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I used to see all the posts in a topic when I clicked on the thread.

Now I am getting only the most recent post, followed by a summarized listing of the other posts, looks like this:

Posts in this topic

cm-happy Why Does Thaivisa Suddenly Stop Working? 2007-04-04 20:41:38

Farma I was going to ask the same question but wasn’t su... 2007-04-04 20:51:22

LaoPo <... 2007-04-04 20:54:33

PeaceBlondie I was concerned similarly, until I checked my down... 2007-04-04 20:58:35

A_Traveller Have to say the last few days from BKK on ADSL has... 2007-04-04 21:09:24



2007-04-04 22:55:00

Farma I don't know if this helps. I got this gateway... 2007-04-04 22:56:04

Pattaya_Fox Same problems here.....I wonder why? 2007-04-04 22:56:53

dantilley Fine at the moment though. Very much up and down..... 2007-04-04 23:08:41

monty Same over here, pretty good at the moment, but som... 2007-04-04 23:54:41

Totster I've noticed it also totster :D Yesterday, 2007-04-05 03:36:26

Ijustwannateach Intermittent problems for me here in Bangkok, too.... Yesterday, 2007-04-05 04:35:55

Grover glad to see im not alone. :o just a litt... Yesterday, 2007-04-05 04:56:59

tuky It has been happening to me here in Korea too, but... Yesterday, 2007-04-05 19:44:47

LaoPo Yesterday, 2007-04-05 22:56:33

Pattaya_Fox To-day mine is working fine again....no problems :... Yesterday, 2007-04-05 23:00:41

george The datacenter we are using for the servers in Sin... Yesterday, 2007-04-05 23:12:27

Farma Sorry George. I was just about to post I haven... Yesterday, 2007-04-05 23:19:59

dantilley Went down for me just now too... not for too long ... Today, 2007-04-06 00:31:28

the scouser Just had a spell of about an hour with very slow p... Today, 2007-04-06 01:52:24

I like the old way better, did I cause this myself inadvertently, and if so, how do I switch it back?

OK I will sit back and wait for the flamers to figure out a reason to attack me over this. :D:bah: :bah: :D

Here also a bonus pic, it is of the very first computer mouse, invented in the early sixties, believe it or not. Also one of my mom's dog.

Have a nice day!!! :D





Look at the top right of this thread and you will see "options". Click on that and look down under "display modes"... it should be set to standard.

totster :o


Thanks, that is much better!!!!

I must have accidentally clicked it when I was looking for the search function. I was trying to find that thread where you guys were all congratulating Neeranam on his new baby.



I was annoyed at having the same problem. I know people are supposed to look here to figure out their problem but a lot are not going to. I suggest that you post in the general section telling people. also change the defaults so it goes back to the way it was unless people actually select the "preview" mode themselves.

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