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Despite brave holdouts, virus gutting island tourism


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4 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Hmmm, counting tourists per m2 on the beach from those pictures indicates a GBP/TB rate of 54.93 at that point in time.

British tourists are easy to identify...they are those with pink skin, some parts of it having exploded to reveal third degree burns...

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7 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:


The sea in Phuket is always dangerous, even when the flag is green;
only excellent swimmers can venture a little offshore and provided that they do so in a group

Dodging the flotsam and jetsom of human discards??


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do they asked permission to everybody in the photo's to be used in public ?


well... put all your eggs in the same basket... gamble on chinese tourists ...




just increase the price of everything, thai dumb economics


and the island is already over-expensive and the scam begins in the airport (taxi, no meter, farang land taxi rates...)

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Virus gutting Island Tourism ? I don’t get it seeing those pictures ! Is there anyone out there, on site now, to take some « live » pictures please ? 
Although .. what if those bodies lying down ARE actually infected by the PRC’s virus ? 

Now that would be gutting ????

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28 minutes ago, Lee bamber said:

Koh Samed this morning. Ao Sikow and Ao Pi. Last week 2000 plus mostly chinese.

This morning at 10am. 24 farang,26 Thais and 2 chinese!

Were stones being thrown in the direction of the Chinese, our where they just isolated?

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9 hours ago, neeray said:

Looking at these pictures (OP), if the virus doesn't get them, there's a good chance skin cancer will.

Have to agree . Melanomas here we come. And skin like boot leather.

Also, don't like the back side of the one standing  with her a - rse pointing towards the readership. She's probably thinking "Oh please look at me everyone because I'm so beautiful" Yuk.

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2 hours ago, Lee bamber said:

Koh Samed this morning. Ao Sikow and Ao Pi. Last week 2000 plus mostly chinese.

This morning at 10am. 24 farang,26 Thais and 2 chinese!

Close, but no cigar. Sure they were Chinese? The optimal count is zero.

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7 hours ago, neeray said:

Agreed. Those pictures seem to be "file" footage. There are more people on the beach than the OP seems to describe.

Also, no evidence of people 'tossing' around a Frisbee, either. It's too crowded anyway.

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12 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

Also, no evidence of people 'tossing' around a Frisbee, either. It's too crowded anyway.

You can always throw a frisbee. Especially enjoyable when there are Chinese tourists every 20cm. Might want to upgrade to a boomerang though.

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11 hours ago, Youlike said:

Do those tourists have to swim around the speedboats? Why don't they ban them from the beach?

Because they haven’t killed enough tourists yet. Give them time and they will ban them and not enforce it.

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13 hours ago, Youlike said:

Do those tourists have to swim around the speedboats? Why don't they ban them from the beach?

Because they pick up passengers on the beach to tow around on those rubber banana floats/boats..as well as parasails.

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16 hours ago, neeray said:

Looking at these pictures (OP), if the virus doesn't get them, there's a good chance skin cancer will.

Oh please, you’re just bitter and jealous that people are getting a tan. I lay out in the sun everyday in Phuket and only between 11am and 2pm when the UV index is over 10 ( i’m Irish, German, Norwegian, spanish ) and would never give that up. I surfed and did tanning salons form age 14 to 30 too. I still look 21 most people say and a decade younger than my peers. Laying out in the sun has nothing to do with aging and cancer. You get cancer and age as result of poor genetics. Even if I do get skin cancer some day, it’s extremely easy and cheap to treat In 2020. Skin cancer is not a big deal anymore. There will be a cure for cancer within 4 years anyways. It will be pricey at first but 10 years form now, no one will die from cancer. Fact.

Edited by Rocket Hawks
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15 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:


The sea in Phuket is always dangerous, even when the flag is green;
only excellent swimmers can venture a little offshore and provided that they do so in a group

Have you ever been to Phuket? There are dozens of beaches that are not Patong Beach that are great for swimming. Try Layan or Naithon Beach.  At least 6 months out of the year, you can have the entire beach to yourself. Phuket beaches dangerous??? Lol. Give me a break. Do the people that post on this site even live in Thailand? If you’ve been to Phuket, have you been to anywhere other than Patong Beach? Phuket is so much more than Patong. I swear, it’s like we are living in two different countries! 

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Thailand, through extreme myopia, put itself into this position. By putting all of it's eggs in the basket of China, they opened themselves up to a tourism and economic tragedy of immense proportions. It was an inane decision, made by people with little to no experience in tourism, hired based on cronyism, or nepotism, and entirely without merit. When you reach for the bottom of the barrel, this is what you get. The Thai people are in for a world of hurt. Tourism was already in a near crisis stage, due to an extremely xenophobic and racist administration. Now? I do feel bad for the common Thai. However, in a sense they allowed this to happen, by allowing the totally incompetent army to take over. The only solution now, is to get them out. Hopefully, the youth will rise up. The army is truly despised at this point in time. They are beyond useless.


This could be a good thing in the long run. Hopefully, it will take a very heavy toll on the horrendous army, and perhaps even force the resignation of Prayuth. He really needs to get out now. 

Putting all eggs in one basket is common in the tourism business. Probably happens because it is an "easy sale".

High demand, many flights and cultural / ethnic familiarity amongst sales staff and customers


It has happened in Hawaii with Japanese tourists and in Miami with customers from South America. Business is good for a few years, then something happens and demand drops.. panic ensues and everyone scrambles to find different business 

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2 hours ago, Rocket Hawks said:

Oh please, you’re just bitter and jealous that people are getting a tan. I lay out in the sun everyday in Phuket and only between 11am and 2pm when the UV index is over 10 ( i’m Irish, German, Norwegian, spanish ) and would never give that up. I surfed and did tanning salons form age 14 to 30 too. I still look 21 most people say and a decade younger than my peers. Laying out in the sun has nothing to do with aging and cancer. You get cancer and age as result of poor genetics. Even if I do get skin cancer some day, it’s extremely easy and cheap to treat In 2020. Skin cancer is not a big deal anymore. There will be a cure for cancer within 4 years anyways. It will be pricey at first but 10 years form now, no one will die from cancer. Fact.

 oh please don't be so modest mr hansum man ............

Edited by sandrabbit
forgot the oh at the start, pps reporting you for off topic .......
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18 hours ago, Youlike said:

Do those tourists have to swim around the speedboats? Why don't they ban them from the beach?

..the ideal situation would be no boats or jet skis in a swimming area, there should be a specific area for children & swimmers only.. those boats have no reason to be in a congested beach area in Pattaya or Phuket .. maybe have 1 jetski for emergency life saving capabilities if necessary.

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9 hours ago, Rocket Hawks said:

Oh please, you’re just bitter and jealous that people are getting a tan. I lay out in the sun everyday in Phuket and only between 11am and 2pm when the UV index is over 10 ( i’m Irish, German, Norwegian, spanish ) and would never give that up. I surfed and did tanning salons form age 14 to 30 too. I still look 21 most people say and a decade younger than my peers. Laying out in the sun has nothing to do with aging and cancer. You get cancer and age as result of poor genetics. Even if I do get skin cancer some day, it’s extremely easy and cheap to treat In 2020. Skin cancer is not a big deal anymore. There will be a cure for cancer within 4 years anyways. It will be pricey at first but 10 years form now, no one will die from cancer. Fact.

Funny because the young me would be identical.


I still love and frequent the beach but use strong cream, expose my self to sun slowly initially and try to stay out of it. While I too am taken for a decade younger, I wonder if it might be fifteen years. I'm sure the wrinkles on my face, a few borne by sun.


Thai people really don't like brown skin and working in the city I try to avoid getting too dark. Chasing a tan living in Asia is ridiculous. Having said that many farang here are pasty, disgusting shade of white. No palor I think they look ill. Asian women look great with white skin, much prefer over the brown folk.


Skin cancer is no joke.


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