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Lets Feed Our Kids


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B.Post Perspective Sunday April 08, 2007



Si Sa Ket has made good progress in its campaign against child malnutrition, but the spirit of cooperation and financial support must be kept alive for sustainable development, writes SONGPOL KAOPATUMTIP

Ban Doonsim Primary School director Lamai Wongprasarn with two of her students.

TAO chief Salit Sompawa stands in front of an organic rice bank in Yang sub-district in Si Sa Ket. The rice is given to needy schools for their nutritious lunch programme.

Ban Doonsim Primary School was ranked almost at the bottom in a provincial student achievement survey when Mrs Lamai Wongprasarn was appointed its director more than 10 years ago. "Most of the students were unhealthy and lacked the enthusiam to learn," she recalls. "I later found out that they suffered from malnutrition."


Please go to the following url for the complete article:-


Yet another of those unheard of stories of how local unassuming administrators are working for the good of the young children and teaching them self sufficiency.

I can relate the content of this article to many areas in the North and North East of Thailand and the sad plight of daily life for not only the young but the very old and vunerable.

Thank God there are many good, caring Thai citizens who are doing their best to help them all and providing what we as Westerners take for granted on a daily basis, we don,t know how well off we are.

Can you imagine trying to live on the only nutrition that a pittance of 12.69 baht can provide.

Remember the genuine and needy poor when you pass them in the street and give them a few Baht to cheer them up and let them know someone cares.

The reward you will get along with the feel good factor is priceless, It really is :o

Please remember we are not talking professional beggars here that frequent the walkways.

The genuine ones are still proud in spite of their plight and will never ask, in my experience, so just fold it and discreetly put it in their hand and enjoy the feed back.

Go on, try it next time you go walk about or whatever and watch the smile appear on their faces for a change.

marshbags :D

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