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Drastic Action Against Drunk Drivers In Songkran Revels


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Song Khran... the only time of the year the farangs are trying to GET OUT of Thailand! :D

I second that!!!

Won't be in the LOS during Songkran this year and I won't miss it!

Time for more folks to vote with their feet...

Driving in the LOS is hard enough on "regular" days... During Songkran it is nearly hellish... Chiang Mai turns into a virtual parking lot all week...

Not my idea of a good time...

For those who can't leave... Have fun!

Chok dee,



PS: does anyone happen to remember what Songkran is traditionally about???

From what I recall it is about respectfully honoring elders and offering cool water...

...NOT the mobile party that is has devolved into... tuktong mai krab?


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Like Christmas in the USA, the Thai's have lost all meaning of this holiday also.

The mighty Farang has spoken, so it must be right............ :o

You appear to think that all Thai people fit into your sterotypical typecast.

The Thais this, the Thais that...................like you know all 65 Million personally..... :D

Gotta love the attitude of many Farangs, constant critisism of Thai people and Thailand, I just have to wonder how their own countries ever became so screwed up with Farangs running them.

If I said the Thais are not Caucasian, you'd prolly see red and start sprouting similar crap. Childish, to say the least.

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Like Christmas in the USA, the Thai's have lost all meaning of this holiday also.

The mighty Farang has spoken, so it must be right............ :o

You appear to think that all Thai people fit into your sterotypical typecast.

The Thais this, the Thais that...................like you know all 65 Million personally..... :D

Gotta love the attitude of many Farangs, constant critisism of Thai people and Thailand, I just have to wonder how their own countries ever became so screwed up with Farangs running them.

If I said the Thais are not Caucasian, you'd prolly see red and start sprouting similar crap. Childish, to say the least.

Really red eyes, ....Just cos you are gonna get wet during Songkhran, don't blame Thai people, blame yourself for being in Thailand during Songkhran.


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Love Songklan!

I've lived in Thai for 20yrs, love the party. You can make it safe and simple:

://Chiang Mai: get off yer stinkin motorbike and walk dumas. Don't hand me the crap about, 'Yeah man, like I gotta go to work n everything, like yeah man'. BS, and total wuss crap, get over it. Khon Chiang Mai have a great time, so should you. Everywhere you go: small black pail required.

://Bangkok: after the judicial announcement banning watercannons, the cross index price went up by 100%. Now, overstocked consignment vendors have to dump them at less than last year prices. (TIT, remember?)

://Phuket: it happens a day earlier than everywhere else, and is one day only. A hoot! Lotsa kids and easy good times! Always make new Thai friends (heh, if you catch my drift.)

Quit yer whinin, stay off the road, and have a blast. Very fun stuff people!

Old and in the way in Phuket.

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Thats actually good news.at last some traffick ruling.Hope that they will come up with another idea and check it year all around and also traffick violations,so I can travel the distance from Chiangmai to'home'80 kilos from there more safely.

Also nice to mention is that they are making ,and are very progressed allready,ta new 4 lane highway,and closed in the middle ,so there cannot come apperently opposite traffic right infront of you while driving,I have seen so many accidents...

I have seen alot of warnings in Chiangmai for this ruling,I think a very good job.

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Like Christmas in the USA, the Thai's have lost all meaning of this holiday also.

The mighty Farang has spoken, so it must be right............ :o

You appear to think that all Thai people fit into your sterotypical typecast.

The Thais this, the Thais that...................like you know all 65 Million personally..... :D

Gotta love the attitude of many Farangs, constant critisism of Thai people and Thailand, I just have to wonder how their own countries ever became so screwed up with Farangs running them.

If I said the Thais are not Caucasian, you'd prolly see red and start sprouting similar crap. Childish, to say the least.

Really red eyes, ....Just cos you are gonna get wet during Songkhran, don't blame Thai people, blame yourself for being in Thailand during Songkhran.


Agree. Personally I enjoy Songkhran so I go out. If I didnt I would stay home or travel abroad, but I sure wouldnt whine on about what is a Thai tradition, and I doubt whether most Thai people give a **** what a bunch of foreign moaners think especially when this bunch want to live in Thailand but have little good to say about the country or its people. imho

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Like Christmas in the USA, the Thai's have lost all meaning of this holiday also.

The mighty Farang has spoken, so it must be right............ :D

You appear to think that all Thai people fit into your sterotypical typecast.

The Thais this, the Thais that...................like you know all 65 Million personally..... :D

Gotta love the attitude of many Farangs, constant critisism of Thai people and Thailand, I just have to wonder how their own countries ever became so screwed up with Farangs running them.

If I said the Thais are not Caucasian, you'd prolly see red and start sprouting similar crap. Childish, to say the least.

Really red eyes, ....Just cos you are gonna get wet during Songkhran, don't blame Thai people, blame yourself for being in Thailand during Songkhran.


You really do have a poor attitude. We as 'farangs' believe in free speech, which includes critisism. I realise that free speech is an alien concept to you but if you dont like what people write why dont you bugger off.. Or alternatively you could pursuade the government to block all chat forum sites on the internet.

Anyone who defends someone who throws water in the face of a passing motorcyclist has nothing to say worth listening to. And just so we're clear, that means you. :o

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Like Christmas in the USA, the Thai's have lost all meaning of this holiday also.

The mighty Farang has spoken, so it must be right............ :o

You appear to think that all Thai people fit into your sterotypical typecast.

The Thais this, the Thais that...................like you know all 65 Million personally..... :D

Gotta love the attitude of many Farangs, constant critisism of Thai people and Thailand, I just have to wonder how their own countries ever became so screwed up with Farangs running them.

If I said the Thais are not Caucasian, you'd prolly see red and start sprouting similar crap. Childish, to say the least.

Really red eyes, ....Just cos you are gonna get wet during Songkhran, don't blame Thai people, blame yourself for being in Thailand during Songkhran.


I wasn't referring to one specific comment.

Actually, I have nothing against the way Thais, and foreigners, enjoy Songkran. Everybody knows what happens out there, if you try and drive as you would the rest of the year, don't cry if you come short. And don't whine if some foreigners get caught up in the spirit of modern Songkran, and expect them to show more restraint than the locals. They are on holiday, caught up in the spirit of a festival they don't know. Cut them some slack.

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We as 'farangs' believe in free speech, which includes critisism. I realise that free speech is an alien concept to you but if you dont like what people write why dont you bugger off..

No, what you want is a forum where all the whiners can pat each other on the back and try to outdo one another in stupid, totally uncalled for comments about Thais, and you don't want anyone to contradict you or point out how tedious your name calling is.

The April Fool's posting proved something conclusively. No matter how ridiculous (and untrue) some message is, many of you will fall over one another rushing to say critical and derogatory things about Thais and Thailand.

Now that there are finally some people who are willing to respond to the bigoted blowhards who populate the TV message board , it's you who seems to dislike the concept of free speech. If you don't like it, I suggest you follow your own advice.

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If you don't like Songkhran you can escape. I am safely housed in My condo in Manila right now enjoying the closure of the entire country for Holy Week. Haha

Is there no happy medium?

In my seven years in Thailand I witnesses a few nasty episodes at this time of the year but my observations are:

Many Thais that I know don't like what the holiday has become. They are worried about their kids and the lack of self control they display this time of year. They are also worried about drinking and the party atmosphere.

I witnessed one Songkhran in an Issan village where there was no water throwing. Just some gentle hand washing and a visit to the temple to wash the Buddha image.

The festival is a moron fest in the urban areas. The reason is that just a few morons out of thousands stand out and affect many people around them.

The morons are not limited to just farangs or just Thais.

Criticism of the way the holiday is celebrated is not anti -Thai. Same as criticism of New Years Eve in the west. If you don't like it - find a way to be a non - participant. Don't think that you can fight your way through it because you can't.

Drinking and driving is certainly a problem all year. Don't expect Thais to enact western solutions to this problem or any others.

Small advice - If you are western, accept personal responsibility for your own behavior 365 days a year.

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While the bitching about what is right or wrong about Songkran goes on back and forth here's something SERIOUS to consider.

Probably around 500 men, women and children will not see April 18th. and another couple of thousand will carry the scars for months, and sometimes years, to come.

Edited by OzMan_Bkk
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Like Christmas in the USA, the Thai's have lost all meaning of this holiday also.

The mighty Farang has spoken, so it must be right............ :D

You appear to think that all Thai people fit into your sterotypical typecast.

The Thais this, the Thais that...................like you know all 65 Million personally..... :D

Gotta love the attitude of many Farangs, constant critisism of Thai people and Thailand, I just have to wonder how their own countries ever became so screwed up with Farangs running them.

If I said the Thais are not Caucasian, you'd prolly see red and start sprouting similar crap. Childish, to say the least.

Really red eyes, ....Just cos you are gonna get wet during Songkhran, don't blame Thai people, blame yourself for being in Thailand during Songkhran.


You really do have a poor attitude. We as 'farangs' believe in free speech, which includes critisism. I realise that free speech is an alien concept to you but if you dont like what people write why dont you bugger off.. Or alternatively you could pursuade the government to block all chat forum sites on the internet.

Anyone who defends someone who throws water in the face of a passing motorcyclist has nothing to say worth listening to. And just so we're clear, that means you. :o

1. "We as farang..." Would you mind to talk for just YOU and not for everybody who is a farang?

2. Free speech is a good thing and in most western cultures I know critisism is common and considered normal. Now if YOU believe in free speech, would you think you have to grant the right of freee speech to others, for example to the one you critizise in your above post, and allow those others to critizise YOU (like it happened above)?

3. In the culture I grew up we also are used to free speech and for sure to critisism. However, we have learnt one more thing: respecting other cultures! The game is quite simple, foreigners in my country have to respect and adjust to the rules of my country. If I go to live in another country, I have to adjust and respect the rules of that country.

4. It doesn't matter whether free speech is an alien concept to any Thai people or Thailand as a whole. No matter how many arguments you will list and how many rights, laws and conventions you may have to justify what you do and say - under the final bottom line the alien is always YOU.

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The usual muddled Thai thinking.

Maybe those 15 British sailors could visit Thailand and offer instruction to the Thai police and Military on proper Western Thinking.

They could discuss such topics as (i) being the first to admit you're wrong, (ii) groveling (iii) hand-and-ring-kissing (iv) why a change of underpants is necessary when "captured," and (v) how to sell your various (and inconsistent) stories for big bucks to the sleaze press.

With centuries of honourable and brave service, notable for glorious historic events such as shooting unarmed women and children in India and triumphantly defeating Zulu warriors armed with spears, I'm sure this latest demonstration of British military thinking needs to be shared with the muddled Thais.

You are obviously NOT English, going off your continually repetetive and boring Anti British posts.

However I am sure you can read English. This thread was about drunken drivers in Songkran revels, NOT the whys and why nots of the British Empire.

Grow Up!!!!!!!!!!1

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The usual muddled Thai thinking.

Maybe those 15 British sailors could visit Thailand and offer instruction to the Thai police and Military on proper Western Thinking.

They could discuss such topics as (i) being the first to admit you're wrong, (ii) groveling (iii) hand-and-ring-kissing (iv) why a change of underpants is necessary when "captured," and (v) how to sell your various (and inconsistent) stories for big bucks to the sleaze press.

With centuries of honourable and brave service, notable for glorious historic events such as shooting unarmed women and children in India and triumphantly defeating Zulu warriors armed with spears, I'm sure this latest demonstration of British military thinking needs to be shared with the muddled Thais.

You are obviously NOT English, going off your continually repetetive and boring Anti British posts.

However I am sure you can read English. This thread was about drunken drivers in Songkran revels, NOT the whys and why nots of the British Empire.

Grow Up!!!!!!!!!!1

I am not British. In fact my 'forefathers' :o fought the British fervently(???) .

Relax. Posts like that do not deserve any response. It so naive and full of holes I could shower under it if I wanted to shower in crap.

Edited by OlRedEyes
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Having been here for Sonkran for 9 years, I have obviously missed something.

In my village (I am the only farang here!), Sonkran is not about buckets of ice or high pressure hoses. It is about children meeting their parents who have to work in Bangkok because they cannot get a decent wage here. It is about 21 year old boys getting drunk because they have just found out they must join the army...or celebrate because they don't have to. All houses are open to offer food and drink to everyone...water is poured onto the elders as a sign of respect.

Maybe too many farangs have overstepped the mark in thinking it is a time for being disrespectful and doing outrageous things without the fear of being caught.

I am so pleased that I do not see the things that you see and talk about...but then I am in Thailand! I wonder where you really are?

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Song Khran... the only time of the year the farangs are trying to GET OUT of Thailand! :o

:D:D:D Nice 1!!!

Up here in Khon Kaen the fesitivities and madness is starting already!! You can't get on a bus without getting buckets of water thrown at you from kids on the side or the road!! It really hots up next week and the police will not have a say on the water / talc fest!!!! I think, to be honest, they can't be ar**ed anyways up here. Chill, chill!

My experiences from last year are enough to keep me housebound now until it's all over. Friends were supposed to drive my Thai hubby and some Farang friends of ours around the city but couldn't come at the last minute so muggins here ended up driving Uncle's battered pick-up around with our 2 month old baby in the cab with me. The air-con failed (great!!) so a tad warm in the 39C heat and thought my baby was going to explode she was so hot!! Couldn't put the windows down as both babe and I would have been watered and talced to death!! Then the car overheated and broke down with us stuck in the middle of the water / talc fest area. Great fun for very drunk by now hubby and friends. Nightmare for the have to be responsible and sober Mum!! Me!!

I'll get my own back one year, don't you worry!! I'll have the biggest, most powerful water gun there is so watch out :D:bah::bah: Mad Farang woman with a huge shooter!!!! Ha ha!!!

Enjoy or avoid. Whatever tickles your fancy!!!!

What a load of crap......are you sure you are in khon Kaen?.......Troll

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Justice Ministry organized anti-drunk driving parade

The Ministry of Justice organized anti-drunk driving parade yesterday (Apr 8), with an aim to reduce the loss of lives and properties from road accidents during Songkran holidays.

Justice Minister Charnchai Likhitjitha said the anti-drunk driving parade was held yesterday, starting from Hor Wang School to Major Cineplex in Ratchayothin. He said the parade was conducted to create public awareness of the dangers of drunk driving, especially during Songkran. He said road accidents have more chances to occur during the festival as more people are travelling. He said road accidents have caused deaths, injuries, as well as impacts on the national economy and society.

The Justice Minister said the some of the leading causes of road accidents include drunk driving, complacency, and violating traffic regulations. He says it is important for motorists to be conscious and be responsible for others when they are behind the wheels.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 09 April 2007

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Agencies requested to cooperate in curbing road accidents during Songkran

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior urged inter-agency cooperation in order to curb the number of road accidents during Songkran Festival.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Mr. Pongpayom Wasaputti (พงศ์โพยม วาศภูติ), says that a plan to decrease road accidents should involve the collaboration of the Transport Ministry, Public Health Ministry, Royal Thai Police, and private sector. He believes an estimated 4,000 road accidents will occur during the Songkran Festival this year, with about 400 fatalities.

However, ministers of the Cabinet view that road accident statistics should not be used as indicators for officials’ performance due to the strain it puts on personnel.

Mr. Pongpayom urges officials to work hard due to the longer holiday period this year. He says people will use this opportunity to return to their hometown during April 10th-12th, causing traffic congestion in some areas. He adds that checkpoints will be set up nationwide, to curb the number of road accidents caused by drunk drivers.

People can help inform authorities of road accidents at the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department’s hotline number 1784 or Dhumrongtham Center’s hotline number 1567 around the clock.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 09 April 2007

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Demilitarised zone

A warning posted by Chanasongkhram police says vehicles carrying water and water-fighting weapons are barred from the Rattanakosin area, which includes Khao San Road and Sanam Luang. The Songkran festival starts on Friday.

Source: The Nation - 9 April 2007

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Things are not helped in Chiangmai when there are cross-road banners outside Yupparat Wittyalai school, with the only decypherable English stating that the Songkran Festival is from 1-18 April.

Farangs have for a long time, been the worst of the morons during Songkran up here

Personal examples from the past - 2002 - 10Kg block of ice accompanied by around 1 litre of water, in the face while riding the motorbike inside the moat - one week BEFORE the official start of festivities. Thrown by a farang

2005 - 11pm at night - bucket of ice cubes and water in the mush on the motor bike while riding past a scummy backpackers restaurant - thrown by a farang - whilst attepting to ride between two singthaews on the move at 40+ kph

2005 (again) two buckets of water in the face on the motorbike at 50kph on the Hang Dong highway - from farangs hiding behind a parked Songthaew - 7 days after the official END of "festivities".

And people wonder why the police will not license resident farangs to carry firearms?

Gaz (prisoner in his own house for the next 10 days)

Just to clarify, what exactly do you mean by "scummy backpackers"?

Edited by Lockstock
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Probationers to attend training session on downside of alcohol consumption

The Probation Office in Ratchaburi Province, in collaboration with the Mung Ratchaburi Municipality, and probation volunteers, arranges a training session and activities on the downside of alcohol consumption to drunk-driving probationers.

Director of the Ratchaburi Probation Office, Phairoh Kongprem (ไพเราะ คงเปรม) says the training session and the activities have an objective to create traffic awareness in the probationers. The training session is scheduled to take place on April 11th at 07.30 a.m at the Pracha Ruam Jai (ประชารวมใจ) Hall, Muang Ratchaburi Municipality.

The activities include the marching of 120 probationers, holding signs and distributing hand-outs against road accidents and safe driving.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 April 2007

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Firstly my apologies for my last message....when I said "are you in really in Thiland" It should have read "are you in the real Thailand". Worse still. ony 10 Km away from my village I was met with a barrage of water from Thai children (with no farang in sight). Onlly buckets of water and they looked at me as if to ask if it was okay...Mai bin lai!!

This is straying off the subject though (as many people seem to do) So some facts for you (although official facts may be somewhat on the positive side...more later)

Offficially there are approximately 12800 road deaths a year.

During Sonkran they expect 350 deaths in one week.

During New Year they expect 350 deaths in one week

So for 50 weeks the death toll can be averaged at 242 deaths a week

That means that the death rate increases by about 44 per cent during this period and the Thai authorities put this down to excessive drinking while driving.

However, the amount of traffic on the roads...especially to Isaan and the North is over 500 per cent

compared to the rest of the year so one would naturally expect the death toll to increase by some significant factor. (Not 500 per cent though!!)

If one takes drunk drivng alone, it would mean that almost everyone in the Kingdom normally drinks while under the influence of alcohol.

If you ignore this factor it would mean that almost everyone in Thailand is an incompetent driver.

I go with the latter! SO EDUCATE THE DRIVERS....MAKE THEM TAKE A PRACTICAL TEST ON THE ROAD OF AT LEAST 45 MINUTES DURATION (If you can get an examiner mad enough to go with them!!)


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You really do have a poor attitude. We as 'farangs' believe in free speech, which includes critisism. I realise that free speech is an alien concept to you but if you dont like what people write why dont you bugger off..

So therefore, you can criticise Thailand and Thai people with your free speech with no comeback, it's all fair, right?

I criticise Farangs constant whining in Thailand, and I can bugger off........lol.

Nothing like an even palying field............... :o

Edited by Maigo6
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You really do have a poor attitude. We as 'farangs' believe in free speech, which includes critisism. I realise that free speech is an alien concept to you but if you dont like what people write why dont you bugger off..

So therefore, you can criticise Thailand and Thai people with your free speech with no comeback, it's all fair, right?

I criticise Farangs constant whining in Thailand, and I can bugger off........lol.

Nothing like an even palying field............... :o

Could it be that comment, criticisms and suggestions for improvement are based on a love and respect for Thailand rather than arrogance? Do you really think that the farang population who spend hard currency here and are an important element of Thailands economy i.e. they make a significant contribution, should remain silent? I promise you that while the powerful minority of Thais abuse and exploit the majority of their fellow countrymen, and most Thais put others lives at risk by their irresponsible actions, I shall not stay silent.

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The activities include the marching of 120 probationers, holding signs and distributing hand-outs against road accidents and safe driving.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 10 April 2007

That's all well and good apart from the fact that most drivers here don't actually know what safe driving is, because there is no real driving education.

Thai nationals are taught to drive by someone that can't drive themselves and are not tested to an adequate level, while that practice stays in force, warnings about not drinking will have little or no effect on the number of accidents.

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You really do have a poor attitude. We as 'farangs' believe in free speech, which includes critisism. I realise that free speech is an alien concept to you but if you dont like what people write why dont you bugger off..

So therefore, you can criticise Thailand and Thai people with your free speech with no comeback, it's all fair, right?

I criticise Farangs constant whining in Thailand, and I can bugger off........lol.

Nothing like an even palying field............... :o

Could it be that comment, criticisms and suggestions for improvement are based on a love and respect for Thailand rather than arrogance? Do you really think that the farang population who spend hard currency here and are an important element of Thailands economy i.e. they make a significant contribution, should remain silent? I promise you that while the powerful minority of Thais abuse and exploit the majority of their fellow countrymen, and most Thais put others lives at risk by their irresponsible actions, I shall not stay silent.

While I totally agree with peoples right to free speech and the right not to remain silent, it's just that all of the whinging is

a) repetitive

b ) does absolutely no good at all.

I get this picture of English reading Thais peering at a monitor showing Farnang forums and collapsing in hysterical laughter....."Hey have a look at this one, this is a beauty."

Edited by sceadugenga
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Could it be that comment, criticisms and suggestions for improvement are based on a love and respect for Thailand rather than arrogance? Do you really think that the farang population who spend hard currency here and are an important element of Thailands economy i.e. they make a significant contribution, should remain silent? I promise you that while the powerful minority of Thais abuse and exploit the majority of their fellow countrymen, and most Thais put others lives at risk by their irresponsible actions, I shall not stay silent.

While I totally agree with peoples right to free speech and the right not to remain silent, it's just that all of the whinging is

a) repetitive

b ) does absolutely no good at all.

I get this picture of English reading Thais peering at a monitor showing Farnang forums and collapsing in hysterical laughter....."Hey have a look at this one, this is a beauty."

For whingeing read legitimate suggestion or complaint. If it is repetitive and constant maybe the point should be taken up and action taken. Certainly silence will be of no avail.

Consider the action of water. Drip, drip, drip, drip. Cuts through rock and rusts ferrous metals. Liverpool three down at half time in the European Championship Final. Who won?

If you think that you can't, you never will.

BTW If a Thai can read English the chances are that they are comfortable with their lives. They are not members of the great majority without a voice that live such a miserable existence. My guess is that they mostly comprise of arrogant, disinterested shits.

Potable water, shelter, adequate nourishment, safe roads, proper education and medical facilities, work and advancement opportunities, protection from the robber barons are basic human rights. They are worth fighting for.

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Could it be that comment, criticisms and suggestions for improvement are based on a love and respect for Thailand rather than arrogance? Do you really think that the farang population who spend hard currency here and are an important element of Thailands economy i.e. they make a significant contribution, should remain silent? I promise you that while the powerful minority of Thais abuse and exploit the majority of their fellow countrymen, and most Thais put others lives at risk by their irresponsible actions, I shall not stay silent.

While I totally agree with peoples right to free speech and the right not to remain silent, it's just that all of the whinging is

a) repetitive

b ) does absolutely no good at all.

I get this picture of English reading Thais peering at a monitor showing Farnang forums and collapsing in Potable water, shelter, adequate nourishment, safe roads, proper education and medical facilities, work andhysterical laughter....."Hey have a look at this one, this is a beauty."

For whingeing read legitimate suggestion or complaint. If it is repetitive and constant maybe the point should be taken up and action taken. Certainly silence will be of no avail.

Consider the action of water. Drip, drip, drip, drip. Cuts through rock and rusts ferrous metals. Liverpool three down at half time in the European Championship Final. Who won?

If you think that you can't, you never will.

BTW If a Thai can read English the chances are that they are comfortable with their lives. They are not members of the great majority without a voice that live such a miserable existence. My guess is that they mostly comprise of arrogant, disinterested shits.

Potable water, shelter, adequate nourishment, safe roads, proper education and medical facilities, work and advancement opportunities, protection from the robber barons are basic human rights. They are worth fighting for.

Nice post Bagwan. I normally keep out of Thai bashing threads but occasionally can't resist the urge to rattle the cage.

The truth is, the Thais are developing a middle class (who can read English), a sure sign of approaching true democracy and hopefully some sanity on the roads.

It's not going to come tomorrow and it's not going to come because of outside influence, I hope I know Thais that well. It will come because they want...

"Potable water, shelter, adequate nourishment, safe roads, proper education and medical facilities, work and advancement opportunities, protection from the robber barons are basic human rights. They are worth fighting for."

Not just for themselves but for everybody in Thailand.

Sometimes I think it's on the way and some days I despair.

Keep up complaining, your a better "whiner" than the Farang who complains only about the rising price of a barfine.

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BTW If a Thai can read English the chances are that they are comfortable with their lives. They are not members of the great majority without a voice that live such a miserable existence. My guess is that they mostly comprise of arrogant, disinterested shits.

So you think that if a Thai person can read English, the chances are they are arrogant disinterested shits ?

This would mean that the Thais who read this and other Forums are arrogant disinterested shits also ?

Tell me something, can your wife read English ?

Can you read Thai ?

Edited by Maigo6
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