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Don't make that classic mistake.


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7 hours ago, kilslug said:

He was gay. I'm not trying to insult anyone. I'm literally just saying what I believe to be true. I'm so confident that HIV is not transmitted from females to males that I would enter a trial where I only had sex with HIV positive women for science. I don't think it's ever happened and if it has happened It was probably under some very rare circumstances.

You seem to make up your own theories about things. No wonder this woman conned you. How did Magic Johnson get it? He slept with 5000 women.


You say there is no risk yet you used condoms on 1st holiday and got tested.


Go to Pattaya and sleep with 1000 no condom, test your theory.

Edited by UbonThani
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7 hours ago, kilslug said:

He was gay. I'm not trying to insult anyone. I'm literally just saying what I believe to be true. I'm so confident that HIV is not transmitted from females to males that I would enter a trial where I only had sex with HIV positive women for science. I don't think it's ever happened and if it has happened It was probably under some very rare circumstances.

Seems you know the sexual orientation of a dead man you never met, and know more about HIV transmission than health researchers and epidemiologists. 

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9 hours ago, kilslug said:

If you're stupid enough to believe what she tells you. I only started bare-backing her after she told me she was looking for a relationship. It was all condoms on the first holiday with her. I think we're both pretty reckless though. She was very pretty so it was hard to say no. 

Was this your first relationship?

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10 hours ago, kilslug said:

No almost every massage shop In Phuket has girls trying to pull you in waiting at the door. It was the same when I went to Pattaya. It’s worse in the tourist areas though. 

Did you sleep with hookers in Pattaya? Hiv 33% i believe there.

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On 2/10/2020 at 7:47 PM, kilslug said:

It's very hard perhaps even impossible to get HIV into a penis.

This is so ignorant.


Why because the hole is smaller? JHFC!


Many years back I ran across a guy I used to know in Cambodia. I'd left but he stayed on. I rattled off the men I recalled from my time there. Two thirds dead of HIV.


Oh Sheryl where art thou?



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15 hours ago, digibum said:

Not trying to be a jerk but you sound a bit delusional.  


Listen, if someone wants to have a relationship with a prostitute, so be it.  For some, that's the kind of thing they're looking for.  For a small handful of people it even works out. 


The difference here is that most of the guys that do it, know the rules.  You don't even know the rules and want us to believe that your definition of girlfriend, love, or whatever else was the same as hers'.  That's where your problems start. 


Without even meeting her, most of the guys on TV know more about her than you do. 


Every response from you seems to be you trying to narrowly define terms to make them fit your fantasy of what happened.  You tried to make a major distinction between bar girl and massage girl.  There is none except for the business model.  They both provide some sort of sexual service in exchange for money.  They both tend to go into the profession for the same reasons.  They both tend to pick up sponsors (i.e. boyfriends) to smooth out the ups and downs (no pun intended) of the business cycle. 


Now you're trying to argue the definition of girlfriend.  It doesn't matter. 



Yes, a lot of that naivety is been on display from you, my man.  You're in denial. 



Ahhh, the old "all women are in it for the money" argument.  I get it.  I've heard it, oh, probably a thousand times before. 


But here's where that argument breaks down.  There are women who marry primarily for money and security and then there are women who want money and security within a relationship that also includes other factors. 


Money and security are important to everybody.  But for some people, they are the only criteria.  For others, they are part of a much wider area of criteria. 

You're grossly oversimplifying men-women interactions because, again, it suits your purpose to confuse the two so you don't seem like such a sap for falling for a prostitute.  You want to normalize it.  You want to make it like all relationships were on par with your relationship with this girl. 


They're not. 



I really don't understand how the guy who wrote the OP in this thread can say this.  You obviously misread this girl from top to bottom, yet you're claiming you know what all women are about.  LOL. 



Nobody said any of those things other than the same rules don't apply to working girls that apply to other women.  You keep insisting that it's all the same, but it's not. 


It's not about being detached, it's about not being gullible. 


Let's put it this way, we all have friends. 


But, let's say that you got arrested and had to spend 5 years in jail. 


Are the friends you make in prison the same as your friends outside of prison?  Do you trust them the same?  Are you going to tell your bunk mate where you wife and child live? 


I hope not. 


The same applies here.  You're dealing with people that don't operate by the same set of rules as you're used to. 


Back in my wilder days I was friends with tons of working girls.  I bonded with plenty of them.  A handful, I would have even called friends. 


And they'll tell you all of their stories of how they're scamming guys, and the tricks they pull in the bars, and how they rank themselves against other girls (i.e. how many customers they get a night, how big of a tip they got, or how many clueless farangs are sending them money) and you just realize that most of these girls, no matter how sweet they act, no matter how vulnerable they seem, are stone-cold predators. 


If you understand the dynamic, you can navigate that world. 


But, if you go in there looking for love, or affection, or a girlfriend, or you're just generally clueless about what you want, you're pretty much prey in front of a predator. 


They've honed their stories using the experiences of hundreds of other girls that have passed on their advice about what to say, when to say it, when to ask for the money, etc.  It's literally almost a science. 


Why do you think that they all have the same opening questions?  Where are you from?  Helps them determine if you're from a rich country or a poor country.  How long you stay in Thailand?  Is there a potential to lock you down for a few days with a girlfriend experience and get a big payoff?  Is this your first time in Thailand?  They want to know how much you know about how the game works.  


Most of the people commenting have heard those questions a thousand times.  And they're experienced enough to know why the girls ask them.  They've given you a lot of good advice over the last 10 or 11 pages, you should really quit the denial thing and read through what people have told you and take some of it to heart. 


If you made your original post to entertain us, great, you did.  We all got a good chuckle. 


If you made your original post to learn something, shut up and listen. 

Excellent read.


Was out drinking with a friend, later wandered into 2 gogo in BKK. The girls could just tell I was local and paid me no mind. These seemed like very mercenary joints. I enjoyed my cheap beer and the fat girls, the stupid tourists getting shaken down. Laffs ensued.

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8 minutes ago, Number 6 said:

Excellent read.


Was out drinking with a friend, later wandered into 2 gogo in BKK. The girls could just tell I was local and paid me no mind. These seemed like very mercenary joints. I enjoyed my cheap beer and the fat girls, the stupid tourists getting shaken down. Laffs ensued.

Fat girls? Certainly not in soi cowboy.. What dump were you in? 

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4 hours ago, Number 6 said:

This is so ignorant.


Why because the hole is smaller? JHFC!


Many years back I ran across a guy I used to know in Cambodia. I'd left but he stayed on. I rattled off the men I recalled from my time there. Two thirds dead of HIV.


Oh Sheryl where art thou?



Numbers game. If it's 1 in 1200 then sleep with 500 or even the same infected girl 500 times the odds go way up.


500/1200 =.........


Nearly 50/50 chance.

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9 hours ago, UbonThani said:

Numbers game. If it's 1 in 1200 then sleep with 500 or even the same infected girl 500 times the odds go way up.


500/1200 =.........


Nearly 50/50 chance.

Numbers game...


You have one die:


Half sides have X, half sides have O


Each time you roll do your odds increase, decrease or stay the same?


It's 50/50 always.


If you are in a pool of third world prostitutes those are not the same odds as middle aged secretaries from Ohio.


People are very sick in Pattaya especially. Go about having sex just the same. No condom? Sure, up to you ka (you know the risks stupid guy).

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6 minutes ago, Number 6 said:

Numbers game...


You have one die:


Half sides have X, half sides have O


Each time you roll do your odds increase, decrease or stay the same?


It's 50/50 always.


If you are in a pool of third world prostitutes those are not the same odds as middle aged secretaries from Ohio.


People are very sick in Pattaya especially. Go about having sex just the same. No condom? Sure, up to you ka (you know the risks stupid guy).

Wrong. The odds are based on an infected person not everyone.


If you sleep with 100 without it it's zero chance.


If you sleep with 100 and 33 have it it becomes 33 times 0.008.


Basic maths.

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3 hours ago, UbonThani said:

Wrong. The odds are based on an infected person not everyone.


If you sleep with 100 without it it's zero chance.


If you sleep with 100 and 33 have it it becomes 33 times 0.008.


Basic maths.

But you've no idea who's infected and I'd guess it's as high as 15% in Thai prostitutes.

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4 hours ago, UbonThani said:

Wrong. The odds are based on an infected person not everyone.

If you sleep with 100 without it it's zero chance.

If you sleep with 100 and 33 have it it becomes 33 times 0.008.

Basic maths.

My pal made that bet and lost, died age 59 from AIDS (but he went at it quite hard).

I made that bet and won, 65 and still alive (I wasn't so enthusiastic).

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On 2/10/2020 at 8:52 PM, UbonThani said:

Vaginal sex under 0.1% chance. Do the maths.


1m <deleted> women with hiv no condom. That means under 1000 get it. Say 800 get it.


If someone shags for 10 years maybe 500 women then high chance. The chance could be say 15% or higher.


LOL what? That would imply that all those women were HIV positive for that to be true. I'm talking a 0.4% chance from a HIV positive woman who is not on antiretroviral therapy. Also you don't catch HIV from every exposure so no it would not be 15% higher if you had sex with 500 women over a period of 10 years. However there have been cases of men having sex with the same HIV positive partner for a number of years and not contracting the virus so whatever the probability is in that incidence I can't imagine it's very high. 

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