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In Trump-Nixon impeachment comparison, Pelosi raises specter of resignation


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4 minutes ago, Becker said:

That's wrong but using your powers as president to blackmail foreign heads of state in order to try to hurt a political opponent isn't???

How far gone do you have to be to even write such a post:crazy:

He is beyond gone lol and this is just one scandal that’s come to light how many more that haven’t been exposed?smear and deflect. That’s all he’s got and don’t forget play the victim when cornered 

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44 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Quite funny how they will dismiss negative polls  with the "polls predicted trump will lose and he won" but when they think polls support their position they are all for them . :cheesy:


Whats quite funny is that you think its funny that someone else disregards polling and those other people have anything to do with me. But as per every day all day all libs have is ad-hom stupidity and their feelings. 

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1 hour ago, Sujo said:

After investigating they will decide if it warrants impeachment.


I think we all know that you, most libs, and most of the Democrat party had decided to impeach the president on day one, and that is evidenced by the fact that this is what the 3rd impeachment attempt? 4th? 


I think you should spare us all the BS. 

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Just now, Thainesss said:


If the Bidens did nothing wrong then why the big fuss?

Seriously??? I hope for your sake you're trolling because if you cannot grasp the fact that a president who uses the power of his office to blackmail a foreign leader into getting dirt on a political rival is abuse of power of the worst kind there really is no hope for you.

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5 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


I think we all know that you, most libs, and most of the Democrat party had decided to impeach the president on day one, and that is evidenced by the fact that this is what the 3rd impeachment attempt? 4th? 


I think you should spare us all the BS. 

Oh, how I wish you took your own advice.

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5 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


If the Bidens did nothing wrong then why the big fuss?

Witnesses have been clear about Trump's goal. He wanted Z to publicly announce an investigation.

His aim was obviously to use it for his propaganda by saying something like: "you see, Z thinks that Biden is so corrupt that he publicly annouced an investigation". And, of course, his fan's brigade here or elsewhere would have gone full steam to promote this alternate reality.

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Just now, Becker said:



Why not? That seems to be the standard set by the left nowadays. If Biden did nothing wrong then why the big fuss? 


1 minute ago, Becker said:

I hope for your sake you're trolling because if you cannot grasp the fact that a president who uses the power of his office to blackmail a foreign leader into getting dirt on a political rival is abuse of power of the worst kind there really is no hope for you.


If there is no dirt, then there's no issue, right? 

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10 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Yeah except Benghazi actually happened and people died due directly to HRC's policies. Trump is being continually investigated since day one in an effort to take the guy out. 


But as per normal libs lack the constitution it takes to understand stuff like nuance and, well, simple words. 

Yes, the "libs" are the mentally challenged ones!:cheesy:

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4 minutes ago, candide said:

Witnesses have been clear about Trump's goal. He wanted Z to publicly announce an investigation.

His aim was obviously to use it for his propaganda by saying something like: "you see, Z thinks that Biden is so corrupt that he publicly annouced an investigation". And, of course, his fan's brigade here or elsewhere would have gone full steam to promote this alternate reality.


Sounds an awful lot like what the Democrats have been doing to Trump since he took office. 

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7 minutes ago, Thainesss said:
10 minutes ago, Becker said:

I hope for your sake you're trolling because if you cannot grasp the fact that a president who uses the power of his office to blackmail a foreign leader into getting dirt on a political rival is abuse of power of the worst kind there really is no hope for you.


If there is no dirt, then there's no issue, right? 

Becker - I'm now convinced this is a troll. Don't feed it.

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8 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Why not? That seems to be the standard set by the left nowadays. If Biden did nothing wrong then why the big fuss? 



If there is no dirt, then there's no issue, right? 

Well there is no dirt. Huntet biden was already cleared. So there is no issue.


But trump wanted to make it an issue.


By the way, biden is not the subject of impeachment. Its what trump did, not what biden is alledged to have done.

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7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Yes there is a serious issue. we have the appropriate agencies and channels, if biden did anything wrong he should certainly be investigated by the appropriate agencies and  charges should be filed. 

The fact that you don't understand the above speaks volumes. 


So what you're saying is that you guys are going all in on impeaching the president for what amounts to using the wrong investigative channels? 



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5 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Well there is no dirt. Huntet biden was already cleared. So there is no issue.

No he wasn't. 


6 minutes ago, Sujo said:

By the way, biden is not the subject of impeachment. 


And here we have the nexus of the entire impeachment show. Circling the wagons around the one guy who constantly leads all the Dems in the polls as nominee so that their golden (old) boy doest get his dirty laundry aired out for everyone to see. 

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

This is an impeachment inquiry, articles of impeachment have not being written yet. 

And YES one of them will be that he abused his power and used the wrong channels.


Good luck with that. It'll never work and Trump is gonna complete his term. 


1 minute ago, sirineou said:

If you are going to have an opinion in these matters you need to pay attention.


The irony. 

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9 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. 


Right, Chomper? 



I’m really looking forward to the coming Sondland testimony tomorrow.


Perhaps it’s time for the other witnesses Trump is instructing not to give testimony to show up and demonstrate the truth of ‘nothing to hide, nothing to fear’.


None of which will change your constant denials and deflections, but then the impeachment progresses nevertheless.

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There's still some hope for the future:


Link: Majority of young voters want Trump impeached, removed from office, poll finds


"By a nearly 2-to-1 margin, more young voters support than oppose the impeachment of President Donald Trump and his removal from office, according to a new national poll released Monday by the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School."

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43 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Why not? That seems to be the standard set by the left nowadays. If Biden did nothing wrong then why the big fuss? 



If there is no dirt, then there's no issue, right? 

So have DoJ investigate. But Barr won't do that, since it would result in nothing and remove the 'but but but' defense.

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4 minutes ago, candide said:

Right. Whatever facts, links, etc... one may cite to contradict him, he will make the same phony claims again a couple of minutes later. 


Im sorry, care to show us where this interaction took place so that I may prove you wrong, or you just gonna mane phony claims, again. 

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