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Don't Treat Me Like An Idiot!


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Went to a local restaurant last night for dinner.

Had the same meal as always, sirloin steak with japanese side dishes of sushi & the like. Good meal, a couple of bottle's of beer, the enjoyment of my wife's company.

When the bill came it listed a T Bone steak at twice the price of a sirloin.

I pointed this out to the waitress (new at this particular establishment, & judging by her age not a new-comer to the service industry). (thai language only)

The waitress said that I must be mistaken, I had definately eaten a T Bone. I told her that it was definately a sirloin. She said "no, definately a T bone, I served it to you, I should know". I then asked her where the bone was, & she replied "You must have eaten it sir".

By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

How many of you out there have had situations like this?



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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics.

yes handled that well didn't you - rule #1 never lose temper - it makes you the one at fault

How many of you out there have had situations like this?

Being overcharged - occassionally but much more likely in my experience in farung type restaurants. Resolved by politely asking to have the bill rechecked by the owner/manager

On those occasions when I couldn't get it done by the waitress directly concerned - each time.

Done with courtesy and decorum - everytime

Embarrassed to be sitting near some farung idiot screaming like a banshee because he perceived that he had been ripped off - evertime they do it.

I am surprised to read this - I figured you had lived in this country long enough to know that it happens and how to deal with it when it happens. The girl probably doesn't know the difference between a T-bone and a Sirloin.


Edited by Crow Boy
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You must have eaten it sir".

:o You big, greedy farang, you !! :D Better check the table to see if any of its legs are missing !! :D

Have experienced quite a few errors, but nothing quite so BONE-headed !

When you say you were hysterical, was that with frustration or mirth ?

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yes handled that well didn't you - rule #1 never lose temper - it makes you the one at fault

reads to me as if they were in fits of laughter , not losing their temper ......................

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yes handled that well didn't you - rule #1 never lose temper - it makes you the one at fault

reads to me as if they were in fits of laughter , not losing their temper ......................

Yeah, stupid post from crow boy there..............

Sounds to me like the OP dealt with the situation well, the waitress is just a dumbass too embarressed to remedy the situation, instead she says he must have eaten the bone??


And if she doesn't know the difference between a sirloin and a T bone she shouldn't be working in the establishment.

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yes handled that well didn't you - rule #1 never lose temper - it makes you the one at fault

reads to me as if they were in fits of laughter , not losing their temper ......................

Thats the way i read it also. Nothing to do with being angry.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source

hys·ter·ic [hi-ster-ik]

–noun 1. Usually, hysterics. a fit of uncontrollable laughter or weeping; hysteria.

2. a person subject to hysteria.

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yes handled that well didn't you - rule #1 never lose temper - it makes you the one at fault

reads to me as if they were in fits of laughter , not losing their temper ......................

Thats the way i read it also. Nothing to do with being angry.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source

hys·ter·ic [hi-ster-ik]

–noun 1. Usually, hysterics. a fit of uncontrollable laughter or weeping; hysteria.

2. a person subject to hysteria.

Yes crowboy, hysterics as in laughter, not an embarasing falang sreaming like a banshee!! :o



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You must have eaten it sir".

:o You big, greedy farang, you !! :D Better check the table to see if any of its legs are missing !! :D

Have experienced quite a few errors, but nothing quite so BONE-headed !

When you say you were hysterical, was that with frustration or mirth ?

with mirth...

My lovely wife might eat the bone, however, I myself am not partial to that particular culinary delight. :D



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I don't even know where to begin. This will make me laugh for days!

If the waiter said that to me, I would of jokingly gotten up with my wife and started walking to the door. Waiter would then say "Aren't you going to pay?"

I reply "I allready gave you the money, I should know because I gave it to you"

Waiter "Well then where is the money"

I reply "You must of ate it!"

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hey soundman,

thanks for the tip, and next time i eat a T bone STEAK i'll hide the bone up my back bottom just in case i get the same waitress. :o:D

I'de never take a bone in the behind. :D:D (not PC but who cares??) :D


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I don't even know where to begin. This will make me laugh for days!

If the waiter said that to me, I would of jokingly gotten up with my wife and started walking to the door. Waiter would then say "Aren't you going to pay?"

I reply "I allready gave you the money, I should know because I gave it to you"

Waiter "Well then where is the money"

I reply "You must of ate it!"


No BS. That's what the wiatress said!!


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I had something similar happen to me.

Ordered a cheeseburger and thats what I got!

2 buns with a slice of cheese inside!! No meat!!

I asked the waitress and she said that I had ordered a cheeseburger and I got a cheeseburger!!

I can see her point!! When things are taken literally then they can be quite amusing!

But my favourite is listed in a menu in Cha-am:

Roasted Chicken Chest!!!!!

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next time i eat a T bone STEAK i'll hide the bone up my back bottom

How many bottoms do you have? a back one, a front one and a couple of side ones? :D

well thats a very complex question wolfie,

but listen up and i'll give you the good oil my hairy friend.

terry only got one back bottom, as im a " dude", and there is only enough room to get 1 T bone steak bone in there, :bah: so all you naughty punters can forget about room for other things. :o

on the other hand if i was a "dudess", i would have a front bottom and a back bottom and i would be able to store 2 T bone steak bone's, :D but im not, so you can forget about bloody that wolfie. :D

and im very sorry, but i aint got none in my sides either. :bah:

next question please. :D

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another useless thread. the OP made the waitress lose face, not nice

Correct professor, he should have paid the doubled price and admit that he got the bone :o Hope you're not a professor as in an english teacher here.

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I know it snot good when "we" make a thai loose face. I know I always try and avoid it. I honestly can see that in the OP there was an overly assertive waitress who was rude to a customer and the customer in a good humoured way sought help from the managment in a friendly way ( he say he is a friend afterall ) and resolved the matter. He didn't beat an apology out of the poor girl!

I ordered a plah Pow the other day. I made a point of asking if they had it. She said yes. I waited and waited. They bought one to the table and then took it away. all the other food had come. I waited more. then this dish arrived covered in cabbage. My Thai friend pointed out that we had asked for Plah Pow (bbq'd salt covered fish cooked in the skin). She said this is plah pow foil. cooked in foil. We looked at eachother, my friend and I. We knew how how much we had planned this treat because it was my favourite meal. We had driven miles to this place. everything else was perfect. We nodded, and ate a fair portion of wha was there. water mushy fish. I thought to myself, "I've cracked it".

Back home I would have politely refused it and asked for what I had ordered but here that is just not how it seems to work. I felt kinda good inside that I had grasped that while it was not my mistake, the cost of repairing the situation to them was maybe the entire profit of the meal wheras the inconvenience of eating some other less enjoyable dish was a good lesson in humility. I confess however, If it had been a friends place I would have nodded to them and they would doubtless without so much as a request have seen the problem and remedied it. Its nice being a regular.

This thread did make me laugh. I wonder what the background music is in that place. Boney M?

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I cant see how he made the Thai waitress lose face. The Thai waitress made herslef lose face by being wrong and making stupid comments! He was just doing what was correct by trying to fix a simple fixable problem, for the waitress to question the error and then insist their was no problem when there clearly was, she only has her self to blame for losing face. If he were to stop arguing or challenging the waitress when he was and knew he was clearly right, he would of not been sticking up for himself, but no, some people seem to think that their shit doesn't stink and the they are right, just because they are a LOCAL, even when they are clearly in the wrong.

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I agree with the way this was handled, and hope that i would also be so polite in the same situation.

Being ripped off is the same no matter which way you look at it.

Being charged for a more expensive item when you did not have it, is not acceptable.

There was no shouting or ranting, just a firm statement of what the facts were.

Face cannot be lost if you have your facts straight (the waitress that is)...

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I know it snot good when "we" make a thai loose face. I know I always try and avoid it. I honestly can see that in the OP there was an overly assertive waitress who was rude to a customer and the customer in a good humoured way sought help from the managment in a friendly way ( he say he is a friend afterall ) and resolved the matter. He didn't beat an apology out of the poor girl!

I ordered a plah Pow the other day. I made a point of asking if they had it. She said yes. I waited and waited. They bought one to the table and then took it away. all the other food had come. I waited more. then this dish arrived covered in cabbage. My Thai friend pointed out that we had asked for Plah Pow (bbq'd salt covered fish cooked in the skin). She said this is plah pow foil. cooked in foil. We looked at eachother, my friend and I. We knew how how much we had planned this treat because it was my favourite meal. We had driven miles to this place. everything else was perfect. We nodded, and ate a fair portion of wha was there. water mushy fish. I thought to myself, "I've cracked it".

Back home I would have politely refused it and asked for what I had ordered but here that is just not how it seems to work. I felt kinda good inside that I had grasped that while it was not my mistake, the cost of repairing the situation to them was maybe the entire profit of the meal wheras the inconvenience of eating some other less enjoyable dish was a good lesson in humility. I confess however, If it had been a friends place I would have nodded to them and they would doubtless without so much as a request have seen the problem and remedied it. Its nice being a regular.

This thread did make me laugh. I wonder what the background music is in that place. Boney M?

Sorry I have to say that at this stage your not saving face your losing your own.. Not losing your temper is fine but being a doormat because of someone elses problems is not going to be sold on me..

My Thai GF and before Wife would not put up with this.. Are they losing face ??

A lesson in humility.. While paying for the meal, that you have travelled specially to obtain.. Preserving face ?? not to me.

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I agree with the aussiestyle1983 and the posters who say any loss of face on the waitress' part was caused by herself. She was wrong, and you had a legitimate beef. Being overcharged like that is udder nonsense!

Maybe you should make a suggestion to your friend who owns the place: Tell him that he should conduct a steak-out to see if this is happening often to other customers served by this waitress!

Edited by bino
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I asked the waitress and she said that I had ordered a cheeseburger and I got a cheeseburger!!

I can see her point!! When things are taken literally then they can be quite amusing!

That reminded me of the look on my mates face when his 2 minute boiled eggs arrived in a glass one morning. :o

The water they were cooked in hadn't had time to boil. The waitress looked at him and said he had asked for 2 minute eggs and thats what he got. :D

He mixed in some maggi and drank them.

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By this time my wife & myself were in hysterics. We called the owner over, who is a personal friend, & quickly remedied the situation.

You and your wife sound like a couple of wannabe snobs, belittling and bullying a female waitress who is just trying to make an honest living.

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