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Keep calling Big Oud's hotline: German arrested on 218 day overstay


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Classic Thai thought proceess...shoot myself in the foot and turn in every expat i see.   Land of me! Don't think about contributions I am making.  Nice.  Everyone needs to exercise extreme caution, eyes are on us 24/7/365 like white on rice.

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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

The Immigration Police are just doing their jobs. 

There is a clear set of rules which must be abided by to stay in this country.


Immigration laws have never been clear.  That is what is frustrating

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11 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It's getting more like East Germany, when the Stasi had everyone

spying on everyone else,while I am against overstayers,they seem

to be going over the top,asking the public to be basically spies,and

when they move on the overstayers,they seem to swoop with excessive

numbers of Police ,immigration officers,like they were going after terrorists.

regards Worgeordie



It makes them feel better for their obvious inadequacies.

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2 hours ago, ICELANDMAN said:

Your answer is unbelievable ridiculous and devoid of any common sense and offending you think you take the part of here with reason, that shows your limited intellectual capacity to interact in this forum





Excuse me?? What did you just try to say? Better consider if you are the right person to start talking about common sense and making sense. At least you showed me a perfect guide how to post incredible non-sense. ????????????????????????

For example: What in the world does "and offending you think you take the part of here with reason"? Try to make sense out of that one. I guess it will take a while.

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3 hours ago, RedPill said:

I tell you one thing Mazzo. You are not the only one living here for a few years.


If I log off of TVF for a few days ... and I only watch Thai news on Tellie every night, which I do,  I hear nothing, zero zilch about any overstayers. 


No overstayer is giving any other Farang any bad name, as you always imply. No one gives a damn. No one. 


Not your Thai neighbors around you, not the ones around me, no Thai I talk to ever mentions it.


It's an Immi job ... and let them do it.


It doesn't impact your personal live one single iota ... 


You got trapped into something in your mind you can't let go off ... oh wow, another overstayer caught, even if only a few days ... my god, life is so much safer now. They can't give you a bad name now? What a useless argument when no one really cares or talks about it, outside of TVF.


In reality, no one in real life around you knows nor cares about it. It's all in your frozen mindset.

No Thai I talk to ever mentions an overstayers for a few or more days. Never.


Please, get real, come down from that crazy idea in your mind. Let immi do their job if it's really necessary, i.e. a guy/girl/person really is a criminal undercover and on overstay. Then yes, catch them. 


Don't support and applaud something you only read on TVF news ... it's not in the Thai news or anywhere. 


Only on here. 


You want to play along with a shallow news brainwash game? I don't.




What in the world is wrong with you? I can not care less about what my neighbour thinks about me. That single little guy has no power at all.

TVF News are coming from and are collected from other sources, right? Oh, yes, it´s right! Otherwise there would not be a link to original articles. So, no it´s not only on this forum. 

That was 2 wrongs out of two possible already. I will go on though, because you have not been understanding anything I have been posting about overstayers and bad reputation. I mean bad reputation in the eyes of Immigration and Thai government. Yeah, now you woke up. The guys that have the power to mess up yours and other foreigners life in Thailand.

As I see it and as I have been meaning with all my posts is that foreigners that overstay, makes other foreigners have a bad reputation in the minds of the authorities. That´s why it only gets harder all the times with all the visas and extensions.

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4 hours ago, joebrown said:

"How easy is that? Are you really soo naive that you think it´s the common guy on the street or the noodle seller that reports an overstayer? Now you have to think outside your small box, boy."

It appears there are a few posters in this thread who feel your quote is insulting.

I know I'm asking 'a pig to fly', but is there any chance you might come down from from your ivory tower to offer an apology?

I would like an answer to the question instead, because that was what it sounded like. I am not here for getting popular. I am here for explaining it straight out. If you can´t handle that, maybe the world of forums are to though for you.

Edited by Matzzon
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11 hours ago, mikebell said:

So a Thai grouse turned him in; he will be deported and the Thais who had been benefiting from his custom will lose out.  Thai logic.

.....and Foreigners in your Homecountry with Visa overstay are a big benefit at all???????????????? 

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11 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It's getting more like East Germany, when the Stasi had everyone

spying on everyone else,while I am against overstayers,they seem

to be going over the top,asking the public to be basically spies,and

when they move on the overstayers,they seem to swoop with excessive

numbers of Police ,immigration officers,like they were going after terrorists.

regards Worgeordie



I agree with you, they are just going over the top about over stayers at this time. Remember when they would tell you to just overstay.. LOL those days are now long gone!

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9 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

Nobody "have" asked anybody to spy? Is that not spying on us when they might be awarded when calling them?


   "People are just asked to report"? C'Mon, please give us a break.


 You're in no way better than those who make these phone calls.  


  Yes, he overstayed and yes, it's against the law. But how much do we know about this guy?


   Please leave at least some humanity on this forum. He's not a killer, nor a drug addict, drug dealer, or pedo, etc...


   Since when is overstaying a crime? The new Immigration guys just make you believe that it is one.



Overstay a Visa is a Criminal act in all Countries, also in your's. You seems to be a little wired!

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12 hours ago, colinneil said:

Stupid sod, why overstay and then get problems?

Bit different headline this time, he was visited at a house.

Last time a truck load of  immigration ....Swooped on the overstayers.

I happy to see Roosters “translation” more real now.


Good boy Rooster. Yinn is watching.

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9 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

Nope, not necessarily.

There are Facebook and other websites in Thai where for example lonely Thai men get a kick out of foreigners who get arrested because of overstay.


But you're so right. Revenge from an ex gf/wife for leaving her could easily be the reason for them to call this cute number. 


   I'm just wondering how many Thais are currently overstaying all over the world? 

But some are smart and never get found, take that  Red Bull Lad 'Boss'  for example.

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6 hours ago, outsider said:


Well, ya know them. They love to appear 'mighty'. Words like 'swoop' makes them look, feel (and probably believe!) they belong to some elite special-force tactical-unit thing. Like in the movies. Like eagles swooping in on a prey. 

The words is a translation come from the Thai news.

The thai not say “swoop”.



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2 minutes ago, dcnx said:

Exactly. Many titles are translated like that here for maximum attention. It works.

Make everyone talk about “thai people all spy for immigration”


Not in real life. 

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Imagine if the UK govt did this. Firstly the outcry of being racist with encouraging people to spy on their foreign neighbours and report them, But then also how would you ever get food delivered, or find an Uber ever again if all the illegal overstayers were removed ! ???? 

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4 minutes ago, outsider said:


Ow ror... so what is the English equivalent of the word used in the Thai news krub. What did it say in pasa Thai?


Colin talk about “swoop” in another article before, not this one. 

I not remember the thread name to find.


But this one the thai headline say “Nakon Si Thammarat immigration catches old German for 218 overstay”

the TVF one say “Keep calling Big Oud's hotline: German arrested on 218 day overstay” 


More action! 


But this translation of the story is fair one IMO. 

Good boy Rooster.

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4 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Colin talk about “swoop” in another article before, not this one. 

I not remember the thread name to find.


But this one the thai headline say “Nakon Si Thammarat immigration catches old German for 218 overstay”

the TVF one say “Keep calling Big Oud's hotline: German arrested on 218 day overstay” 


More action! 


But this translation of the story is fair one IMO. 

Good boy Rooster.


Yes, Colin was referring to how the word 'swoop' is not used in this article, which has been replaced by 'visit'. Don't worry about finding the previous threads. There were a few articles with the 'swoop' word in the headline or body copy. It's moot now.


Thank you for your verification. As for the translation especially of the headline, and writing as someone with a media and communications background, I'd stick to the original context as much as possible when translating. But that's just me. As far as TVF is concerned, I'll leave it to the admins, editors and translators.


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7 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Its a filthy business the act of touting. More morally reprehensible than the minor transgression of over staying. Dirty rats always get whats coming to them because the cowardly act of informing is corrosive. The grass will forever live in fear of a being informed on himself, (Let he who has not sinned be the first to pick up the phone) and will be looking over his shoulder looking out for vengeance. Whatever the issues are regarding the minor transgression of overstaying creating a fear filled society as in Communist and Nazi regimes is not the way to go. Especially when the powerful criminals and corruptionists flaunt their disregard for the rule of law.  Anybody who supports such actions are morally bankrupt and not fit for decent company.

Ok, now we are talking grass again. It seems to be a very popular word among UK people. I suggest you buy a lawn mover and move on.

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3 hours ago, Morty T said:

I would totally give you the point you're trying to make, but as it was pointed out this is a hotline that pays to report ' crimes, ' committed by farang only. There is no 1178 hotline, when I see my Thai neighbors dumping last night's trash in the river next to the Baan. 

Yet @Matzzon is concerned about overstayers, because they taint and ruin Farangs' reputation ????

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18 hours ago, Matzzon said:

What is the stupid and morbid concentration on how they describe things? What is relevant in that?

What is relevant here is that another overstayer bites the dust, and will be according to the law deported and blacklisted for his arrogance and refusal to live by the rules.

Nobody have asked anybody to spy! Where are you getting that from. People are just asked to report what they know and suspicious circumstances. Same like in any country regarding any kind of criminal offense. But, of course, it sounds much better to explain it like you just did, because then you can put the blame on the Thais instead of the people that is commiting the offense.

"Arrogance and refusal to live by the rules" sounds same same "When in Rome do as the Romans do". BRILLIANT!!!

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35 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Yet @Matzzon is concerned about overstayers, because they taint and ruin Farangs' reputation ????

I am pretty sure that both you and Morty T qill be smart enough to understand where to report such a thing without hotline. Although, I an pretty sure Morty fif not even take a video to have as proof as ground for a reporting.

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