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Hyper Tension & Pitting Edema

Golden Triangle

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Like many on here I have had high blood pressure for a number of years, normally kept under relative control by using GP prescribed drugs readily available in most countries.


A few weeks ago I noticed that my ankles were swelling also with a bad case of pitting edema. I put it down to the higher temperatures and really didn't think too much of it, on the 17th of this month I went to the local clinic where


My regular Dr prescribed me some tablets - Diuretics, to reduce the swelling, I had those for a week & they worked perfectly I went back to see him on 24th where he gave me a mix of BP/Diuretic in the same pill, he told me to take for a week and go back & see him on Monday 2nd Mar,


My BP is okay, 176 over 75, with a heart rate of 83, better than it was a week or 2 ago.


The trouble is I have completely lost my appetite, I had 2 mugs of tea this morning, I coughed hard and both came back up, I had a small snack a while ago (Pizza, 2 slices) that has since gone down the sink I feel very tired, lightheaded, a major loss of appetite and my concentration is shot to bits, my temperature is okay. All these symptoms have been prevalent since about late Tuesday so I don't think I have any other issues other than the tablets, the Dr wouldn't tell me the name or strength of the medication (and I did ask him) so that I could Google them.


I will go back to see him on Monday, but between now & then I am reverting to my old medication - Amlopine 6.93 mg eq to Amlodioine 5.00 mg.


Any comments welcome, thanks.



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176 over 75 BP is NOT okay, it is severe hypertension. You need to get your BP under control and promptly.


The edema you describe could be due to heart failure. You need to see a cardiologist, urgently. At a hospital, not a local clinic.  If it is not a cardiac issue then it could be vascular disease but start with cardiologist.


This is not something to ignore or take lightly. Nor is it something that can be managed properly at a local clinic.


Where in Thailand are you?

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50 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

176 over 75 BP is NOT okay, it is severe hypertension. You need to get your BP under control and promptly.


The edema you describe could be due to heart failure. You need to see a cardiologist, urgently. At a hospital, not a local clinic.  If it is not a cardiac issue then it could be vascular disease but start with cardiologist.


This is not something to ignore or take lightly. Nor is it something that can be managed properly at a local clinic.


Where in Thailand are you?



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Be very careful...if your entire leg begins to feel warm above the ankle and swells... you may have a blood clot.  


Don't mess around looking for the cheapest hospital to have tests run...time is of essence.


A blood thinner like Eloquist should lessen the problem. 

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