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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Nobody knows because it's just started.How many will have their lives cut short by 5-10-20 even 30 years by this?Do you know?

It's an infection. One either acquires immunity after a bout of it, or they don't. Based on the previous history of flu-type viruses, IMO very few lives will be cut short as a result. Although smokers beware.

If it was something that attacks the immune system, such as HIV, that would be a different story.

1 hour ago, from the home of CC said:


 part of the podcast with Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease specialist and author that came out today, a lot of people just don't have a clue how bad this will get but they will find out very soon.. 


This is a 'must-watch' podcast. Great information. Not a great conclusion.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

95% of people who are infected will suffer nothing more than inconvenience. It's the other 5% who are in trouble, because a rapid spread means hospitals are swamped. Only so many beds to go around. There's no way of knowing whether you are in that 5% cohort, although the elderly and those with compromised immune systems are more at risk. IMO if you are a smoker, you are definitely in the firing line.

How do you like your chances of being in the 95%?


I think a lot of people are getting ahead of themselves, panic is ripe, I do agree with your post though, that said, I stopped smoking 20 years ago, had a stent put in back in 2008 due to a clot which blocked an artery, consider myself to be in good shape for 60 as I exercise every now and again and eat healthy.


When I get a does of bronchitis it sucks, and no doubt this will be something worse, but with private health insurance I feel I might have a chance, others, well I don't know because from what I have heard, some government hospitals are telling people to go home and self quarantine, why, because they don't have the facilities to isolate them, it's only hearsay, but I am hopeful that the private hospitals do have an area for isolation, be it a private room or other ?


In the meantime I will do as others do, stay in doors and away from crowds, not touch surfaces when out if possible, if having to touch surfaces, wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, and use hand sanitiser when required until a vaccine is made available.


Sure is an eye opener and is of concern for the older chaps, those with weal immune systems and pre-existing condition such as myself.


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