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Thailand Wants More First-Time Visitors as They Spend More


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On 12/19/2019 at 11:40 AM, banagan said:

My main gripe is the air in Chiang Mai during the 4 months of burning season. How can they possibly expect to attract first time tourists when the unfortunate ones that arrive during that time are poisoned and warn everyone they know to stay the hell away.


2020 visitor numbers will be interesting after the complete debacle that was 2019. Even Thais wearing gas masks. Place looked like some dystopian movie when exiting the airport. 


Still love the place, just very unfortunate that they're so short sighted. Think of the children.



Thinking of anything would be an improvement.


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 I am a good example of the tourist who seriously deteriorated in quality with time. Remember the times I used to pay 5000+ check at Pattaya agogos for the lady drinks only. Try to get 1 lady drink from me now. You better don't even ask. 

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On 12/19/2019 at 10:02 AM, tjo o tjim said:

Boy, someone needs to take business classes.  The cost of acquiring a new customer is vastly higher than retaining an existing one.

Most of the success of Alibaba and Amazon is exactly that, reselling and up selling. They clearly do not get that here, it is more as if they can start treating you worse and worse if you come more often, or let you wait longer for food as you are the 2 year 3x weekly returning customer (I would know to value that one). 

It is part of a reason I often change the places I go to every while, as service otherwise starts lacking (even the service levels are often merely average already). 

Edited by tabarin
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On 12/19/2019 at 11:18 AM, josephbloggs said:

The amount of hand wringing and moral outrage in here is as predictable as it is ridiculous.  The TAT announce a new drive to target first time visitors and it sends the forum into a spin with everyone feeding off each other's negativity - even to the point that one guy is selling up and leaving, apparently!!

Have a look at Visit Britain's high level marketing plan:  https://www.visitbritain.org/sites/default/files/vb-corporate/Documents-Library/documents/final_britain_level_tourism_high_level_marketing_plan_2017-18.pdf   It talks of "customers" not "tourists".  It talks of targeting first time visitors, of encouraging spending.  It talks of how it can compete with rival destinations, and "build demand for luxury product and experiences to motivate and convert incremental high yield travellers".  Yes, the UK is after the big spenders - they only care about your money!!  Any of the UK based posters now going to sell up and move to France in a hissy fit of moral outrage?  Oh wait, France also encourages high net worth visitors because they spend more.  Right, I'm moving to New Zealand!!  What?  Oh.  "Capturing greater value from the lucrative Premium sector is an important component of Tourism New Zealand's strategy to grow the number of high-value visitors to New Zealand".   https://www.tourismnewzealand.com/markets-stats/sectors/premium/

Please tell me of any country that encourages tourism that wants them there not for their money, but because they just want people to be happy.   Every single tourist destination wants tourists / customers there to spend their money, and they target those who will spend more, and the spend millions on marketing and advertising to get them to come and open their wallets - and they say it openly!  Thailand dares to say something similar and everyone comes out with paranoid, chip-on-their-shoulder, negative nonsense.  People really need to get over themselves and their hangups.  

Yes but, yes but, yes but TM30!! Oh hang on tourists don't have to do them.


High baht!! Oh hang on, new tourists don't monitor foreign currencies.

On 12/19/2019 at 11:54 AM, mikebell said:

Dream on.  Why would you be attracted to a country with a military junta in charge; the 2nd worst road statistics; a corrupt police force; a corrupt civil service; packs of roaming wild dogs spreading disease; cancerous air?

Answers on a postcard to Prayuth C/O TAT.

First things I look at when I go travelling. 'Not going there love, they've got a Junta!' Shut up Jimmy and pack your case. 'But someone got bitten by a dog, Joan!' Jimmy, I won't tell you twice... 'You get cancer walking down the street, pet.' Jimmy, I'm going and you can stay here and read ThaiVisa............

On 12/19/2019 at 12:49 PM, eggers said:

There are two aspects to this repost:


1. As already stated, 1st timers spend more, cos unknowingly ripped off!


2. How about start looking after Long term stayers, i.e. years, who contribute to economy.... day in, day out, month after month & year after year..

Receive no fair treatment, just abuse & more & more Bureaucratic processes that contribute NOTHING to fostering good relations between long term stayers & Thai Gov't!! 

PM Gen Prayut & Gov't needs to re-think it's strategies for long term stayers!! 

Sigh,,,,39m tourists, 250k expats. Work it out.

On 12/19/2019 at 1:57 PM, Destiny1990 said:

A More sustainable visitors plan would be to focus on a large Contented expat base population,  then get tourists  enthusiast enough to revisit for their next vacation and all of this positivity will bring in the new first timers !

Now u have unhappy and leaving expats and no returning tourists after their first vacation. That is an wrong approach for attracting first timers !!

See above. Expats don't matter in the Thai financial realm. Not enough of them.

On 12/19/2019 at 2:53 PM, possum1931 said:

and as well as the tourists, you have the 8000 odd very rich westerners who have the Elite Visa.

Most of whom use them for flitting in and out of the country easily.

On 12/19/2019 at 4:50 PM, randy723 said:

YES because they do not know how to deal with ALL the crooked con and over priced hotel, restuarants and other cons

WHAT??? You mean they don't read Thai Visa??


How very dare they not?

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3 hours ago, Traubert said:

Yes but, yes but, yes but TM30!! Oh hang on tourists don't have to do them.


High baht!! Oh hang on, new tourists don't monitor foreign currencies.

First things I look at when I go travelling. 'Not going there love, they've got a Junta!' Shut up Jimmy and pack your case. 'But someone got bitten by a dog, Joan!' Jimmy, I won't tell you twice... 'You get cancer walking down the street, pet.' Jimmy, I'm going and you can stay here and read ThaiVisa............

Sigh,,,,39m tourists, 250k expats. Work it out.

See above. Expats don't matter in the Thai financial realm. Not enough of them.

Most of whom use them for flitting in and out of the country easily.

WHAT??? You mean they don't read Thai Visa??


How very dare they not?

You kinda sound like some sort of a Proxy !

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On 12/18/2019 at 2:15 PM, scubascuba3 said:

Can't we have a story that Thailand wants more expats because they buy more Leo or something like that? more upbeat news

Anything but look after the free spending long term ones that have been here for years.We are taken for granted. However when my O-A finally expires in october i will probably do what many other Farang has done, leave for Vietnam, taking my 2 pensions with me.

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On 12/18/2019 at 2:34 PM, ThaiFelix said:

Hahaha this reminds me of my situation here in a small village in Isaan.  I'm told I am disliked by most of the locals here because I have been here too long and therefore quite knowledgeable of the tricks/scams etc the Thai wives pull on their farang husbands.


This horrifies me because its an indication that most of the villages support/condone such  thievery!

Where is the village, i will avoid it.


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On 12/18/2019 at 4:48 PM, Thian said:

I don't drink beer in Thailand, the nice imported beer is far overpriced and i boycot Thai beer since i hate headaches.


But what are they rude to ask for first time visitors! Unbelievable, they really deserve the poorest Indians me thinks. No farang would come to a country with this attitude.

Thailand has changed a hell of a lot  since the days of business man Thaksin  when it was going ahead, but then got taken over by the Army Coup.  Thailand will never be the same country that it was as long as Military minds are in control.

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