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Battle lines harden over Trump impeachment trial witnesses

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It seems that most posters here failed to read or hear that Senate Leader McConnell has stated that there is not actually going to be a Senate Trial... If the House (Pelosi) ever does send the Articles to the Senate McConnell has stated he will open a trial - take a vote - record acquittal and close the vote and go home. No Senate Trial, no Witnesses, no Testimony... Nada, Zero, Zilch... It's over. 

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15 hours ago, thaicurious said:


Impeachment is as political as any trial. Say a white nationalist hangs a black man, but he was the only black man in the country. The judge will be a white nationalist, the jury will be made up entirely of white nationalists, the defense attorney will be a white nationalist, the citizens observing the trial will be all white nationalists. The witnesses & experts to be called will all be white nationalists. There won't be a single black person to have witnessed the murder nor to witness the trial.


So even though it is illegal to hang someone, a prosecutor might make a political decision to not bother bringing the case to trial, knowing in advance the end result of either acquittal, regardless of the facts of the case, or riot.


A heinous crime was committed, but a political decision was made not to try the criminal case.


An impeachment hearing is also a criminal case though we don't call it that as a technicality in part because the Dept. of Justice--NOT THE CONSTITUTION--has arbitrarily (& as yet unruled upon by the Supremes) specified by policy--NOT BY LAW--that the president can not be charged with a "crime" per se. That doesn't mean the president hasn't committed any crimes. Thus, in the Mueller report, he's referred to as "individual 1", not as Trump the impeached 1.


Indeed, here, the president is accused by impeachment of having committed high crimes which are crimes against The Constitution itself, which is the highest law of the land. So this is quite serious and not merely "political."


As rto bias with regard to a trial. You seem to be misusing the word, for it refers here not to partisanship but to impartiality, to being able to put your biases aside and to look at the facts of the case, not to say, simply, that you will refuse witnesses and documents and testimony.


We can be biased in our personalities while at the same time being impartial (fair and just) in our analyses.





All you say is fair enough, but impartiality in the senate is as likely as impartiality in the house.

In Utopia, all would be impartial, but we do not live in Utopia.

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They need to leave Trump alone and focus on solving larger issues, environment and making US as immigration impenetrable as Thailand.   Forget the wall, people must deposit large and inconvenient amounts of money for indefinite amounts of time in US banks while reporting weekly or monthly to immigration.

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18 hours ago, Sujo said:

She already has. Mitch has softened his stance. Its also driving trump crazy because he wants all the bells and whistles which is also putting pressure on mitch.


the longer she delays the more she will get.

Mitch McConnell wants the Bidens on the stand. 

On 12/23/2019 at 12:56 PM, jany123 said:

No it was not... that’s some kind of anti investigation spin... it was about high crimes and misdemeanors... ones that also influence national security through rigged elections and bribery, in defiance of constitutional law.


at trial, constitutional law needs qualifying to determine innocence or guilt


crikey... how hard is it to understand outside of an authoritarian state;

crime committed

felon identified

investigation conducted

trial held

verdict applied



the trump is using corruption as a pretext for with holding monies... ironically an biassed trial is corrupt. You can’t complain about corruption in one breath, whilst encouraging it in the other, without appearing like a punt

Well I see you have determined guilt. No need for a trial, just a conviction with a biased predetermined opinion. 


This is a political orchestrated hit. It will fail just like the phony Russian narrative. 


Dems will pay the price, deservedly so. The backfire will be hilarious 

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1 hour ago, elmrfudd said:

Well I see you have determined guilt. No need for a trial, just a conviction with a biased predetermined opinion. 


This is a political orchestrated hit. It will fail just like the phony Russian narrative. 


Dems will pay the price, deservedly so. The backfire will be hilarious 

I would not bet the left will pay the price. Never discount the power of the press, and they don’t even pretend to be unbiased anymore.

It seems that in the last few years it’s  gotten where many of them don’t even know they are supposed to be unbiased.



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2 hours ago, mogandave said:

I would not bet the left will pay the price. Never discount the power of the press, and they don’t even pretend to be unbiased anymore.

It seems that in the last few years it’s  gotten where many of them don’t even know they are supposed to be unbiased.



They aren't supposed to be unbiased. Biased reporting appealing to a specific demographic brings larger viewer numbers and higher advertising revenues. This isn't the 70's. Any reporter who is unbiased today is also unemployed. The days of Walter Kronkite are an anachronism.

1 hour ago, PhonThong said:

 When Pelosi goes low, Trump poll numbers go high!


Thank you, Mrs Speaker.

Which should not be given consideration when deciding if a president should be impeached or not.

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12 hours ago, Monomial said:

They aren't supposed to be unbiased. Biased reporting appealing to a specific demographic brings larger viewer numbers and higher advertising revenues. This isn't the 70's. Any reporter who is unbiased today is also unemployed. The days of Walter Kronkite are an anachronism.

Which might explain why print media is dying. Seems not enough people want to read biased propaganda enough to pay for it.

I won't even watch tv news as it's so bad now, with the exception of Al Jazira.

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Btw. If you want a non transparent investigation look and the clinton investigation. 


One person investigating. No one else allowed. All in secret.

  • Haha 2
4 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

It really doesn't matter what those who hate President Trump want. The Senate Trial will reflect the sham impeachment - including the secret basement hearings, including not allowing the other side to hold minority hearings and other outrageous non Democratic actions. "What goes around comes around". So - we will have sham Senate Trial to mirror the sham House impeachment hearings then Trump will campaign for Reelection for another four years. Trump's favorable poll numbers have increased dramatically over the weeks of the House Star Chamber kangaroo court. Trump will face one of the 'off the charts leftist socialists' and Trump will prevail mightily.  The November 2020 Presidential election will be as bad for the Democrats as the '84 debacle when the only electoral vote Mondale got was from D.C. Thus the reason the Dems have been beyond desperate to remove President Trump since the day after he was elected in November 2016. 



Mondale also took Minnesota. I was born and raised there. I would Neve exploit the youth and inexperience of my opponent.

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On 12/26/2019 at 3:47 PM, elmrfudd said:

Funny how after one of the most biased non transparent pseudo investigations has produced a one sided impeachment article you suddenly want it to be "transparent". Fortunately, people see right through the nonsense. 


There will be a quick review and a quick dismissal. This should be a lesson to the leftists. But they will never stop. 

they will never stop

Oh Lordy, another 5 years of it. I might have to give up TVF world news after the election. However, I want to be on here when he wins.

Nothing to fear.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

they will never stop

Oh Lordy, another 5 years of it. I might have to give up TVF world news after the election. However, I want to be on here when he wins.

Nothing to fear.

"Oh Lordy, another 5 years of it"..... are you kidding? They'll be chasing and accusing him long after he leaves office. With all the regulation reductions/eliminations, demise of ObamaCare, multitudes of judges that have been appointed, etc the Dems have a lifetime of things to chase Trump about. He truly changed the U.S. in a positive way that no one else could or would. My question is who will be able to replace him and carry the country forward and build on his success 5 years from now. The voting public now knows that someone who is not a career politician is the most electable person and will be the best person to make positive change for the betterment of the country. No more career politicians in the White House would be a lovely thing. 

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On 12/26/2019 at 9:56 AM, Sujo said:

Btw. If you want a non transparent investigation look and the clinton investigation. 


One person investigating. No one else allowed. All in secret.

KInda like Mueller, only Mueller couldn't find anything impeachable.

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On 12/26/2019 at 9:56 AM, Sujo said:

Btw. If you want a non transparent investigation look and the clinton investigation. 


One person investigating. No one else allowed. All in secret.

We might be confusing the investigation with the hearing. 

An investigation should be in secret, a hearing? Not so much.


Only one person investigating Bill Clinton? As a former prosecutor you must know that can’t be true. Do you mean one person led the investigation?

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On 12/25/2019 at 9:38 PM, Sujo said:

Print media is dying not because of what they print. Its because information is free on the internet, which is also why conspiracy sites that lots of trump supporters like are thriving.


news is ok on the tv, even fox news is ok. Its fox opinion shows that are conspiracy shows.

Yeah, because the NYT for example doesn't sell jelly.

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11 hours ago, Kelsall said:

KInda like Mueller, only Mueller couldn't find anything impeachable.

Impeachable offenses are all the Mueller could find and he stated that he could not do anything about them because of DOJ policy and it was the job of Congress to remedy what he found via impeachment


But then again you would have to read the Mueller report to know that, but like most including Congress,  you probably haven't bothered 


here for your education:


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