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Beware of Centipedes


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In my house in Udon , they are in the garden . You'll find them where you find the scorpions also . Scorpions are kinda cute , they are slow , you can play a bit with them . I killed 1/2 in the past , but after i saw them more and watched them , i never kill them again . They never come inside the house and if they would do , i just put them outside . Cen tipies on the other hand are scary , and very fast . Handling them , you need to take care a lot . If they enter the house , they need to be killed , since i cant take them out and im not crazy about them also . Chickens in the garden probably keep the nrs under control , but both are very useful . As far as the big gekkos , love them on my wall , they are beautiful , useful , and are not dangerous . They are only loud at some moments . Caught a few inside the house , but normally they are smart enough to go outside by themselves ( i do not kill them also ) .

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7 minutes ago, sezze said:

Caught a few inside the house , but normally they are smart enough to go outside by themselves ( i do not kill them also ) .

I catch them and release them a few Km away. When they get in the roof space they sure can make a lot of noise, on the hour, every hour as you try to sleep. You get stains down the walls too. 

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I remember when I first started seeing my now wife in Pakham we were sleeping on the floor of her mothers house because we couldnt take the motorbike to our resort because of rain. Well I remember getting bit by something and not knowing what until I started seeing many centipdes everywhere around house, we have them in america but not that big like Thailand. Well years later I still have the big dead skin mark on my calf where I was bitten or stung almost ended up in the hospital becase the bite wouldnt heal for months. I avoid them like the plaque no big deal for my wife however. I know they can kill you if your allergic to their venom.

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