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Exchange Rate

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Given the current state of the economy in Thailand it's hard t believe that the Thai Baht hasn't fallen than it's current level. I'm a Brit, and being offered less than 40 baht for a TT Transfer from BKK Bank is a joke.


No doubt the fictitious daily confirmed CV-19 infections from the past few days is a tactic from the puppet masters to strengthen the Thai Baht. The illusion of a flat line/decline, mimicking what is unfolding in other Western counties.. TIT...

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The government has just announced another huge stimulus package. They plan to raise the money by getting banks to issue more bonds.


Bonds previously issued have been

snapped up ,mostly by Chinese investors . This hot money flowing into the country has contributed to keeping the baht strong.


The baht is therefore not likely to decrease in value any time soon.


This government is running up massive debts to China who in future will have Thailand completely in its pocket.


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For we UK people, the  issue is as much the dramatically low UK interest rates and the very weak Pound, as it is the continuing strength of the Baht .  Do not expect any dramatic increase in the Baht to Pound rate, it just isn't going to happen until UK interest rates are increased beyond 1% and that could be, probably is, a good few years away, if ever. 

Edited by Pilotman
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18 hours ago, Forza2002 said:

No doubt the fictitious daily confirmed CV-19 infections from the past few days is a tactic from the puppet masters to strengthen the Thai Baht. The illusion of a flat line/decline, mimicking what is unfolding in other Western counties.. TIT...

The figures almost trebled yesterday.  Do  you think the government read your post and realised they've been rumbled? ????

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