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Elon Musk could face defamation retrial as Brit diver's lawyer claims jury blundered


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28 minutes ago, MarcB said:

Or did Musk hit a personal snare by calling some 5 minute famer a pedo?

He went much further than that. He also insinuated that all Western men who come to live in Thailand are paedophiles. Presuming that you live in Thailand, that includes you. Happy now?

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Fact 1: Musk is a creep. 
Fact 2: Musk is a bull<deleted>ter. 
Fact 3: Musk is full of himself.  
Fact 4: In America there’s something called “double jeopardy”. Google it. 

Suggestion: next time rely on an American legal team to lead in the American legal system. This isn’t Britain. 
Hint: rely on a local legal team if you’re thinking about dragging this to Thailand. 

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21 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

He went much further than that. He also insinuated that all Western men who come to live in Thailand are paedophiles. Presuming that you live in Thailand, that includes you. Happy now?

There is nowhere he said all western men are pedos.

Care to provide any links?


When people mention thailand, yes, many people link it to prostitutes  beer, beaches,...

Not so much to paedophilia.

But i guess that depends to who YOU talk with.

My friends appreciate the nature and culture more than bars...


Includes me??? Happy??

Euh yeah, i could not care less what other people think about thailand, and less about what people i dont know or they dont know me think.

I dont feel offended, as i know my life.

Maybe you seem to take it more personally.

Wonder why. Know any pedos perhaps?

17 minutes ago, TexasFlyer said:

Fact 1: Musk is a creep. 
Fact 2: Musk is a bull<deleted>ter. 
Fact 3: Musk is full of himself.  
Fact 4: In America there’s something called “double jeopardy”. Google it. 

Suggestion: next time rely on an American legal team to lead in the American legal system. This isn’t Britain. 
Hint: rely on a local legal team if you’re thinking about dragging this to Thailand. 

Those "facts" above are farts

Not facts at all.

I think the fact here is that you have issues with Musk however.


Yeah google double jeopardy...

Hard to bring any new evidence to this case.

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Maybe someone from California can answer this in a few lines:

Are the names of the jury members public in California and/or should it be easy for a rich guy to get this information?

The way Musk behaves I understand that people don't want to upset him and maybe that was part of why he got away with this.

Personally I would be careful about upsetting the richest guy in the neighborhood.

In a jury trial, Musk’s lawyers would know relevant details (name, occupation, etc) about the members of the jury.   

Jury selection is an important aspect of the strategy of both sides.  

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4 hours ago, z42 said:

Absolutely right. It's gone too far already. Going for such absurdly high damages payments has tarnished Unsworth's rep much more than any tweet would have.


Now is the time to walk away with dignity fully intact.

I agree and be careful Vern that the lawyer is not trying to take you to the cleaners or that Musk sues you, I'd hate to hear either happen to you, let it be we all know you was in the right.

I've seen the massive mural painting on the wall at Tham Luang of all those that helped in the rescue you are is in the middle "Musk" is nowhere to be seen, 5555 be happy with that and your memories.

Edited by Hooliganzone
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18 minutes ago, warrima said:

As i suspected Vernon has not come out of this looking good. Transcripts from his cross examination showed he had sent a significant number of sms relating to the rescue effort and the Musk case. They indicated he was planing to sue pretty much from day 1. He was very rude about the navy seals in one message using the bovine insult and refused interviews unless he was getting paid, telling them to FO if no payment was forthcoming. Also appears he had an agent scouting for (paid) opportunities while the rescue was still ongoing. The claim that Musk was promptly asked to leave the rescue site (Verns CNN interview) - was a straight up lie. On the contrary Musk was inside the cave for an hour with a high level thai official working on Plan B. A space x engineer (who Vern met) was looking for an alternative route for the sub to use.


All paints a picture that Vern was the one eyeing financial opportunities from the Cave Rescue. 

Yea as I thought this from day 1 and I assume he got paid for the CNN interview and the SUN and UK tabloid interviews.
I even suspect he was baiting Musk on CNN probably under advice from his paid Agent.

Edited by monkfish
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15 minutes ago, monkfish said:

So I assume he got paid for the CNN interview and the SUN and UK tabloid interviews.

There is a text exchange between Vern and the 'agent' regards contacting the UK press. Also appears Vern had a GoPro in the cave and had edited some film. He was asked what he planned to do with the footage. 

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5 minutes ago, warrima said:

There is a text exchange between Vern and the 'agent' regards contacting the UK press. Also appears Vern had a GoPro in the cave and had edited some film. He was asked what he planned to do with the footage. 

Well that's Unbelievable! My opinion of him just dropped 1 level lower and it was already low.
Really is that what Heroes do lol.

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Dear Vernon Unsworth, stop this soap opera, it starts to get really boring!
Maybe you want to help Elon in his low-cost advertising campaign, it almost seems to me that you and Elon have agreed ...
Cut it and forget it, it's important what you are and not what someone says you are!

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Now the 64-year-old’s lawyer, Mark Stephens, claims post-verdict interviews with jurors show they decided the tycoon was not liable because he did not name Mr Unsworth in his tweet.

I would have been surprised if the lawyer hadn't done anything, like all lawyers, he also wants his share of glory!
The courts are already full of much more important work, to waste time with two angry children!

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5 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

According to the full story it was a common phrase used in South Africa, and so was a lot of derogatory terms to people of color, which the US has banned ie the N word. He is now in the US and not SA. Idiot of a man IMO.  

The "common parlance in SA" excuse made by Musk was very quickly and completely disproved.

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2 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

The way I see it ,Musks lawyer pronounced Musks guiltiness, by saying that when people are angry they say things they do not mean, it was only a joke.

So that precedent says, I could insult people I would not dare to name-- out loudly and get away with it as it was just a joke.

The big joke is that more than likely a brown paper bag decided the verdict for the jury. 

What?? Can't you believe that the jury wasn't fooled by Unsworth's sobbing in the witness box about his reputation being sullied etc. I can. Emotional claptrap. Do you really believe Unsworth is a paedophille because of Musk's tweets etc? Of course, you don't and neither did the jury.

"I'll take it on the chin and get on with life." BS "I want my bloody money and that's that." "Maybe, Rooster will interview me for TVF when I come back with all the money."

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5 hours ago, z42 said:

Absolutely right. It's gone too far already. Going for such absurdly high damages payments has tarnished Unsworth's rep much more than any tweet would have.


Now is the time to walk away with dignity fully intact.

Here on TV posters often mock the absurdly low fines given out for traffic violations and physical assault in Thailand. Noting that such low fines don't deter people committing those crimes. Shouldn't the same theory apply to the super rich in this case? 

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

I wonder whether this defamation case would happen altogether had Mr. Musk was an ordinary person and not a billionaire? or that Mr. Unsworth pride were hurts as much had he knew there is no money to be had here?...


sort of like if one beer bar expat called unsworth a pedo in a heated argument and it was taped and put online. fat chance of sueing but musk is perceived as a deep pocket target

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38 minutes ago, 30la said:

Dear Vernon Unsworth, stop this soap opera, it starts to get really boring!
Maybe you want to help Elon in his low-cost advertising campaign, it almost seems to me that you and Elon have agreed ...
Cut it and forget it, it's important what you are and not what someone says you are!

I agree.  Sticks and stones.

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6 hours ago, pookiki said:

I think Mr. Mark Stephen's, Esq. better come to grip with defamation laws as they exist in the USA. One of the key issues was that Unsworth had not shown any tangible damages - on the contrary - no one paid any attention to Musk's comments and Unsworth's reputation remained unsullied.  Let it be!

Ah! I understand now! Its perfectly ok to call Americans " PEDO GUY!!

Hello PEDO Guys ...cold this morning?

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4 minutes ago, Sakeopete said:

Here on TV posters often mock the absurdly low fines given out for traffic violations and physical assault in Thailand. Noting that such low fines don't deter people committing those crimes. Shouldn't the same theory apply to the super rich in this case? 

Except in Thailand the super rich get even lower fines.

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