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Re: Visas for foreign husbands "supporting" Thai wives

Does the Immigration Department draw a distinction between foreigners who provide essential support to their wives, and those who do not?

I ask because my wife has a well-paid (by local standards) job as a nurse in one of the international schools in Bangkok. She could, if necessary, support herself quite comfortably.

Will this consideration cut any ice with Immigration, or do they assume that all Thai wives depend on their foreign husbands?

Thanks for your help.

Matt Munroe

P.S. I'm British, aged 33.


Very little 'ice' to cut in Thailand and don't believe they would be much impressed. At present an extension is available for support of a Thai wife.

But if you read the item pinned at the top of Thai visas, residence and work permits you will find a new announcement that 'could' be read to cover your case in the future. Time will tell.


Just have her keep 800,000 baht in the bank for you even though it only requires

400,000. That should keep the wolves away.

But if you read the item pinned at the top of Thai visas, residence and work permits you will find a new announcement that 'could' be read to cover your case in the future. Time will tell.

Which article is that? There are many. :o

A link if possible?

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