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Could Coronavirus not be as bad as many are making out?

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4 hours ago, tomster said:

Agreed, with every day that passes and the new numbers come out, it looks less and less like a problem outside of the usual viruses that you would expect to see at this time of the year.

it will be interesting to see what is really happening and why the global lock down. but it may be too late by then. this virus is a Communist Marxist wet dream. Destruction of capitalist markets while China who created this mess flies in with their slave labor force to save the day. 50% of Americans who know better will keep their guns and will fight it out to the last. There will be no help from disarmed populations in the UK, AU, EU.


Me? I'm in Hua Hin. Why do you ask? :cheesy:



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2 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

it will be interesting to see what is really happening and why the global lock down. but it may be too late by then. this virus is a Communist Marxist wet dream. Destruction of capitalist markets while China who created this mess flies in with their slave labor force to save the day. 50% of Americans who know better will keep their guns and will fight it out to the last. There will be no help from disarmed populations in the UK, AU, EU.


Me? I'm in Hua Hin. Why do you ask? :cheesy:



Ready for martial law there?


19 hours ago, Chrysaora said:

So both can be true, but not to these people, it's one or the other.  How is it that intelligent people can be so stupid?

And how can those university degree doctors all say something different? They would have the serum within 2-3 months they said right after the start, well now it seems to take a lot longer.


And about the different strains they are also divided.


Same as where it came from, the bats, pangolins or what?


And why were the western countries not prepared? Why don't they have access to mouthmasks?






From Dr. Katz’ March 20, 2020 Op Ed in The New York Times: “If we were to focus on the especially vulnerable, there would be resources to keep them at home, provide them with needed services and coronavirus testing, and direct our medical system to their early care. I would favor proactive rather than reactive testing in this group, and early use of the most promising anti-viral drugs. This cannot be done under current policies, as we spread our relatively few test kits across the expanse of a whole population, made all the more anxious because society has shut down.


I agree with this Op ED.  I believe their will be a shift or pivot in Strategy within two weeks.  “If the cure is worse than the disease then why fight it”. I heard something like this from a Doctor a long time ago.  


Initially I thought an extreme measure would have been to shut downs all international passenger flights for 72 or 96 hours but then I realized no way all the nations would agree to such a thing.  

But we are beyond the point any such extreme measure would have little impact at this point and the most prudent thing to do now is to reconsider what to do next?  

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I can not help but wonder if the primary motive for yet another turn  by Trump and or his advisors in minimizing the importance of  deaths versus the importance of  re-establishing the economy may  just be due the  realization  that Asian locations are less effected so far or already returning  to some sense of normality like China but the  Western world is  still gripped in the reactive processes.

That if Asia ,in general terms, re-emerges economically and productively ahead of the West or more  importantly of the US would perhaps drastically alter the thrust of specific historical propagandist efforts to portray China as being the anathema of modern global existence.

Italy has apparently been forced into make selective choices on the viability of patient outcomes by lack of capacity to do otherwise.

Would the citizens of the US willingly accept that same situation after being given so many erratic promises to now be told "economics" need outweigh the inconvenience of the mortality of a percentage ?





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In the current context of the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic on French territory and worldwide.
In accordance with the Hippocratic Oath that we have taken, we obey our duty as a doctor. We provide our patients with the best care for the diagnosis and treatment of a disease. We respect the rules of the art and the most recently acquired data from medical science.

We have decided :
· For all febrile patients who come to consult us, to practice the tests for the diagnosis of infection with Covid 19;
· For all infected patients, many of whom are not very symptomatic, have lung lesions on the CT scan, to propose the disease as soon as possible, as soon as the diagnosis is made:
- a treatment with the combination of hydroxychloroquine (200 mg x 3 per day for 10 days) + Azithromycin (500 mg on the 1st day then 250 mg per day for 5 more days), as part of the precautions for the use of this association (with in particular an electrocardiogram on D0 and D2), and outside marketing authorization. In cases of severe pneumonia, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is also used.

We believe that it is not ethical that this association should not be systematically included in therapeutic trials concerning the treatment of Covid-19 infection in France. "

Pr Philippe Brouqui, Pr Jean-Christophe Lagier, Pr Matthieu Million, Pr Philippe Parola, Pr Didier Raoult, Dr Marie Hocquart

  • Thanks 1
19 hours ago, Chrysaora said:

Are the governments of the world taking advantage of the virus to steal control just like they did with 911?

You may struggle with this line of thinking here, the majority of the sheeple still believe the government version of 911.

Regardless of how this "pandemic" started, it won't end well for the masses, plans were doubtless in place to take full advantage of a "situation" like this, going to be the next "milestone" after 911 in the quest to....? :shock1:

Maybe ????

23 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

it will be interesting to see what is really happening and why the global lock down. but it may be too late by then. this virus is a Communist Marxist wet dream. Destruction of capitalist markets while China who created this mess flies in with their slave labor force to save the day. 50% of Americans who know better will keep their guns and will fight it out to the last. There will be no help from disarmed populations in the UK, AU, EU.


Me? I'm in Hua Hin. Why do you ask? :cheesy:



Many a truth is said in jest. May the Chinese eventually reap the whirlwind they have sown with their paid Internet and media shills.

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30 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Many a truth is said in jest. May the Chinese eventually reap the whirlwind they have sown with their paid Internet and media shills.

firstly; they would up and build unaffordable mega ports in every desperate country - for/from which will be where all their Millions of militarised FiFo slave workers will decant via...


7 minutes ago, tifino said:

firstly; they would up and build unaffordable mega ports in every desperate country - for/from which will be where all their Millions of militarised FiFo slave workers will decant via...


Folks should read the Chung Kuo series ????

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It got taken off the list of High consequence infectious diseases in the UK last week:




Anthony Fauci (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Fauci) suggests in The New England Journal of Medicine that the death rate "may be considerably less than 1%". 




And this page has gone viral in the USA, a collection of 12 experts who say a whole bunch of interesting stuff:






Haven't seen much mention of this, surely just coincidence but interesting as it shows anticipated responses




A global pandemic simulation:


The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

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It is bad, but mostly for a certain subset of the population.

The numbers are also heavily skewed. The mortality rate is based on people who have been tested, which is mostly those who have severe symptoms, so it's much lower than the 3-4% we keep seeing.

There is also some scepticism around the death numbers, it seems like some countries are reporting deaths if the person had covid-19 at the time of death (which is pretty likely if they're in a hospital surrounded by infected people) but doesn't necessarily mean that it was covid-19 killed them. 

I think we'll start to see a different perspective once mass testing begins in the majority of countries. 

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