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Thai govt advised to stop all crowd activities and events


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2 minutes ago, glennb6 said:

umm yea...and Ohio, Illinois, Washington state, Massachusetts too. All left wingnut liberal states with economies in the toilet already btw. FYI, for anyone who doesn't know the clown mayor of NYC Bill de Blasio, he is a full on communist. F NYC, live with your choice now suckers.


This is beyond NUTS.

Could you translate that into English from Breitbarterese?

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1 hour ago, fcbkk said:

What an utter load of nonsense. Where have you been and do you not see any news other than the number  (1) you wish to quote?

There is already massive effect on the economy and much could have been prevented if drastic protective measures had been taken early enough.

There has not been (1) confirmed death caused by the pandemic but over (6000) as of today. And that is “only” those known attributed to the virus. Can your own grade of math comprehend that number doesn’t support your logic?

What is the point of your post? Are you suggesting it all goes away by doing what you do?

worldwide 6526... Thailand 1...  (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/)


that's where I get my math. (1 divided by 70 million). (World divide 6526 by 7.7 Billion). Those are not pandemic numbers.


of course I could quote dubious "news sources", "presumed cases", "experts say".... but I'd rather not swallow the propaganda.


Obviously  there has been massive economic effects, which is why I get so wound up about this whole scam. It's is like the 2020 version of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast.  Fear fear and more fear generated by govt/big corps/big banks using the media and carefully worded and cherry picked situations, but if you look at the actual lethality and danger - it's next to nothing. Yet people, you, others, continue to fall for the propaganda.

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...................to stop all crowd activities . Not read yet but under POPULAR NOW is Pattaya ; Makro full of shoppers . Hope the customers remember to wear their maskes and wash their hands.

A nurse I know up here has told me there are no cases of this virus in the local hospital , life goes on as usual , the filhy air is more of a worry.

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1 hour ago, fcbkk said:

You manage to include more nonsense in one post that most others i give you that. 

For a start, this virus isn’t a flu and not comparable to one, surely your reading up on the news must have alerted you to that already. 

It isn’t about “wu” or “communism” as you use these words so craftily in your post, it is a pandemic affecting the world regardless of its origin. 

It isn’t about 1 or 2 dead in 70 million or 3200 in 1.3 billion, it is about over 6000 attributed deaths in a number of over 100k infected to date, and the potential to grow rapidly if left to do so. 

As of this morning Italy reports some 1800 deaths in 25k infections - what does your own calculator tell you about the percentage - if you know how to use one? Did you actually attend maths at all?

I use those words for a very specific purpose, not to be subtle or 'crafty'. I think from reading my posts I am certainly not crafty or subtle.


Wu for Wuhan.


Communism as in communist china where it stated, as in to believe ANY NEWS that comes from a communist regime is foolish. Maybe they've underestimated, maybe they've overestimated, maybe not. Half the deaths have supposedly come from china, that doesn't leave too many for the rest of the world.


More people die from dozens of other causes at a far higher rate than the WuFlu, or the common cold.

And NO it's NOT about potential, or about estimated number of infected, or 'could be', or 'assumed'... Assumed is not a statistic, it's a guess.

Even Italy, 1800 deaths in a country of 60 million is 0.003% and half those who died were +80 yrs old. I have hugely higher chance of getting killed on my motorcy in Pattaya than of dying or even catching the WuFlu terror.

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1 hour ago, Chazar said:

im   fully  aware of what she said which is  why i  posted it to  stop the nonsense of EVERYONE wearing a  mask, its  99% unnecessary 

Don’t you think you are missing an important point in your awareness?

She made a conditional statement and a mask is only unnecessary IF those conditions are met. But those conditions are not met by 99% of people 99% of the time. 

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1 hour ago, Chazar said:

disagree the best way is to keep hands  clean and dont touch  your  face, mask use waste of  time, when was the  last time someone coughed in your face or  sneezed on you and again theyre  going to have to do it  right in your  face.

you are right about not touching your face before thorough cleaning of hands. But you are wrong about the coughs and sneezes. It does not have to be right in your face - because droplets can be carried over several meters. Hence the point of wearing a mask when near other people. 

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31 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Could you translate that into English from Breitbarterese?

3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

New York City mayor: “Tomorrow, I will sign an Executive Order limiting restaurants, bars and cafes to food take-out and delivery. Nightclubs, movie theaters, small theater houses, and concert venues must all close. The order will go into effect" Tuesday at 9 a.m. ET.



umm yea...and Ohio, Illinois, Washington state, Massachusetts too. All left wingnut liberal states with economies in the toilet already btw. FYI, for anyone who doesn't know the clown mayor of NYC Bill de Blasio, he is a full on communist. F NYC, live with your choice now suckers.


This is beyond NUTS.


I responded to NCC1701A post showing that the NYC mayor deblasio (a full on communist) is using the WuFlu terror as an excuse/reason various entertainment and eatery businesses, and that the states of Ohio, Illinois, Washington, and Mass are doing same.


This effectively will bankrupt thousands of businesses. What's next? Welding peoples in their apartments and shot to kill if on the street orders? How about curfews?


4 hours ago - Hoboken, N.J., institutes coronavirus curfew."
This is all nuts based upon about 60 deaths in two months with half being old and sickly people in one nursing home.
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31 minutes ago, glennb6 said:

worldwide 6526... Thailand 1...  (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/)


that's where I get my math. (1 divided by 70 million). (World divide 6526 by 7.7 Billion). Those are not pandemic numbers.


of course I could quote dubious "news sources", "presumed cases", "experts say".... but I'd rather not swallow the propaganda.


Obviously  there has been massive economic effects, which is why I get so wound up about this whole scam. It's is like the 2020 version of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast.  Fear fear and more fear generated by govt/big corps/big banks using the media and carefully worded and cherry picked situations, but if you look at the actual lethality and danger - it's next to nothing. Yet people, you, others, continue to fall for the propaganda.

You divide the number of deaths today by the number of the world population to say this is not a pandemic. That is beyond dumb. You might as well quote the number of motorbike accidents caused by dinosaurs to prove that riding a bike is safer than not. Good luck. 

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35 minutes ago, glennb6 said:

I use those words for a very specific purpose, not to be subtle or 'crafty'. I think from reading my posts I am certainly not crafty or subtle.


Wu for Wuhan.


Communism as in communist china where it stated, as in to believe ANY NEWS that comes from a communist regime is foolish. Maybe they've underestimated, maybe they've overestimated, maybe not. Half the deaths have supposedly come from china, that doesn't leave too many for the rest of the world.


More people die from dozens of other causes at a far higher rate than the WuFlu, or the common cold.

And NO it's NOT about potential, or about estimated number of infected, or 'could be', or 'assumed'... Assumed is not a statistic, it's a guess.

Even Italy, 1800 deaths in a country of 60 million is 0.003% and half those who died were +80 yrs old. I have hugely higher chance of getting killed on my motorcy in Pattaya than of dying or even catching the WuFlu terror.

I know what “Wu” refers to but there is no useful purpose in referring to either “Wu” or communism. It is a pandemic that affects the world regardless of origin, country, political system, race, intellectual ability or else. And if you wish to say that all news originating from non-communist countries is trustworthy by default then you probably cannot be helped. 


And yes of course the mortality rate is calculated by using the number of infections as base, not the as yet non-infected overall population. If left alone then infections will grow and so will the number of those who die. And if 50% of those deaths were indeed all over 80 then what is your point - that that is ok? Not to mention the other 50%.

Good grief, if you actually believe the stuff you write then your chance of getting killed by stupidity far outweighs any risk of riding a bike from all i can see. Good luck. 

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1 hour ago, glennb6 said:


Obviously  there has been massive economic effects, which is why I get so wound up about this whole scam. It's is like the 2020 version of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast.  Fear fear and more fear generated by govt/big corps/big banks using the media and carefully worded and cherry picked situations, but if you look at the actual lethality and danger - it's next to nothing. Yet people, you, others, continue to fall for the propaganda.

"Fear fear and more fear generated by govt/big corps/big banks"


Please explain why any of the above would want to generate this fear .......The big corporations and banks are not going to make any money out of this, if they were their share prices would be skyrocketing not falling. It's going to cost governments all around the world billions upon billions of dollars in medical costs, lost national revenue, lost tax receipts, and attempts to keep their economies running. But you think they are doing this deliberately !!

"if you look at the actual lethality"

Yes, look at it ....it is between 1.5 and 2 times as infectious as the seasonal flu, and at least 10 times as deadly, at least 1% up to 3.5% (at the moment, that figure will certainly increase when all the ICU beds are full and people are being turned away). there are apparently around 35 million cases of the flu in the US every year, so if the COVID 19 virus was ignored and became globally endemic between 50 and 70 million people are likely to be infected with COVID 19 each year in the US, lets say 60m. If only 1% of those cases are fatal, that's 600,000 people who would die because people like you with Ostrich Syndrome want to stick their heads in the sand and ignore this.

Have you considered that perhaps it is you that is being fooled by all the redneck anti-govt prepper BS propaganda ?

Edited by MikeN
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It is great idea to stop all crowd activities but is it practicable.  Take as an example funerals - my research indicates there are approximately 1,400 deaths each day across the country.  This means 1,400 funerals.  Is it possible to stop funerals?  I think not.  I recently had the misfortune to lose my mother-in-law.  Over the 3-4 day funeral event over 500 people, from various parts of the country attended - praying, visiting, sharing meals, etc.  Imagine the outcome if one or more was infected by the corona virus - impossible to maintain 'social distance' therefore a real hotbed to spread the virus.  I'm sure there are many funerals with fewer attendees and many with more attendees all of which are potential infection points. 



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19 hours ago, sezze said:

Some still fail to understand how it works . Even if you are not in the danger zone ( being old / have health issues ) , you can have the virus and spread it . If you do not have it , but the country has a lot of cases , the hospitals are full . Nobody will be working . The whole system collapses in a heartbeat . You break your leg ... sorry cannot help you , hospitals are busy helping people who are dying of Covid . Thats why many many countries now are taking extreme measures . China did it , practically whole Europe ( Italy and Spain hospitals are near collapse as we speak ) , and US is just starting . All those countries are not the same governments , they arent like North Korea ... those measures are not taken lightly as this does have tremendous impact on economy .Watched any of stock exchanges lately ??

My mom is 80 years old. She lives in Las Vegas. She hits the casino twice a week. She is well aware of the virus. While the strip now has mostly closed, her small local casino's remain open. Interestingly, she isn't worried. Aside from two weekly casino trips she hits the gym 3 times a week, and bowls once a week. There have been 16 corona virus cases in the entire state of Nevada. While my Mom is laying low a bit, I am more concerned about what would happen to her by sedentary behavior going beyond a couple of weeks then I am concerned about her actually getting the virus. Walking, bowling, and getting about, is what keeps her immune system strong, as such behaviour does for all of us. The flu also can kill someone 80.


This virus has to run its course. I have no control of it. I am not going into hibernation. Iiving in Bangkok. Not going to worry.

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17 hours ago, MikeN said:

"Fear fear and more fear generated by govt/big corps/big banks"


Please explain why any of the above would want to generate this fear .......The big corporations and banks are not going to make any money out of this, if they were their share prices would be skyrocketing not falling. It's going to cost governments all around the world billions upon billions of dollars in medical costs, lost national revenue, lost tax receipts, and attempts to keep their economies running. But you think they are doing this deliberately !!

"if you look at the actual lethality"

Yes, look at it ....it is between 1.5 and 2 times as infectious as the seasonal flu, and at least 10 times as deadly, at least 1% up to 3.5% (at the moment, that figure will certainly increase when all the ICU beds are full and people are being turned away). there are apparently around 35 million cases of the flu in the US every year, so if the COVID 19 virus was ignored and became globally endemic between 50 and 70 million people are likely to be infected with COVID 19 each year in the US, lets say 60m. If only 1% of those cases are fatal, that's 600,000 people who would die because people like you with Ostrich Syndrome want to stick their heads in the sand and ignore this.

Have you considered that perhaps it is you that is being fooled by all the redneck anti-govt prepper BS propaganda ?

There is another way to look at this. I am not worried. Not going to worry. Its not the end of the world, and there is nothing  I can do about it. I am not going to fret. Not crying. Not claiming a new knowledge of corona wisdom, or whining about governments Left or Right, as that does not accomplish a damn thing! 

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18 hours ago, glennb6 said:

worldwide 6526... Thailand 1...  (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/)


that's where I get my math. (1 divided by 70 million). (World divide 6526 by 7.7 Billion). Those are not pandemic numbers.


of course I could quote dubious "news sources", "presumed cases", "experts say".... but I'd rather not swallow the propaganda.


Obviously  there has been massive economic effects, which is why I get so wound up about this whole scam. It's is like the 2020 version of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast.  Fear fear and more fear generated by govt/big corps/big banks using the media and carefully worded and cherry picked situations, but if you look at the actual lethality and danger - it's next to nothing. Yet people, you, others, continue to fall for the propaganda.

A "scam" indicates someone behind this, or some group. So I think that might be a poor choice of word to use, but I will say that the media is generating a certain amount of hysteria. The reason, as always, has been to sell newspapers, or advertising slots. Additionally, election season brings out the crazies in the USA!


A lot of talk about masks here, what does USA CDC say?



What does WHO say?



So here you have the USA, and UN saying you basically do not need a mask, unless you are sick, or directly caring for the sick. The same info put out by NHS etc.



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19 hours ago, ChomDo said:

Why is that nonsense?? Did you think this true well enough? That BBC link was interesting over a month ago when Covid was not so widely spread. Now the whole point is that symptomless people are spreading the virus around to others because they don't have a clue that they're infected (NBA player Rudy Gobert is a good example).


If everyone wore a mask this wouldn't happen, because the purpose of face masks is for sick people not to infect healthy people. Of course in Jan-Feb there was a lot of talk about why Asians wear masks when the doctors/scientists have said it actually doesn't protect you from Covid. I also stopped wearing a mask at the time, but now it's not a valid point anymore when so many people have the infection. Now the situation is very different compared to a month ago. The infection is so widely spread that everyone should be wearing a mask and I really don't understand why it's not made mandatory by governments.


In my own home country Covid is spreading very rapidly and my friends have told me that nobody wears a mask. Well that's one of the reasons why it's spreading out of control. I have some understanding for that Thai minister who complained about westerners coming to Thailand and not wearing masks and being clean. Of course everything else he said was nonsense except for the mask part. 

See my last post with USA CDC, and world health Org links. Both say masks NOT necessary. The collective wisdom lay with these organizations. Echoed by UK NHS etc.

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Rehearsing for 2 months? They've been rehearsing how to be a government for 6 years. Is there an app for that too?

On 3/16/2020 at 9:55 AM, spinner2020 said:

He may be well-known (I've never heard of him but so what?). But he's plain wrong. Check the facts: new confirmed cases (worldwide) hit a peak of 16.2k on March 13 and have dropped each day since (7.3k on 11th, 2.5k on 12th, 11.6k on 14th, 6.6k on 15th).

"Exponentially"? Bollllox.


[source: https://www.gisaid.org/epiflu-applications/global-cases-covid-19/]


Give him a break, he's just trying to make a name for himself. But he is right. Epidemic numbers do tend to rise exonentially, and the list you provide does not show a decrease every day, unless 11.6k is less than 2.5k.


FWIW, I never heard of him either, which is what he's so desperately trying to change. Like I said, just trying to make a name for himself, and I'll bet it was him who told the reporter that he's well-known.



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1 hour ago, WalkingOrders said:

A "scam" indicates someone behind this, or some group. So I think that might be a poor choice of word to use, but I will say that the media is generating a certain amount of hysteria. The reason, as always, has been to sell newspapers, or advertising slots. Additionally, election season brings out the crazies in the USA!


A lot of talk about masks here, what does USA CDC say?



What does WHO say?



So here you have the USA, and UN saying you basically do not need a mask, unless you are sick, or directly caring for the sick. The same info put out by NHS etc.



In the WHO link you posted the advice was to wear a mask if you cough or sneeze, you might do either before knowing that you are sick. 

A mask can also help to reduce the risk of droplets reaching your mouth when others cough or sneeze, so when in crowds then wearing a mask helps to reduce the risk. The same has been said by the NHS and others. But when wording their general advice, they have a vital interest in being careful to avoid creating a false impression that a mask is a fail safe protection to be worn at all times. 



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4 minutes ago, fcbkk said:

In the WHO link you posted the advice was to wear a mask if you cough or sneeze, you might do either before knowing that you are sick. 

A mask can also help to reduce the risk of droplets reaching your mouth when others cough or sneeze, so when in crowds then wearing a mask helps to reduce the risk. The same has been said by the NHS and others, they have a vital interest in not creating a false impression that a mask is a fail safe protection to be worn at all times. 



Quite clearly without doubt, impossible to miss, the WHO, and CDC, both state clearly no mask necessary under normal circumstance ie, not sick, or health care worker!

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1 minute ago, WalkingOrders said:

Quite clearly without doubt, impossible to miss, the WHO, and CDC, both state clearly no mask necessary under normal circumstance is not sick, or health care worker!

Absolutely clearly without doubt you did miss what i wrote and did not check the link posted. 

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There have been, essentially, NO DEATHS from Corvid-19 in people under 50, as of March 16. Yes, you can get sick for a few days.  It's not a threat to most of the world.  All efforts should be directed to the +50 year olds.
Honestly, why the panic?
Economies and countries are being destroyed all for the sake of an inflammatory news story.
Old folks, such as me, need to be careful, as with any virus.  But, shutting down every event is just plain stupid.
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16 minutes ago, Sametboy2019 said:

I wore a mask for a while today in Makro and one thing I noticed is it makes you more conscious of touching your face as you are always aware of the mask.

May go away after wearing a lot.


This is part of the problem with masks...you have to touch your face more when you wear them and unless you're using hand sanitizer A LOT, wearing masks may help you get viruses and bacteria from surfaces to your eyes and nose. 

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On 3/17/2020 at 2:03 PM, WalkingOrders said:

No mask needed, say the experts. That's all I need to know.

That is not what the experts say, and it is in the public interest to protect each other, so kindly open your mind to what knowledge is needed.  

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21 hours ago, jvs said:

Does a mask protect you eyes from receiving droplets id some one sneezes?

If you believe in masks you better also wear goggles .

A mask protects others by reducing droplets from your coughs and sneezes, if you happen to be an unknowing transmitter whether you wear googles or not. 

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18 hours ago, JCP108 said:

This is part of the problem with masks...you have to touch your face more when you wear them and unless you're using hand sanitizer A LOT, wearing masks may help you get viruses and bacteria from surfaces to your eyes and nose. 

Mask or no mask there is no protection from user error and touching your face before disinfecting your hands is the best chance you have of growing the statistics. 

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1 hour ago, fcbkk said:

That is not what the experts say, and it is in the public interest to protect each other, so kindly open your mind to what knowledge is needed.  


1 hour ago, fcbkk said:

A mask protects others by reducing droplets from your coughs and sneezes, if you happen to be an unknowing transmitter whether you wear googles or not. 

Exactly! That's the whole point of the mask topic like I explained earlier. We all know by now that they won't protect you from getting the virus but it will protect from you spreading it to others (in the case of a symptomless covid that so many people seem to have).


It was just in the news today that Kevin Durant has covid but absolutely no symptoms what so ever. Same thing with four of his teammates - positive test result but no symptoms. I wonder how many new infections could have been avoided if he and his teammates all wore masks.

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1 hour ago, ChomDo said:


Exactly! That's the whole point of the mask topic like I explained earlier. We all know by now that they won't protect you from getting the virus but it will protect from you spreading it to others (in the case of a symptomless covid that so many people seem to have).

i do argue the point that a mask does not protect you from being infected. A mask does reduce the risk for yourself too, provided it is a suitable quality design, correctly worn and handled. 


If there is a large amount of droplets from a transmitter then they may reach your eyes, thus render a mask pointless, but if there is a limited amount of droplets (e.g. you may not be immediately in the vicinity or you may be in the area some time after the emission) then surely it is better to have a protection in front of the highest risk route of infection rather than none. 


There are many studies on the effectiveness of masks out there, or check the link i posted in a previous comment. 

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