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New virus test kit has results in under an hour


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As Thailand develops noting at all, why should they develop a test system like described and in the western world it is not excisting and more needed????

Just keep up the face that been loosing long time already. Faked news I would say. Same with the pills they like to use: not excisting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, Thailand is fantastic. They are best and first with everything. They also have the one of the lowest amount of Covid-19 infections. There is a reason for that. They seem to not do the tests and controls at arrivals to the country.


This morning I´ve have received very sad information. First I read about a Thai man posting online that he and around 500 others arrived with a plane from Spain yesterday. According to him he passed Immigration without any checks as well as all the other 500 arrivals. That is very worrying if there is any truth in it. I believe it is, because it´s backed up by personal information my wife have gotten from a friend arriving from Italy recently.

if this is the way things are done, then we better crawl under the tables and wait for disaster. Doesn´t matter how quick the test kit will be.

Edited by Matzzon
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5 hours ago, geisha said:

There have been numerous warnings on the television and newspapers about Covid 19 test kits.  There are the approuved ones, and the others !  I would be very careful of buying/ undergoing  such a test . I think the price speaks for itself. If the tests were so cheap, then all countries would have ample stock , which is not the case. 

Just look at US that didn't go with the WHO test at first but wanted their own "better and US patent test"... false positives and false negatives... and that's how COVID-19 all of a sudden could spread so quickly in US!

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21 hours ago, BobBKK said:

25k at Bangkok hospital should be 1000 at most


21 hours ago, BobBKK said:

25k at Bangkok hospital should be 1000 at most

Please tell me that this is fake news or a joke! 

Does anyone have factual knowledge that Bangkok hospital is charging 25k just for a test? 

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Everything i have ever bought that says on it 'Made in Thailand' has fallen to bits or expired one way or another in record time !  Just can't imagine these 'Kits' will be of any better quality.


Your best protection is to stay behind your own front door as much as possible until this 'war' is over; only venture out for required supplies.

Edited by trainman34014
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5 hours ago, rabas said:

The OP just above clarifies the testing method, it is not simple a antibody test as presumed. They are using absolute state of the art CRISPR technology to rapidly detect the virus. This is hot off the press technology from the US, MIT and the Broad Institute (genetic research). Note that Thailand is very advanced in genomic research because the Royal Family has provided lots of resources over time both for agricultural and medical research. This is not Somchai.



thanks for the update, I did not see the technology mentioned in the original post hence my question. Without this It is difficult to know if it will be of benefit. Not sure I understand the Somchai reference.

If they have developed a CRISPR based test that can produce results so fast it is great news, maybe they have managed to bypass the previously time consuming sample preparation. If the price is in line with what they are saying they it is indeed fantastic news.

Thanks again for the update.

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22 hours ago, rabas said:

The article is not clear. I think this is an antibody test for the blood, not a PCR test. Antibody tests are cheaper. Antibody tests observe your immune system after is starts to respond to the virus. It does not work well for asymptomatic cases.


Cheap and cheerful antibody tests may sound reassuring. But in the end they are likely to add to the confusion about the actual number of Wuhan virus cases compared with those caused by other viruses which produce similar symptoms.


Expect, as a result, an explosion in "new" infections and yet more panic from the political establishment and heaps more hyperbole from the meja.

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22 hours ago, Denim said:

Docter to patient.


" I have some good news and some bad news Mr Somchai "


" Whats the good news doc ? "


" You don't have the virus "


" What's the bad news ?


" You are pregnant."




Either way positive and you are Phuket.

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22 hours ago, rabas said:

The article is not clear. I think this is an antibody test for the blood, not a PCR test. Antibody tests are cheaper. Antibody tests observe your immune system after is starts to respond to the virus. It does not work well for asymptomatic cases.

PCR also has it's limitations, I've seen estimates as low as 50% accuracy for false positives and negatives. At least this one doesn't have a (artificial) cap of 30 tests/day as the daily confirmations now seem to have.

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26 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

would not trust it very much.  Thai products are a bit suspect in my mind

MIT & co in US are among the developers. Thais bankrolled some of the research and production and apparantly ran a few tests. It's probably somewhat working. Much better than nothing.

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6 hours ago, rabas said:

The OP just above clarifies the testing method, it is not simple a antibody test as presumed. They are using absolute state of the art CRISPR technology to rapidly detect the virus. This is hot off the press technology from the US, MIT and the Broad Institute (genetic research). Note that Thailand is very advanced in genomic research because the Royal Family has provided lots of resources over time both for agricultural and medical research. This is not Somchai.



Yes, Thailand does have advanced capabilities. They have previously been reserved for the very elite but seem to have been rolling their sleeves up for this emergency. I would very much like to see more of this.

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54 minutes ago, geisha said:

I don’t believe a word ! If this was true , it would be breaking news and Headlines all over the world ! Not a peep !

Thailand is not the only one doing kits. There have been news of novel testing kits since February. The problem is mass production in massive scale and logistics. 

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On 3/18/2020 at 12:45 AM, webfact said:

with funding from PTT and SCB bank.

Acknowledgements: The research teams wish to acknowledge support from the NIH (1R01- MH110049 and 1DP1-HL141201 grants); the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; the Poitras Center for Affective Disorders Research at MIT; Open Philanthropy Project; James and Patricia Poitras; and Robert Metcalfe; and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA D18AC00006).




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14 hours ago, geisha said:

I don’t believe a word ! If this was true , it would be breaking news and Headlines all over the world ! Not a peep !



The research protocol involves three steps. It can be used with the same RNA samples that have been extracted for current qPCR tests:

  1. Incubate extracted RNA with isothermal amplification reaction for 25 min at 42C
  2. Incubate reaction from step 1 with Cas13 protein, guide RNA, and reporter molecule for 30 min at 37C
  3. Dip the test strip into reaction from step 2, and results should appear within five minutes.
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On 3/19/2020 at 12:22 PM, trainman34014 said:

Everything i have ever bought that says on it 'Made in Thailand' has fallen to bits or expired one way or another in record time !  Just can't imagine these 'Kits' will be of any better quality.


Your best protection is to stay behind your own front door as much as possible until this 'war' is over; only venture out for required supplies.

Some experts says the virus that it can last from one year to two years, and two years also for the distribution of the vaccine, so I think we should stay a long time in front of own the door

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7 hours ago, SAINT THOMAS said:



The research protocol involves three steps. It can be used with the same RNA samples that have been extracted for current qPCR tests:

  1. Incubate extracted RNA with isothermal amplification reaction for 25 min at 42C
  2. Incubate reaction from step 1 with Cas13 protein, guide RNA, and reporter molecule for 30 min at 37C
  3. Dip the test strip into reaction from step 2, and results should appear within five minutes.

Research is being carried out all over the world. It is not at a stage where patient samples are being tested. Of course everyone hopes for the best results in the shortest of time.

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I do hope this is the CRISPR version, a new study from Finland for the blood samples from the first infection found there found the antibodies only started showing up days after onset of symptoms: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.11.2000266


In accordance with earlier findings [11], we found that both IgM and IgG titres were low or undetectable at on Day 4 (the second day after admission to hospital) yet increasing on Day 9–10

An antibody test would not be very useful in early diagnosis.

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

I do hope this is the CRISPR version, a new study from Finland for the blood samples from the first infection found there found the antibodies only started showing up days after onset of symptoms: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.11.2000266

An antibody test would not be very useful in early diagnosis.

It's my understanding antibodies would remain even after the virus is gone.  I'm not sure that thailand would be subtle enough to know the difference, I'd avoid these antibody tests until the hysteria dies down.

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