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Trump urges U.S. to halt most social activity in virus fight, warns of recession


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10 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

so Ill just add you too to my ignore list, that way you can join your coherts in following me about and giving me little sad emojis or responding to the ether as opposed to me.

That's what I did, along with nine like minded 'contributors' and my quality of internet life improved immeasurably,


I don't get in nearly as much trouble either. I'm not American, is it something in the water?

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13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

A key to South Korea's success was massive random sampling via tests. 1 out of every 200 South Koreans were chosen to participate. Of course, Trump refused WHO's offer of test kits when the US had virtually none. Instead he chose to have the USA develop its own. Because, you know, buy American! MAGA!

Sooooo 199 out of every 200 DIDN'T have a test- effective? I think not. Either test everyone or only those with symptoms.

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by the math:  USA testable population:  ~ 300 Million.  10,000 tests per day would still take 30,000 days to test everybody.  If 100,000 tests per day, it would still take 3,000 days ( >8 years).  And by then the test results might be meaningless as people are re-exposed.  So just how and what do you expect from testing?


  here in New Jersey, schools are closed. Nearby New York City, too as well as many restaurants closed, bars closed, malls, closed, many businesses are closed.  So now kids are home but so many parents are not home or have to work two jobs so now they are stressed.  people are out of work.  School graduations delayed or postponed.  College entrance exams, SATs, ACTs, GREs canceled.  Now people will not be able to get into planned colleges next year or next.  Degrees are postponed, life situations come up and people have to now drop out of college.  Family stresses are going to be huge both emotionally and financially. 


  The stress and hardships from these actions, and closures are long term effects that don't make the news and will result in pain and suffering and deaths.  None of that is unexpected from any crisis.  The point is to  be aware of that.   Political near term actions are being driven.  Lawsuit fears are not even mentioned yet, but I can imagine all sorts of workplace or city or even government agencies that did not take appropriate measures to protect their workers.  I bet there are law firms preparing briefs by the tons.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You do realise that testing everyone would be beyond the capability of the existing labs to do, don't you?

by the math:  USA testable population:  ~ 300 Million.  10,000 tests per day would still take 30,000 days to test everybody.  If 100,000 tests per day, it would still take 3,000 days ( >8 years).  And by then the test results might be meaningless as people are re-exposed.  So just how and what do people expect from testing?

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You do realise that testing everyone would be beyond the capability of the existing labs to do, don't you?

Yep, that’s not a solution, but there still are not enough available for those with symptoms ????

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11 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Looks like you'll be adding an awful lot more people to your 'do not read list' as none of your sycophantic fawning over Trump is going to belie the fact that Trump has handled this badly. VERY badly.

From brushing it off as 'just the flu' to constantly undermining his own experts, to exposing others when he himself could have had the virus (refusing to be tested, shaking LOTS of hands and eventually being tested) to taking no responsibility for closing down the pandemic office or for the lack of testing shortage. Even even lied about a new Google app. and basically called fears of the virus 'a hoax'.

All of this has led experts to openly criticise him with Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, calling it “deeply disturbing,” adding that it’s “left the country far less prepared than it needs to be for what is a very substantial challenge ahead.”

If he had got fully behind his own administration when they announced a public health emergency way back in Janaury, many of the forthcoming deaths could have been prevented. The guy's a clown and should resign for his serious mishandling of the ensuing crisis.


P.S. Feel free to add me to the 'do not read' list. 

And me - I've just come back from self-imposed exile to second that. I'm allergic to Trump.

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sooooo 199 out of every 200 DIDN'T have a test- effective? I think not. Either test everyone or only those with symptoms.

Do you understand that South Korea has been hugely successful in stopping the number of virus cases from increasing? What don't you understand about reality?

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15 hours ago, sirineou said:

It is incredible that even after all this they are still defending him.Simply Incredible!!!!

It is like the cattle cheering for the butcher on their way to the slaughter  house. 

If it wasn't so tragic, it would be comical. 

It is incredible the level of irrational emotional hatred regardless of the nature of the current whinge. But I guess when you don't have any other method to get the election results you want, there has to be this way. 

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3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Do you understand that South Korea has been hugely successful in stopping the number of virus cases from increasing? What don't you understand about reality?

I'm saying that IMO there are other reasons as to why Sth Korea has had a decrease in new cases. One possibility is that the number of uninfected susceptible people has diminished. Most people, apparently, will either not become infected or will have minor symptoms and may not realise they have it.

The OP is not about Sth Korea so I shall not respond further to anything not to do with the US.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm saying that IMO there are other reasons as to why Sth Korea has had a decrease in new cases. One possibility is that the number of uninfected susceptible people has diminished. Most people, apparently, will either not become infected or will have minor symptoms and may not realise they have it.

The OP is not about Sth Korea so I shall not respond further to anything not to do with the US.

So far there have been no reports of people with natural immunity and SK is nowhere near the level of recovered people that would constitute herd immunity.  See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_immunity

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