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Going out with affluent Thai family, being the eldest… who pays?


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You have to have some expectations to pay.  Let's say it's 3000 baht.  OK, is that OK?  If not OK, run away and don't look back.  You are marrying into a family and it's expensive, which is why you worked and researched and are willing to help the less fortunate.  What would I do?  I wouldn't be in this situation.  Because this situation has 100 more parts to it and it never ends well.  Take a hard look at your finances.  She might end up costing you about 300,000 a year, which is fine if you really cannot live without her.  Times that all the years you will be with her.....Yeah, of course it's a business decision for their family.  If you don't pay, you are bad business.  maybe a great person, but a bad decision.  

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9 hours ago, marqus12 said:

One of the scams on dating sites is..."feed me and my friends".

When my live-in GF asked if she could bring one of her girlfriends along to dinner...I said...of course...


Six people showed up for dinner...I wanted to throw her and the entourage to the curb...but I went and paid...a seafood buffet...not too expensive...she saved face and I learned a valuable lesson...☺

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3 hours ago, Jip99 said:


That wouldn’t have happened with my live-in GF because I don’t give a toss about face. 

She would have learned a valuable lesson had she made that mistake.

You are the Man!...Cock of the Walk!...And honorary "Who-Dat"!

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3 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

"she saved face"...… but you came off looking like a fool. Once you saw the "entourage" you should have politely excused yourself to use the restroom and never returned.

Which looks better...paying the bill and as you say: "looking like a fool".  Or retiring to the bathroom and not coming out...makes one appear full-of-corn-shucks! and other things one can not mention on this forum.

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On 1/11/2020 at 10:38 PM, baansgr said:

If you were Thai, the bin would be shared...fair same policy applies you being a Foreigner...pay you and your dates way, let the others pay theirs...nowt wrong with that

Spoken like a true man.......Yorkshire would be proud to have you.

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