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Thai police in virus announcement: Liars, people who refuse treatment or don't quarantine face 20,000 baht fine


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So cheap in Thailand just 20,000????......last week, Taiwan raised their fine to 1 million nt (approx 1 million baht) for breaking house quarantine.....and one guy just 3 days ago already got fined the full amount too!!      https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3884486

Edited by mushroomdave
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2 hours ago, chang1 said:

You really think that it is already over? The UK is making contingency plans for up to 20% of the population being infected and you think Thailand has it all sorted with just one fatality. No one knows how this will pan out but one thing is for sure - ignoring it is not an option (unless you are a hermit).

70% is what leading german virologist expects.


That's the estimate of Christian Drosten, head of virology at Berlin Charité, Co-Finder of SARS, Top expert on SARS and the first person to develop a Covid-19 test. He's also top advisor for virology to the german government.


This guy: https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1249963/Coronavirus-news-COVID19-worse-than-Spanish-Flu-latest-coronavirus-update


Professor Christian Drosten from the Charite clinic in Berlin, Germany, estimates the virus could infect up to 70 percent of the world or 5.2 billion people.

Of course that's worst case, but...


But yeah, let's listen to the thai government instead. 

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12 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

I find this site getting more and more like the old guys in the Muppets.  

I confess, I do associate with them. Given the quality of the show there's nothing else to be done but shout at it.





Edited by metisdead
Trolling meme removed.
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12 hours ago, webfact said:

The news comes after stories of illegal workers returning from South Korea who have just resumed a normal life in Thailand. 

With the constant focus on foreigners like men married to Thai women being "a risk to Thai national security", suddenly Thailand is faced with possibly tens of thousands of Thais who work illegally in a country now labelled as a hot zone for the Covid-19 virus.  How long will it take for it to sink in that when citizens of your country who break the laws in other country repatriate - how do you expect them to conduct themselves when they return?
Maybe it's time for Thailand to grow up and refocus its resources on monitoring its own citizens who pose a significantly greater threat to Thailand's national security than some guy from Poughkeepsie, New York who has been married to a Thai woman for over a decade, who has integrated into the Thai community, who has a steady stream of income in multiples of what an average Thai makes, and who supports an entire extended Thai family as well as contributing to the financial health of Thailand.  
Who is the actual "National Security Threat?"  I'm thinking those with a track record of breaking laws and working illegally.
Thailand will probably double-down and start sending immigration police out to take the temperatures of all foreign expats and their families in the near future.  That's more likely than the authorities actually enforcing 'quarantines' on their own blameless citizens in this bizarro-LOS-world we reside in - well, year to year, visa extension to visa extension that is.

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11 hours ago, phka said:

Make them do a tm 30

No kidding.  They probably still have all the TM24 apparatus available including forms etc.  Great idea.  All Thais returning from South Korea and other 'hot-zones' need to fill out TM24s, TM30s, and TM47 until the Covid-19 crisis has ended.  I'm thinking that would put an end to the Machiavellian reporting requirement.  No Thai in his or her right mind would follow those rules.

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11 hours ago, Guderian said:

One senses that the twilight of the Thai tourism boom is rapidly approaching.



It's a daily event on here. No shortage of tourists in Pattaya for the last month.

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11 hours ago, justin case said:

I, for one, since divorce,  don't have health insurance anymore, and certainly do not want to be forced in the place that will make you even more sick ...


hospital can do NOTHING for you anyway in case of corona

The 50,000 already released from hospital in China might disagree along with the 2000 being discharged every day.

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9 hours ago, Mung said:

What measures and precautions are taken globally to stop the flu? Are social events cancelled? No. Are people screened at airports all day every day? No. Are work places closed and sanitised? No. Does the public for the most part start washing their hands with sanitiser periodically? No. Are flights cancelled and grounded to certain areas? No.
The flu virus is left to do it's thing and outbreak wherever it happens to. If the same was applied to this virus then things would be very different right now, and a huge amount of people would have been infected. I don't understand how people such as yourself can't grasp that logical common sensual concept. WHO has stated the CFR is 3.4%, the flu is at 0.1%. The R0 of the flu is 1.3, the R0 of COVID-19 is 2.4. If you also cannot grasp simple math then you're a lost cause. 

Currently in Italy around 50% of ongoing cases have required hospitalisation, and 12% of all cases are in a 'critical' condition. Yes there will be mild cases too, but of the cases tested and confirmed half required a hospital bed. Again, keep trying to perform mathematics and see how that can be a huge problem when more people are infected, which is going to happen globally. Get off of your moronic high horse and take a dose of reality 

Count the bodies. Just count the bodies.

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9 hours ago, Andartecca said:

Guys im worry now one technicien from aïs come yesterday to my  home to install internet in my condo 


Today he was call me and he was sick and have fiver


What I sould do now ? 

A beep test?

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Never mind that it's only unhealthy people that can catch disease. But, of course, health fanatics with superior immunity will be lumped in the same basket with McDonald's eating, alcohol binging, cigarette smoking timebombs waiting to catch whatever virus comes their way. This is out of control mass hysteria at its worst. What "treatment" are we required to have? Maybe the latest (unsafe, toxic and untested) Coronavirus vaccination, that has amazingly been developed in record time? Could it be true that they were developing it months before the outbreak? Maybe the laboratory in Wuhan that developed this virus by crossing SARS with 4 different HIV genes (who published a recently removed report about it last October) were involved in the development of the vaccine, to cure the virus they created! And what about Bill Gates "Pandemic 201" exercise last October, where they practiced what they'd do in the event of a Coronavirus outbreak!

This whole outbreak stinks of massive corruption at the upper levels of combined world governments.


Good luck Thailand, with your ridiculous paranoia. I won't be visiting anytime soon!


Edited by Sydneydave
Added a just received news story
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11 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

I find this site getting more and more like the old guys in the Muppets.  The Thai government could give everyone of you guys a million baht and visa free and you would still bitch and complain.  At least they are trying.  Before you fall off your high chairs think what would happen if you were in Wuhan flew back to your home country via a different country and lied

...……...and imagine if the moon were made of green cheese!

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12 hours ago, Andartecca said:

Yes that what he said. I dont know if he was sick before

At least he had the decency to give you a heads up. Much more than I can say for some that have become potential super spreaders.

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15 hours ago, Andartecca said:

Guys im worry now one technicien from aïs come yesterday to my  home to install internet in my condo 


Today he was call me and he was sick and have fiver


What I sould do now ? 

Ask to borrow his fiver !!

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A lot of arguments about death rates. If you look at China, look at the closed cases (i.e. those who are either recovered or dead). The rate is 6%. If you look at countries like the United states, Italy, they already have death rates of nearly 5% on ALL cases, not just closed cases. A good site for a quick overview :-



85% of all cases are mild. Lets assume none of those die. 15% are serious or critical - so about half of those will die, eventually. There is the question of  how many cases are so mild they are not being counted. We just do not know. Let us say about 50%. Now as it is now found in about half of all countries in the world, after only 3 months since it was first seen, pretty safe to say it is going to be a pandemic. About 10% of people get the flu every year, so let us say about the same. So about 770 million will get it. 385 million will be asymptomatic, and 15% of 385 million will be in a serious or critical condition (say 45 million). Of these 50% will die. So that gives you a potential annual death toll of over 22 million, compared to half a million from flu. This is by no means a worst case scenario. We have no natural immunity, as it is a new disease, it is more virulent and infectious than flu, and health systems particularly in poorer countries could be overwhelmed. Worst case - 500 million? And, it may not just happen once, this could be a recurring disease like flu.


I expect that efforts to contain the disease will be partially successful this year, but nationwide quarantines and travel bans cannot be maintained - economies will just collapse. I would say my scenario above is probably what will happen in 2021. To beat it, we would have to do a China style quarantine for about a year.

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6 hours ago, rickudon said:

A lot of arguments about death rates. If you look at China, look at the closed cases (i.e. those who are either recovered or dead). The rate is 6%. If you look at countries like the United states, Italy, they already have death rates of nearly 5% on ALL cases, not just closed cases. A good site for a quick overview :-



85% of all cases are mild. Lets assume none of those die. 15% are serious or critical - so about half of those will die, eventually. There is the question of  how many cases are so mild they are not being counted. We just do not know. Let us say about 50%. Now as it is now found in about half of all countries in the world, after only 3 months since it was first seen, pretty safe to say it is going to be a pandemic. About 10% of people get the flu every year, so let us say about the same. So about 770 million will get it. 385 million will be asymptomatic, and 15% of 385 million will be in a serious or critical condition (say 45 million). Of these 50% will die. So that gives you a potential annual death toll of over 22 million, compared to half a million from flu. This is by no means a worst case scenario. We have no natural immunity, as it is a new disease, it is more virulent and infectious than flu, and health systems particularly in poorer countries could be overwhelmed. Worst case - 500 million? And, it may not just happen once, this could be a recurring disease like flu.


I expect that efforts to contain the disease will be partially successful this year, but nationwide quarantines and travel bans cannot be maintained - economies will just collapse. I would say my scenario above is probably what will happen in 2021. To beat it, we would have to do a China style quarantine for about a year.

You're going to get yourself banned, Rick, for the heresy of trying to say something useful.


There is a Netflix series called Pandemic that you might have seen; well worth watching and I saw it just before the Wuhan news broke. There are reassuring and frightening things in that series and it's put together by people who know what they're doing and saying: unlike these TV keyboard jocks here.

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(Context removed in accordance with Thaivisa policy against intelligent discussion.)

On 3/6/2020 at 12:31 PM, ThomasThBKK said:

70% is what leading german virologist expects.

The estimate given to the British Government is that at the peak, 20% of the British population will be infected.  One can then use that figure to assess the shortfall in medical treatment and the consequent effect on death rate.  What's not clear to me is how many people will be disabled rather than killed by the infection.

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On 3/8/2020 at 12:22 AM, Richard W said:

What's not clear to me is how many people will be disabled rather than killed by the infection.

Pneumonia can leave permanent damage to the lungs, shortening the lifespan consiberably and causing additional load on the health system for years. Nobody seems to think of that, just the instant deaths.

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On 3/6/2020 at 3:25 PM, johnhw said:

Corruption everywhere, see many here. Simply beats me how Falangs, from a Western culture that just 12 years ago damned near put the entire world into financial failure, can complain about a cop with his hand out.

Face it, when it comes to major greed, Thais are amateurs.

There is a documentary entitled Small Enough to Jail ... the only bank, I think, taken to task by the [USA] establishment. Accused of all kinds of calumny. They were exonerated, rightly. In the meantime, you are right, bail outs galore just accepted.

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