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Covid-19: Fighting the virus! Immigration chief in mask flanked by commando


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32 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

so he says; my bet is: once in a while , forgetting to do it , cant be bothered , etc

My bet is that you are just the average Thai basher, who is talking out of his behind

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I'm devastated that no one has mentioned the 'infamous' Beemers yet so I thought I'd better restore the balance. I was worried that there would not be a comment about the Men In Black either but post #17 has restored my faith in Thaigeezers.

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The hidden message is: Will we kill any Farang caught coughing and sneezing?



It appears that the officer concerned became infected after wiping his face with an infected plastic glove after handling passports of incoming tourists.

How funny is this statement? 

Edited by zhounan
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41 minutes ago, webfact said:

Thai media has pictured the chief of Thailand's Immigration Bureau in a face mask flanked by heavily armed commandos. 

They need these commandos for defense as they must be expecting an attack by coronas laden terrorists looking to put government official into hospital where they can't do anymore damage to the economy.Oh and using pepper spray will backfire  ???????????? 

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4 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

When will immigration/police realize that doing press releases flanked by SWAT just makes Thailand look like a South American banana republic?

i have to say, the image to flash through my mind was.....


Image result for ira press conference with guns

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58 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

rare to see a women in one of these photo ops. she must be a doctor.


is that Big Joke in the suit at the right at the end?


That's what I thought too, on first look. But I'm pretty sure not.  I think it's the crew cut look that makes them tend to all look the same.


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I arrived on Saturday morning. Not a hand sanitiser in sight anywhere in swampy - not even in the bog.

I brought my own 60 ml bottle of Purell. I used it before and after the fingerprint scanner. Then they were umming and ahhing about whether I could take it on the plane to Ubon.

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27 minutes ago, Tarteso said:

Looking at the photo...

Why every times they show comandos, medals, rifles, guns, dozen of generals with angry faces,  militaries only for a simple public announcement ... of I don’t know!!   




I'm kinda wondering why of the entire motley group, you've got just TWO wearing masks (Big Oud and the lone woman) while all the others at the table are sans mask???


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5 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Why does he need to wear a mask ???

He's got the commandos there to fight the virus !!



Perhaps because he had been ORDERED (???) by the national police chief to go visit his airport officer who's in the hospital with CV???



Lt-Gen Sompong said that he was ordered to visit his stricken officer in Klang Hospital on Wednesday by RTP chief Gen Chakthip Chaijinda.


I'd like to have been a fly on the wall to hear that conversation.... Ordered to go???


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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