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Five on one! Thai men in custody after vicious attack on computer science teacher in north east Thailand

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‘10,000 Thai tour guides out of jobs’



1. Appreciate the currency by 7%+

2. Beat tourist unconscious

3. Scam tourist by no meter taxi's

4. Arrest a 3 day overstay tourist with a SWAT team.

5. Get shaken down by police for cash without any infractions

6. Ridiculous policies at immigration


I hope 100,000 Thai tour guides become unemployed.  Whats it going to take until these people understand that we live/work here.  we employ people.  We support the local businesses. 


Other poster's want to Flame me and "Hope I die".  Thats your right but completely meaningless to me as you are using a pseudonym on an anonymous forum.


Will I fight and defend myself, my family?  Try me..

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7 hours ago, drbeach said:

Sickening. Poorly educated, unemployed youth, perhaps "dek waen" are usually the perpetrators in these kinds of incidents. They come from broken homes, father they have never known, raised by a single mother or their grandparents but left to their own devices upon turning 14 or 15 and completing formal education up to m. 3 (9th grade). Many are on drugs (usually yaba) which causes violent and unpredictable behavior. These street thugs should be thrown in jail and the key thrown away. That's the only language they know.


They do not learn from juvenile prison or adult prison.


Many of these idiots are happy to spend their time in jail, getting up and sent to bed and meals on the table. Make this pieces of dog poo work in the blazing sun in the fields under supervision with no shade and no mobile phones for seven hours a day. They don't like physical work I can tell you that.


Have them cleaning ditches and sewers. Show them how insignificant they are outside of a pathetic gang. They crumble because they are cowards in the main.

9 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


They do not learn from juvenile prison or adult prison.


Many of these idiots are happy to spend their time in jail, getting up and sent to bed and meals on the table. Make this pieces of dog poo work in the blazing sun in the fields under supervision with no shade and no mobile phones for seven hours a day. They don't like physical work I can tell you that.


Have them cleaning ditches and sewers. Show them how insignificant they are outside of a pathetic gang. They crumble because they are cowards in the main.

Beat me to it... chain gangs. Make em sweat for a few years.

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This is Thailand's future.  Groups of young Thai males, uneducated, worshipped since they could walk giving them the impression they are entitled, jobless, looking for any excuse to gang up on someone innocent or not.  This country in 20 years will be a nightmare.

20 hours ago, Emdog said:

Maybe TAT can use this in a promotion: Thai gangs of cowards don't only beat farangs! Be treated like a Thai. Rejoice!

Granted, the vast, vast majority of such cowardly attacks are Thai on Thai (or may even involve some of the estimated 3-4 million migrant workers from neighboring Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar) and rarely involve farang. While I am appalled at attacks like the one in Hua Hin, given the attention granted to it by the media, I suspect that such attacks are quite rare. Now don't get me wrong, they do happen from time to time, but hardly often enough to make it appear there is an epidemic of Thais lunging at farang going out for drinks at a bar. Usually when something like this happens, it's because the farang started acting like a jerk or started pushing around other patrons when he got drunk. A well-behaved farang who minds his own business is extremely unlikely to get hurt. He's more likely to encounter problems with gangs if he ends up in the wrong neighborhood back home in Australia, the USA or the UK without even antagonizing anyone. Just being there can get you beat up in such places. I remember one time parking my car a couple of streets behind Thaitown in Los Angeles a few years ago. Was about to get out of the car and some unfriendly looking Mexican guys were staring at us. Felt very uncomfortable so decided to park the car elsewhere. No one acts thuggish like that towards strangers in Thailand for no reason.

12 hours ago, Nkpjed said:

This is Thailand's future.  Groups of young Thai males, uneducated, worshipped since they could walk giving them the impression they are entitled, jobless, looking for any excuse to gang up on someone innocent or not.  This country in 20 years will be a nightmare.

I'm not as pessimistic as you are, but you're missing a few details here. Apparently as many as 3 million Thais (mostly unemployed or underemployed young men, as well as long-distance truck drivers) are addicted to yaba. It's a national epidemic and that's behind a large part of the violence you sometimes see going on here. Broken homes contribute to this as well, but merely being brought up without a father doesn't cause this kind of violence on it's own. It's usually a combination of factors, especially yaba, which causes extreme aggression. Now these youths could get jobs if they wanted to - but most are too lazy. Otherwise there wouldn't be 3-4 million Cambodian, Burmese and Lao laborers working in a country of only 69 million.


In 20 years time there won't be large groups of youths around anymore since Thailand has a very low fertility rate, which will undoubtedly decline further. It's down to around 1.5 now and in 20 years time the median age of Thais will be like 45.

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