rate, for example 50b/night, also because the dorm is sometimes gross, and dirty and people have sex, and it smells, and others walk around half nude, and the conversations can be really explicit. Just a lack of privacy. And the private rooms are too expensive. So guesthouse camping appeals to me because I can eat off the menu, use the shower, toilet, socialize, and get privacy too all for 50b/night, or 300b/week. Something like that. I am not interested in backcountry camping on my own, that would be too lonely. I usually do that when I am hitchhiking in Australia or Canada for example, but not in Siam or anywhere else in Indochina. I use the older terms for the countries because of the age factor of members on this forum ???? 


As for the hammock, it is a mosquito net hammock in case the tent is too stuffy, or gets wet, I can then hang the hammock with permission from my friend, the guesthouse owner, and I would only stay in a guesthouse where I like the owner. The Dutch guy who runs the guesthouse for example probably wouldn't be him. He's too much into money. And the second reason I want the hammock because if camping is not available and the dorm is a gong show, I could then inquire about sleeping in my hammock and pay 25b/night or 200b/week. 


The tent and hammock just gives me more leverage in case the dorm doesn't work out. And sometimes I have a travel partner and we share a room and split the cost, that also works. Or 3 travelers in a triple. 2 in a twin. Those are also options. 


And yes I am not USING this threat, I feel it has used me, so I am simply responding. And what I say is very relevant to everyone, not just myself. I am bringing up issues to shed light in other people's closets, most don't like it, but some, like Owl, and Victor, and yourself seem to like it, and that is very encouraging to me. That there is hope in people yet. 


Other need a good kick to wake them up! And I know I am very intense, but the Lord made me that way for a reason, so He can use me when the time comes, and I am ready for whatever He sends my way. The geopolitical stuff is crucial, and I would never talk about that with most Thai's, I would speak Thai with most Thais, these topics are 100% for farang. And one of the reasons I am traveling to Thailand is exactly what you said, to have a soothing effect on my spirit. But my advice to you is to remember only the Lord can soothe our spirits, and not countries. 

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14 hours ago, Number 6 said:

I am actually very critical of SJW. Interesting how you equate them with me. They are self-hating white people. I am not one of them. And I certainly am not from some Ohio town. I know there are many Americans who hate America but believe me I don't agree with their approach. I am against both the Liberal and Conservative mindsets, whether European or American or Australian/. They are 2 sides of the same crumby coin and I will check that coin instead of choose one or the other. I suppose it is easier for you to group me with them so you can throw me away faster, but please don't do that, it will only hurt your in the end. I find San Francisco and West Texas both equally reprehensible. And I wouldn't want to raise my family anywhere in the USA. That place really messes up your kids, especially Hollywood. The music videos people watch nowadays, wow. What a horrible way to raise kids, by sitting them down in front of screens and feed them junk food, like KFC. And I don't have any debt, I found university to be a major deception and a massive business. I learned the ropes by traveling and doing investigative research. And I know you are trying to put me down but I can read through your bruised feelings. Look higher, junior. And see beyond the headlines. And I have already made it in Thailand 3x. I will be there again, speaking Thai and making Farang like you feel intimidated by your lack of adequate language skills. And I will avoid the SJW's at Haad Rin like the plague, and the drunkards at the Muay Thai ring as well. You see, I don't fit into any of these boxes you conjured up for me. They are all bad. None of them are right and good. But I hope you can embrace me one day. I will help you, if you only ask. Owl, Victor, and Gecko will also help you, if you ask. 


20 minutes ago, sakoo said:

That there is hope in people yet. 

Who knows Sakoo, there may even be hope for you! What do you think, let us know in 300 words or less!

  • Thanks 1
24 minutes ago, Tagged said:

I thought you said further back, you have not been in Thailand for awhile, or was I wrong? 

I have been to Thailand many times, 3x, twice 15 years ago, and then again 10 years ago. I also visit Laos everytime I go to Thailand. That way, I enhance my language skills. As 25% of Thai people are originally Lao. I also speak Chinese so I can communicate with the other Thais in Mandarin. This really irks the Farang. You should see the look on their face when they find out I speak both Thai and Chinese. They're steaming deep inside. The sarcastic smirk on their face quickly fades away. 

31 minutes ago, Tagged said:

No, I just asking to take your meds, before you go over the top in your cleverness, brilliance and superfast hypermode thinking. It can be to much for most, even you. 


50 post in a morning even before breakfest, is quite remarkable

You can imagine what I must be like in real life. And the reason I can type so quickly is because I have a lot to say and really care about saying it. Also, I am in early retirement. My economic choices in life allowed me to find a loophole around the rat race and not have to work for a living. But at the same time I am a workaholic as you can see with my post history. It is a paradox. but one I understand. Other people usually give up on me very quickly because I don't fit in to their boxes. The first question everyone asks me is WHERE ARE YOU FROM? I never answer and it enrages them, because they really want to know why I am so different from the masses. As if it is because of my race. The real reason is because I am made this way for a purpose. As I get older, it will manifest itself. But he world has to deteriorate much more than it already has before people start to take what I have to say more seriously. Right now, I am just annoying or interesting, maybe a bit more to some. But most find me perplexing it and need to have a drink or smoke to get back to their reality.  

54 minutes ago, sharecropper said:

I just read through this thread and I can't understand why it is still running. The OP has been disgustingly racist in almost every post. If I wrote these posts referring to "Black Men" or "Yellow Men" I can guess what would happen to me. Instead this arrogant, penniless idiot has gotten away with it for pages and pages.

People are racist, mate. It is called the fallen world. The more people in the world, the mos racist it becomes. Countries are racist, including the racist Thais. White people are racist. Everyone is racist. EVERYONE. And remarks about Indians have already been made, so why didn't you mention that? Could it because you approve of certain racism over others? Why react negatively when people talk about white people? Could it because you think white people are great and don't deserve a good talking down to? Well, they do. They are too proud of themselves. They need their <deleted> humbled by someone from another race. So they can finally realize racism is wrong. And everyone is arrogant, because it is 2019. I promise you the arrogance will only increase as we roll into the 2020's. Young people are the most arrogant of all. They are almost intolerable. And I am not poor or penniless, you got the wrong idea about me. I usually invite people for food and drink after I screen them first. And the reason I am talking to you is to help you. I don't benefit from typing so much, do I? 

1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

OK, I revise my opinion, you're a Brit. Sorry Americans, the shame is all ours!

Why because of the way I spelled behaviour vs behavior? It doesn't always work like that, sport. There are other factors at play. And remember I have traveled the world. I change my speaking and writing style at random. By the way, your approach to sex and marriage will cost you one day. It will cost you a spirit. I suggest you turn away from such things while you still can. There is no benefit in boasting about sexual immorality. 

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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

"The best example is how little Western people know about the Soviet assistance provided in WW2 for example to topple Nazi Germany."


I don't think I've met anyone that doesn't know that. You might be surprised to learn that there are many people on this forum know far more than you about WW2, they've lived it.


You're grouping me again. I am not a millennial. I come from a different age group. And I grew up in a different time. And I speak many languages, English is just one of them. Whether it is native or not is an unknown to you. For all you know, English is the 2nd or third language I learned as a child. So don't box me. You will usually get it wrong. And most people think the USA saved the world from Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union is the evil empire. If it wasn't for the Russians and the 10 million people they gave, Europe wouldn't have made it, even if the US helped them. So that is what I meant. There is virtually no history lesson in public education in the West today praising the Russians/ It's all about the USA saving the day. We can see now just how useless the US army is. They can't even win in the Middle East, not once, except for the first Gulf War, and that wasn't even them entirely. Their military power is exaggerated and that is why they need to fight with drones, planes, ships, cyber or proxy, because on the ground, even their best marines are no match for the local people, even with all their technology, they still lose people because they have many flaws and weaknesses, faulty intelligence is the biggest one. 

9 hours ago, Denim said:

Yala is pretty cheap. Off the tourist trail so no sex tourists or backpackers. As it is in the restive south they don't get many visitors but those that do go are very welcome. Basic accommodation easily found for 100 a night and if you don't mind small portions then a bowl of noodles can be had for 15 baht. 


Possible to sleep at temples and accompany the monks on their alms giving rounds. The food the monks dont eat is given to the poor but weary travelers are welcome. No need to use a tent since there is usually an empty novice monk place available. Basic but better than a tent.


By moving around and only eating one good meal a day it is possible not to spend any money at all. But moving from one temple to the next is done on foot unless someone is going your way. You can even make a very little bit of money on the way by giving English practice lessons, necessarily cheap because you are living amongst the poor and seeing the country as a tourist never can.


Sometimes , you can get lucky and attend a wedding with the monks who are paid to be in attendance. You can expect a cut if you ate assisting the monks.


If you get bored seeing the real Thailand and want to go to Bangkok you can go free by bus if you are not in a hurry.


Just jump on any bus and go to the back if the bus. When the conductor comes you can pretend you have been robbed but only just found out the fact. Spin this charade out as long as possible since while the bus is moving it is ticking off the mileage.


Two things can happen. You get kicked off the bus so you have to get the next one and repeat, or someone will feel sorry for you and pay your fare.


Oh yes, it is still possible to travel the length and breadth of Thailand not only for free but if you are careful and not fussy to turn a modest profit.


This way , the OP can be truly proud of himself that he has not been taken advantage of and has made many Thai friends along the way.

A lot of posts on this thread are treating the OP (sakoo) as a freeloader. Not so, in my opinion. He is just trying to travel, meet people, help people and experience new things.


Advice to sakoo section.


In my local market they sell a chicken soup. I guess it's the same throughout Isaan. There's not much solid chicken; I think mostly the sellers just dunk a bit and hold for 5 seconds or so. But sometimes there is a chicken foot. if you are not into eating feet, (I'm not) ask them to remove it for a rduced price.


There is an abundance of free food in Thailand. Fruits and vegetables grow by the side of the road. Just need to know what to look for. There are mushrooms in the woods, and edible snakes (see pic) everywhere. Just need to brush up on the snakes of Asia, as catching the wrong one might lead to discomfort.




Obviously if you do grab a snake you will need to cook it. Starting a fire in the wild can be frustratingly difficult, so do keep a lighter with you, unless you are an expert like me, in which case ignore this sentence. 


When I started adventuring, a seasoned wild man told me to dig out a little hollow for the hip when you sleep in the wild. Don't do this sakoo. Terrible advice; in fact I think he was having a jest with a rookie (me) when I look back now. With that in mind, I can't offer you any better advice than to take a blow up beach bed. They take up so little room and are light. I have a dodgy hip and find it impossible to rest on a hard floor. If you are OK with that, then fine, but just keep it in mind. You never know where your sojurn might be.


Good luck with your journey through Asia and life.


Peace and respect.

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15 minutes ago, sakoo said:

You can imagine what I must be like in real life. And the reason I can type so quickly is because I have a lot to say and really care about saying it. Also, I am in early retirement. My economic choices in life allowed me to find a loophole around the rat race and not have to work for a living. But at the same time I am a workaholic as you can see with my post history. It is a paradox. but one I understand. Other people usually give up on me very quickly because I don't fit in to their boxes. The first question everyone asks me is WHERE ARE YOU FROM? I never answer and it enrages them, because they really want to know why I am so different from the masses. As if it is because of my race. The real reason is because I am made this way for a purpose. As I get older, it will manifest itself. But he world has to deteriorate much more than it already has before people start to take what I have to say more seriously. Right now, I am just annoying or interesting, maybe a bit more to some. But most find me perplexing it and need to have a drink or smoke to get back to their reality.  

Well frankly, it is to easy to go to high, and fall to low and hard when you abuse your brain in such a way. To brilliant at time, and then, I guess you know yourselves after experience how reality is. But if you find a little bit more mellow way, you would last longer. Just an friendly advise. 


I guess there is reasons you have to manage to get early retirement as well. 


Remember to breathe, and keep on breathing, relax, lay back, and enjoy. God sake do not try to impress us with your cleverness, since if you are half that good as you say, you really do not need to bragg about it. At least not here. 

3 minutes ago, sakoo said:

By the way, your approach to sex and marriage will cost you one day. It will cost you a spirit. I suggest you turn away from such things while you still can.

It's cost me more than one spirit. My current gik is milking me for Jaegerbombs.


My father taught me that religion is the opium of the masses after his experience as a 12 year old when he was sexually abused by an abbot in a monastry in Tangiers. Don't preach that religious nonsense to me, I'm an evangelical athiest!

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14 minutes ago, sakoo said:

And the reason I am talking to you is to help you.

I've worked it out, you are the Messiah!

5 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

A lot of posts on this thread are treating the OP (sakoo) as a freeloader. Not so, in my opinion. He is just trying to travel, meet people, help people and experience new things.


Advice to sakoo section.


In my local market they sell a chicken soup. I guess it's the same throughout Isaan. There's not much solid chicken; I think mostly the sellers just dunk a bit and hold for 5 seconds or so. But sometimes there is a chicken foot. if you are not into eating feet, (I'm not) ask them to remove it for a rduced price.


There is an abundance of free food in Thailand. Fruits and vegetables grow by the side of the road. Just need to know what to look for. There are mushrooms in the woods, and edible snakes (see pic) everywhere. Just need to brush up on the snakes of Asia, as catching the wrong one might lead to discomfort.




Obviously if you do grab a snake you will need to cook it. Starting a fire in the wild can be frustratingly difficult, so do keep a lighter with you, unless you are an expert like me, in which case ignore this sentence. 


When I started adventuring, a seasoned wild man told me to dig out a little hollow for the hip when you sleep in the wild. Don't do this sakoo. Terrible advice; in fact I think he was having a jest with a rookie (me) when I look back now. With that in mind, I can't offer you any better advice than to take a blow up beach bed. They take up so little room and are light. I have a dodgy hip and find it impossible to rest on a hard floor. If you are OK with that, then fine, but just keep it in mind. You never know where your sojurn might be.


Good luck with your journey through Asia and life.


Peace and respect.

Thank you Owl, you are correct I am just looking for experiences and I pay my way especially toward the humble people of the world. 


Where in Isan do you live? I don't eat animals but I would like to know more about free veggies and fruit and regarding this blow up beach bed, what material should it be made from? And can it fit into a backpack, if I also have a pop up tent and camping hammock in tow as well? I can perhaps put the beach bed inside the tent instead of taking a rolling sleeping mat, as those are really bulky. 


Also can I find one without the air pump? Those are really bulky and is then the only option blowing into it? 

5 minutes ago, sakoo said:

And I grew up in a different time.

Late 17th century?


6 minutes ago, sakoo said:

And most people think the USA saved the world from Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union is the evil empire.

Not in Europe they don't.

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58 minutes ago, sakoo said:

Thank you for appreciating me, Gecko! It means a lot to me. 


The reason I want to bring a tent is because some guesthouses offer tent space so I can get a cheaper rate, for example 50b/night, also because the dorm is sometimes gross, and dirty and people have sex, and it smells, and others walk around half nude, and the conversations can be really explicit. Just a lack of privacy. And the private rooms are too expensive. So guesthouse camping appeals to me because I can eat off the menu, use the shower, toilet, socialize, and get privacy too all for 50b/night, or 300b/week. Something like that. I am not interested in backcountry camping on my own, that would be too lonely. I usually do that when I am hitchhiking in Australia or Canada for example, but not in Siam or anywhere else in Indochina. I use the older terms for the countries because of the age factor of members on this forum ???? 


As for the hammock, it is a mosquito net hammock in case the tent is too stuffy, or gets wet, I can then hang the hammock with permission from my friend, the guesthouse owner, and I would only stay in a guesthouse where I like the owner. The Dutch guy who runs the guesthouse for example probably wouldn't be him. He's too much into money. And the second reason I want the hammock because if camping is not available and the dorm is a gong show, I could then inquire about sleeping in my hammock and pay 25b/night or 200b/week. 


The tent and hammock just gives me more leverage in case the dorm doesn't work out. And sometimes I have a travel partner and we share a room and split the cost, that also works. Or 3 travelers in a triple. 2 in a twin. Those are also options. 


And yes I am not USING this threat, I feel it has used me, so I am simply responding. And what I say is very relevant to everyone, not just myself. I am bringing up issues to shed light in other people's closets, most don't like it, but some, like Owl, and Victor, and yourself seem to like it, and that is very encouraging to me. That there is hope in people yet. 


Other need a good kick to wake them up! And I know I am very intense, but the Lord made me that way for a reason, so He can use me when the time comes, and I am ready for whatever He sends my way. The geopolitical stuff is crucial, and I would never talk about that with most Thai's, I would speak Thai with most Thais, these topics are 100% for farang. And one of the reasons I am traveling to Thailand is exactly what you said, to have a soothing effect on my spirit. But my advice to you is to remember only the Lord can soothe our spirits, and not countries. 

'Messiah complex' Total flake, chip on shoulder, ageist. Self important. Wont last a minute here.  Troll. I wish he would do a you tube video.

  • Like 1
17 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

It's cost me more than one spirit. My current gik is milking me for Jaegerbombs.


My father taught me that religion is the opium of the masses after his experience as a 12 year old when he was sexually abused by an abbot in a monastry in Tangiers. Don't preach that religious nonsense to me, I'm an evangelical athiest!

That's why you you don't join a church, junior. Your join with the Lord directly cutting out the disgusting middle man, in this case, your father if he did job as a father should have taught you about the ways of the Lord, instead he filled your head with the ways of men, and that is why you ended up so immoral, especially toward women. They are our wives and mothers and sisters, not objects to desire. Also you should never send your child off to be taught by religious men, that is the job of every child's biological father (and only). And I will say that and more to you, if you will listen. Someone has too, otherwise I will cry for your lost soul. There is no future in atheism. It is a massive deception. Look at today's modern atheist. Foul-mouthed, usually and proud. Boasting. No admirable qualities. Forever doomed to linger in brothels and bars. 

23 minutes ago, Tagged said:


Remember to breathe, and keep on breathing, relax, lay back, and enjoy. God sake do not try to impress us with your cleverness, since if you are half that good as you say, you really do not need to bragg about it. At least not here. 

I am not trying to brag, just explain myself so you stop making stuff up about me because you don't have the information. How have I abused my brain? And makes you think I am not mellow? Early retirement was given to me, I did not really seek it. It allows me free time to talk to you guy about important topics so to snap some of you out of your wickedness. And I actually laying back when I type all this, I sometimes forget to breathe deeply. And I am not trying to impress you, just help you. And I don't understand what I said that's like bragging? 



18 minutes ago, sakoo said:

Thank you Owl, you are correct I am just looking for experiences and I pay my way especially toward the humble people of the world. 


Where in Isan do you live? I don't eat animals but I would like to know more about free veggies and fruit and regarding this blow up beach bed, what material should it be made from? And can it fit into a backpack, if I also have a pop up tent and camping hammock in tow as well? I can perhaps put the beach bed inside the tent instead of taking a rolling sleeping mat, as those are really bulky. 


Also can I find one without the air pump? Those are really bulky and is then the only option blowing into it? 

You do realise the advice from Owl sees all about snakes, mushrooms,free food, eating from the roadside is utter nonsense that will kill you!? A Lilo! He's taking the pîśś!

6 minutes ago, sakoo said:

Thank you Owl, you are correct I am just looking for experiences and I pay my way especially toward the humble people of the world. 


Where in Isan do you live? I don't eat animals but I would like to know more about free veggies and fruit and regarding this blow up beach bed, what material should it be made from? And can it fit into a backpack, if I also have a pop up tent and camping hammock in tow as well? I can perhaps put the beach bed inside the tent instead of taking a rolling sleeping mat, as those are really bulky. 


Also can I find one without the air pump? Those are really bulky and is then the only option blowing into it? 

I live just south of Nong Khai. In a small village, but also live at our farm.


The blow up beach bed can be purchased almost anywhere. They are used a lot at swimming pools. Mostly blue, but can be other colours if you don't like blue. I like green myself, or brown (hard to find), but my daughter prefers orange. Check on the length of the item before purchasing. Get one that is too short and your feet - or your head - will stick out when you are sleeping. Sometimes the small valve, which you use for blowing into, becomes unfuntionable, due to unreasonable abuse. So particularly look after this part. I think the modern beach beds are made from a vinyl or similar.


Doubles are available, which can be handy if you bump into a female adventurer, as you can share both food and bed.


Peace and respect. 

Just now, sakoo said:

I am not trying to brag, just explain myself so you stop making stuff up about me because you don't have the information. How have I abused my brain? And makes you think I am not mellow? Early retirement was given to me, I did not really seek it. It allows me free time to talk to you guy about important topics so to snap some of you out of your wickedness. And I actually laying back when I type all this, I sometimes forget to breathe deeply. And I am not trying to impress you, just help you. And I don't understand what I said that's like bragging? 



Well, thats funny, you try to help me. Well, finished with breakfest, two cups of coffe, news, some time consuming TV posts for no value, except getting bored, and off to gym. Healty mind healty body ???? 


Good luck

4 minutes ago, sakoo said:

That's why you you don't join a church, junior. Your join with the Lord directly cutting out the disgusting middle man, in this case, your father if he did job as a father should have taught you about the ways of the Lord, instead he filled your head with the ways of men, and that is why you ended up so immoral, especially toward women. They are our wives and mothers and sisters, not objects to desire. Also you should never send your child off to be taught by religious men, that is the job of every child's biological father (and only). And I will say that and more to you, if you will listen. Someone has too, otherwise I will cry for your lost soul. There is no future in atheism. It is a massive deception. Look at today's modern atheist. Foul-mouthed, usually and proud. Boasting. No admirable qualities. Forever doomed to linger in brothels and bars. 

Stop preaching. Now you sound Oirish.

1 minute ago, Olmate said:

Would love to hear of your hitching in Oz, did you spot any drop bears?

In time! After you have been screened. 

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