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Pattaya shut down imminent: Bars and clubs brace for closure order

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2 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

No way to live for myself and family so we got out of there.



2 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

recent "avoid the dirty farang" headline from the Government it seems to be nothing has changed.

Well, he was referring to his observations in Chiang Mai, not Pattaya.


But I guess now you moved to a perfect place where everyone loves you?

Where is that?


1 hour ago, Mulambana said:

No testing doen in USA and entire Europe. They don't test all contacts. Only contacts that ends up in hospitals or seeking medication for symptoms. It is same everywhere in the WOrld. But Europe and USA have bothced it up big times. They are unable to control. 


The US announced yesterday they are going to nationwide testing.

All for free.

You should really keep up with the news.

8 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:


Why would they, who compensates the airlines, hotels, schools, kindergarten etc that are closed too, no one. I wasn't aware a bar is somewhat important for national security.


Hospitals and Medicine personal must be protected at all costs, spreading that <deleted> around everywhere is why italy is absolutely messed up right now. They didn't give a <deleted> either, now their doctors are infected and dying too.

There are 6500 deaths from Coronovirus WORLDWIDE.

That's hardly all of Italy's doctors dying.

Stop fearmongering.  It's either cowardice or evil. 

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No beer no women then no Thailand. Pretty simple formula. Italy has no relevance to Thailand. North Italy is old people in cooler weather not having sex or alcohol. Northern Italy are not truly living. If Pattaya closes then Issan families starve. Starvation or maybe get a virus. I would choose maybe getting the virus. Manila is mad at Duarte because people starve to death without tourists. So let adults make adult decisions and the government  should not treat adults as children. 

50 minutes ago, rexall said:

I hope you are kidding!  Unless you have a natural immunity (I assume some people do), if you hang out with infected people, there is a high likelihood that you will become infected.  It is the two week incubation period that is the problem. A person can be infected and passing along the virus for two weeks before they show any signs of being sick. In bars where everyone is in close proximity, no ventilation breathing the same air, touching and slobbering and breathing on each other, girls sharing small dressing rooms, then going out on dates or to discos.  One infected girl could give it to dozens of locals and tourists before anyone gets sick. And the tourists will take to back to wherever they came from.  It could be a real nightmare.

A 60 year old man and a adult woman should have the right to make their own decisions including bar owners. Who cares about the people afraid of everything and the rich Thai people. Stay home and do what you want. Let the rest of us choose life. You choose isolation all you want 

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1 hour ago, rexall said:

I hope you are kidding!  Unless you have a natural immunity (I assume some people do), if you hang out with infected people, there is a high likelihood that you will become infected.  It is the two week incubation period that is the problem. A person can be infected and passing along the virus for two weeks before they show any signs of being sick. In bars where everyone is in close proximity, no ventilation breathing the same air, touching and slobbering and breathing on each other, girls sharing small dressing rooms, then going out on dates or to discos.  One infected girl could give it to dozens of locals and tourists before anyone gets sick. And the tourists will take to back to wherever they came from.  It could be a real nightmare.

If this virus has been about in Thailand as so many people fear, then 1000's would be infected in Pattaya already. That is clearly not the case. I dont know anyone who has it and I have many friends in the Pattaya entertainment industry and they dont either. I will continue to frequent the bars and gogo's until and if they close.

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5 hours ago, Thomas J said:

One thing is for sure.  If the Coronavirus was not going to kill people the response to it certainly will.  When all of the world is out of work due to not having money from a job to buy food, pay their housing expenses, or medical bills, It certainly will kill a lot of people. 

Thomas, a golden statement if there ever was one. The CV isn't going to do squat in the big picture of who lives and who dies. The reaction to the CV hysteria is the issue. How people can get excited over CV when the typical seasonal is more deadly, as is riding your motorcy in thailand, makes no sense to me.


But I live in Pattaya so if a large portion of the population here has no work or productive means of income, bad stuff will begin. Property prices will crash, businesses will dry up and close. I don't think there would be too many smiles in LOS. And as far as living here as a retiree, I suspect if above happens, falangs may not be looked upon in a friendly way.


Lets hope there are a couple adults left in charge up toward the top.

5 hours ago, fforest1 said:

Yea but many famous movie stars, sports stars and politicians seem to have all got the Coronavirus last week.....  

yea, sure they did....

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4 hours ago, Terry2905 said:

The question that could be asked is how many people in Pattaya have become ill with the exact same symptoms of Covid-19, but not tested for it?


My ex g/f in Pattaya has just recovered from a high fever and a very bad cough, which lasted for more than 1 week. Only given some paracetamol for the fever, and cough medicine, by the local GP! 


Go figure!

sounds like the flu, the kind people often get every couple of years. Flu sucks, and it has resulted in more deaths than the CV, and I wouldn't like to get either. Worse yet is dengue and chicken-gun-ya (for the spelling impaired). I wouldn't worry about CV unless you're immune system is shot, or your an overweight unhealthy blob, or frail.

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2 hours ago, rexall said:

I hope you are kidding!  Unless you have a natural immunity (I assume some people do), if you hang out with infected people, there is a high likelihood that you will become infected.  It is the two week incubation period that is the problem. A person can be infected and passing along the virus for two weeks before they show any signs of being sick. In bars where everyone is in close proximity, no ventilation breathing the same air, touching and slobbering and breathing on each other, girls sharing small dressing rooms, then going out on dates or to discos.  One infected girl could give it to dozens of locals and tourists before anyone gets sick. And the tourists will take to back to wherever they came from.  It could be a real nightmare.

same could have been said for SARs, MERs, standard seasonal flu, the common cold, the bargirl cough cold, herpies, STDs big and small... what else am I forgetting... Has the world ended yet? Oh, well.... you can't be too careful or stop spreading WuFlu terror. Meh.

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13 minutes ago, glennb6 said:

the light is coming on now. CV is a designed planned propaganda cover story

Have to agree, there are just too many inconsistencies in the supposed story that simply don't make sense! Though I think the end result will be more aimed at suppressing the "masses" as well as hiding the financial irregularities, looks what happening in China now, where they have to have the right "social" score to be able to travel etc, once they bring in these measure they will never remove them. They have been collecting data on all off us for a long time now, they have the algorythems, now they want full control - maybe ????

AI (artificial intelligence) is coming to a place near you!

911 was the last major staged event, this one could be bigger?

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3 hours ago, rexall said:

 With a two week incubation period, and crowded Pattaya bars, who in their right mind would hook up with a hooker or other casual sex partner.  I am not squeamish nor paranoid, but just the thought of it gives me the heebie-jeebies! ????

There isn't a two week incubation period. That'st he quarantine time. Symptoms show between 3-8 days

2 hours ago, DaveK68 said:

1/3rd of total world population MIGHT get infected. Of that, 20% might have symptoms. Of that 20% 4 to 8% might need hospitalization. Of that 4 to 8%, 3 to 4% might die.

It's hardly the end of the world.

Stop fear mongering. Stop chicken littleing it up. Grow a pair.

If you are healthy. If you don't have a weak immune system or jacked up lungs due to smoking or age, you're going to be ok and come out stronger on the other side.

Stop being p*ssies.

In a year, when #WuhanChinaPlague2020 is a distant memory, more people will have died from slips, trips and falls. More veterans will have committed suicide.

And no one will care.

That's long and short of it.

0.05% of the Chinese population caught it. Of that 0.05% 3% died. I'd agree about the kitties.

2 hours ago, Leaver said:

I guess it's the end of the world for that 4% to 8%, but I am sure they take comfort in your maths, knowing everyone else is ok. 


Drum roll........people die every day.

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2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


The US announced yesterday they are going to nationwide testing.

All for free.

You should really keep up with the news.

well free is nice, just add it to the taxes next year. nevermind.


Just thinking, there will be more deaths from vehicle accidents when momma rushes her little precious to the clinic for free testing when she has the sniffles.


More to the point and logical, say 1000 people go to the WuFlu terror clinic to get checked. crowed, busy as hell, most with some sort of sickness. Suppose 3 of the 1000 have WuFlu in the waiting room. Now there's a pretty good change that 997 other people could catch it too. Or at least many people are likely to get sick of something from the others who are sick.


Now if momma had kept her little precious at home, treated her for typical flu symptoms, and not freaked out, probably a better overall outcome. 


But that's government at it's best and the dumbass public doing their best to uphold that title.

6 minutes ago, CGW said:

Have to agree, there are just too many inconsistencies in the supposed story that simply don't make sense! Though I think the end result will be more aimed at suppressing the "masses" as well as hiding the financial irregularities, looks what happening in China now, where they have to have the right "social" score to be able to travel etc, once they bring in these measure they will never remove them. They have been collecting data on all off us for a long time now, they have the algorythems, now they want full control - maybe ????

AI (artificial intelligence) is coming to a place near you!

911 was the last major staged event, this one could be bigger?

Nobody in China needs a social score to travel. There are those who have been banned for opening emergency exits on planes, you've all had a scoff about those, there are people who have been drunk and obnoxious on trains. This social scoring is all about shopping, nothing else.

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3 minutes ago, Traubert said:

Nobody in China needs a social score to travel. There are those who have been banned for opening emergency exits on planes, you've all had a scoff about those, there are people who have been drunk and obnoxious on trains. This social scoring is all about shopping, nothing else.

A friend informed me today that anyone who now needs to travel, has to have the correct social score - is he wrong, just started he said and will be implemented going forward?


Just had a message from a friend in Malaysia, they are effectively shutting the country down as off now - the coordination worldwide seems to be good? 

Someones calling the shots, in my humble opinion.

3 hours ago, DaveK68 said:

1/3rd of total world population MIGHT get infected. Of that, 20% might have symptoms. Of that 20% 4 to 8% might need hospitalization. Of that 4 to 8%, 3 to 4% might die.

It's hardly the end of the world.

Stop fear mongering. Stop chicken littleing it up. Grow a pair.

If you are healthy. If you don't have a weak immune system or jacked up lungs due to smoking or age, you're going to be ok and come out stronger on the other side.

Stop being p*ssies.

In a year, when #WuhanChinaPlague2020 is a distant memory, more people will have died from slips, trips and falls. More veterans will have committed suicide.

And no one will care.

That's long and short of it.

Let's hope you're right.


Around 6,000 die of the flu each year in the UK.

5 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Let us know if you make it, might be the only one on the plane. Did you get insurance?


Personally I'm avoiding girls for a month +, I've already told 3 I'll see them after Corona

Who in their right mind would be touching any of pattaya finest in this time? 

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4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

That's why most of us don't go. And that's why lots of places are (almost) empty.

But I think it's up to the owners and managers if they want to keep their places open. Nobody forces any people to go in there.

If the government decides to close these places then the government should pay the people who work there. That would be fair.

The government in Thailand should be paying out of work hookers????

did I read this right????  Another intelligent comment from yet another intelligent Thai retiree!

a sure way to bankrupt the country in a month!

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15 hours ago, glennb6 said:

Remember Purachai back in the taxin days? Anutin must be trying to out-do him.


If the govt declares the bars in Pattaya must shut down, stick a fork in it and say goodnight. Property prices will crash, businesses will close and throw people out of work, and crime will increase. Maybe half the locals can take up rice farming again...


I can't believe this is even being considered an option. Govt MIGHT be able to pull this off for a few days or a couple weeks, but if it's longer or indefinite, forget about it.

Angeles City shut their bars and clubs down effective today for at least two weeks ... I don't see how they will survive either.


Once Pattaya clubs shut down, I can't fathom the effect.  There are 50 times as many bars and clubs in Pattaya as Angeles City.



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