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The week that was in Thailand news: Hysteria finds its natural home on social media and online news


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2 hours ago, sturdyd said:

Totally agree on the Wuhan Virus. I must be missing something, because all the data I see hardly warrants all the hand wringing. And, look, if I'm missing something, please educate me. Of course it's terrible when people die, but, like Rooster, I think the reaction is just way over the top.

Today's stats - 14,562 cases; 305 deaths; recovered 340. So about 14,000 people in hospital isolation units.


Please consider -


What were those stats on Jan 1?


The drastic precautionary measures taken by PRC to keep the virus numbers as low as they are. Name them.


Please explain why you think the virus will not grow in TH the same way it did in the PRC.


Because we have nicer hospitals?


TH appears to be failing to take the same steps the PRC did at this point in the epidemic. I am hoping that I am wrong and that the government will announce further measures tomorrow.


Everyone who loves Thailand and lives in a high-risk area has an obligation to follow through with their local government  leaders and ask these questions.

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Why is this  person allowed to post?


Insuating that we are all stupid for wearing  masks


Has this person considered  in his tiny anti Thailand  head of his that the reason why it hasn't  spead so much is because  of the precautions  mainly by the  Chinese  government who do not feel as if they have to act for the people


They couldnt  give a monkeys what the world thinks of  them or their people.


To stick on your mask and put tape on it

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I haven't seen anyone on here panicking, no reports of people sealing doors and windows with air purifiers running 24/7 whilst wearing hazmat suits and respirators and refusing to socialise with people for fear of contracting the disease. 


No, what I see is a large group of people (how many members does Thaivisa have ??) all commenting on the facts as they have been presented by WHO, governments, newspapers, radio, television and yourself, everyone has a right to his or her interpretation of what they are presented with, so many thousands of members will have conflicting views and thoughts, some people believe it or not are also privy to information that the majority of us are not, enabling them to make more informed comment.


You have a hand in publishing this stuff that people comment on, maybe once it is posted you should close the thread to further comment ?? Oh no, can't do that no clicks means no money from the advertisers.


Perhaps you should credit your readership with slightly more intelligence than you appear to do at the moment, as for 'Bar stool curmudgeon's' I really hate that phrase, personally when I am out socialising the last thing I do is read thaivisa thank you.


And when I woke up this morning the PM 2.5 count was 166, thankfully this afternoon it has dropped to a more comfortable 152, I'm not wearing a mask, running an air purifier or anything else except for 3 fans, all the doors and windows are wide open, do I care no, can I make a comment without being referred to as a 'Bar stool curmudgeon' ? I hope so.


I will take my cue from the WHO thank you not some online hack.



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Well, to add to the hysteria,  China has just reported an outbreak if avian flu(H5N1) on a chicken farm in Hunan province (south of Hubei province ).  Of ~7800 chickens on the farm, 4500 died. Bad death rate stats.

Some 18000 chickens have been destroyed to stem the spread.

China sure is having its problems.

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You never let a good disaster, perceived or otherwise, to go to waste. That is a governmental authority mantra we often hear in the halls of power. Guaranteed there will be a litany of more draconian rules to mitigate the next great world-wide outbreak. I suspect that in the very near future, as just one example, you will be required to obtain a health screening that will include certain vaccinations before you will be given that travel VISA. It's governments way of implementing more controls and give the medical industrial complex more reasons to profit. Freedom of movement on this planet is being more and more controlled and I for one am not interested, using my example, of being required to obtain not fully tested, not fully efficacious rushed to the market medications. I am not a lab rat. Nor should we allow governments to implement more travel restrictions based on perceived emergencies. As OP points out, the flu virus, which has existed long before SARS or NCOV2019, kills way more people annually every year, we don't need more travel restrictions because 300 people have died from a virus in the last three months. 

Edited by Tounge Thaied
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9 hours ago, POMRAKSIAM said:

Great article ..spot on!! All the hysteria over this virus is rubbish and that combined with people that actually like and believe Trump lends me to believe a portion of society is infact insane.

these are the stats as of today from the China Post ..

So what % is that from a population of over 1 Billion people ...?? Duh..?


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6 hours ago, orchidfan said:

Well, to add to the hysteria,  China has just reported an outbreak if avian flu(H5N1) on a chicken farm in Hunan province (south of Hubei province ).  Of ~7800 chickens on the farm, 4500 died. Bad death rate stats.

Some 18000 chickens have been destroyed to stem the spread.

China sure is having its problems.

I am so sick of this constant worldwide CULLING of poor animals that get sick because of how  the greedy huge companies / farms all over the world treat them, feed them and confine them on top of injecting them with all kinds of <deleted>.... Let's cull the humans then who also carry infectious diseases... I think that would solve a big problem of overpopulation and allow us to get back to treating our animals with the same respect and health they deserve as our ancestors did. Ok.. now go ahead and lambast me  .. I'm ready for it !

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While I applaud the international response in containing the novel corona virus, I agree with Rooster that there is no need for most communities to get worked up, panic and worry about being infected. Probably some 90% of us can just go about our normal lives with no special precautions at all.


I also have to agree with Rooster's Brexit comments. The more divided the world is, the more dangerous it is. The more unified a community, country, grouping of nations etc, the less likely conflicts (e.g. trade disputes, border disputes, war, genocide etc) will break out.


There is strength in unity and agreement. As has been proved in past conflicts, divide and conquer is the best strategy if you are a strongman/nation wanting to dominate your neighbours.


Want to break the unions, government or other powerful interest groups, divide and conquer. Want to break the EC, divide and conquer.

Edited by Stevemercer
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1 hour ago, sambum said:

"These views will doubtless be slammed by many, especially the online worry buckets who spread doom and gloom. They are either trolls or truly misguided. Sorry, but I'll react with a bit of interest when I see something in Thailand that is worth getting into a lather over."


Presumably, in your opinion, the WHO (not the rock group!) are "trolls or truly misguided" to declare this a "global emergency"?



P.S. "A social media troll is someone who purposely says something controversial in order to get a rise out of other users."


Pot and kettle?

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Whats with pinning what is basically a rant post ?  


OP is peddling his opinion as news, then pinning it like its something special, Thats real privilege for you. 


STOP telling people what you think like they should be in agreement... its hubris and frankly unwelcome.


Exactly whats becoming increasingly wrong with this site and the world in general these days..





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    Good point about putting the risks in perspective . My son has a five minute walk to school everyday . Should I worry more about him getting malaria from a mosquito at school , having an encounter with a moron an a bike while crossing the road , or catching corona . Could corona virus possibly overtake the road toll in Thailand ? Could it overtake the cases of malaria in Thailand ? I think not .

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Amid all the criticism of Rooster's views, I'd like to add to his dog comments.  Almost weekly there is a story about a particularly bad mauling; the minor bites and savagings don't make news any more.  It's easy to point at packs of wild soi dogs as health hazards and a source of road accidents, but my problem is closer to home.


I live on an expensive estate surrounded by yapping dogs owned by deaf Thais and condoned by blind farangs.  The noise is constant from early morning and into the night.  The house I rent ticked all my boxes; the estate has a lovely pool/Jacuzzi and a fantastic gym but I will not be staying when my contract expires thanks to selfish/unaware dog owners. 

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The author writes about hysteria then whips one about street dogs. What a nonsense. Many here who help dogs including myself have a spay and neuter program that is part of solution not the problem. With reference to the so called Rescuer who was buying up dogs in Cambodia you absolutely right about him and he was part of the problem but don't judge all on one bad apple. 

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