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Police arrest school director for Lopburi shopping mall shooting - reports


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5 hours ago, anicon said:

I need more evidence than just a confession, tie him to the weapon & the getaway motor bike, then find the gold, then you have a real case of guilt along with a confession..

Ok your honour. The RTP are on the way to your office to get their search warrant signed. 

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Maybe it also was personal?
We all know how easy it is for Thais to reach for a gun and kill their wife and close family members, being reported in the local news almost every week. 

So he robbed them and made sure the victims would suffer. A very evil man. 

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1 minute ago, balo said:

Maybe it also was personal?
We all know how easy it is for Thais to reach for a gun and kill their wife and close family members, being reported in the local news almost every week. 

So he robbed them and made sure the victims would suffer. A very evil man. 

Social media says that the shop assistant, who he shot 3 times, was his ex and 3 months pregnant. Why shoot the others? Obviously watched "Jack Reecher" when planning the hit.

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In Thairath this afternoon (22/01/20) they reported it was his wife who revealed to the police the hiding place for the gold after they came to interview her at her husband's school where she was employed as a computer science teacher. She was taken away for questioning and confessed the gold had been hidden in the roof of the garage at their house where they both lived.
Quite how she knew where the gold was and the extent of her involvement in covering up for her husband remains to be seen.

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31 minutes ago, katana said:

In Thairath this afternoon (22/01/20) they reported it was his wife who revealed to the police the hiding place for the gold after they came to interview her at her husband's school where she was employed as a computer science teacher. She was taken away for questioning and confessed the gold had been hidden in the roof of the garage at their house where they both lived.
Quite how she knew where the gold was and the extent of her involvement in covering up for her husband remains to be seen.

Isnt that a gold chain middle of left hand photo (labeled exhibit 11).



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42 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Social media says that the shop assistant, who he shot 3 times, was his ex and 3 months pregnant.

Yes that explains it , a personal motive. 

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12 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Apparently there's a photo circulating Thai social media showing the guy, his wife and the dead shop assistant in the background.

Its been established that the victim was a friend of a friend of the shooters wife. Thats not outrageous considering if we both lived in the same town, a friend of mine may well know a friend of yours etc.

Wife was saying last night that police have line/facebook messages linking the two.

Edited by Peterw42
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8 hours ago, scorecard said:

The section of the above post re entitlement: 


Three decades back we had a young Thai man, very well educated, spoke perfect English in our office team, he was totally arrogant to his boss and everybody around him, demanded everything without any courtesy whatever, in fact regularly just rude to staff he considered to be 'low', expected because of his perceived status that he could miss work / leave very early whenever he wanted. He was totally dissatisfied with this postion, which his hi-so father had arranged for him, he expected that he should automatically be a senior manager. Reality was that he wasn't capable of complex work nor handling responsibility.


His hi-so father got him another job at Thai inter as a clerk. Sonny wasn't satisfied and wanted more respect so he demanded that Thai inter send a company car to his house to pick him up every morning. The eventual compromise was that an unmarked taxi came every morning to go to work and took him home, same driver every day and he was paid a transport allowance. It was established that he would often order the driver to not stop at the building entrance and go around and come back until there was several people present so that he could gain status from being seen / perceived as having his own driver.






Varrrr, I have never seen some one THAT BAD ! ... Shows that I have a good life, and am in the right spot I guess. Thanks for this Brother !!! Greatly. ... And something to think about ! ? 


And, Still, at least the <deleted> did not get dissatisfied, get hold of a gun, and shoot a whole lot of People !!! ... Just shows you that access to the fire arms, PROBABLY is the major part of this problem here in this Shooting the by standers in the mall in Lop-bury story. ? 


So how did it turn out in the end ? It does not sound like he was very happy as he was ! ? ... How was his Family life ... a Man then needs "A Special sort of Woman" Right ? ... Plenty to suite him in Bangkok, in the upper echelons of Thailand I would say ? .... and God Bless ? ... NO DAM their just totally stupid intolerant and selfish lives. 


Still, he sounds pretty young ? .. most people / We, all usually DO grow up, .... Eventually I guess.

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4 hours ago, shy coconut said:

Maybe the DNA proves that he was present at the crime scene, other evidence or

investigations or informants may have led to his arrest.

I think that DNA evidence often is more helpful, excluding potential suspects, wrongly suspected, ... which now IS a good thing I think. ... 

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18 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

Probably started his interest on children's days when they let the kids play with guns and tanks, this practice is abhorrent IMO and if i was Thai i would campaign against it.126135617_images(23).jpg.3fdbed22c5fbd39d4a506145f058e856.jpg Guns are not toys !


YES, No need for this sort of grooming any more, ...  like before with Dictators, and Waring armies all around the place, ... maybe ! ... But NOT NOW. ...

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21 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

seems to be a crime most wouldnt dare admit to but sure enough. can only guess they had some evidence on him know one else knew about. Seems the guy was a dum after all..

A confession usually means the prison sentence is cut in half, and in this case might mean life imprisonment instead of the death sentence.

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1 hour ago, balo said:

Yes that explains it , a personal motive. 

Wow !!! ... And now a motive for why this Upper Middle class lunatic, also probably hated Children !!! (Apart from being a possibly Inept School Teacher ?) ... I wonder what his Teaching career was like ? ... It seems that Money and social display, was all that he really was in to !!! ... And this is not a good motivation for any School teacher I think ! ? ...


... and With disastrous consequences d/t the availability of fire arms to him, and the Cop connection, in his family, ? .... giving him the ability to find Solence, and training with them. ...


RIP all of his Victims and I hope that he lives a LONG time so that he can just sit there and think about them. 

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3 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

A confession usually means the prison sentence is cut in half, and in this case might mean life imprisonment instead of the death sentence.

Or even reducing the minimum term by half. Due to the social standing of the guy's family, all efforts will be made to reduce the sentence.


Expect big payouts to all the victim's families before the case goes to court.



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1 hour ago, balo said:

Yes that explains it , a personal motive. 

.... And she probably ? Was asking him for money ! With pretty good back up if he did not give it to her !!! Having the child !!! .... And as well as just the potential drama of having a Second wife with child !!! ...


.... But what a Bloody Idiot ! .... Some people in this Society !!! Well, ... Some People in this World !!!

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12 hours ago, Huckenfell said:

The thai's refused to use Gait science in the Koh Tao (Death island) murder trials, so why would they use it here.

nonsense .... 

Taken from the police :

Forensic experts analysed the robber’s stance and walk until they agreed that the robber was someone who had undergone surgery on his right knee.

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1 hour ago, Mark mark said:

.... And she probably ? Was asking him for money ! With pretty good back up if he did not give it to her !!! Having the child !!! .... And as well as just the potential drama of having a Second wife with child !!! ...


.... But what a Bloody Idiot ! .... Some people in this Society !!! Well, ... Some People in this World !!!

I think you hit the nail on the head .....  she's pregnant ... she ask's for money or she's going to talk to the mrs. He has to do something to clean up his mess, and it was intended to remove her from the scene but it went horribly wrong.

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28 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I think you hit the nail on the head .....  she's pregnant ... she ask's for money or she's going to talk to the mrs. He has to do something to clean up his mess, and it was intended to remove her from the scene but it went horribly wrong.

Yes !!! MORE that Horribly WRONG !!! Right ! ... Thanks. ... The others found the Info though, eventually, in the end of this thread I think, and Thanks to them also.


....  and Yes, just, What a Total <Deleted> word that starts with A and ends in e ... 

Edited by Mark mark
slight change to, "This Thread I think"
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Yes, I wonder what sort of teacher this <Deleted> starts with A and ends in e, was ? ... Does any one know, this school is not to far away from here in Ayuttahya and BKK also !


... How to get Money and then exhibit it it looks like ? so probably not a very good one at all if you ask me ? or a fire arms opperatin trainer ! Hmmm and Ho Hum !!! ....  Our Brave new society, where ordinary citizens think that they are the Government and Army and Police all wrapped up in to one !!! ... The new Middle class ? ... Well some of them.

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Also, I must say, that I have lived here, near where this guy came from, in the Central Thai flood plains, and also been with a pretty poor, but locally Powerful, from the bottom up, Woman for Oh 35 to 40 years now. ... Near Ayutthaya just about in the center of the Great Central Thai flood plains. North of Bangkok. …


And well, I do have to say that like in Norway with that lunatic Breavic, (Deleted) starts with A and ends in e guy, who just seemed to come from nowhere, and shot 68 people was it ? (So where did he get his fire arms from ? and how did he get his Training ?) .... Here there also is a bit of a background of this sort of empowered feeling, Class of people stuff, who think that they have entitlement, … and many of them also have the old world Mafia thinking think. (And I have heard worse stories from Esarn also, but well that is another story) 


…. But they are just a bit hidden, around here at least, … behind the New and Positive, friendly and intelligent Thai facarde.  But there still are some hidden here, all around Bangkok in these Central Thai flood plains. Like we DO have opportunity here, so well, the young people are not turning out the same as this now at least I think ? ... 


Do you remember the Bad old days of Suchinda was it ? The Air force guy, who had the REAL Coup ! And was trying to seriously cease power, … and his feuded with Chammlong, the Charismatic Buddhist - even if a pretty well skilled ex-general also, and this was very well exhibited in where, and the way that he moved his People around .


They drew up a political map of Thailand then, and colored in each province as to what side of Politics they supported, … Black for the army, White for the democrats, and Grey for all of those in between, ... Like Esarn was pretty gray, .. Bangkok, was Totally White !!! … And well yes you should know or guess it ! ... The central Thai flood plains, all around Bangkok, and up to about 200k away ! … This area was ALL TOTALY BLACK !!! …  For the Military and Army supporters !!!


  Just thinking about it this guy coming from just about in the middle of this Black area !!! ... And there are a lot more, just sitting quietly around here also I think.  Though thankfully all just getting old, …  and most dropping dead  every now and again, … Like BIG funerals Right !!!


The Old men, not causing any trouble, … Well outside the usual Money and social politics corruption, … but well the Hormone charged, well placed, and well, with Pregnant ex-girlfriends and the likes,  Young men ! … I WOULD watch them ! … And that is for sure !!!

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On 1/22/2020 at 11:42 AM, Vacuum said:

Another jealous Thai male?

A rotten spoiled thai man who got everything he want from his rich parents, suddenly one of his mistresses left him and he "lost face" and wanted a bloody revenge.

Same old story.  This sick nutcase wanted to show the ex girlfriend how powerful and fearless he was by executing her. 

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