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Phuket building collapse company managing director on the run, flees charges


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12 hours ago, webfact said:

PHUKET: The managing director of the company responsible for the construction of a petrol station in Phuket where a building collapse killed seven workers and hospitalised two others on Thursday is believed to be in hiding

In hiding or done a serious runner?

Trying to buy some time to work-out his excuses for the tragedy!

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8 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Does ThaiVisa have any native English speakers working for it!? ????


As The Phuket News wrote the article, here are their contact details so that you can ask them if they have native English speakers on their staff:  




Another post commenting on moderation has been removed as well as the replies. 

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8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

In all seriousness, he might be doing the right thing in hiding if there are any angry relatives about 


That's always the excuse that's given.... including similarly when a Thai commercial bus driver has crashed and killed or injured many onboard, and then takes off on the lam leaving the injured and dead behind... Supposedly, afraid of facing the families of the victims.


Of course, the people in that kind of situation can rely on the Thai BIB to protect them from any illegal activity, right???



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6 minutes ago, metisdead said:


As The Phuket News wrote the article, here are their contact details so that you can ask them if they have native English speakers on their staff:  





Ah, I see I am criticising the wrong publication. Sincrere apologies. Thanks for the contact info though. ???? 

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Chuchart Plasuwan is a tiny man and a coward. In this life when terrible things happen and you are the cause or the responsible party, you own up. In other words you MAN up! You act like an adult. You do not flee like a scared child. 


With the attitude of alot of Thais and their refusal to own the problems they cause, law enforcement needs to create massive penalties for the act of fleeing from the scene of a crime or evading an arrest warrant. Perhaps it would act as a deterrent and discourage acts of cowardice?


You have a lot more faith in the Thai legal system than a lot of us.  He may or may not be responsible for the tragedy.   Money and power are a lot more relevant in Thailand than guilt or innocence.  Thai's know that instinctively.  Falangs only find out on the rare occasions they get sucked into the system.


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11 hours ago, anakot said:

Meanwhile the Immigration Police are rounding up the real danger to society those begpackers... A real clear & present danger (to their brown envelopes)


"We're public guardians, bold but wary,
And of ourselves, we take good care,
To risk our precious lives, we're chary,


When danger looms, we're never there
But when we meet some helpless woman,
Or little boys that do no harm

We run them in, We run them in,
We run them in, We run them in,..."


etc. blah blah blah 

Offenbach's great ditty which sums up the situation to a 't' or is it a 'tor'. Get it on You Tube... 


Do you think he’s fleeing to Cambodia then?

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One must take pause, this disease is in full effect on the highest peak of national operations. Willing parties working together for the all powerful international certification. Greed,corruption,fraud. Innocent tourists bled dry. Engineered incompetence. No matter, uncle somchai, will give you new job, bmw, pay for wedding and house. Never mind, stupid workers had it coming. It’s their fault for standing in the wrong place.        Yes Thailand has never been occupied, that is  until the Chinese “ economic hit men “ are finished with them.            End rant.


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20 hours ago, Prairieboy said:

A recipe for disaster:

Award contract to low bidder

Add shoddy materials

Mix in low-paid inexperienced workers

Blend in inadequate or unqualified supervision

Remove quality control


Let sit until disaster strikes!


Also lazy and corrupt building inspectors. 

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19 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

"the court did not believe the company’s claims that the workers had the means to escape from being crushed by the 15-inch-thick concrete roof, measuring seven metres by 12m, that fell on them"

It's not my fault if these workers have stupidly stayed under a roof that collapses!????

That is about 75 tonnes of concrete. 


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On 11/25/2019 at 3:30 AM, PatOngo said:

The representative insisted that the owner will take full responsibility and “is not going to escape”.

Shouldn't it be the manager of the construction company to take responsibility?

Presumably the manager of the Petrol Station company has no experience (or liability) for the construction of the place.

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3 hours ago, Prairieboy said:

That is about 75 tonnes of concrete. 


"the court did not believe the company’s claims that the workers had the means to escape from being crushed by the 15-inch-thick concrete roof, measuring seven metres by 12m, that fell on them"

It's not my fault if these workers have stupidly stayed under a roof that collapses!"


And all this was supported by those 4x4in concrete pillars?


BTW was the slab thickness 15in or 15cm?

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On 11/25/2019 at 8:18 AM, anakot said:

Meanwhile the Immigration Police are rounding up the real danger to society those begpackers... A real clear & present danger (to their brown envelopes)


"We're public guardians, bold but wary,
And of ourselves, we take good care,
To risk our precious lives, we're chary,


When danger looms, we're never there
But when we meet some helpless woman,
Or little boys that do no harm

We run them in, We run them in,
We run them in, We run them in,..."


etc. blah blah blah 

Offenbach's great ditty which sums up the situation to a 't' or is it a 'tor'. Get it on You Tube... 

The Gendarms Duet



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