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UK PM Johnson says Brexit transition period will not be extended


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23 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

The Bill had to clear the HoL .where the Government placed 102 amendments. The government came to agreement to allow it pass the HoL 

The HoL independantly came to an agreement to not allow filibustering and reject amendments. Zero input from Johnson/Tory government.




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51 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

History tells us that the Tory party had a 14 point lead at the start of the 2017 election campaign, which all but dissapeared by polling day. The Tory party currently has a 10 point lead.


Does this tell us that Labour are going to win the election?


No. It tells us that May lost her lead due to the idiotic social welfare policies in the first draft of the 2017 Tory manifesto.

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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

No. It tells us that May lost her lead due to the idiotic social welfare policies in the first draft of the 2017bTory manifesto.

It actually tells us the opposite. The manefesto was revealed before the start of campaigning, yet the Tories subsequently had a 14 point lead in the polls.


The only thing it tells us is that leads can be lost during an election campaign. Even in my book, the tories stand to win by a clear majority, but never count your chickens before they're hatched.

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2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

It actually tells us the opposite. The manefesto was revealed before the start of campaigning, yet the Tories subsequently had a 14 point lead in the polls.


The only thing it tells us is that leads can be lost during an election campaign. Even in my book, the tories stand to win by a clear majority, but never count your chickens before they're hatched.

You are not reading, just writing.

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4 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Latest polls indicate a Boris/Tory clear majority of 60 seats. I find that hard to imagine, but that is clearly what is being forecast.

Polls are universally unreliable and are usually proved to be wrong.  Having said that I am not surprised by it showing the Tories with a strong lead.  With Labour still sitting on the fence and Corbyn in charge it is unlikely that people would admit to wanting to vote for them.


It would be much simpler if the main parties ditched all this campaign brown stuff and just simplified their approach.  After all this is just about Brexit and all the rest is hot air and empty promises.  How about


Vote Tory for a no-deal Brexit

Vote Labour for a second referendum

Vote Lib Dems to stop Brexit.


That would at least de-personalise it.  It then wouldn't be about voting for Boris or Corbyn or that Swinson woman.  It would cut through all the bluster and leave you with a clear distinction.  It would in effect be another referendum but that is what it more or less is anyway.  All the rest is just window dressing. 

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Didn't finish my last post properly.  By having a definitive position on Brexit MPs could decide if they wanted to stay put or move across the floor.  No longer the need for leavers and remainers in the same party.  Of course that would mean a leadership challenge within each party.  Never going to happen I know but it would bring some clarity to this fiasco.

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5 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

They have never voted against a deal that will do minimal damage to the economy. They even proposed one which May rejected.


How did they vote in invoking Article 50? For or against?

Money money money. The economy. GDP.


Even if your doomsday predictions are correct (which they aren't) is that really all you care about?


I get the distinct impression that most remainers would sell their own grandmothers for a 5% increase in GDP or 10% on the pound. 


Pretty sad state of affairs when people are so skint that they would sell out their own country for a % of gdp or 10,000 baht a month extra on their pension. Fortunately you guys are the minority and always will be.

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10 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Pretty sad state of affairs when people are so skint that they would sell out their own country for a % of gdp or 10,000 baht a month extra on their pension. Fortunately you guys are the minority and always will be.

And yet the pensioners were predominantly those voting leave and the leave campaign was all about how we would have more money if we left the EU, AKA the bus.

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May's election disaster happened because she had the personality of a brick.

May made ill judged TV appearances where this was highlighted even more.

Corybn came across as a robin hood character in an age of austerity.

He is a good campaigner and will always have the support of the something for nothing brigade.

For example, non taxpayers playing the benefit system and a bunch of university students, not to mention the unions.

Sir John Curtice says the chances of a Corybn majority is as close to zero as possible.

He agrees with the bookies 4/7 on for a Tory majority.

Lib Dems and Brexit party poll ratings are going down.

Corybn should do well in the TV debates.


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31 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Money money money. The economy. GDP.


Even if your doomsday predictions are correct (which they aren't) is that really all you care about?


I get the distinct impression that most remainers would sell their own grandmothers for a 5% increase in GDP or 10% on the pound. 


Pretty sad state of affairs when people are so skint that they would sell out their own country for a % of gdp or 10,000 baht a month extra on their pension. Fortunately you guys are the minority and always will be.

Not a sad state of affairs at all , it's what any sane person would do. Why do you think Johnson wants a no deal Brexit? Money, money, money.

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1 minute ago, WillyPlatt said:

May's election disaster happened because she had the personality of a brick.

May made ill judged TV appearances where this was highlighted even more.

Corybn came across as a robin hood character in an age of austerity.

He is a good campaigner and will always have the support of the something for nothing brigade.

For example, non taxpayers playing the benefit system and a bunch of university students, not to mention the unions.

More of the same this time, then. Labour victory?

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53 minutes ago, WillyPlatt said:

May's election disaster happened because she had the personality of a brick.

May made ill judged TV appearances where this was highlighted even more.

Corybn came across as a robin hood character in an age of austerity.

He is a good campaigner and will always have the support of the something for nothing brigade.

For example, non taxpayers playing the benefit system and a bunch of university students, not to mention the unions.

Sir John Curtice says the chances of a Corybn majority is as close to zero as possible.

He agrees with the bookies 4/7 on for a Tory majority.

Lib Dems and Brexit party poll ratings are going down.

Corybn should do well in the TV debates.


Interesting take on Labour supporters.  You have Unions who are trying to protect their jobs and income and non taxpaying benefit dodgers who are trying hard not to have a job and income.  University students who have always backed the socialist Labour Party!  I remember those days very clearly even though most (like me) go on to vote Tory once they are making proper money in the real world.


Reports constantly say that Labour is no longer the party for the working classes.  Other reports say that we are a middle class society now.  Are the Tories still the party for the wannerbe middle class and fat cats?  And what do we call those who can't find work now they  have lost their jobs due to the companies closing down and are using food banks to survive? It's all very confusing for those who have to put labels on everything and every body.

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11 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Interesting take on Labour supporters.  You have Unions who are trying to protect their jobs and income and non taxpaying benefit dodgers who are trying hard not to have a job and income.  University students who have always backed the socialist Labour Party!  I remember those days very clearly even though most (like me) go on to vote Tory once they are making proper money in the real world.


Reports constantly say that Labour is no longer the party for the working classes.  Other reports say that we are a middle class society now.  Are the Tories still the party for the wannerbe middle class and fat cats?  And what do we call those who can't find work now they  have lost their jobs due to the companies closing down and are using food banks to survive? It's all very confusing for those who have to put labels on everything and every body.

Churchill allegedly said 'If your not a socialist in your 20s, you don't have a heart. If your not a capitalist in your 30s, you don't have a brain.'

A lot of Margaret Thatcher supporters most likely said one thing and voted another.

No doubt a number of this forum's brave brothers and comrades do the same.


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1 minute ago, WillyPlatt said:

Churchill allegedly said 'If your not a socialist in your 20s, you don't have a heart. If your not a capitalist in your 30s, you don't have a brain.'

A lot of Margaret Thatcher supporters most likely said one thing and voted another.

No doubt a number of this forum's brave brothers and comrades do the same.


We are all hypocrites, even those in denial

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14 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Interesting take on Labour supporters.  You have Unions who are trying to protect their jobs and income and non taxpaying benefit dodgers who are trying hard not to have a job and income.  University students who have always backed the socialist Labour Party!  I remember those days very clearly even though most (like me) go on to vote Tory once they are making proper money in the real world.


Reports constantly say that Labour is no longer the party for the working classes.  Other reports say that we are a middle class society now.  Are the Tories still the party for the wannerbe middle class and fat cats?  And what do we call those who can't find work now they  have lost their jobs due to the companies closing down and are using food banks to survive? It's all very confusing for those who have to put labels on everything and every body.

Lowest unemployment ever, if you want to work you can get a job.

Unfortunately, most employers will not only expect you to work but make you work.

Food banks? Do me a favour. Whats your definition of poverty? 2 children having to share a bedroom? Please.

More like no third TV and only 2 foreign jaunts a year.

There is poverty, mental and physical abuse. Alcoholic parents and deprived children. Totally socially disfunctional passed from one generation too each other.

There should always be sympathy and help for those in genuine need.

Not the scroungers, bluffers and ferrel scum.

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9 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Why would Johnson bother with the withdrawal agreement if he wants no deal and gets a majority? Just leave at the end of January.


I'm still hoping his "deal" is around long enough to get a majority and then its trashed. Tough to win an election on No Deal manifesto. Once elected however he can take us out in January on No Deal and we save 40 Billion and get a clean break. No need for his pathetic "deal" to see the light of day again.


That's what I'd do anyway but maybe its wishful thinking on my part.

"Wishful thinking' is the right description.

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1 hour ago, WillyPlatt said:

Churchill allegedly said 'If your not a socialist in your 20s, you don't have a heart. If your not a capitalist in your 30s, you don't have a brain.'

I thought he said "Ohh yesss".


Seriously, Churchill was as thick as 2 short planks. Went to the best schools in the world and couldn't pass an exam.

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20 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Leave meant leaving the single market and the customs union. Every leaver knows this only remainers pretend to get confused. 

Do you really think that all that voted to leave in 2016 wanted to put a hard border across Ireland?

Your version of leave is music to the ears of Sinn Fein and the SNP.

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22 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

I thought he said "Ohh yesss".


Seriously, Churchill was as thick as 2 short planks. Went to the best schools in the world and couldn't pass an exam.

Not being able to pass exams does not make you thick - I’ve been saddled with degree holding persons that had the common sense of a shoelace and an utter liability when the stuff hit the fan! 

Of all the people I employed, I never once looked at their education statistics. Rarely got it wrong. 

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On 11/16/2019 at 6:41 AM, JonnyF said:



Leave meant leaving the single market and the customs union. Every leaver knows this only remainers pretend to get confused. 

If all leave voters knew that and the fact that it would create a hard border in Ireland and provoke the IRA to restart the troubles, then I can only conclude that leave voters are to a man, nasty, horrible spiteful people  who don't care about others.   

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6 hours ago, tebee said:

If all leave voters knew that and the fact that it would create a hard border in Ireland and provoke the IRA to restart the troubles, then I can only conclude that leave voters are to a man, nasty, horrible spiteful people  who don't care about others.   

The problem is the EU and their rules, which should be far more flexible in the Irish case. Article 50 states that any country can leave. So if the EU is so peace-loving, they should bend and allow a peaceful arrangement. 

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14 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

Not being able to pass exams does not make you thick - I’ve been saddled with degree holding persons that had the common sense of a shoelace and an utter liability when the stuff hit the fan! 

Of all the people I employed, I never once looked at their education statistics. Rarely got it wrong. 

How many did you employ? Companies usually have minimum requirements for jobs.

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On 11/16/2019 at 6:14 PM, JonnyF said:

Money money money. The economy. GDP.


Even if your doomsday predictions are correct (which they aren't) is that really all you care about?


I get the distinct impression that most remainers would sell their own grandmothers for a 5% increase in GDP or 10% on the pound. 


Pretty sad state of affairs when people are so skint that they would sell out their own country for a % of gdp or 10,000 baht a month extra on their pension. Fortunately you guys are the minority and always will be.

Fortunately, you are in a minority. Which is at least a welcome relief.

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