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CCTV Cameras everywhere?


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8 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

Yes I think they have a place and use and they are part of life, I have a number of cameras around my house. But what I am surprised by is the very large number of these new Bosh CCTV installations. Just on the two sois I use to get to the local park (4minute drive away) there are 7 cameras.

Yes we followed you all the way. It seems you are a good boy and can relax when walking. However, stop picking your nose!

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32 minutes ago, jimn said:

Only people who have something to hide are afraid of CCTV camera's those opposed one day may need the footage.

I think we all should be aware, what is happening in China now is heading towards complete surveillance with facial recognition  and is part of a wider system where all aspects of your life is plugged into the system and there is a points system, if you are a model citizen you can get up to around 700 points but if you are outspoken about the government or maybe a criminal then you will not have many points which then restricts what you can do, for example if you want to travel by train or plane to another city the system can block you from buying a ticket. so, it is a form of control.

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Not uncommon method of operation from dictatorial governments.  Want to keep an eye on the people.  Now of course CCTVs can be very helpful in solving crimes.  Not so helpful in preventing crimes as the cameras don't physically stop anything.  And if little fear of reprisal or punishment, then trying prevent many crimes with threat of recording events becomes a moot point

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11 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

Yes true, I do not think it will deter people, look at the case of the man who robbed the gold shop and killed innocent people, anyone would know there are cameras there. Interesting programmes on youtube about China's camera sysytem and how they are linked into everything about you 


Yeah knew about this BBC report and the guy not laying more than 20 minutes. Totally disgusting and the same way Chiang Mai is going. But how can these government freedom killers be stopped? 

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7 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

I just cannot spell lol

Not a problem. I just thought it may be a case of somebody altering one letter in a recognized name in order to run on their brand recognition.

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On 1/23/2020 at 12:54 AM, Gweiloman said:

I’m all for it. Hopefully, it will deter terrorism down south. It can also be very useful in prosecuting traffic violations, if the government ever gets to that. 

It can also be useful for rolling out the same kind of surveillance and population control systems which have made China the envy of the free world.

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23 hours ago, sead said:

with the quality of cameras installed by the government, you shouldnt be to scared. But those frome 7eleven and shops i think is of better and why not.. Thai police have solved many cases by just following the perpetrator through cctv

bs. what you get is a blurry shadow and you very rarely see faces. you can often make out clothing, height, weight etc, race if your lucky.

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On 1/23/2020 at 7:10 PM, sead said:

with the quality of cameras installed by the government, you shouldnt be to scared. But those frome 7eleven and shops i think is of better and why not.. Thai police have solved many cases by just following the perpetrator through cctv

The BMa (and maybe other organizations) they have fitted fake cameras in many location over many years. 

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Everywhere ...

Everywhere..where ?


Not enough on the main roads of Thailand ;


Motorists who know them slow down before reaching them and re-accelerate as soon as they are passed below.


I ride a MTBike about 10,000 km a year, I never see one on red dirt or cement roads ... or any on asphalted secondary roads where the majority of accidents occur.
Besides, no more cameras than cops on these roads ...

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On 1/23/2020 at 11:16 AM, neeray said:

I wouldn't be too concerned about the Bosh decal if I were you. Chances are they are made in China for Bosh, thus, carry a little more value because of the name but maybe not excessively.

Also, if you are using the correct spelling as seen on the cameras, it may be a case of trickery.

The real Bosch is spelled like this.

My  Sanyo cell phone  lasted a whole week ! ????

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  • 3 years later...

I used to think what does it matter if you're being watched if your not doing anything wrong or illegal, but governments can change what they consider wrong or illegal to be, see Hong Kong. Maybe questioning why there are so many cctvs might be considered subversive and unpatriotic. Remember lockdowns and people getting fined, it creeps in gradually!

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On 1/23/2020 at 12:13 AM, stupidfarang said:

Just wanted to know if this is happening all over Thailand?

I've got 12 on my own property.  Good deterent along with powerful solar lights outside.  


CCTV surveillance is common place practically anywhere there's people and has been for quite a while.


However, in Thailand, poor maintenance habits usually means the majority of cameras don't work.   

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