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Majority of Thais agree with conscription – Super Poll


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I just conducted a poll. Much smaller but with the same level of integrity.


I asked:

1) Who's the kindest, most helpful person that you know? Answer: You are.

2) Who is the most intelligent person that you know? Answer: You are.

3) If I won a lottery, am I likely to give you a big chunk? Answer: Of course you would.


My poll was unbiased. I thought long and hard to decide who to poll. I excluded all but best friends and family.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

81.9% of respondents to a Super Poll agree that there is no better alternative to conscription when ensuring national security

That's not the sentiment I hear on "enlisting day" most I hear are dead against it!

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what country invaded thailand the last few hundred years that so much money is spent on this ridiculous waste of money ?


millionaire & billionaire generals needs cheap or free labour to wash their cars, garden, private drivers, etc...


I had to serve "my country" for a year, without pay, and 3 years later they got rid of it


I always seem a few years too early or late ... now not being 50 and this new pension <deleted> ...




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10 hours ago, farangchuma said:

And who are you? Loser farangs who fled their own country becuase they could neither find women nor afford to live in their own country or other better countries like Singapore?

Are you a Troll? You are bitter, twisted and a very racist person. I wonder why you joined Thai visa just to spout your venom. "Looser Farangs (very racist expression to discribe a non Thai) mmm not much of a looser when many bring in million of foreign currency into Thailand, buying homes and vehicles, yep real looser's who can drop 800,000baht into a Thai bank 6 months of the year and 400,000baht untouched in the bank. I would state only criminals flee their country but the majority choose for many reasons to live in Asia. I am sure nearly every foreigner could if they chose find women anywhere as they provide stability, love and loyalty something Thai males lack. I can only talk from my own experience and finding after living in Thailand for 9 years and 9 months ago leaving Thailand returning to the UK, The UK is far cheaper than Thailand, far safer than Thailand, things are of a far superior quality and the only thing Thailand has better is the weather and that is why most foreigners from UK moved to Thailand  however many are now choosing other countries. It is because of people with your attitude that people like me left or are leaving Thailand. 

Edited by Scot123
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I can see both sides of this debate, in England I was conscripted (National Service), I hated it and was glad to leave. But it taught me some useful skills, like self control, obeying stupid instructions with a straight face. Years later as a teacher of teenage youths I encountered many who would have benefited from such discipline.

Yet a conscript can never master in his time the skills to be a modern soldier. A new conscript organisation is needed based on military style discipline but socially beneficial activities, both for young males and females.  

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16 hours ago, farangchuma said:

And who are you? Loser farangs who fled their own country becuase they could neither find women nor afford to live in their own country or other better countries like Singapore?

And who are you to criticise others?


Many of us here started living in Thailand because of working here. 


I have lived and worked in 38 countries in my working life including Singapore, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela, UK, Holland , Belgium and a few Asian countries also.


Out of all those countries I chose Thailand because I liked it when I first came here in 1993 for work and have liked it ever since. I divorced my wife in the UK and married my Thai wife back in 2000 and our son is 15 years old now.


Yes I could have lived in the UK and no I didn't want to live in Singapore even though I had already lived there for over 3 years.

Edited by billd766
edited for bad spelling after I had posted, again.
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Worth remembering that the current population of Thailand is around 69,000,000.


A poll of 3000 odd people is utterly meaningless especially as the people who conduct these polls have an agenda and usually a pay master.


If these people did a poll about the reality of Santa Klaus the results would be equally meaningless.


' A poll of 3000 under 5 kindergarten children  revealed that 75% believed in Santa .'


Therefore .... Santa is probably real.

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Why I don't have a problem questioning polls it should be noted any poll is only a sample of opinions albeit then used to portray what a wider consensus is. Pretty well flawed in every aspect.


Want to see a real funny totally flawed poll? Look at how US unemployment figures are derived. It really is a <deleted> moment given billions ride on it.

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I think that if they can't end the abuse of conscription, they should target the ROTC or high school training programs that let students get out of serving. By ending the high school programs, they will make this topic an even bigger subject especially in universities where now it is ignored by most because they did the easy way out in high school. Take away the easy out and you bring the fear and pain to all Thais. This will lead to changes.


On another note, by running this headline "Most Thais agree with conscription" on this thread, the title is exploited for quick hits but with the title there, it is also playing a part in the propaganda game of the very people who create these fake polls because a lot of TV posters and others just see that title and like so many of the non-readers out there believe the lie. Thailand has been built on lies and often with no one in the media to confront this in Thai or English or legal barriers to talking about the truth many of the lies are just accepted.

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