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Anutin’s Twitter account deleted just hours after astonishing rant against ‘dirty’ foreigners


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50 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Unfortunately the spineless and completely useless foreign Embassies should stand up and call this racist imbecile out and put pressure on the little guy to step in and do something constructive for a change instead of the pathetic naughty boy smirk that is usually forthcoming. 

Another one who assumes it isn't happening cos they forgot to CC his FB or twitter feed ????

(Diplomacy isn't a spectator sport but rest assured they're on to it!)

Edited by evadgib
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1 minute ago, Traubert said:

It just keeps getting funnier.


Yeah, yeah well we are racist towards the Thais here yeah, a bit, well, quite a lot really on a daily basis and we do talk about thick Somchai and the stupid people and all that yeah, but....but....yeah but we're ANONYMOUS, yeah, no-one knows who we are so that's not really racist see? Yeah, well, yeah ok it is a bit yeah and it makes people think we all think alike 'cos we say it so often but see there's only one of him and everybody knows him see, so that's much worse, even if what he said is true and what we say isn't, yeah, that's fair.....


Keep it up lads, I'll get a TV series out of this one. ????????????

It won’t be a comedy one. 

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 upper class twit of the year prize might now go to someone else!!

what with 9 months still to go...


the way he is sooo quick in coming out with the rants, then the only platform left capable of keeping up with him, would be INSTAgram

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22 minutes ago, Artisi said:

I know how governments work, but this is Thailand, and you know or should know by now, Thailand is different, just ask them.... ????

Yes but you're making the erroneous assumption that Thailand is large enough or has enough manufacturing capacity to afford to be insular like China is (or could be, if it had to be)...it isn't. If Thailand were to be cut off by the world at large (like Myanmar used to be) it's economy could only stay afloat with the help of China. Otherwise, it would fizzle out like a lead balloon. That being said, I'm not sure even Thailand's very pro-Chinese government would want to become a completely controlled vassal state of China, because that would mean no more of the foreign goodies they have now...and would also come with the real risk Thailand would lose it's remaining sovereignty.

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19 minutes ago, aussienam said:

I tell you what is dirty and filthy.  That is the Thai wildlife markets which are yet another breeding ground for zoonotic pathogens to cause another COVID19 outbreak.  Maybe the next pandemic will be called the Bangkok virus.  

There was a 60 Minutes Australia special about wet markets across Asia, also showing a wildlife market section in Chatuchak Bangkok with rare and exotic species all in close proximity in tiny cages, including a bat.  (Australian cockatoos and blue tongued lizard got me peeved as an Aussie).

And thousands of people. A perfect way for cross transmission yet again.  

Time for the Health Minister of Thailand to stop this disgusting, cruel,  immoral, dangerous and illegal trading of wildlife in all the Thai provinces.  

Exactly. It was featured in the UK press too...





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5 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Another one who assumes it isn't happening cos they forgot to CC his FB or twitter feed ????

(Diplomacy isn't a spectator sport but rest assured they're on to it!)

Of course you're in the loop and being fully informed of the goings on, is that correct. 

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20 minutes ago, aussienam said:

Yeah a lot of Australians, British and other brave 'dirty farang' soldiers were murdered on Thai soil when Thailand partnered with Japan in WWII.  

Two of my family are buried in Kanchanaburi and another unfound !

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1 hour ago, bangkokbonecollector said:

They are only like this in Thailand; confront them in another country out of their control and you will soon seen who they really are..cowards!


PS. I am talking about the arrogant hi-so and wannabe hi-so types; not about Thai's in general who I find to be awesome. 

Sorry but I have to disagree on this one.


Why do foreigners constantly trash talk the "hi-so" however poorly defined that word is while claiming the poor Thais are so awesome? Maybe that's why some farang are looked down upon by them...I mean if you're relatively rich, why are you hanging around low educated poor people? In which society do people do that? None that I can think of.


Let me set the record straight as I did for another guy. Your upper class (or upper middle class) Thais tend to be well educated, having studied in the west/Japan etc., are members of the local business community, are typically well acquainted with the foreign/expat business community and often the diplomatic community as well. They are generally respectable people and some of them are in relationships with foreigners of similar socioeconomic status. They dress well and like being seen socializing in 5 star hotels and going to fancy 5-star resorts or taking selfies up in the mountains of some new tourist attraction like Phu Tab berk (or in a foreign country). Some of them divide their time between Thailand and other countries (usually in the west). They may look down on their lower class brethren, but let's put things into perspective...why would a well off person hang out with say a gardener, a day laborer or a bus driver? I know I wouldn't...mainly because I have nothing in common with these people. Though I'm OK with sharing pleasantries but that's about it.


As for poorer people, they are exactly the ones being targeted by Anutin's comments because they are poorly educated, are easy to control and manipulate and take such comments at face value. No hi-so listens to an idiot like Anutin, but poor laborers who are angry at their circumstances and looking for a scapegoat to blame might.

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2 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Simple. The super rich are the ruling class. The bank account and the show off relationship factor determine the height and status in the hierarchy pyramid. These super rich are only surrounded by humpbacks and subordinates crawling on the ground. There is never a contradiction or criticism.
These super rich prefer to live in their shielded world where they are the kings. 
And now it happens that such a Hi So leaves his self-made enclosure and becomes a minister.
And then there is global criticism when you show off your inability.
Many Thais cannot deal with criticism publicly expressed, even if the criticism is constructive.
The loss of face is experienced and then there is violence, whether verbally or physically.

Well maybe he met a load of dreadlock begpackers in Chiang mai? They don't shower, look dirty, and maybe also have no money for mouthmasks....they should get banned anyway.

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1 hour ago, Sir-Woody said:

The credentials of the gentleman leading the UK COVID 19 team

Sir Patrick John Thompson Vallance FRS FMedSci FRCP (born 1960) is a British medical doctor. Since March 2018 he has been the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of the United Kingdom. From 2012 to 2018 he served as president of research and development (R&D) at the multinational pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline


Can anyone quantify the credentials of Anutin Charnviraku the gentleman leading the Thai COVID 19 fight


Sir Thompson Vallance has stated that face masks offer no protection against this virus, Mr Anutin Charnviraka disputes this advise.

I would just like to know whom I should take notice of.

I think you confused.

He not want the farang to wear the mask because he care about you.

He worry the farang, mix with other people around the world in hotel, airport etc have the corona. 

He care about thai people get it from foreigner. Is true thailand have corona BECAUSE foreigner. 

Is not thai virus. Is foreign.



Claim: ‘Face masks don’t work’
Wearing a face mask is certainly not an iron-clad guarantee that you won’t get sick – viruses can also transmit through the eyes and tiny viral particles, known as aerosols, can penetrate masks. However, masks are effective at capturing droplets, which is a main transmission route of coronavirus, and some studies have estimated a roughly fivefold protection versus no barrier alone (although others have found lower levels of effectiveness).

If you are likely to be in close contact with someone infected, a mask cuts the chance of the disease being passed on. If you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, or have been diagnosed, wearing a mask can also protect others. So masks are crucial for health and social care workers looking after patients and are also recommended for family members who need to care for someone who is ill – ideally both the patient and carer should have a mask.

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3 hours ago, mick220675 said:

We have always been despised by the Thai ruling class, they hate us but don't take offence they hate most Thais.

I think it's a lot more complicated than that. The Thai ruling class has only been able to achieve the level of wealth and control they have over the population thanks to their dealings with the western ruling classes, who also influence things going on in Thailand (certainly at the higher levels).


This whole xenophobia thing is simply cheap fodder to get the masses bickering among themselves, while the real ruling classes get the spoils. It's the age old "divide and conquer" strategy...presenting a foreign scapegoat to the poorly educated masses allows the ruling classes off the hook.


Behind closed doors, the ruling classes you describe have many foreign/western friends, but of course not John and his bargirl girlfriend Porn, but rather, leaders of other government and leaders of business.

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24 minutes ago, drbeach said:

Yes but you're making the erroneous assumption that Thailand is large enough or has enough manufacturing capacity to afford to be insular like China is (or could be, if it had to be)...it isn't. If Thailand were to be cut off by the world at large (like Myanmar used to be) it's economy could only stay afloat with the help of China. Otherwise, it would fizzle out like a lead balloon. That being said, I'm not sure even Thailand's very pro-Chinese government would want to become a completely controlled vassal state of China, because that would mean no more of the foreign goodies they have now...and would also come with the real risk Thailand would lose it's remaining sovereignty.

It's completely in their court, sink or swim, become a vassal state of China, lose their sovereignty what-ever, their problem - all of their own making. 

I've made no assumptions, nor do I particularly care, as I'm only a dirty unwashed smelly foreigner who counts for nothing in this country --- and have other places to go if and when the time comes.  

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2 hours ago, Yinn said:


the TVF member so angry. 

35 pages in two hour! 

One Thai man be racist to farang. Is terrible.


I read worse about Thai on TVF 90% thread. Worse than he say.


We all human same, have short life, we should enjoy together not fight together about race. Sing and dance together.


POTY Yinn promotion 2020. Stop the racism, love each other together. We will die soon, just be dust. Everyone same.


Love you

Thx for the love but if the Australian, UK, USA, Canadian, Kiwi health minister said the same thing about Thais there would be an outcry from both Thais and the people of the relevant country. So where is the outcry from the Thai people about the Thai Health Minister's comments? The silence is deafening. 

Edited by Isaan Alan
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11 minutes ago, Susco said:

You just showed your real colors.


What you may have in common? How about you're both human beings. born out of a womans whom, only the gardener was not as lucky as you to be born in the same silver spoon fed environment as you.

See? That's why Thais are confused by farang because of people like you...as if members of the upper class associate with poor laborers. Again, name one society where this happens. It's not just a Thai thing. I hang out with people of my socio-economic class, like most people around the world do.

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8 minutes ago, Yinn said:

I think you confused.

He not want the farang to wear the mask because he care about you.

He worry the farang, mix with other people around the world in hotel, airport etc have the corona. 

He care about thai people get it from foreigner. Is true thailand have corona BECAUSE foreigner. 

Is not thai virus. Is foreign.



Claim: ‘Face masks don’t work’
Wearing a face mask is certainly not an iron-clad guarantee that you won’t get sick – viruses can also transmit through the eyes and tiny viral particles, known as aerosols, can penetrate masks. However, masks are effective at capturing droplets, which is a main transmission route of coronavirus, and some studies have estimated a roughly fivefold protection versus no barrier alone (although others have found lower levels of effectiveness).

If you are likely to be in close contact with someone infected, a mask cuts the chance of the disease being passed on. If you’re showing symptoms of coronavirus, or have been diagnosed, wearing a mask can also protect others. So masks are crucial for health and social care workers looking after patients and are also recommended for family members who need to care for someone who is ill – ideally both the patient and carer should have a mask.

Critical thinking...........NOT 

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25 minutes ago, Yinn said:

He care about thai people get it from foreigner. Is true thailand have corona BECAUSE foreigner. 

Is not thai virus. Is foreign.

So, when you say the virus isn't Thai don't you infer that the said virus has a nationality? Which is it?


Just hope that the coming generation will see "Nationality", just like Religion as BS that slows progress and threatens the preservation of our species and its environment.

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6 minutes ago, Isaan Alan said:

Thx for the love but if the Australian, UK, USA, Canadian, Kiwi health minister said the same thing about Thais there would be an outcry from both Thais and the people of the relevant country. So where is the outcry from the Thai people about the Thai Health Minister's comments? The silence is deafening. 

The outcry is on Richard Barrow's Facebook page, on Anutin's (now deleted) twitter account and all over Thai social media.

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