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Thailand reports sharp fall in new COVID-19 cases


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3 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

all rubbish on every level.. stick to information from credible sources folks.


What's a credible sauce?One you believe in?Tomato?BBQ?WHO?Gov?One that can be verified?Can you verify any of your sources?Can anybody verify any sauce?Are sauces edible?Media?

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3 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

What's a credible sauce?One you believe in?Tomato?BBQ?WHO?Gov?One that can be verified?Can you verify any of your sources?Can anybody verify any sauce?Are sauces edible?Media?

Easy, if you want to know what sources are credible, just ask Mr. Gazzpa :coffee1:

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Thailand on the whole seem to be doing well and I wish them luck but more could be done. Question. Who has more people come through their door is a day. Cumulative BIG C shops or cumulative 7/11'S..I have no isea but BIG C check everyone's temp 7/11 check almost no one and the space is confined and very easy to be catch a cold/ virus whatever?  What the hell are the GOV and 7/11 thinking?..the shops are never empty the isles are narrow and very hard to avoid other people..........

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5 hours ago, pmh2009 said:

Look unless you have tested everyone or at least tried...like Germany - who tests 500K per week.. whatever data or numbers you have and say  are irrelevant!!! Let say you only test 3 million out of a population of 69 million --- what is the percentage of that is correct???? Just because the infected cases go down does not mean that the VIRUS is dissipating or clearing up!!!!!!

Bunch of nonsense. 71.400 per week is less than many European countries (most with a much smaller population) did in the beginning of the spread in Europe and found out it was next to useless. 500.000 tests doesn't equal 500.000 vaccines. If testing is your method of concern against the spread of the virus then 500k a week in a country with a population of 83 million and with over 100.000 infected is just like poking the problem.


Say Germany tested the entire population last week, 83 million people, then what? No one's going to be tested again? If you're going to beat the virus based on testing then you'll need to test people repeatedly, meaning 500.000 tests a week is barely scraping the surface. No ones immune. People can test negative while actually already be infected. The virus has an incubation period between 2-27 days (4-12 days on average), if not longer. 


Like I've said before, testing is very good for data, statistics, knowing how populations, governments and the economy react to pandemics and how we can deal with outbreaks in the future, and I'd gladly support testing based on this, as it's very important, but you won't need tens of millions of tests in Germany or Thailand for this, nor is it going to help the situation we already are in.

Edited by HOAX
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2 minutes ago, charmonman said:

And what was the number of cases in previous days? It would have been helpful if the article had mentioned this so the reader could compare. It dropped to 38 from what?

102 I think.

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6 hours ago, hydraides said:

That's because they are testing hardly anyone. How many thai's can splash out on 5000 baht test?

Thailand test rate is 359 per million is population which is around one-tenth of UK testing rate and UK testing rate is one-tenth of Luxembourg's test rate.

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18 minutes ago, Yadon Toploy said:
40 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

That's OK -- I just look at Thai Visa somewhat same as Fantasy NFL or Fantasy Premier League instead here they play Fantasy Thai Government where most everyone surely knows how to run the  government, the economy, the tourism industry and now the epidemiological crisis better than those who actually do. 

The ironic thing is, the majority on here would probably fare better than this bunch of inadequate clowns. 

Probably? The majority on here certainly seems to think so.

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If you think you can take your foot off the pedal,,,, think again

Too soon we will all end up getting it

It will be End of April with figures no worse than today  ,,everyday until then

that may start to tell us that we are over the worst

Still surprised not higher figures in the country towns (& that worries me)

May tomorrow bring better than today

Stay safe & stay isolated (unless you are of the "stupid brigade)

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Here comes Songkran, I can feel it, the water, the powder, the alcohol, the road deaths, bring it on, come on, let it roll, no reason to keep the lid on, the government backers on here are sure COVID-19 has run its course, so let the guard down, open up the flood gates, let people leave, no restrictions, fire up the airplanes, open up the borders, get Pattaya, Phuket, Nana, Soi Cowboy, and Khao San pumping again, get those tourists rolling in and the money train rolling again, bring it on..........


Wait, what? you say I am a little over the top, well yeah I thought so too. 


Lets get real folks, numbers given are only a representation of the small numbers being tested.  Now lets see how many Thai's go get tested after they get there government handout of 5,000 baht......err yeah right, I heard the laughter coming from y'all.  Stay safe and be aware, the devils in the details, as we still have not reached the time for the numbers to possibly spike from those that traveled north....or maybe not......Just saying....

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15 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

Probably? The majority on here certainly seems to think so.

Well when the PiC strokes toads and throws banana skins at reporters it gives people  evidence and the confidence that they possess higher intelligence and could, quite possibly, do any job better.

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6 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

It may also be that the lungs and immune systems here which have not been through months of extremely cold weather are in better position to start with, making it easier to brush off. Don't care right now TBH. Numbers are going down. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

I would take a different view in regards to the health of people's lungs here in Thailand. I would say they are in pretty bad shape because of the nasty air they've been breathing in during the dry season.

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6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Here comes Songkran, I can feel it, the water, the powder, the alcohol, the road deaths, bring it on, come on, let it roll, no reason to keep the lid on, the government backers on here are sure COVID-19 has run its course, so let the guard down, open up the flood gates, let people leave, no restrictions, fire up the airplanes, open up the borders, get Pattaya, Phuket, Nana, Soi Cowboy, and Khao San pumping again, get those tourists rolling in and the money train rolling again, bring it on..........


Wait, what? you say I am a little over the top, well yeah I thought so too. 


Lets get real folks, numbers given are only a representation of the small numbers being tested.  Now lets see how many Thai's go get tested after they get there government handout of 5,000 baht......err yeah right, I heard the laughter coming from y'all.  Stay safe and be aware, the devils in the details, as we still have not reached the time for the numbers to possibly spike from those that traveled north....or maybe not......Just saying....

Is elective testing even an option, I thought you can only get tested if you show symptoms, irrespective of the 5,000 baht

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It is not wise to report in this way, soon we will see people dancing in the streets, the headline would have been better,


meaning there are more reported case to come in i fear.

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23 minutes ago, Jacobi Barnes said:

Hopefully everyone has been buying the DIP. US stock market is about ready for liftoff as soon as the Covid curve flattens. The past 3 months have been an unprecedented buying opportunity. I'm up 1800% from trading the TVIX. Then about 2 weeks ago when the curve looked like it was going to flatten in China ( as we are now seeing in Thailand, Italy, and even the USA ), I flipped to 3x leverage ETFS ( TECL, TQQQ, and URTY ) and I'm up 40% already lol. At the rate I'm going, I'll be able to buy the entire island of Phuket soon ????, especially given the poor outlook of the Thai economy. There is still time to jump on board this rocket before we go intergalactic. Get your moon boots ready and strap up lads. Once in a lifetime opportunity headed straight to the MOON and then Uranus.

I think you're being sarcastic, but I honestly can't tell. 

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8 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

I am not sure if I can post this link but I just read this now.



Very interesting read.  Tells the incomplete story from the eyes of a health professional.

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33 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Here comes Songkran, I can feel it, the water, the powder, the alcohol, the road deaths, bring it on, come on, let it roll, no reason to keep the lid on, the government backers on here are sure COVID-19 has run its course, so let the guard down, open up the flood gates, let people leave, no restrictions, fire up the airplanes, open up the borders, get Pattaya, Phuket, Nana, Soi Cowboy, and Khao San pumping again, get those tourists rolling in and the money train rolling again, bring it on..........


Wait, what? you say I am a little over the top, well yeah I thought so too. 


Lets get real folks, numbers given are only a representation of the small numbers being tested.  Now lets see how many Thai's go get tested after they get there government handout of 5,000 baht......err yeah right, I heard the laughter coming from y'all.  Stay safe and be aware, the devils in the details, as we still have not reached the time for the numbers to possibly spike from those that traveled north....or maybe not......Just saying....

I agree.Just to answer your question where the heck I've been hiding when it was announced that Songkran was cancelled?Well under a rock mostly but I did find this partial explanation of what Songkran actually is while I was there;

The word "Songkran" comes from the Sanskrit word saṃkrānti,[3] literally "astrological passage", meaning transformation or change. The term was borrowed from Makar Sankranti, the name of a Hindu harvest festival celebrated in India in January to mark the arrival of spring.

So my retort would be.How the heck does one cancel an "astrological passage"?

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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How convenient.  Just when the rich are starting to feel it there's a sharp drop in cases.  Better send the peasants back to work.


But they already decided a month ago everything will be better by the 15th of may.  How did they know?


My girlfriend said a fortuneteller told everyone.

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I really hope they are not putting this in thai news for a few days in a role because as soon as they keep on doing this the people will go back to normal life as if nothing has happenend and the nr's will skyrocket soon after that . It's better to keep the nr's up even if it's fake news for a while so people will not swarm the streets and public places and transport like before because as long as there is no vaccin the risk of spreading stays 

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Numbers are always down on Sundays and Mondays. Because some paperwork doesn't get forwarded on Saturdays and Sundays.


I hope the trend is correct but lets see a few more days data.

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