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Can Sanders beat Trump? A growing number of Democratic voters say yes


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2 hours ago, Solinvictus said:

Exactly, you see Americans especially those over 45 have really been fully 'wiped' in terms of demanding more basic human rights. IMO. Folks in France protest all the time.


It's nuts really when you think about it. Why does the US not have free healthcare. Not to mention society that addresses income inequality. People will argue, 'how will you pay for it'? LOL They don't ask that question when in comes to THE MILITARY.


What we have here is a politician that has been striving for the people for over 20 years. Not voting for Bernie, IMO, is not only lacking empathy for your fellow American but actually against your own socioeconomic interest. Oh, did I mention, naive...????

The Veteran's Administration is a severly strained organization run by the Federal Gov. We wish not to have the Gov add to the mess by taking over all healthcare in the US.


The Federal Gov is not meant to be a national baby sitter directing everything, and the Gov is a neccessary evil that serves the will of the people and is not meant to run our entire lives.

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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

To add, not trying to be racist, discriminatory, antisemitism or whatever. But yes, many people are in the US regarding this.

Sanders is Jewish.

A Jewish person has never been elected President in the US.

It is a fact just sayin.

No, Americans are quite clear that Sanders is a threat to the American-Israeli relationship, and to Israel itself.

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3 minutes ago, albertik said:

I too have coverage from the US that is valid here, so I want to keep it. Fortunately I don't see Bernie making it to the finish line.  MAGA... KAG

One of the curious ironies is the VA and by extension Tricare are the ultimate socialist, government run healthcare system.


Does the VA work? Well thats debatable, depending on where you live.


Tricare as a re-imbursable program seems to work for overseas if you use private health providers.


So we need to figure out what does work. Our military, our Politicians all benefit from a Government run healthcare system, which in some virtual reality, isn't socialism,  but for the broader population is!


I have no answer to this but these are the discussions that we need to be having with all our politicians rather than retreating to partisan bunkers.


Sadly I don't see that happening with any of the Democratic candidates, let alone the cuckolds of the current Republican party

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2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

To add, not trying to be racist, discriminatory, antisemitism or whatever. But yes, many people are in the US regarding this.

Sanders is Jewish.

A Jewish person has never been elected President in the US.

It is a fact just sayin.

I also recall no Catholic had won in the past before KENNEDY

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14 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

Yes I saw that interview and disregarded that he is scared. Understandably. Please you need to answer the question on how you interrupted he is communist?

He was pro Sandinista, Chavista, Fidelista? And he is obviously anti-Capitalista... must I go on?

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24 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Let’s hear witnesses and see evidence before we bring out the gallows.




This President and his supporters don’t do witnesses and evidence.

Keep making jokes, howz yer Navy doin by the way? time to build

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Looking at Bernie and taking his heart attack into account, any vote for Bernie must also be a vote for his VP to become president.

I don't see him as passionate, but angry.

I agree that Bernie should have a well-qualified VP.  I would opt for Sherrod Brown or Sheldon Whitehouse, for example.  There is a good chance that Bernie won't go the distance, but I am okay with that.


On the flip side, Trump's Alzheimer's is clearly getting worse.  His emergency trip to Walter Reed in November was probably the result of his having had a fall.  His public speech is more rambling, incoherent, and full of rage, all of which are symptoms of Alzheimer's, which affects every part of a person physically and mentally, unlike other causes of dementia.  It is remarkable that the mainstream media have not focused on Trump's Alzheimer's, but if he were to fall in public, which I expect to happen, it will be the news from then on.  Watch for it.  You heard it here first.


Elizabeth Warren would make a better president and probably last longer as a woman, but Bernie is a better candidate.  If Bernie wins, Warren will do a fine job as Sec'y of the Treasury.

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16 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

To be clear, that is the DSA Democratic Socialsts of America.

Yeah, you are more precise in the nomenclature; none the less, it was amusing and Ludacris. I  referenced that convention about 1 year ago in response to a topic here> I think the post topic was "what are you watching now"? 

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2 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

Perhaps but I have grave serious fear for the future of my country, and in this instance, I am serious as a heart attack, and so are millions more just like me.

If there are only a few millions is it OK. But I hope instantly America would show once social conscience, equal rights for whites and Blacks, or rich or poor. And no racism anymore. 

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5 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

If there are only a few millions is it OK. But I hope instantly America would show once social conscience, equal rights for whites and Blacks, or rich or poor. And no racism anymore. 

If you are preaching as a non American citizen, from another Country please stop we are the most ethnically diverse nation on Earth, and people still want to get in. Perfection no, but above others preaching to us? Yes.

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5 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

As always, the claim that other people can't read, and that communists are only theoretical. I know a communist when I see one. Its anyone from an organization that calls each other Comrade. Communists ALWAYS hide who they are. 

My parents lived under communism for a year. When the Nazis invaded, they were greeted as liberators. When the Red Army returned three years later, my parents fled for their lives and watched from abroad as their country was destroyed. Please, don’t tell me about communists, and don’t try to draw parallels between communism and the social democratic programs advocated by Sanders and Warren (and tens of millions of other Americans who see more clearly than you do). If you somehow think that Sanders will suspend civil liberties and open up labor camps in Alaska immediately upon taking office, then you’re seeing ghosts.

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24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

All that matters is that the republicans can successfully paint Bernie as a commie (I agree he is not) and that will make it very hard indeed for him to beat 45. Considering 45 has massive advantages already based on:


Much more money than Bernie will have 


Incumbent is always strongly favored


The economy IF it still can be sold as "good" by November


Structurally the electoral college and even congress where democrats need to get massively more than 50 percent of the vote to win majorities (gerrymandering)


Active suppression for decades by the republicans against poor people and minorities voting




Bottom line, it would be truly crazy to nominate Bernie but leave it to the democrats, they probably will. 

Unfortunately, I think you’re right, the Republicans will have little trouble painting Sanders as a communist, at least sufficiently to turn enough gullible voters against him. But Republican politicking is so deep in the gutter, if for instance Buttigieg somehow ends up as the candidate I’m sure they would find subtle ways of inciting homophobia, for instance via Medal of Freedom winner Rush Limbaugh. The Democrats have had three+ years to prepare for this, and it’s all starting to look like a slow-motion train wreck.

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