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Drunk British Man Causes Motorcyle Accident..........

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SOURCE: Pattaya People: March 29th 2007

Drunk and Drive Foreigner

A Thai lady reported to the Pattaya Police that a drunken foreigner drove a motorbike into hers that was parked beside the road and that the man was unconscious on the road. This happened at 2.30 am on 29th March.

At the scene, which was 400 meters away from the police station, on Pattaya Beach Road – near the Siam Commercial Bank, the police found a damaged JRD motorbike and the foreigner.

The tourist police volunteer who was at the scene aided the foreigner until he regained consciousness; at which point he refused to be assisted and tried to attack the volunteer and also residents that were crowding around him. The police had to eventually force him to the hospital.

Witnesses stated that at first this man knocked down the “no parking” sign beside the road belonging to the police. He was extremely drunk and drove haphazardly along the road until he crashed into this lady’s bike.

At the hospital it was found that the man is Mr. Radly Cotter, aged 48, a British national.

The police made an appointment for the lady to negotiate her bike’s repair cost with the foreigner the next day when he sobered up.


Meanwhile the British national is considering sueing for damage to his bright orange Versace T-shirt, the skin he lost which had several 'patriotic' tattoos on and the 8 full soverign rings that were scratched in the crash :o


He should be charged with drink driving (does such a law even exist here?), deported and not allowed back.

Hang them high, that's what I say.

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