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Govt will impose 24-hour curfew if Covid-19 situation does not improve


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34 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Enforcement as in catching everyone that violates it - is near impossible; but you can put the fear of god into people that the risk of getting caught is not worth it.


I read recently that a person that had a 20 person 'party/get together' at their house in Brampton, ON, Canada were 'caught' and now face up to $100,000CAD fine.

Thailand and Canada are worlds apart both in distance and culture. 

Even though there is a massive fine or even jail for breaking the curfew I doubt very much that many people who do break it, will be punished heavily. (Unless they are dirty farangs)

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6 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

If they want to completely disorganize their already sick economy this is the right thing to do.
but they won't.
It is an announcement to scare those who do not believe in the danger of the virus.
Make them wear a mask,
force them to wash their hands frequently,
force them to stay away from others when they leave their house,
etc ...

How?, just explain How?.  Jeez we allow them to walk amongst us.

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3 minutes ago, petedk said:

Thailand and Canada are worlds apart both in distance and culture. 

Even though there is a massive fine or even jail for breaking the curfew I doubt very much that many people who do break it, will be punished heavily. (Unless they are dirty farangs)

The threat of it however would likely curtail the majority.  I didn't see many people that dared to break curfew during the coup...


If you don't think that Thailand would return to Marshall Law - then nothing to worry about... but I suspect we will see it before this thing is done.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I already know what the medicines will do. Sometimes a combination of medicines has a different result. This is from a study done in France. Antibiotics aren't for viral diseases. Maybe the combination works a different way? Just repeating what I heard. If I know how to use google  lol I love those that assume they know others.

You can eat as much Azithromax you want,it won't help you against the Coronavirus. But it might destroy your liver and kidneys instead. I would guess the cocktail they came up with, which included Azithromax would maybe help against lungproblems, like pneumonia. But,still it will not kill the virus.

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“San Francisco is banning reusable shopping bags to prevent outside germs from entering grocery stores as the coronavirus pandemic affects cities around the country.” — The Hill

SF would be the city which banned plastic bags in 2007, leading its good green citizens to invest in those now-illegal, virus-ridden reusable bags of death.


Ha ha, you could not make this up.

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13 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

The threat of it however would likely curtail the majority.  I didn't see many people that dared to break curfew during the coup...


If you don't think that Thailand would return to Marshall Law - then nothing to worry about... but I suspect we will see it before this thing is done.

Things were a little different then. 


If people went out during the curfew there was a small risk that they could be shot. That would never happen this time.

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15 minutes ago, manta said:

Can't enforce the 10.00pm to 04.00am, so good luck there..

People with half a brain will stay indoors during the curfew. The rest might not be a very big problem. The reason for the curfew is to try to stop social gatherings = outdoor parties imo. The deputy pm actually said that young Thai people were the biggest problem. 

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14 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

The models (professional model - which tend to be fairly accurate) indicate that without any mitigation - the US at the end of this outbreak would have 1.2 million deaths.  With current mitigation efforts - that could be limited to 100,000 up to maybe 240,000 (depending on what percentage of people take the effort seriously).   The R0 ('R not'), which is a combined factor of transmissibity and opportunity, would drop to near 0 in 30 days if all people took this social distancing very seriously (not somewhat seriously or not at all serious) - which means the cases would crater (as happened in China).  NY is now has about 6 days of ventilator stock left, which means that if it does not level or peak within that time but continues on current trajectory - you have to start telling the serious cases with low blood oxygenation your are SOL (maybe all over 60 as in Italy, or those with pre-conditions such as hypertension, or first come first serve) and you will have organ damage and possibly die (more than 5% of cases - but less than maybe 18 or 19% of cases - which could be halved depending on those that have mild or no symptoms).  It is not the flu (in one way that is a positive since once you are immune you will likely be immune for the foreseeable future or life), and even cases that are not severe (but not asymptomatic carriers) ... you really really do not ... on the same order as not wanting dengue fever...  yes you will survive if you are in that class of people but not without consequences. 

Amazing, a new virus that has been around for about 4 months and now "

'experts' are telling us that "It is not the flu (in one way that is a positive since once you are immune you will likely be immune for the foreseeable future or life)," Is this conclusion backed by extensive research or just another quack wanting his name in journals. Who is more dangerous, the misinformers or the fear mongers.

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1 hour ago, 7fish said:

You are being played like a fiddle. 

I always find it amusing how subscribers to these alternative theories (event 201 is a genuine exercise, but the notion that what we see now is that continuing) always see themselves as smugly exempt from whatever they claim is going on. It's always "they" (usually referred to as Sheeple) and "You", as if adherance to certain theories makes one free. One of the propogators of this mind set is David Icke, currently pulling in the views about how all the current mitigation measures are an excuse to bring in a fascist world order, and ridiculing the public like he does, while obediently staying at home (the elephant in the room). He's just as subject to whatever is going on, as anyone else, as are his followers.

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I poked my head out of my high floor condo in Pattaya just after midnight last night.  In 5 minutes, I saw no people and only one vehicle - a big truck of some sort, it wasn't close enough to tell what it was doing.


So, some are paying attention to the curfew- on day one anyway.

Hopefully if things continue like that, a full lockdown won't be needed.

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4 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

I poked my head out of my high floor condo in Pattaya just after midnight last night.  In 5 minutes, I saw no people and only one vehicle - a big truck of some sort, it wasn't close enough to tell what it was doing.


So, some are paying attention to the curfew- on day one anyway.

Hopefully if things continue like that, a full lockdown won't be needed.

I don't think Pattaya is the problem during a 6 hour curfew. People still moving from province to province daytime is worse. 

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Many are negative, but it makes fully sense to me. Thai are doing MUCH better than our friends in Europe, who have all underestiated the impact. The Chinese have given the example how to beat the COVID-19 and Thailand is following. I am a Dutch mathematician and assemble my own world wide statistics since end of January and make my own graphs. Look at the difference between Thailand and The Netherlands in the attached graph. Take some time to study, please. And do not tell me the Thai are lying, because that would be hardly possible with these differences in infections. Furthermore the Dutch say there may be 4x as much infections,  but we can not test enough. Thailand can still test when needed.


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On 4/3/2020 at 3:05 PM, z42 said:

How does a 24 hour curfew work? How are people supposed to get food and other essential items? 


Serious question

You see to that you have food that wont spoil quickly at home. Normally we keep supplies for about 10-14 days of canned and dried foodstuff, but now with the corona virus we expanded it to roughly 2 months including flour to bake our own bread, cookies and cakes.
For me this is just a habit from when I was a child... in Sweden we have winter and snow around 6 months a year, and that teaches you that even if there are shops open today, you still need to be prepared for when <deleted> happens.

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4 minutes ago, The Engineer said:

Many are negative, but it makes fully sense to me. Thai are doing MUCH better than our friends in Europe, who have all underestiated the impact. The Chinese have given the example how to beat the COVID-19 and Thailand is following. I am a Dutch mathematician and assemble my own world wide statistics since end of January and make my own graphs. Look at the difference between Thailand and The Netherlands in the attached graph. Take some time to study, please. And do not tell me the Thai are lying, because that would be hardly possible with these differences in infections. Furthermore the Dutch say there may be 4x as much infections,  but we can not test enough. Thailand can still test when needed.


The amount of people tested in Thailand is very few in a country with 69 million people. 

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2 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

You see to that you have food that wont spoil quickly at home. Normally we keep supplies for about 10-14 days of canned and dried foodstuff, but now with the corona virus we expanded it to roughly 2 months including flour to bake our own bread, cookies and cakes.
For me this is just a habit from when I was a child... in Sweden we have winter and snow around 6 months a year, and that teaches you that even if there are shops open today, you still need to be prepared for when <deleted> happens.

A 24 hour curfew will never work in Thailand. If you think so,then you don't know how it works here. A very large part of the population can't stockpile food and other essential stuff,because they can't afford it. Are you going to drink thai tap water on top of that? 69 million people need food and water daily. A lot of people also need medicin on a daily basis. Home deliveries for everybody won't work either. A 24 hour curfew will not happen imo. 

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28 minutes ago, AlexO said:

Amazing, a new virus that has been around for about 4 months and now "

'experts' are telling us that "It is not the flu (in one way that is a positive since once you are immune you will likely be immune for the foreseeable future or life)," Is this conclusion backed by extensive research or just another quack wanting his name in journals. Who is more dangerous, the misinformers or the fear mongers.

Unless the SARS-CoV-2 virus undergoes SIGNIFICANT mutation (not minor mutation).  Although viruses mutate regularly over time they tend to be one nucleotide here and there (about 99.999% the same).  The virus right now is a novel (new) virus and thus we have no immunity.  Once we are infected and our immune system fights it - our immune system will have a memory of it and be able to fight it off quicker in the future (i.e. enter - boom - dead).  With the flu virus we have a large reservoir of different strains (huge numbers) that it is very common to have two different strains (i.e. not very related at all - sort of like SARS-CoV-1 aka SARS vs SARS-CoV-2 aka COVID-19 - which are 79% related) infect one cell in one animal at the same time - then split and recombine creating a significantly different strain of virus to which we don't have immunity to.  This is not the flu and all the testing right now that we do have -- that the mutation rate is not significant enough to create a new strain in the foreseeable future.  A new strain could eventually emerge that is another novel coronavirus - but this does not happen often and hopefully the world will be better prepared.  We started working on vaccines for coronavirus like SARS but the funding was cut when it was no longer a threat - something we are paying for now.

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1 minute ago, transam said:

So now the panic buying begins..........????

Why don't they keep quiet about their thoughts............????

They will probably start with buying the biggest fridge and freezer they can find and panic buy everything they can think of. 

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On 4/3/2020 at 3:02 PM, keith101 said:

It has zero chance of improving within one week , they should take a close look at how other countries are doing and act accordingly but a 24 hr lock-down is just ridiculous . The numbers will keep rising because people just kept ignoring social distancing as well as Thai returning from infected countries and spreading the virus .

I suspect the decision has been made, just waiting for the announcement. As you wrote, the chance of improvement in 1 week is unlikely. 

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What a retarded irresponsible statement to make, I have just seen people before reading this that are buying stupid amounts . 

the panic buying begins ! 


Idiots ! Trust food vendors and Grab food will be on the menu. ? Soldiers wearing Grab vests

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17 minutes ago, transam said:

So now the panic buying begins..........????

Why don't they keep quiet about their thoughts............????

JUst come out of MAKRO it has had the starting gun. I wondered the sudden increase of people arriving and shopping trolleys x2 x3 being used by family group.

Yet MORE insanity !


Have you noticed he’s got a fall Women Tom issue the statement, she’s not gonna come out of opening her gob smelling of roses  

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27 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Unless the SARS-CoV-2 virus undergoes SIGNIFICANT mutation (not minor mutation).  Although viruses mutate regularly over time they tend to be one nucleotide here and there (about 99.999% the same).  The virus right now is a novel (new) virus and thus we have no immunity.  Once we are infected and our immune system fights it - our immune system will have a memory of it and be able to fight it off quicker in the future (i.e. enter - boom - dead).  With the flu virus we have a large reservoir of different strains (huge numbers) that it is very common to have two different strains (i.e. not very related at all - sort of like SARS-CoV-1 aka SARS vs SARS-CoV-2 aka COVID-19 - which are 79% related) infect one cell in one animal at the same time - then split and recombine creating a significantly different strain of virus to which we don't have immunity to.  This is not the flu and all the testing right now that we do have -- that the mutation rate is not significant enough to create a new strain in the foreseeable future.  A new strain could eventually emerge that is another novel coronavirus - but this does not happen often and hopefully the world will be better prepared.  We started working on vaccines for coronavirus like SARS but the funding was cut when it was no longer a threat - something we are paying for now.

Another idiot comments it is a Flu related virus with a fancy name. Back in the Day of Spanish Flu pandemic humans didn’t provide fancy names like Span.Vid 18 


ITS FLU, a differing strain but it’s still flu, with a fancy spin on its Contemporary Name by some creative ego decision maker !! 

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There is not going to be an improvement in a week. Thousands,some who carry the virus,lost their jobs and came home to the country to be with family. I seriously doubt that they quarantined themselves,but did what they always do. Sat around drinking,sharing the same cup for water,sticky rice and other food,plain being with their families.There are more elderly taking care of their children in Thailand than any other country,and these are the ones that will be exposed.A curfew in place? No, severe restrictions to travel,none unnecessary ,will help,but this disease is just getting started here. I would pray that I'd be wrong,but I doubt it.

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I think the word curfew is misleading. Example, in France ,up to now we have had to fill in a form which we download from a government site ( it’s on all other sites too ,FB, medical, insurance ) . If you can’t download you copy by hand. 
On this form you print your name , birthdate , address, then choose an option  shopping, exercise, medical, work, administrative.

 You are  allowed out an hour, and exercise within 1 km of your residence. You sign it, date it, and put the exact time you leave home .You  take the form with you, fill in a new one every time you leave home. The police are out, they can check your form, tell you off if not too serious, or fine you. Everyone is allowed to go shopping !!!! Don’t tell me you need to go more than once a day !!

The supermarket shelves are full, small shops thriving. You might have to queue , as the amount of shoppers at one time is limited.One comes out, one can go in. You queue keeping a distance of at least one meter, there are marks on the ground. From this  Monday, you can download the form on your mobile and fill it in before going out.( Good for Thais). 
If the Thai government is going down this route, there is a reason. Many people not respecting the current rules putting everyone else in danger, contagion. Also, maybe the hospitals are nearing their full capacity for treating the patients ? I don’t know the truth, do you ?

Also, why would you go out evenings, say, after 7/8 pm ? Everything should be closed before that time.

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PS, something I forgot to mention. Don’t worry about the irresponsible people panic buying. That lasts 2 maybe 3 days , when they see the shelves are re stacked , they stop panicking. Lots run out of money after a few days hysterics, it all goes back to normal then. 

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