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Masks: to wear or not to wear


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23 hours ago, Eindhoven said:


So how do you control someone sneezing or coughing in your general vicinity, since it can happen at ANY time?








This is just rudimentary science.


Of course, TV has the most knowledgeable people of our time, all huddled together. So no need to use intelligence at all. 

You are just another worrier. 

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I still can't believe so many people miss the point of wearing mask during this outbreak. Its so freaking simple! When there is an incubation period of 1-14 days and some people don't even get symptoms everyone should wear a mask to REDUCE THE SPREAD. People are highly contagious with no symptoms and wearing one protects others (no not 100%, but way more than 0%) from your droplets. You spray them even when talking loudish.


Masking up works. Its effectively social distancing and helps greatly with reducing the R0. Simply look at the curve of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Hongkong, which is situated right next to China.


Last but not least, the WHO are a bunch of crooks spreading lie after lie since the beginning of this outbreak. They have been downplaying this until it was way too late. And they are still lying by telling people not to wear masks when not sick. This would be ok with SARS but not with COVID19 because for weeks you don't know you are sick.

Edited by DeeMak9
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9 hours ago, tifino said:

however the 'Abstract' in your Link was so abstract; that it didn't differentiate or even mention the ratio between the wearing of masks for preventative Transmission vs preventative Reception... 

However, your badly informed opinion is tantamount to propaganda.  


I will put my Abstract over your propaganda and opinion, any day of the week.



Edited by Chrysaora
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7 hours ago, Estrada said:

Sneezes travel at 180Km/hr or 3metres per second and with a following breeze or in malls and offices with ventllation systems can travel a lot further (up to 200 times in some experiments). This makes social distancing of only 2 metres quite suspect.

Which is why I never let anyone board an elevator that I get on first.

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On 3/24/2020 at 4:31 PM, grumbleweed said:

And there was I thinking they were simply fashion accessories.


Without eye protection as well, it's like locking the door and leaving the window wide open. However, the natives are not renown for pushing the envelope where critical thinking is concerned.

I hate to admit it, but you're absolutely right. Most people here are sheep (then again, there are lots of sheep back home too) but right now Thais are so scared by this virus, they have lost all common sense and critical thinking ability. They will do anything they are told by authority, no resistance whatsoever. I'm sure most will accept temperature screening if it were to become a permanent measure and mask wearing too...as long as the media keep up the fear factor. They'll probably forget everything overnight, should these measures be dropped once the pandemic crisis is declared over. However, this time is different...we're never going back to normal. Some measures will remain with us permanently and I think some Thais at least, implicitly feel this too.


If the police ever use this crisis to strictly enforce traffic laws...watch Thais comply even more than a defensive farang driver does!

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My gosh people, the virus is "not airborne", it lingers on surfaces and no need to wear a mask...it is and it is proven / a fact by the WHO!!!....What else do you want when the top medical officials in the world tell you this???
Stop hoarding masks and donate them to the medical officials (heros!!!) who really need them!!!!!!!! And do not continue to instill a false sense of security among the public and yourself!!

From the article: "According to the World Health Organisation, if you’re healthy you do not need to wear a mask"








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1 hour ago, Maybole said:

 I went to KrungThai Bank, Makro and Big C in Hang Dong today. Security in all refused to allow me in until I put a mask on.

That's too bad as it is just a false sense of security.  I was here in Taiwan for SARS and masks were mandatory in almost every public place including MRT/Subway.  Am here in Taiwan again for this and it's "well" ahead of many other countries for preparedness / prevention as they been through this many times before (and they like to shove it in China's face that they are better than them at this).

Well guess what?  They understand this one is not airborne and it lingers on surfaces and why they are cleaning "everything" here.  And so........public places / transportation / MRT / subway masks "NOT NEEDED!!!....not mandatory this time around since they know the facts of this.  And you can check their infection / death rates and it's one of the best in the world for the amount of people they have here.  I would rather be here right now than many other places!!!!!  And no mask wearing needed!!!!

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On 3/24/2020 at 10:12 AM, anchadian said:

Masks are useless unless you have symptoms yourself or someone is sneezing or coughing close to you.


The coronavirus doesn't fly around in the air.


Wear disposable gloves is always a better protection.


Just my thoughts.

If everybody wears a mask we will all be better protected. 

In Europe they tell you not to wear one. I'm sure reason for this is because they haven't got any. Since a supply arrived from China in Italy, now Italians are being given masks to wear. Even if the mask is "useless" it will stop you from touching your face.

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16 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Maar hij heeft wel gelijk , zonder je ogen te beschermen heeft een mondkapje niet heel veel zin .

Well said-roughly translates as "Do you want tomato or barbecue sauce with your meet pie and chips?"????


Seriously tho' as a previous poster has said "When in Hua Hin do as the Homonyms do..."

Wear a mask.



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13 hours ago, Mahks said:

Japan : No full lock down, Huge number of Chinese visitors, face masks was their answer.

Results: very low infections to date. 

See DW article


Some scientists and studies say masks can help :


Japan.. About to cancel the Olympics. 

Social Distancing measures in place - no one is allowed to congregate in groups. 

Schools closed. 


All events cancelled (my friend has cancelled his wedding). 


The difference between the manner in which Japanese society conforms to instructions is different to that those in the West respond. Japanese are traditionally conformist society; Japanese people won’t even walk cross the road at an empty pedestrian crossing unless the light is green. Westerners are quite different and seem not to want to follow rules.


The reason a full lock down was not necessary in Japan is because they were already exercising social distancing measures without the need for lock down. We in the West just can’t behave when asked. 

Edited by richard_smith237
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On 3/24/2020 at 4:12 PM, anchadian said:

Masks are useless unless you have symptoms yourself or someone is sneezing or coughing close to you.


The coronavirus doesn't fly around in the air.


Wear disposable gloves is always a better protection.


Just my thoughts.

Quite wrong on all counts I'd say - gloves pick up virus, I feel better simply imagining everything is smeared with sh*te, so as soon as I've touched anything that anyone else had access to - be it a parking card button, door, or money - then my hands stay away from me until they get a good wash or some alchohol.


Also there IS evidence showing that the virus was transmitted, for example, 4.5 metres on a bus - once aerosolized it can float around in the air and move with air currents even between rooms.


On 3/24/2020 at 4:16 PM, LennyW said:

I have looked at people in our workplace who wear masks.....they touch their face about 200 times a day adjusting and moving their masks....not a good idea and adds to the risk of infection, and many of them seem to insist on having them hanging around their chin when they are talking!!

Especially in Thailand this is true - I can only wear a mask over my mouth for a short time to protect other people from coughs or speaking, so I guess I'm more of a social distancing advocate and must simply avoid contact...


On 3/24/2020 at 4:17 PM, timendres said:

At this point in time, wearing a mask is mostly to comfort the people cr@pp1ng their drawers around you. It is simply a courtesy, and might spare you a little animosity.

Certainly it's very unsettling to have anyone cough who is not wearing a mask. Yesterday in Makro a Chinese-Thai was merrily coughing his guts up all over the shop and I'd have been happy to see him dragged off to some detention centre...

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