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What's your comfort food?


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47 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Are you British? I have this theory there is a secret government agency that removes their taste buds at birth. Strike that. You sound like American. Using the brand name for the mayo is a good clue.

Keep guessing dear boy.

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On 1/17/2020 at 6:58 PM, Nyezhov said:

Real Ham comes from  a smoke house in  Smithfield Virginia or sliced, from Boars Head Meats.


Yip, I brought a couple back to Canada, when down for a cousins wedding.  Peppered/smoked/cooked/uncooked...what a treat

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7 hours ago, KC 71 said:

Thats a travesty, ????

should be butter only

I must confess I've attempted to be the food police on this thread myself, so I can't complain. Or were you harking back to "Last Tango in Paris"?

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On 1/17/2020 at 12:57 PM, Speedo1968 said:

All my foods are comfort foods !
Why ?  

I am grateful and lucky that I not only have food to eat and that I also have a choice and that my choice has been vegan for 50 of my many years.

Thanks for letting us know.


Always tough to spot the vegans in the room, they are usually quite hesitant to provide the rest of us with that information.


Glad to see that after 50 years you have overcome that stigma.

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1 minute ago, metempsychotic said:

Always tough to spot the vegans in the room, they are usually quite hesitant to provide the rest of us with that information.

Easy enough if you stand near one waving your bacon sarnie around and wafting the aroma in their direction. However I'm grateful for the (to me) new term that I hear being bandied about - "plant-based food". I've often wondered how to characterise beef - cattle being vegetarians - and now I know. Beef is "plant-based food". Formerly I would describe myself as a "passive vegetarian" - like passive smoking, done at one remove - but there's now a new term I can add to my vocabulary

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On 1/17/2020 at 6:43 PM, Nyezhov said:

Capers! Capers!


Heres more.......deep breath so I can shout...












Notice dudes: No one has said, o yeth, Arugula maketh me feel tho warm and fuzzy.

With you on the capers.


Salty good bombs with cream cheese and lox and fresh dill.


I thank heaven daily I was not raised with a beige English palate.

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On 1/17/2020 at 9:40 AM, CanuckThai said:

Wow, "comfort foods".  This thread got me thinking/reminiscing/day dreaming.  The grey matter went through a full throttle self interrogation.  I love food, appreciate it, internally debate the experience: the great, the good, the bad the ugly.  I might not order it (again), but I'll eat it.


Interesting how resources drastically alter your immediate "comforts".  What's in the fridge, what's available at a local market/grocery store, what restaurants are conveniently accessible.  Back "home", comfort food was a mile high smoked meat with a half sour kosher dill, and a pile of fries (chips), or a massive medium rare rib steak, baked potato smothered in sour creme and chives with a huge Caesar salad.  Simple hamburgers and sausages on the barbecue...safe enough to eat medium rare?   A homemade caesar salad dressing made with a raw egg, fresh garlic, olive oil, an anchovie, etc...and safe to eat.  Wine...(it's a food group yes?)


Now, arriving home (LOS) from a project surrounded by beach, for hundreds of miles in all (well, 3.5/4) directions....my kingdom for simple slice of crispy cinnamon chips bacon and a fresh salad that includes some form of lettuce.  Yeah, apparently my comfort foods have temporarily changed.


...and I'm extremely thankful for the choices available locally today.  Thankful that someone long ago, tripped over a bucket of rotting fish, and grandpa Somchai's sharp smelling toes, went up the chimney with him.


Happy Friday!


You are pretty much right with all the daydreaming. It comes to availability of food at the end of the day.


I'm always in for a lot of hamburgers, sausages and barbecue. Literary available for this 24/7 and quite sure it'll fill me up.


I've also found that banana bread is comfort food to many and I have found a banana bread recipe that does not use eggs and it is just awesome.


Just in addition to this, I could eat anything spicy and chilly every day of the week.


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I've found a new comfort food...miso soup...miso paste comes in a plastic bag from makro, simply dissolve a heaping table spoon or so in hot water from the kettle and stir a bit and et viola soup in 5mins....very comforting sorta like chicken noodle soup...garnish anyway you want, I eat it plain, I've always been a big fan of japanese food...



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On 1/21/2020 at 11:48 AM, metempsychotic said:

We differ on our interpretations of decent ham

Agree. I thought it came on a leg, with a bone in the middle. Real ham is pink. Never heard of a pig with square legs. It looks more like badly designed beer coasters.

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  • 1 month later...

I take comfort in Pomelos,

not just the eating, but the quiet half hour that I reserve, per fruit , to do a full-on filleting job on them...


wife knows to leave me alone during that rare period of solace...

(what that interprets to in reality; is that no Thai I know can handle with the patience, to sit and watch me do it!)  


likewise my look of shock back at the Thai gigyat way of attacking the poor things chop chop chop, with a cleaver 


the proof is in the pudding, in that our Monk looks forward to my version of Pomelo serves; in the same sense as our cockatiel barrages your hands out of the way for her new dish of favourite sunflower seed 


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