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6 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

The problem with this issue is that if we don’t isolate the virus will spread faster, more people will go to hospital, hospitals will be overwhelmed and many people who could have survived with assistance will die. Who’s to blame - the Government.


Alternatively. Lock down the populace, reduce the spread, hospitals cope, fewer people dies, numbers much lower than thought. But people lose jobs and businesses. Who’s to blame - the Government.





It's a good job we don't live forever or we would have to sort this mess out. and what a mess it truly is. I find myself thinking how the hell did this year turn out so badly and when will the whole bloody thing end ? Hopefully soon. 

Edited by URMySunshine
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This comic panic has caused a massive sell-off on stock exchanges around the World.

That everyone knows.

What not everyone knows is that although US stocks are still not cheap,
shares of fantastic enterprises on emerging markets are dirt cheap,

even quasi monopolists on local markets have p/e 5-7
and p / e forward even lower.


The mass-printed dollar should start weakening this year
and it always led to a bull market on EM...300-500% in USD


Maybe it will be different this time..


But one thing is certain ... This virus will have many "children"

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10 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

It's a good job we don't live forever or we would have to sort this mess out. and what a mess it truly is. I find myself thinking how the hell did this year turn out so badly and when will the whole bloody thing end ? Hopefully soon. 

My guess is that we’ll be back to normal by June in the sense that there will be no lockdown. Vulnerable people will be advised to restrict their movements. Everybody else will be building up immunity in the herd. It will come back but perhaps be less lethal in the future. I don’t like Trump but the world cannot afford to stop because of this, it’s unavoidable.

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8 minutes ago, marqus12 said:

This comic panic has caused a massive sell-off on stock exchanges around the World.

That everyone knows.

What not everyone knows is that although US stocks are still not cheap,
shares of fantastic enterprises on emerging markets are dirt cheap,

even quasi monopolists on local markets have p/e 5-7
and p / e forward even lower.


The mass-printed dollar should start weakening this year
and it always led to a bull market on EM...300-500% in USD


Maybe it will be different this time..


But one thing is certain ... This virus will have many "children"

It certainly will, in no small part due to the condom factory in Malaysia closing down, and causing a shortage.

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Here is how I roll: the KISS principle.


I currently modify my lifestyle to accommodate the potential harm of a virus in direct proportion to what I consider my personal risk factors to be. I arrive at these factors by study and thought. If I find some assumption incorrect I modify that risk factor.


For issues such as quarantines, curfews, etc. that are not under my control I take action to minimize the potential harm that each can personally result in. Interaction with authority figures can prove more harmful than a virus and may even be accompanied by a virus as a bonus for playing!


The course I have chosen is to stay home and prepare as much as possible without suffering greater associated repercussions. I minimize contact with other people, which generally agrees with my nature anyway. It's particularly easy for me to do since I enjoy my house, where I live, how I live, and the patient and gracious lady I live with.


I don't panic nor scoff unnecessarily. If some issue is irrelevant to me or to a crucial decision I simply ignore it.


I refrain from populating my psychological landscape with useless detritus such as conspiracy theories and their rebuttals ad nauseum.



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13 minutes ago, Logosone said:

The problem with this statement is that the government is not isolating the virus. It is isolating the healthy. Yes, it should isolate the virus, ie the carriers. However it has failed to do so when it would have made a difference, at the start of the pandemic.


Given the unusually fast spread of the virus, so many people are now likely to be infected that herd immunity will most likely arrive sooner than an effective vaccine.


Hospitals will be overwhelmed anyway, there is no evidence that lockdowns have helped hospitals cope. The opposite though has been bemoaned by hospital staff that the lockdowns make their work harder and result in less staff and less supplies. 


The government is most certainly to blame. This pandemic was totally foreseeable, countless people warned about it, yet they did not prepare. Even when the virus ravaged Wuhan there was a month or two to react. Our governments did nothing until it was too late. The government is most certainly to blame here for its reckless inaction. It was a major contributing factor to the disaster. Their whole job was to protect the people. It failed miserably and comprehensively on all fronts.

A Government reaction to a pandemic, however well prepared, will result in massive disruption. No country can have the hospitals, equipment and skilled manpower ready to move in case of a pandemic ... there is no easy solution. It’s just easy to blame Government.

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3 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

A Government reaction to a pandemic, however well prepared, will result in massive disruption. No country can have the hospitals, equipment and skilled manpower ready to move in case of a pandemic ... there is no easy solution. It’s just easy to blame Government.

"Whoever thinks that governments end viruses is wrong."


Dr Yoram Lass is an Israeli physician, politician and former Director General of the Health Ministry. He also worked as Associate Dean of the Tel Aviv University Medical School.


Thankfully the German health system was well prepared and is even able to take in patients from Italy and France as it has spare capacity. 


So clearly this particular country had the hospitals and equipment and skilled manpower.


Why not the UK or US? The point is that many reputable people warned a long time that a pandemic was coming. Governments failed to prepare. They should have. You think inreasing testing capacities would not have made a difference early on? It certainly would have.


The governments have failed. Miserably. And the people who will end this virus will not be government. Even while Boris Johnson and Neil Ferguson, the biggest social distancing fanatics, espouse their social distancing religion for which there is no hard data that it works with Covid19 whatsoever, they are lying in bed nursing a Covid19 infection. They are fortunately contributing to herd immunity, however, the economic cost of their lockdowns will be payed for by our children's children. The governments have failed on all fronts.

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8 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Why not the UK 


Even while Boris Johnson and Neil Ferguson, the biggest social distancing fanatics, espouse their social distancing religion for which there is no hard data that it works with Covid19

The UK NHS has been deliberately and systematically run down, out-sourced and all the rest to pave the way for privatization and American profiteers to come in and suck it dry. And Boris Johnson has been a lukewarm advocate of social distancing at best. 

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13 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

You are right, but the government(s) is wrong.


The government should never have interfered in this medical issue in the first place.


It should have let the healthcare system deal with it, while PROVIDING all the necessary assistance, as per the requests of the doctors.


Unfortunately, most of the world, notably the West, has socialist governments that have become involved in every aspects of their citizens' lives...

The whole population needs to be armed, everyone has a gun 

As soon as anyone coughs or sneezes, they need to shot dead immediately and their bodies burnt, that would stop the virus in its tracks 

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2 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


Prince Charles is at Balmoral with Covid 19


Prince Andrew is at Windsor with Jennifer 14



I'll get my coat ????

Quite good, but 14 isnt a child .........................Well I hope not anyway , ????

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28 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

Here is how I roll: the KISS principle.


I currently modify my lifestyle to accommodate the potential harm of a virus in direct proportion to what I consider my personal risk factors to be. I arrive at these factors by study and thought. If I find some assumption incorrect I modify that risk factor.


For issues such as quarantines, curfews, etc. that are not under my control I take action to minimize the potential harm that each can personally result in. Interaction with authority figures can prove more harmful than a virus and may even be accompanied by a virus as a bonus for playing!


The course I have chosen is to stay home and prepare as much as possible without suffering greater associated repercussions. I minimize contact with other people, which generally agrees with my nature anyway. It's particularly easy for me to do since I enjoy my house, where I live, how I live, and the patient and gracious lady I live with.


I don't panic nor scoff unnecessarily. If some issue is irrelevant to me or to a crucial decision I simply ignore it.


I refrain from populating my psychological landscape with useless detritus such as conspiracy theories and their rebuttals ad nauseum.



i like your post .   probably because i take the same approach.   The last line, however, was a bit too hard on my psychological landscape.   I would have maybe wrote ....... I just ignore the rest of the useless bs .  55   

keep on keepin on.....

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

There is a great deal of misinformation out there right now, so it is difficult to sort through everything to understand the real implications of what is going on. Certainly a number of respected medical experts are stepping up and decrying the measures being taken. Only time will tell in the long run, though it is becoming apparent that the level of threat posed is being seriously overplayed, and may turn out to be quite similar to your generic flu, which also wipes out large numbers of old people every year. Never seen panic like we have right now over that one before though.

I disagree, this has a far higher mortality rate and if you look at what happened in Italy it might be clearer to you what could happen and that is far worse then the normal flue. I think guys like you are downplaying the risk, i mean you are the one that was <deleted> off when they cancelled soccer. I mean who would put a game before health.


But anyway if you think that the flu and this are the same then you obviously are not well informed. The problem with this bug is that if the health system gets overwhelmed like in Italy the mortality rate skyrockets. 

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3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


Who was doing that ??


People have varying opinions on all matters, not just this virus.. 


Different studies on all subjects come out with different "facts", depends who paid for the research !!

The media manipulate people all the time for various agendas...

Governments worldwide tell lies to the people for a variety of reasons...


If you don't engage your brain and just accept what you are spoon fed, then as in the original OP, you deserve neither freedom nor security...


I live by the rule that if all political parties are punching in the same direction then generally they're telling the truth and it's time to listen to them.





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